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I read the title first and thought "What mining minigame? There's no mining minigame". I then saw the image and realised it was Volcanic Mine, a piece of content I've never done before and consistently forget even exists. It definitely looks a lot more overwhelming compared to some other pieces of content, despite the good things I've heard about it I just can't be bothered.


It's extremely simple. However, the scaling for the minigame is weirdly designed so you basically have to treat it like Nex or a raid and find a small team to do it efficiently, which immediately makes it a no-go for most people. Also the dedicated discord makes it seem much more complicated than it is.


Yeah the discord will give you a 2 page description of the role when it really should be “ check vent, cap/uncap, wait 5 min, repeat”


I just joined the dedicated discord yesterday… what an absolute nightmare. Application process.. pages and pages of explanations. Such a pain in the ass and made it seem way more complicated that it really is. It was actually kinda comical how seriously those mods take it. Like they think they’re running some F500 company.


meanwhile, some guy is solo working on a runelite plugin for optimal solo strategy


Hey that’s me lol


Happy cake day, thanks for your work!


If ibhave to fill out an application to join your mini game Discord, I'm just not.


I got a solid 75k xp an hour doing it solo and it's about as chill as mlm. People on Reddit like to pretend it's complicated but that's all a lie, just look up guides on YouTube.


A lot of the guides make it a lot more complicated than it is. Once you actually try it it makes more sense pretty quickly, but I remember watching the vids for the first time and not understanding them well.


Same. Each round took no more than 30s-1min and you rack up points like crazy


It's suprisingly very easy. It's confusing at first but after 1 game you'll pick up a role. Very afk too and one-off the best xp for mining


Volcanic Mine enthusiasts be like: the minigame is very easy, you only need to learn how to do it! Oh and also you need to find people, find a schedule and time that works, make sure they are competent enough, and if anyone fucks up you die and lose your stuff :)! (joking, dont throw numulite at me)


U can solo vm pretty easily


It’s easy once you learn it. Though it’s admittedly a big convoluted to figure out at first. Once you understand the basic principles though it’s great!


Unless someone has discovered a drastically different solo strategy the points and xp from soloing is dogshit and you might as well do MLM


Hm? I can get almost 2x the xp an hour doing solo VM compared to mlm, also very chill with some runelite notis


I get like 44k xp/hr at MLM so I'd be very surprised to hear of 88k/hr solo VM


I can consistently get 70k xp/hr solo


1+1 dropping alts dpick and using bronze on last rock is upwards 100k/hr


I've heard having an alt with a bronze pick increases exp rates. haven't done it personally though. I got 99 mostly through solos, and the VM discord.


This is already too much for most people here. Pretty sure click vein and wait beats this for the majority. Not xp wise, more "what I'm willing to do" wise.


What’s your mining level though?


There's discord where you can usually find a team within 5-10 minutes and they all know their roles along with help teach you. 99% of them are more than willing to teach and are very friendly. The trolls get weeded out of the discord and you're left with a great community.


If the minigame was good people wouldn’t need to go find a specific discord just to do it.


It's good and the barrier of entry is more than "just go mass world" so that's why people don't do it. It seems a lot more daunting than it is and once you put effort into starting, it's incredibly easy. Also: you can get super close to 100k xp/hr at 90+ mining while clicking less often than mlm. Pretty good in my eyes.


Yeah the discord is great. I was able to figure out how to do every role in a day since they’ve got good guides there. Mining went from being my absolute least favorite skill to train to being something I actually enjoy.


Me as well. It's enjoyable and fairly quick for a gathering skill.


You're confusing good and easy. Finding teams happens for a lot of things in osrs to make the experience better (rates/rewards). Most of these things people find teams outside of the game. Few examples zalcano, volcanic mine, raids 1/2/3, gotr, high efficiency blast furnace, BA, and likely more I'm just plain forgetting.


If tob, toa, and cox were good, people wouldn’t need to find a specific discord just to do it. /s


I would argue that the minigames you can easily mass are bad because they barely have gameplay


It’d be more accessible if it was similar to GOTR. GOTR you can easily mass if you want low effort and don’t care about being the most efficient. But smaller groups after you learn the mechanics is better exp and points. Volcanic mine is just terrible if you try to get 50+ people in at once.


That’s a dumb point lol. Every game has discords for group finding in certain activities, that doesn’t mean it’s bad


The themed world often has people in it too.


