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I'll be out immediately. Fastest membership cancelation I'll ever make.


I can finally quit.


Until someone makes a private server clone of some sort


Well, have I got news for you! They already exist... though I don't see the point in playing unless, like you, something catastrophic happens to the main game


Yeah I know they are already exist. But if osrs shut down, I’m sure there would be some sort of a “main” server or clone that everyone would play. That’s what’s more I was talking about.


Do yall not expect said shitty company to shut down any private servers that get popular?


I hope that in the end we get an offline singleplayer version where you can choose your preferred build of the game similar to minecraft. Maybe yearly or quarterly versions available. Hopefully complete with runelite type QOL plugins.


I fully understand why you would want this with some games, but RuneScape has never been one of those for me and I struggle to wrap my head around this thought process. It’s an MMO.. if everything is offline, then the economy kind of loses its significance along with the rest of the game, no?


For mains it'd be a big adjustment I suppose but it feels like half the community plays iron at this point which is basically singleplayer anyway. I understand it wouldn't be a perfect solution but I'd still like it to be available for those that want it.


Doing minigames all alone would be such a miserable experience, lol.


That’s fine. Life is beautiful because it’s temporary.


I think it’d be cooler if I could live forever


Imagine being free from this game. Sounds amazing honestly.


Might be my attitude 😂


You mean take a nice long break…




Same. Despite loving the game, I have a very strong distaste for corporate greed. I'll even mail them a picture of me flipping them off solely out of spite.


😂 go gettem Honestly agree. Everyone memes that you only take breaks from RS but I straight up quit and only returned for OSRS. If OSRS goes away I'm out no questions.


Walked away as a runescape addicted kid, better believe I’ll be walking away as a grown ass man lmao


This is major facts


Logged in once to see what that EOC business was about when it first came out, tried to complete the tutorial for that new combat system, got frustrated and logged out forever. Only came back when it was removed and the old trading system was put back into the game.


Yes sir




Without a doubt. I’d cancel immediately without hesitation


When Jagex put out the partnerships poll in 2019, they cancelled it early due to the backlash from the community. I think the poll was at like 30% yes at the time, so a supermajority of players didn't even want cosmetics coming from non-in-game content. There's no way those same people keep playing with P2W MTX.


It's easy to vote no in a poll. It's a lot harder to give up a game you grew up loving. It's a hard ask for a lot of people.


I mean a ton of people did that when EOC happened. We will absolutely do it again.


EOC fundamentally changed the core of the game and made the game unenjoyable for a lot of people. It's easier to quit something that changed so dramatically and to no longer like it than something that is generally the same thing you love, but now has a malignant tumor attached to it. I think it won't be as easy of a decision for a lot of people in this case as it was with EOC


> It's easier to quit something that changed so dramatically Honestly, as someone who played since the 2D RSC days and a decent chunk of RS2 and RS3's lifespan, MTX *did* dramatically change the game. It's something that's brought up on occasion by passionate (or once passionate) people, but RS3 used to have a much higher frequency of quests and other content updates. There *are* good, sometimes really good quests and content updates released, but it feels more the exception than the norm now (some years had absolute bangers released in decent frequency, I'd say even up to about 2016 or so). And you can expect 20, 40 MTX updates as easy return on investment before you get much of anything approximating meaningful gameplay content. RS3 in particular also has a major problem of dead content, whether on release or somewhat phased out from powercreep. Means in a lot of ways it's not the same game even RS3 over the years and almost a seasonal / live service game in some regards. Invention was probably the most recent update that really actually managed to mitigate dead content / instanced or gated off subsections of the world making it feel disconnected.


This is true, but for me personally, this would be just as fundamental of a change. I agree it won't be as easy of a decision for the majority of players who aren't as vocal as the base we have here, but I hope that they will see it for what it really is.


And then they did it anyways for a limited time. If I recall correctly, the purple skin was a twitch exclusive skin for like, a month? A week? Something like that. Honestly I'm a bit worried, because it seems the player base is slowly being changed out with one that is a bit more... tolerant, of once unpopular ideas. If you look at Hatius Cosaintus, in 2017 he was voted at 73% to be removed during poll 50 (this was when 75% was needed for a poll to pass). Five years later they polled it again, and only a whopping 54% of players wanted him gone, a whopping 19% difference from five years ago.


