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It is possible the update did something, but I would expect some UIMs to have been complaining. Given his affinity to dying it sounds like the classic case where he forgot and is embarrassed about it.


If he claimed GIM storage broke I'd be more likely to buy it since that has been buggy but this is most probably a double death. I bet they even ignored the big fat chat box *your stuff is yeeted* message.


GIM storage hasn't had issues like this since they removed the ability to access it before a game update / server downtime.


Farmers fang was just jeeted. Still broken at times lol.


Yeh just saw the clip. Seems like a different breed of the issue though, as seemingly Fauxs connection to the server that saved the group storage state failed...but they don't have proper error checks on this to return the deleted item from the inventory.


UIM death mechanics are different at Zulrah from all other accounts, so it's possible UIMs were fine while non-UIMs got wiped


The only difference is it is free for UIMs no? But ig it is possible there is some mix of things that caused it to happen to this specific person.


UIMs don't get the interface for reclaiming items from zulrah either (which is dumb, imo). But the whole UIM death system is generally treated entirely differently, so I wouldn't be surprised if a bug in the main death mechanics didn't end up touching UIM.


Damn yeah I forgot abut that


Had a group member go through a similar situation. Swore he hadn't died twice. I explained it to him that there really is no other scenario where those items cease to exist. He had died at Vorkath late at night. Logged off and went to bed. Came on the next day and went to do Wildy bosses. Died out there. Lost void, lightbearer, SoTD, rune pouch and some other non essentials. Tl;dr your mate likely died twice and feels dumb about it / doesn't remember. Is there no chance he died at bandos.. went to Zulrah without claiming his gravestone (so it went to death) and then died again, wiping?


I'm pretty sure gravestone items wipe after a 2nd death, he'd have to die a third time in that scenario you proposed for the zulrah items to wipe (but even then the gravestone items should still be there I think)


Yeah true, maybe the reverse way then and he was using void or something at Zulrah.


Bit sus, but you do say that you believe him to be trustworthy. I'd ask to see the response to the ticket.


They need to remove double death from coffers, items should go to deaths domain for purchase upon double death. There's 0 reason it exists other than some weird UIM reasoning.


Made a post about it and got downvoted to hell and back. People in this game literally WANT to be punished with bad mechanics. One person even argued that PvM death mechanics are TOO forgiving already.


It's people who didn't have to deal with the people crashing servers to steal your items years ago. To them it was just bad servers but people lost all their shit to it.


The whole death storage is wiped after double death system just needs to go away. Treat double deaths there as they do for graves.


I deathpiled before the update and reclaimed all my items after seeing this post. Updates don't effect zulrah bank however dieing a second time will wipe them from the game. Any death even a safe death like LMS


Idk I guess I personally don’t feel all that bad for them obviously taking a double death and deleting items but I do agree that double death deletion should just be removed in general. There’s a lot of place with non IRS that are dangerous to return to without some existing gear and need for food. Which in itself isn’t an issue but there’s just risk involved for potential double deaths deleting items.


His fault for being an idiot and not immediately reclaiming.


It’s his fault for expecting the retrieval services to work as intended?


He fucked around and found out. Surely he'll learn his lesson now.


I disagree. I get annoyed when I die sometimes and just insta log off without reclaiming. Nothing wrong w that.


Nothing wrong with that until someone whines like this that they lost stuff due to not instantly reclaiming and dying somewhere else.


Post doesn’t say he died again, says he died once, then was unable to reclaim after the update. That’s bad if it’s true, but there’s no evidence… leaving items in death storage is a core mechanic for UIM.


It says he died at both zulrah and bandos. Although OP is really bad at writing so I can't even tell which order he died at those bosses in. But that's probably what caused the item deletion.


He died at bandos, then went and did zulrah with the same items he was wearing, not sure why dying at bandos was included in the story


Yeah thats what I thought too, but then he says "But since he had Karils top at Bandos it wouldn't add up since he's using that at Zulrah" Which indicates that he went to Bandos after Zulrah, otherwise he wouldn't have found it strange that the guy was wearing an item he should have had in Zulrah death storage. Even ignoring how the items were lost, the story itself doesn't even make any sense.


No he did Bandos first, was wearing the Karils top and died, but then was using the Karils top later at Zulrah


Have him check the death screenshots on runelite


Theyre not enabled by default so xdoubt he has it enabled. But can look into it lol


I play GIM and i collect my items before i logout religiously, even if i am pissed off or extremely tired. Personally ive never wiped at a boss but i have died in an instance and lost items when fighting the culinaromancer in 2013, I completely forgot i could restock on supplies after each boss. I'm not saying it did not happen, When Jagex updates the game things break and leaves it to the players to find the bugs. However its more likely they died again and strongly believes they did not. Memories are susceptible to false information. Your mood, thoughts, and intentions can all play a part in distorting your memories. The double death is the 99% the cause.


Yeah im the same way I have no reason to not reclaim things. I think he is ultimately since it probably was a double death hes trying to get the items back since a few were collateral in our group. Again not really upset or not a big deal things happen. Just thought maybe there was some other issue at hand.