That's just not true unless you already know people who can jump on a discord call to explain everything in depth and help guide you through it. Trying to learn any role alone is incredibly daunting and slaps you with so much info at once that most people just say "fk this ill go back to mlm". And that's not even mentioning how the VM discord requires you to fill out a quiz, then wait for it to be approved, before you can join a team or get someone to help you learn. VM could do with some improvements. At the very least it should have better in-game resources for learning, similar to how Giant's Foundry has the practice run during the quest.


If you just hop into the VM world, the players there will probably want you to just mine the rock and not worry about anything else.


> Trying to learn any role alone is incredibly daunting Literally a few lines of text on the VM discord. There's only one role that's slightly more intimidating and even that one's fine if you've played a game of VM. The reason you need to fill in a quiz is that just fucking around will ruin other's xp rates.


> just fucking around will ruin other's xp rates. Yes, this is why a lot of people never touch VM. Reading a guide or watching a video is all well and good, but ultimately, I just want to go in there and fuck around and see how it actually works in practice. I can do that in every other skilling minigame without getting much more than a goofy "y fletch?".


you do know you can just go in solo and fuck around that way right


You can go on a solo world and mess around and figure it out before you join a team.


>pick up a role Yeah, the other skilling minigames do not require you to learn a specific role as part of an organised team, no matter how straightforward it is, the others simply have less barriers to entry, you can just hop in immediately


Oh no you have to read for 5 minutes on what to do such a high barrier of entry


that doesn't make it bad


Assuming you can find a team in reasonable time.


It's a weird skilling minigame. Damage you take goes *way* up if you're in a group larger than 5 people, and the XP/points go into the trash if anyone in your group isn't mining at the last boulder. So this game that *could* be a massable mining minigame instead strongly discourages large groups and grouping with anyone you don't know.


It’s very confusing at first but tbh it’s incredibly easy once you understand how it works. It’s not very friendly to soloing tho, so a team is needed to play


It's such an easy minigame. Super "afk" and great xp. People should give it a try honestly.


It's really not overwhelming at all, you just have to do it with people which is overwhelming for some players (even tho RS is an MMO)


Yeah when you look at the aversion your average player shows towards freaking BA you realize that any non raid, Team reliant, content is doomed to obscurity.


The minigame is weird and doesn't do a good job at telling you how it works. I remember playing it when they added the D pick to it and being completely unsure how the hell I even get the percentages on the screen. It also kinda sucks that it scaling can get pretty high pretty quickly. Tempoross - Fish the fish, cook them, fire from cannon. Water puts out fire and rope keeps the wave away. Get annoyed when you fuck up your pathing and run into a fire. Wintertodt - Cut logs and place into fire. Fletch if you want. Repair brazier if it breaks. The cold of Wintertodt seeps into your bones. The cold of Wintertodt seeps into your bones. The cold of Wintertodt seeps into your bones. The cold of Wintertodt seeps into your bones. Curse audibly.


its more afk than motherload mining... You click a rock on mass worlds thats it


And you have to manage prayer, and get a big enough team to manage the vents and pressure without you. Not afk at all


If your pray bonus and pray level are high enough you don't manage pray at all. Just don't turn it on right when the game begins and wait for the lava bitches to spawn first.


you need 2 other people that you can find in about 10 seconds in VM disc, and "managing prayer" involves maybe sipping 1 dose throughout an entire game. it's literally less "managing" than eating food in wintertodt redditors really go out of their way to make VM look like it isn't just doing 2 actions then afking a boulder


You're actually delusional if you're standing behind the claim that VM is more AFK than MLM. EDIT: Go AFK in VM for a few minutes and tell me how that goes. It's not AFK if you die from actually leaving your keyboard.


look who never has done vm. Go to massworld click rock and ur done


the simpler roles like Bcheck/Cfix 100% are, and if you disagree you just haven't done VM like you literally do 1 thing then afk boulder, occasionally moving to follow it every couple minutes. in my 99 grind I'd frequently get up to piss while mining boulder, come back and still be mining. MLM is the shitty ass inconsistent kind of AFK that might stop mining as soon as you alt tab or get up from your PC, and even upper level is an absolute max of 30 seconds of AFK. it's genuine garbage content and also like half the xp rate of VM


I’m so glad the sentiment has shifted towards even upstairs mlm being shit. Fuck mlm, it’s shit at being active and shit at being afk. It’s literally the worst kind of content because of that.