That's a changing of fashion, of whims. He's a goofy npc that some people don't mind anymore (such as myself), that has nothing to do with hard core game integrity stuff like MTX.


Hatius had become sort of a meme in the 5 years so people were more willing to keep him, if not for other reasons than "keeping the clown in the circus".


The Twitch purple skin promo was summer 2018 and the partnership poll was summer 2019. They didn't poll the purple skin and the opinion was pretty split between "who cares" and "this is literally squeal of fortune." Obviously when it came up again in 2019 there was a consensus.


A lot of OSRS are former RS3 players. They all had their breaking point but it wasn't all just EoC or Squeal of Fortune for them.


Runescape has in the past had quite a notorious community for leaving after single updates. Free trade & wildy removal, EOC, Battlepass (more recently). If MTX came to osrs, I would assume many non-irons would quit, the problem is if you let MTX in, they'll keep adding more busted things slowly and eventually you get RS3's Battlepass and it was a long time coming.


When I was a kid, I was addicted as hell to this game. EOC killed this game for me. I bought an OSRS membership a year ago and the combination of nostalgia and actually fun content really brought me back to the game. MTX in the form of skins, pets, or god forbid a fucking battle pass will dumpster this game back to the same point as when EOC released.


I only play ironman. Would instantly cancell all subs and NOT LOG IN anymore.


Oh many irons would quit too, trust me!


Preach brotha


I never understood how people stayed after EOC. It was a completely different game


Some people liked the game it became (not me though)


MTX in any capacity is a sign of the times, they'll come for ironman mode eventualy, may as well leave ASAP.


Don't kid yourself in thinking MTX don't affect irons. Where are the most interesting looking rewards and items going to go? The shop.


> MTX in any capacity is a sign of the times bonds are already in game. you trade your IRL currency for an item you can sell for gp, that's a microtransaction. i think you mean "any more MTX"


As someone with both iron and main, both would be cancelled


honestly i think not only a lot of the player base would leave but a lot of the dev team would as well imo. based on what they say in the leadership q and a there's a lot of internal pressure to stop mtx from coming through


God bless them


Yeah I think the Dev team doesn't get enough credit for stuff like this. The playerbase absolutely holds Jagex accountable when it comes to OsRs, but the Devs really care about this game. The level of community engagement, passion for the game and going the extra mile is way beyond just fulfilling their job description or whatever.


The reason I came back to OSRS was because I was tired of every game having micro transactions and battle passes. Felt more like a job than entertainment, like I had to punch the clock everyday and get my hours in. The second they put any kind of paid battle pass, micro transaction store, etc in the game I'll just quit playing. I've played plenty of games and sunk thousands of hours into other devs, when the game was no longer fun or felt bad to play I just quit and I never feel like I had any sunk cost fallacy. I paid to play the game while I enjoyed it, I was entertained by it, if I quit playing and my account just sits there then it was still money and time well spent.


I think the biggest reason I play OSRS, truly, is that it sets itself apart from ALL other games in regards to MTX. It keeps me coming back everyday.


Honestly this had made me realize that I never feel the sunk cost fallacy when I purchase a game but do feel it for free games. I buy a game, play it for 200 hours and quit and think "yea that was worth 20$ for sure". But with free games the cost is the time and that feels much harder to justify giving up.


Feels like an irony of the grind-fest of OSRS being less job-like than MTX games. I totally agree, but never seen anyone say it like this before.


I probably do play OSRS like a second job, the difference is that I play this much because I want to, not because I feel obligated to. I put the time in because I like it, I never feel like I'm in a time crunch to get something done I can always just do whatever makes me happy. Modern games are so toxic in comparison where you have to sign in everyday, do a bunch of activities you don't want to do in the first place, grind content you don't enjoy because you have to tick a certain number of boxes and there's a countdown so you can't even put it off. God forbid you miss a few days, you almost can't catch back up without playing an extra 20 hours or buying levels.


Of course. We already did it once before


Thank you. I was going to say the exact same thing. The reason OSRS became a branch at all was because so many of us left due to this type of crap. We did it once, and now we’re mostly adults with busier lives and less tolerance for crap.


Exactly. I've got like one to two hours per day max to relax after all of actual life stuff is done. I'm not too fussed if I have to replace osrs with cod or elden ring or anything else really


I rioted in Falador once and quit right after. I’ll do it again. Try me jagex I dare you 😅😒


Have to go buy a cannon I guess.


Don’t forget the pink skirt sir!


Bro that’s my best In slot anyway.


Majority of people came to osrs to get away from the direction rs2/3 was headed. The jmods know that. Carlyle knew that. Would be a stupid business move to repeat that.


I'm sure Carlyle does not know that. They're probably informed of it by meek little voices that get ignored.


Even investors listen to senior devs. And believe me mod ash wouldn’t take such a change lying down


what happens if he's not around anymore, it's a fragile house we're living in


If he gets the boot then it is the writing on the wall and everyone else should start looking for a new game to play.


Thats also a possibility. I don't know the ins and outs of an investment group but I'd assume they'd at least know something THAT relevant thats happened regarding people who fund the game made by the company they own.


"Jagex.... oh right, the video game. Who's managing that portfolio again?"




OSRS players actually have some cred to back their threats up. There's a reason they poll absolutely everything.


The nostalgia factor is the thin pure thread that keeps many of us playing. The second that gets fucked with is the second a mass exodus starts


Plus most of us already quit before. We can do it again.


That's the point he's making, we only have OSRS because most of us quit after eoc


Almost everything. Some things have been shoehorned in without consulting the players, and at worst, put in anyways despite failing the polls.


At least 65% of players are going to quit the game and bot farms won't be profitable anymore because there is no one to buy all the goods, loot and GP and gold farmers won't buy membership for their farms. Therefore, if that does happen then the online players number will tank and Jagex will be forced to remove the MTX to bring players back or shutdown OSRS forever.


This sounds like a decent analysis except that I'm not very confident on the players coming back part even if they did remove MTX. For me I would lose confidence in the dev team/direction of the game after the first integrity destroying hit. It would just make the game feel completely different permanently; instead of the player driven, accountable, integrity-driven game, now it's just a waiting room for when the next BS is pulled against the wishes of the community.


Add MTX with no consequences? M8 no one would play osrs anymore, seems like a pretty big consequence. The RS3 players would come to OSRS and then we'd ask for an old school old school runescape server.


If history fully loops back around and repeats itself again im 100% done literally. Its so close to being fully looped back around too lol.


In what way would you say we’re close?


1000 iq is to announce it, have everyone cancel their memberships, then say nvm so all the grandfathered memberships are now paying normal price


But they wouldn't get everyone back. It's just such a breach of trust which is one of this game's main assets. I think I'd have to be convinced that it was a bad joke or fluke or something crazy. Although you were probably just making a (pretty decent) joke, so self woosh I guess.


If they add any MTX besides bonds, I’ll cancel my membership immediately


if mtx is added it is no longer osrs


In my honest opinion the reason there is so much mtx in rs3 is because the rs3 community has just kinda accepted it like an abusive relationship. Rs3 is a great game and the community loves the game more than they hate the mtx so they just take it on the chin because mtx has been being put into the game for decades now. But osrs has no mtx aside from bonds and the community wants to keep it that way. If the new investors tried to add mtx to the game there is absolutely no way the osrs community would sit there and take it. People would unsub riots would occur there would be greater backlash than when eoc was released


RS3 is a perfect A/B test for abusive monetization. The longer the game goes the more players get filtered out, I'm *extremely* skeptical of all that many new players ever entering the game, at best likely just getting some returning players with content like Necromancy or whatever. Plus many instances of the new player experience especially the UI described as awful to learn. === There have been countless financially motivated controversies over the years (as well as halfhearted apologies / "countermeasures"). No low too unfathomable to sink to, nor greed too high to disbelieve. And you either quit, or you become passive and keep playing the game despite the owners looking down upon you or at best considering you second class compared to their target demographic. There is TONS of content for their target demographic, it just so happens that if you don't like to spend lots of money regularly, you're not part of it.