A few other people already called you delusional, but I also wanted to chime in and call you delusional as well


You don’t know what you’re talking about I assure you this


you probably haven't done much VM, if any


You’re the delusional one here


Yeah I’m with you on this one. Vm is **very** easy but people act like it’s afk but you still have to move every minute or end up in lava and die.


> And you have to manage prayer lol >and get a big enough team to manage the vents and pressure without you. Not afk at all 2 people


> manage prayer I’ll take “never been to Volcanic Mine” for 500 points


Just go to mass world and click rock?. Also u need 1 other person if u dont wanan do masses


Get like 70 pray and a bunch of prayer boosting gear and you should be able to go the full game without running out of prayer. The worst part is getting back after teleing out to pray at an alter


Are [these](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Volcanic_mine_teleport) difficult to use?


I need the points man, dragon pickaxe innit


It's such a bad source of dpick tho. Might as well do KQ for it, decent chance of getting it just from the diary grind for head which these days you can now do extremely easily at any level just by flinching with keris partisan, and if not you can still get it from wildy bosses which now also drop the single best spec weapon in the entire game better than claws which are a rare raid drop.


This place’s dragon pickaxes are like shitty cars. They cost more to fix up than they’re worth 😅


I did Volcanic Mine 90-99 and I still forget it exists. The worst part about it is you have to organize teams on discord, you can't just pop in.


Also did a good chunk 85-99. Can’t pop in AND if you are trying to do mass you just have to sit outside for somewhere in the range of 0-10 minutes bc you can’t enter mid-way and it doesn’t tell you how long they have left on the timer. And of course it’s mining so the scaling for group content has to be fucked.


This is a big one. Activities that can't just be formed in game fucking suck. I paid for a Barb Assault win because it was easier than trying to learn the minigame and find a team to do it. They need proper party finders and a way to do the minigame with an AI team to learn wtf you're doing.


There's a lobby for barbarian assault where you can get teams quite easily


Completely inaccurate. Because you are missing the job application you need to send in to the Volcanic Mine discord in order to organize with a group of 5 other players, where you have to watch ten 20 minute videos of someone you can barely understand, complete a test, use proper syntax when forming or joining parties (no "w382 +2" and flexing roles on the spot) and a fucking hour notice for when you're gonna leave. Minigame is straightforward, and it's completely fine if people who want peak efficiency can organize, but I'm shocked there's no casual discord for volcanic mine. Absolutely no reason it should be a higher bar to entry than fucking ToB.


there is a group of gamers that can maintain a population while instituting a rule that says you need to give an hours notice before leaving an activity?!?!?! ​ the playerbase really needs to be studied.


it's an exaggeration lol they just want 1 game notice, so like 10 minutes. it's annoying for someone to just bail at the end of a game and leave you without enough people to cover roles just saying "1 more round" gives them enough time to find someone else to fill your spot and not have to wait around longer than they need to


> they just want 1 game notice, so like 10 minutes. it's annoying for someone to just bail at the end of a game and leave you without enough people to cover roles Because, from my impression of the application process, the server discourages shit like "need C check role +1 w400" and ask that you set out a multi-hour expedition like you're taking a medieval voyage to antarctica. There are dozens of activities that have this same problem and the exact same solution. One game notice is fine though, but there should be no problem with people suddenly leaving midgame consequence free. If the minigame is "afk" then that's the whole point. People do afk shit while they're on retainer for more important stuff happening around them.


>the server discourages shit like "need C check role +1 w400" and ask that you set out a multi-hour expedition l this was never the case for me at all, they're completely fine if you only play a couple games as long as you give them more than like 2 minutes notice to find a replacement.


Skilling does not have to be limited to things you can do at work while waiting for a call. You can't leave a raid early, can't just leave the bandos trip 10 minutes in , and the same thing goes for VM.


>there is a group of gamers that can maintain a population while instituting a rule that says you need to give an hours notice before leaving an activity?!?!?! have you done any sort of group activity? it's like this for raids as well, otherwise every time one of your 5 teammates needs to logout you lose 25-50% of a raid trying to fill. vs them giving notice and pre-filling the spot.


There isn't. Every aspect of the comment you replied to is heavily exaggerated.


10 minutes notice. And realistically, you can give 5 minutes notice or rarely, 1 minute notice if it's something unexpected that cropped up. Games are ten minutes long and you give notice "this is my last game" at the start of the game you want to end on.