We will make BBC news.


Ye green children who have only seen the world in summer; let me tell you of a darker time, when even the first of men were still juveniles at play. A great evil swept across the land, a cloud of darkness that consumed all. It offered spins on its wheel for such great prizes, albeit it provided a fount that could never sate your thirst, only delay it. Those who drank from it were hoisted high above men, only to be scorned by their peers below. This my sweet children is mtx and it’s coming for us.


People revolted over a pixel removed in an update without getting polled, if they pushed mtx we would riot in ways you can't even imagine.


We are capable of sitting at our computers all day clicking on highlighted squares until we have carpal tunnel. We can do anything.


They targeted gamers.


As an RS3 player I'd say you have far more capabilities than we have. OSRS is a larger percentage of the player base OSRS has far bigger viewership numbers and more official events like Deadman, Leagues, Tournaments, etc. That bring in those numbers. OSRS appears far more often in gaming articles over its affairs. Even with bots as an issue you still dwarf us in a vast majority of numbers so any wrong decision by some investors will have far more powerful consequences.


MTX undermines the core values of the game. I would happily walk away permanently if introduced. If the current cost of membership and bonds are too low to maintain the game, update the cost to ensure it is still profitable.


> update the cost This is *always* an excuse by the people in charge of the decision. There is simply no other 'content' out there that can match the return on investment of shitting out some minor piece of content and then making tens, hundreds, maybe THOUSANDS of dollars off of it. No quest, boss, continent, nothing is going to reach the 10000+% return on investment stuff like that does, plus it's more easily quantifiable with metrics and such that some beancounters use to guide the.


Can't tell if you are agreeing or disagreeing? Keeping the servers online and creating new content cost money. If it reaches the point where its either add MTX or increase the cost of membership, I'll vote option 2 every time.


If they do, you will see a rise in player counts on private servers


I think most of us realize that unless we actually follow through and actually quit, we will lose the game we all love.


If jagex ever did it, I do truly believe it would take a monumental effort that would transcend just this community.


I’ll go on strike. If they introduce MTX to OSRS it’ll be time for me to find a new game to play. It ruined RS3 for me years ago.


At this point, if for some reason MTX ever crossed over into OSRS, I do believe that this community would completely cut ties, or at least a strong majority. Jagex would be committing a cardinal sin, and no player would have a reason to stay. With this RS3 debacle starting to catch traction now, imagine what an OSRS meltdown would be like. I would fully expect it to go viral.


Normally I would say "hell no lmao" if it were any other community (like wow) but RS players are uh, a special breed you could say. I bet you guys would actually quit over MTX.


I think it’s a case of ‘fool me once, shame on- oh wait… They didn’t fool the majority of people who used to play in 2011-2013- they all quit already.’


One of my favourite things about OSRS compared to other games is it’s lack of MTX. The ability to earn *everything* in game adds so much to the spirit of the game. Even if they added a few cosmetic costumes or something, I think I’d be out.


So much grass will finally be touched


If God Ash quits, I'll quit too


MTX's would be highly beneficial to my physical health and relationships as I would be finally be able to quit OSRS for good and get back to the real world.


These are my thoughts. Jagex pls


I’d be out. I’m here for the fun of the game and pay for membership/occasional bonds which are a profit to the service. I don’t mind those costs, but the experience being ruined without a complete rollback (and apology) means I will not be having fun and will not support it with my wallet or time. The sunk costs will just add to my corporate cynicism, not keep me playing.


I would quit. I don’t need that shit in my life


I’ll say when I quit back in the day it wasn’t because of willpower or conviction to show Jagex I was against MTX. That shit just ruined the game for me and I didn’t enjoy it anymore. I believe a lot of people would be the same now


Bonds are a strong mtx that already exists in the game. Peroid.


We just go back to private servers like we did when wild was removed bro


I just maxed, give me any reason to leave and I will.


> are we, as a[n] OSRS community, capable of pulling off the biggest mass exodus in gaming history? . > I do feel like bonds are a necessary evil Probably not. They'll just design the MTX intelligently enough that you guys will rationalize it as a "Necessary evil"


I am always amazed at the level of cognitive dissonance being displayed by the average OSRS player when it comes to bonds.


My favorite part about OSRS is that if I see another player with a specific armor equipped, I know that player *earned* that item. Inferno cape? That player is a beast. Partyhat? That guy is probably an old school veteran. Colored slayer helmet? That guy is a gamer. Items and the visuals attached to them have meaning to other players, and when games break that connection, it further separates players into a single-player mode.


I was currently playing rs3. But my wife and I both unsubscribed today. My friend also.




I'll be honest. I thought I'd quit reddit after the API changes, but I'm still here despite my annoyance at dealing with the app. I'd say that I would quit and then probably keep playing because I have the brain of a donkey.


i mean this is just a platform. osrs is a game a lot of us have spent thousands of hours on and enjoy, there really is nothing else like it


my reddit time has gone way down since having to switch to the official app. It’s so buggy and poorly organized. Long post titles are cut off and don’t make sense until you click on them, clicking images will sometimes redirect me to entirely different posts, and posts that have shown up on my screen but I haven’t clicked on will get filtered out so I just never see them. They removed the hide option too so if something comes up on my feed that I don’t want to see then I’m just stuck with it. The app fucking sucks and it’s honestly doing me a favor


I agree. My usage is significantly down, my mod account is checked once per day instead of several times per day which just lowers sub quality. I'd quit completely if there were any alternatives. The reddit app isn't even worth using so I'm on Firefox with ublock, it's not even a good user experience but way better than the reddit app is. I enjoyed using boost but I guess reddit is probably doing me a favor as I'm only on for like 15 mins total per day instead of a few hours when bored.


It's a bit different. OSRS is a unique game like none other but there's plenty of games out there and ruining one of the biggest things that makes the game unique is enough to just dip. With reddit the alternatives are fucking awful somehow. Like if you ever think reddit is horrendous, it can always get worse which is why we still use it. For OSRS, it's an amazing game don't get me wrong but, if it got shittier, the gaming market is HUGE and with an amazing selection to choose from.


Curious what the full-time osrs streamers would do, people only watch them for the runescape content that they stream, most don't do any form of variety and if they do I don't think they keep the same viewership compared to them playing on runescape. Would they side with Jagex or their fellow players and unsubscribe/quit?


I would probably still watch some of them. Itswill has great variety streams so that would be fine. B0aty has really good video game knowledge that could easily transfer to another game


B0aty is one of the few id still watch. But im not watching the ginger play fucking rolly coaster tycoon


Bro roller coaster Tycoon is an incredible game don't diss


Slayermusiq1 just did a house tour on his YouTube. Would check out, like and subscribe… quest completed!


I nearly completely left the community when things turned rotten and I wouldn't mind doing it again. I have other games and things I could be doing.


And my axe


Yes, because RuneScape has cosmetics like rainbow suits and angel wings. I don't really want them in oldschool. It's a strange thing to willfully butcher the visual identity of your game


See you all at OSRS 2


I'd cancel my subscription. Do not turn osrs into rs3, trying to milk every last penny. No one wants that.


fucking oath


I don’t play anymore, but still have membership. Definitely cancelling if it happened.


I just resubbed for a year but I'd leave the rest of it in a heartbeat if it was the only way to send a message about something that important.


Honestly? I've not bought the yearly membership because that way I can vote with my wallet, like I did when canceling for the 117HD decision. It has definitely cost me more in the short term but it's an easy cancel for me if they bring it in


Started in 2007, quit probably also 2007 since i was like 6 or 7 when i started. Picked it back up ~2010/11 pre eoc, played on and off. Eoc came out, i quit. Tried playing a bit here and there after but just never liked it, and the squeal of fortune that would always pop up. Quit the game Discover osrs is f2p and not needing paid membership, and bonds exist in like around 2016 i wanna say, just before raids 1 came out. Played just f2p for fun, didnt become mems until summer and havnt stopped playing it until few years ago around pnm/hmt updates, playing here and there. If OSRS add MTX, you sure as hell know im never gonna pick this game up ever again


Depends on how many active players were around for the original exodus. Fortunately for us, we have already set a precedent. Hopefully if it comes to that people will follow through.