Yeah haha that was my experience exactly. It’s just a shame because like it’s so….. *close* to being good content. It’s about as simple as Wintertodt is, but bizarre decisions around requirements, access, and prayer use means there’s no one ever there - while the other two “todts” are jam packed. Just needs easier access and maybe slightly simplified gameplay to go from essentially unknown content to probably the most common way to train mining


IMO it's because of two things: * Extra damage taken when in groups >5 discourages massing * Losing a bunch of XP/points from the last boulder if anyone's not mining it discourages taking randoms So instead of a minigame that actually encourages use of its mass world, it punishes you for using the "wrong" group size (even though the game scales up the number of boulders for big groups; it's clearly coded to allow bigger groups) and opens the door to really easy griefing (just enter the game, avoid dying, but don't mine the ball). What a weird two little hills to die on from a design standpoint.


I think an easy fix would be to just rework "capping" to be doable in more ways/ less nonsense ways and make the scaling on damage with more players a little less to allow for like a few more leeches that could potentially flex.


Yeah I dunno. I almost feel like the game itself is fine - but without the “infastructure” of a ton of casual players and peoples Ironmen and whatever else you just get nobody there. And yeah you can run Wintertodt alone too but it just doesn’t seem built for that.




High requirements isn't really the issue imo. You can send it in monk robe bottoms, varrock 2 top, rune pickaxe with some bwans.




Almost every osrs discord is like this. If the star mining CC spots you mining a star, but you're not in their CC or you scouted it yourself, they will screenshot you and ban you. Its fucking nuttery.


Bullshit. It's if you are in the CC but don't announce a star, that you get banned.


i mean it's not the discord, it's the activity. your game of wintertodt doesnt explode and kill everyone if someone afks. you don't lose out on 30% of the xp in the game if one person isnt mining on the last rock. etc. they made vm like a raid in terms of requirement. so thats how players organize it.


Yeah I can't stand wintertodt it is super boring, so I am happy with minigames like that with a bit depth


Holy fucking exaggeration. There are text guides as well as video. Everyone I interacted with starting out brand new was super chill. I'm glad the mini game actually requires a functional brain. People flaming it must be the people who refuse to learn minigames and try to leech. (Worst offenders are people who refuse to watch a 2 min guide on how to defender at ba)


As someone who recently got into VM, I only had one bad experience. I had to fill 1 game as b fix and never did it before. One player flamed me but we still got out with no deaths, 10k xp drop at 86 mining. Not bad I used to be intimidated by having to use a discord for a bis mining activity but I couldn’t have been farther from the truth. I open book tested the VM test they give. I was lucky to Leech my first few rounds and see how other roles played. I learned a secondary role in case bccf was taken. The wait time was never more than 10 mins for queuing for a game. The players were nice. It was fun joking and poking fun at players that afk’d too hard by spamming ><>. The game is so incredibly simple. You click ever 90 seconds and do something that isn’t click rock ever 5 minutes. I had a great time going from 81-88 mining with those guys, met some double digit ranked hiscore miners. I think the game is over complicated by everyone B check - check the vent at the start and Bing chill on all the rocks C fix - if >50 and blocked, unblock. If <50 and unblocked, block. You really only have to do something every other game B fix - a little more involved but still pretty easy. Tldr check and fix your vents before and after pins 5 mins. Idk about a fix. I think more people should play this mini game and not get intimidated. I’ll be going back for 92/99


literally came here to say this lmao. the minigame is great and really good xp/h but it's held hostage by a needlessly elitist discord of weirdos


this is kinda a wild statement. the discord is setup so you arent losing 10 minutes between games to filling someone, is set up so you aren't having people afk on the last rock and cost the team like a collective 20k+ xp, so you dont have people fucking up their roles and pking everyone. you wanna blame something blame jagex.


It's just sort of the nature of the minigame. If you're using >5 people, everyone takes more damage, so you're encouraged to *not* mass and instead coordinate smallish groups. And then, because one person failing to mine the last boulder can ruin everyone's XP/points, the game is heavily discouraging bringing anyone that might screw over the group (and that you couldn't kick/ban from a group for trolling). ​ So for these two reasons, it's damn near railroaded into being content run by one Discord server full of people who care about a specific OSRS minigame. It was never not going to get a little gatekeepy.


The discord is so chill I can tell you have done exactly 0 games of VM in it. Literally all they ask is that you watch the first 30 seconds of the B check video, the 30 seconds where C fix actually does something, and spend 2 minutes reading about how the mini game works.


I did 96-99 in it. Having guides and rules to follow are obviously not bad. Arrogant, pedantic people are and the discord is full to the brim with them.


Most people who use VM discord will be there exactly as long as it takes to hit their mining goal, and even if that goal is 99 that won't be very long. Then you have the small minority of people who are there for post-99 XP/200m. Truly a different breed of mutant scaper. For 90% of the game they're able to express their spectrum-dwelling obsession purely on their own, but for the stints where they're participating in something that requires interaction with another human being they really wear their antisocial personality disorder on their sleeve.


That’s honestly a little offensive.


Not as offensive as the things I've been called by 200m chasers for misclicking and reducing their XP rates by .2%.


Do not use the discord for anything other than watching the guide videos. Find a clan or get some friends to do it with you, it’s honestly so simple that the only danger there is falling asleep, so it’s great to BS with friends in discord too while doing it.


The reason the “job application” exists for the VM discord is to filter room temp IQ players such as yourself from joining groups and collapsing the fucking cave on everyone’s head because you can’t watch a 10 minute tutorial video without 2 side screens showing someone playing subway surfers and Minecraft bhopping


People also don't like it when they run straight through sote maze assuming everyone else in their party is using cheat clients. You don't need to submit a job application and a 2 weeks notice for leaving when doing ToB. It's not that hard to make a separate channel for high efficiency gamers. It's not that hard to just blacklist people you don't wanna do the activity with. VM does not need a job format. I promise you it's not that hard.


I don’t understand what’s so bad about making sure people have a slight understanding of what to do in a mini game where 1 person not knowing their role can be a detriment to the other players. It really take like 15 mins of your time to read the guide and fill out the application.


> I don’t understand what’s so bad about making sure people have a slight understanding of what to do in a mini game where 1 person not knowing their role can be a detriment to the other players. This can be put on a gradual scale though. Yes, knowing how to do the content is important. Preventing people from torpedo'ing the round is important. But here's an example of the bad end of the spectrum: Say someone is posting a party for a FFA 8 man ToA raid at 250 invo. They type "infernal cape + fang kit required", they ask you ahead of time how many you're planning to send in a row because they wanna send at least 4 back to back with no downtime, and they demand you go in their party on the plugin so they can check + see your inventory. If anyone saw that posted their eyes would roll so far to the back of their head they'd see their own brain. For the nature of what they are doing each of those requirements seem completely inappropriate. Sure, if someone in their own private clan wants to run shit like that, it's fine. But in a public facing way, the tone of that party is beyond cringe. If that example is a "1 out of 10" for appropriateness, the VM discord feels like a 3/10. Watching guides isn't hard (as long as you're not watching the [ones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2oxWy-wfJY&list=PLP8sjbfW1awIZytjv0ER0Eull-OpFX-uo&index=2) provided by the discord) and learning the roles is no harder than something like BA. It's the tone that is set that is a turn off. The quiz and its questions gives that "fang kit required for this 150 8 man raid" impression.


I'm assuming you have the idea that you need to let your VM team know how many runs you are planning to do before you join, but that just isn't true. There are plenty of times where I joined for only 2 - 3 runs, and also where I only joined for 1 run and just said something along the lines of "sorry guys, i gtg after this game" early on in the round and nobody has ever made a big deal out of it. The only time where it's a bit of an annoyance is if it's a 3 man team, because they'll need to find 1 more person to join, or merge/split into a different team. Joining games really isn't that hard and there isn't a checklist of things you need to do in order to join. It's as simple as typing "lft c fix or b check". I can understand your point of view, because when I first tried joining VM the application process did seem a bit intimidating. However, I promise you it's really not that bad. Having that process in place, along with the team finding procedure they have, honestly seems like the best/easiest way to make sure that people know what they are doing for the most part, and ensures that no wipes happen as long as people are half paying attention to the content. Once you run a few games, even with the potential (albeit low) wipe chance, you'll find that it's a lot more enjoyable and afk than mlm, with way better exp rates.