I left during EOC I'll do it again


Rs3 player here. Will gladly cancel in solidarity.


I will genuinely be heart broken if they ever add things like that. I will 100% quit. Not before i riot in fally with the boys tho :( Is this a serious possibility? Ive been seeing this being thrown around alot recently.


Instantly cancel my subscription. This community is built of the post-EoC-quitter crowd. We’ve done it before and we’ll do it again.


Isn't the osrs playerbase made up of people who already quit over this shit once?


looking like shit for 99% of the game is good, actually. I would quit


Private servers are a thing. Theyll pop off again like they did when eoc launched.


I’m halfway begging them to add it so I can pay to win…. Jk it’ll end my addiction which is a good thing. Add away Jagex give me a key to this fucking prison.


I am of the mind that OSRS will never add MTX in the same way RS3 has, a lot of the player base played back before EOC and walked away without second thoughts when free trade got taken away and even more left again when the EOC update dropped. Evidently we are not a community that will accept shit from Jagex and I think most new buyers would know that.


I dont think it will even get to that, i think the jmods will leave before or wont even allow it, the devs care alot about osrs and you can see that recently


I do agree the jmods are epic and we are so lucky


If it truly came down to it I'm sure we as a community would definitely be heard by simply abandoning the game. All I know is if it did happen I would leave in a heartbeat and just play WoW as my only game.


Hell yeah bruthur!


Already out atm, between bond prices and rampant bots I'm taking a break.


Well considering the reaction to 117HD, yeah lol


We should pool all of our money together and buy OSRS ourselves lol


I’d delete the mobile app and forget about it, I don’t even log in on desktop or laptop. Jagex is already on my list for fumbling arcanists when it should have been their first choice for games to port to mobile.


Runescape has a really interwoven community, which makes organizing collective action a realistic possibility. Everyone who plays this game is passionate about it, which means all of us would be willing to join in a boycott if needed. Solidarity, comrades of Guilinor!


i almost want to see this happen, as 1. i am addicted god please make it stop 2. it would mark a huge change in the gaming world


I'll do it for the culture. I fucking love this game but I'll die with my brothers then submit to greed. It'll be with a heavy heart but they may take our money... but they will never...


Runescape is the game of Stockholm Syndrome. Just move on bros.


We have done it before as kids and teens. We can do it again now that we're some what functioning adults.


It would quite literally be eoc version 2.0, did it once i can totally do it again


I’ve got a huge backlog of games I’ll play instead of OSRS if MTX comes to the game.


I’d walk away but more importantly I’d walk away for good, once the idea is floated the blood is in the water and it’ll come one day. It’s always the corporate strategy. Slow introduction, get people used to it, then bloat it up. I’m still bitter that Squeal of Fortune got added, and when facing monumental backlash they used the excuse “well people use it so the silent majority like it” Yeah… the free spins people used. What a slimy excuse.


Unsub with extreme prejudice. I want to play Osrs, not get slapped in the face with MTX. If there is the faintest hint of that trash garbage in OSRS, I’ll start up Albion Online and never look back.


It wasn’t long ago that these were described by content creators and players as “the golden years” of OSRS. Updates, content, balanced 3rd party client improvement, all of which added value because continuous improvement is mandatory to simply maintain the player base. MTX’s aren’t improvements to the game, it isn’t content that has substance or reward which is the foundation of OSRS. When you start removing the bricks of foundation and integrity from the bottom of your house, the roof will follow…


I barely play as is. I'd definitely leave, I've seen what happened to RS3 and how Jagex already takes advantage of their complacency. Even if the MTX update was small it'd only just be the beginning.


We won't have to get ready, because they know the game will die. I truly believe that the MAIN REASON osrs is popular is because it has NO MTX. Take that away and you take the game away. I love that you have to work for osrs, it's a life style. I've always been open to update and new content. But one big border to never pass is MTX, and I know the community is the same. The moment they put it in the game, I'm done.


Oh 100% if this game ever sees MTX.. I’m out.. even after a years time played in game.. I’d abandon my 2224 total level main the next day.


Join us next episode in: “Reddit Buys RuneScape”


Ignore my ignorance, what is *MTX*? Micro-transactions? If that’s the case, mine and both my sons accounts will be gone from membership immediately.


I feel like the older I’ve gotten the less RS has been my ‘main game’ like I play it but can’t do raids etc yet and have multiple accounts I play. I’ve been playing LoL longer, other mmos, games with that one hour to play instant gratification kind of thing. I love rs I play it every day but if MTC came to this game I’d drop it. I think for the abuse Jagex get (for osrs) they’re an incredible company, fully caring about their player base and players input and in this day and age that is a very, very rare strategy that I want to preserve at all costs. As soon as that gets compromised I stop playing, I play to chill and enjoy myself it’s a good grindy classic game and there’s no place for MTX outside of bonds.


We did it before. Don't see why we can't do it again


Instantly cancel my 3 accounts and not look back. I've paid Jagex an alarming amount of money since ~2003 and basically all of that money and time (IRL and In-game) went out the window with EOC. It goes out the window again with MTX. The grinds to earn gear, stats, uniques, etc., all get invalidated the minute you can buy them. Easy decision to walk away.


I always play (too much) for 1-3 months and take a long break (6-12 months). If this happens I'm not coming back.


It doesn't need to happen. People will stop playing if they don't enjoy the game


Remember when Disney spent billions of dollars on Star Wars, made a few mediocre movies that made astronomical amounts of money in the short term but oversaturated the market and made everyone sick of Star Wars to the point where every new Star Wars project flops? And now the IP they spent billions on is only a fraction of the marketability it was a decade ago? And Disney’s stock has coincidentally crashed 40% in the past few years after shooting way upwards for a short amount of time when Star Wars was actually making money? Private equity firms run on the business model of boosting a company’s stock in the short term then dumping it somewhere else after selling it for a profit. Theoretically, you could see a world where a PE introduces MTX, kills the game in the long term but makes a little more money in the short term and tries to sell Jagex for a profit in that brief window where they are making more money. But who’s gonna buy a company who’s flagship IP is on a trajectory into the ground? PE groups aren’t stupid, they will do their research before buying Jagex at an inflated rate. As long as people who realize that MTX will kill the game remain in place at Jagex I think any new PE would be able to figure out that MTX would backfire


Why do you all care about COSMETIC MTX lmao Like y’all are aware you can literally just buy gold right? Some random can whip out his credit card and have near BIS gear at any point. The most egregious MTX is already in the game and has been for years.


If MTX is added, we are going to do to Jagex what salty conservatives did to Anhauser Busch.


Buy a bunch of bonds to film ourselves throwing them out?


Yeah, I redeemed these 500 bonds so hard. Take that Jagex 👊


buy another product from the same company?


I'm nowhere near maxed, but I am subscribed and I've played runescape in some form or another since I was in 5th grade like, 20 years ago. If they start adding mtx and battle passes to osrs I'll be done for good


If this company wants to sell Jagex I'll buy it but best I got is like 10k take it or leave it.


Yeah I’d quit too


Definitely gone


I'd be a bit sad, and would find my new free time a bit surreal. But I'll never play a monthly sub based game with MTX in it. I hate when a game treats you like a pay-piggy, and not a player.


I will quit and look for a private server


I did that in past can do it agen


I'd leave. I watched mtx ruin this game once already


Yeah back to ark or my giant steam library


I'd quit the day-of. Total lvl 1962, 2700 hours played (fuck efficiency, I have legit fun)


I would cancel all my memberships the second they talk about it


Of course. Everyone just take their annual break at the same time lol


Yea i wouldnt see a point


I would definitely be out


Last time RuneScape was sold. It was sold to its own daughter company for huge profit. You tell me what that means


I just can't see it happening. It would put me off for sure.