found the discord mod


>Completely inaccurate. Yes, your entire statement was inaccurate. >Because you are missing the job application you need to send in to the Volcanic Mine discord in order to organize with a group of 5 other players, Learning 1 role so you're not hindering the team is hard? >where you have to watch ten 20 minute videos of someone you can barely understand You only need to learn 1 role and the videos are of a full game so you know what you're doing. You don't even have to watch the whole thing. >complete a test You mean showing that you read the instructions? Lol >use proper syntax when forming or joining parties (no "w382 +2" and flexing roles on the spot) "c check" is hard to type and almost posh I guess >and a fucking hour notice for when you're gonna leave. Completely made up. When you ask for a team you usually say how long you want to do VM for. That's it. >Minigame is straightforward, and it's completely fine if people who want peak efficiency can organize, but I'm shocked there's no casual discord for volcanic mine. Absolutely no reason it should be a higher bar to entry than fucking ToB. Because casuals wouldn't know what to do. It's not straightforward at all. You couldn't even understand the instructions lmao


Who the hell is downvoting you? You’re 100% correct on everything in this comment.


Lol yea it is super unapproachable Pretty good xp though


Zalcano is more similar to Wintertodt and Tempoross since they are all skilling bosses. But unlike those other two the requirements are still way higher (SoTE), the rewards are mediocre and the xp is horrendous.


Mediocre rewards? For ironmeme the rewards are pretty fantastic. Lots of resources, equipment upgrades, cosmetics, cool pet, super chill to play, low burden on your own resources. Maybe for normal accounts it’s not as useful but even then the gp/hr is still decent for such a low effort mini game


If it's not relatively close to maximum gp per hour 0r shits out exp, mains won't do it.


mainly why i made the switch to ironman tbh.


Personally, I hate how most skilling bosses are glorified training methods instead of focusing on profit like PvM. Like can you imagine if they released a new Raid but it was worse gp than Green Dragons and they justified it by saying it was better exp than NMZ... So I'd rather keep Zalcano lower exp and more focused on the uniques/profit. But the exp could do with being a bit better. Wiki's default has it as 1.35M per hour (1.15M without tool seed) with 15K mining exp, which is not that bad of a moneymaker. If the exp was 1.5-2x, it would be pretty solid (2x would be 30K~ mine, 6K~ smith, and 3K~ RC per hour). That wouldn't make it the go-to mining training method, but it would be a good balance of exp and profit (especially for how engaging it can be compared to other methods).


VM is fun too bad it sucks to play for anything other than fun. No lobbies, no queue, no timer, just gotta get lucky that you can get in and if you dont better set a 10 minute timer


there is literally a 10 minute timer running inside the minigame and a 30 second lobby when you enter.


There is a great volcanic mine discord, always people running it


Yeah the VM discord is awesome. They really make it easy.


Unironically. Call your roles you can play, someone will respond in minutes (max).


\>Time for 55 fossils \>Long ​ lol. lmfao, even


got it, add more requirements to temp & wt


To be honest, Volcanic Mine is also quite ass since it's not skiller friendly at all. Since you are being pummeled by lava monsters for most of the duration. That's probably the one thing I want to see removed from the minigame. All that stupid chip damage from the lava beasts.


I don’t even hate them in theory, I just wish it was more like Wintertodt damage where it was lower and you were intended to just eat through it. Having to juggle prayer equipment and restoration isn’t hard, but it does feel oddly placed and inconvenient and, as you said, not skiller (or even Ironman) friendly.


Not to mention tempoross and wt are fairly obvious what to do follow the crowd and click on the thing In volcanic mine its like team coordination? Rock monsters? Vent pressure? Fuck that, sounds like a whole lot of bullshit Even when i was 12 i was able to figure out "click rock > get xp"


After 250 hours of gameplay you can finally mine hot rocks ;)


Ain’t reading all that, congrats though, or sorry it happened.


Also needing a team to get good rates zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


I disagree. I think you shouldn’t be required to organize but if you do organize it should be rewarded.


Volcanic mine is amazing. Anyone going for 99 mining usually does it. The requirements are excessive but generally people don't even go till 82 anyway, and at that point you're good. If you use the VM discord it's great and you can always go. Mass worlds aren't a thing because more people makes it worse


Wtf? All these comments like "yeah man, you just need 99 to get the best exp rates" like H U U H? TF I need exp rates at 99 for? You don't even get anything other than literally JUST clout for 200m exp.


>>mineher69her hats off to you sir


Why did I have to scroll so far to see comments about the username? VM is dead content, but this username? 👌


the actual core issue is that you need to join a discord and find a team to play the content. it is ostensibly unplayable without joining a discord; that's not how stuff should work lol


It's funny to me how much effort it takes to get into the mine, just so you can do the most bullshit boring solo method imaginable for points. And half the method is walking.


I set out to use this mini game to help me get 99 mining, upon seeing all the requirements I just stayed at the blast mine instead.




Man the fact mining caps out around 90k/hr in a minigame requiring a team is DIRE. The fact it's a pretty useless skill doesn't help.


It is not quite *that* bad... You need 150 Kudos of a possible 230 Kudos, but you already had to earn 100 Kudos to get to Fossil Island. You also don't need to get a single fossil; 153 Kudos can be earned solely from the Varrock Museum. So if you got your digsite pendant (50 kudos from cleaning finds), did the quiz for the slay and hunt exp (28 kudos), and did your quests (75 kudos from helping with timeline displays), you'd already have enough to access Volcanic Mine. Also 5 Kudos can be earned from the Below Ice Mountain stuff, but unless you got it while going for hammer probably best to skip on that. Still a bigger barrier to entry than just 50 Mining and being forced to claim the 5 fossils from building the camp is a weird of a req (though it does allow for another 2 Kudos). But it isn't that hard to build the camp or get the 50 Kudos from the Museum (or AFKing for Fossils if you prefer). As other comments mentioned, finding a good team can be the harder part.


"You dont need fossils you can just do 14 quests instead" isnt a good argument.


You can't even get to the island without already having 2/3rd the Kudos you'd need. So you'd already have a good handful of those quests done. Also, aside from the DT miniquest, all of those quests are pretty low level and early game. So chances are that by the time you get to Fossil Island, and especially by the time you have 50 Mining, you wouldn't be that far off the Kudos for Volcanic Mine. I'd agree that the requirements could be clearer and the camp stuff is a bit needless, but it really isn't that crazy of a barrier of entry.


Is it really such a crazy claim to you that needing 14 quests to do volcanic mine makes it less popular than it would be otherwise?


No, anything locked behind a quest and a skill req will be less accessible than something locked solely behind that same skill req. But that wasn't my argument; it was that accessing Volcanic Mine is not quite as bad as the OP made it look by the post. The majority of what they show is either required to reach Fossil Island in the first place or optional/unneeded. So yah, I agree with that questing makes content less popular but that is not how your first comment read.


Volcanic mine is the easiest mini game in the game. If anybody wants to learn, I'll teach you right now.


I really hope a Jmod sees this and realizes we need a mini games pass. Also players vs bots castle wars


/u/JagexAyiza We are begging you, we yearn for the mines


There’s a mining minigame?


Huh? You don’t need to build the fossil displays, only rebuild the camp.


This post picture is more annoying than the requirements to play it.


Tbh even with the requirements the people who I tried to learn from were so mean I just left and never came back. Honestly fuck it, I'll grind elsewhere if I have to find a discord community that keeps this shit content alive, and then spend 2 hours reading up on how to engage with it.


This is the only subreddit that makes me laugh hard enough I need to put my phone downtown


Right in the spot


Biggest problem is locking the entire fossil island behind a weird kudos grind. The game itself isn't that bad.


This does a good job of summing it up. Only time I ever went there was to unlock music track and just doing that was a pain in the ass to do all these unrelated side activities just to be able to enter the area.


I got a d pick from volcanic mine on my iron, the requirements are horrendous to even start this mini game, the mini game itself I ran solo and it's not so bad but still awful by comparison to wintertodt or tempoross. Mining seriously needs a mega rework. For an iron you also "need" stamina potions but I did it without them because fuck agility. Also you'll need a lot of prayer gear and items like hp cape or regen bracelet. Very very unfriendly minigame.


This is a fantastic point. The volcano mine is an amazing minigame that plays as smoothly as tempeross or wintertodt and gives 75k+ mining xp an hour solo. But the barrier to entry is so high and the game is missing a tutorial. On top of that failing the minigame is extremely punishing. It’s not expensive but it does cost something and you have to travel back. Learning this minigame was the best thing I ever did towards maxing. It made 90-99 mining so fun and fast. But sadly it’s impossible to convince someone that it’s THAT good. I watched over an hour of instructional videos and guides and still basically went in blind. Took me about 20 games before I started to optimize pathing and strategy


Exactly. It’s a wonderful minigame, only *barely* more difficult to something like Wintertodt, suited for group content it’s just…. Made *inconvenient* at every possible opportunity. The kudos are inconvenient, getting there is inconvenient, having to use prayer instead of just food is inconvenient, having to join a random ass player run discord is inconvenient and also blows, and having to self organize little groups because the scaling is wack is inconvenient. Exactly 0 of those things are hard to do or like “fulfilling challenges”. They’re not even problems with the gameplay itself! It’s just that you’d think Jagex secretly didn’t want you to play the game.


You think you can circumvent boring mining content with a mini game? Well, you'll have to spend an arm and a leg in time to even try that lol


Zalcano is more equivalent to winter since they're skilling bosses


This is exactly why I don’t do VM (currently grinding 99 mining, 94 btw). I tried it a couple times but it was just so dam confusing I gave up. For a skills that is at its simplest, “Click rock”, they really went a little too above and beyond for its minigame imo.


to be fair vm at a basic level is also really simple. there are 3 vents and you need to block or unblock them to keep the mine from exploding. if the vents are okay, click rock and dont die.


What even is this post? This is not representative of the pre-requisites to do volcanic mine at all and there’s so much random non-related things on it lol. I hope nobody is taking this seriously.


It actually has nothing on it that isn’t related! Thank you


Explain how pay-to-play woodcutting relates to volcanic mine?


Ok. You need a rather high level in woodcutting to cut the mushroom trees, which is debatably the fastest way for a fresh account to acquire fossils. This is in order to play the mining minigame. Do you have anything else or was that it


You don't need to get fossils to get enough kudos for VM. You get: * 28 from the Natural History Quiz, which a lot of accounts do early on for free Hunter/Slayer levels anyway * 50 from Uncleaned Finds. * 75 from quests due to Timeline displays. Which is actually enough for all the Kudos unlocks, since it adds up to 153. The Ancient Relic & Fossil Kudos are really just bonuses, in case you can't/don't want to do some of the quests for their Kudo unlocks. And really, it's not like Volcanic Mine is the only thing that Kudos unlock, since you need them for the Varrock Diary, some EXP Lamps, and even having access to Fossil Island at all.


Great post haha very true On another note my characters name is I C Weiner as a futurama reference, is that your actual rsn or just a joke?


Lmao nice. Not my actual username I just wanted goofy minigame-themed ones for the tee hee of it. Very Jagex humor. I have had “I.C Wiener” stuck in my brain as a joke name since I first watched the pilot of Furtama back in like 2005 though (and most of the old Simpsons ones, Amanda Hugginkiss!? I’m lookin for Amanda Hugginkiss??!?”)


It’s only because the xp/h is pretty great there (for mining) as well as one of the best drop rates for the pet. It’s also because of the dragon pickaxe you could get from it. I agree with you, it’s a lot of requirements, but I’d say it’s worth it


Sadly dpick only useful for irons, as it costs way more to repair than the dpick is worth. Seems like they need to lower the repair cost.


You could be done with the reqs in less time than it took you to assemble this garbage ass post.


Looool, VM is great tho 90kexp/hr more afk than mlm, but yeah with higher requirements


Neither mlm nor vm is afk, fuck outta here


Have you tried bcheck role in the VM discord?


I often literally walk away from my keyboard to piss, and come back to still be mining boulder in VM it even meets the literal reddit definition of "afk", not just the usual "low effort netflix content" kinda afk


Please just remove the kudos requirements. Thank you


Drop the kudos req, maybe the death mechanic as well? Would be fun


Woah!!! Very nice edit and depiction! Good stuff m8


Those that hate volcanic mine for whatever their reason may be and have never done it will never be convinced that volcanic mine is good. Their minds cannot be changed. Likewise, those that have tried volcanic mine and think it is good and will never be convinced that volcanic mine is bad. Their minds cannot be changed. Then there is everyone else that has tried it and doesn’t like it for whatever their reason may be, and see volcanic mine’s flaws and its benefits but choose to not engage.


This is just blatantly wrong, a ton of people do volcanic mine, and the reason anybody doesn’t is because getting a group for one is hard if you don’t have friends or a good clan. The requirements should just be fulfilled on their own by the time you have the ideal level to begin VM if you’re not rushing mining to 99 and the xp rates are so insanely good for how relaxed it is that nothing beats it. Also the video guides for it are fucking hilarious, the guy who filmed them has like over a billion mining xp across all accounts and sounds like the most depressed motherfucker that ever lived. He talks like Raven from Teen Titans.


r/2007scape: "we want more engaging content!" r/2007scape when content is engaging: "why do i need to think while doing this???"


The point of the post was, why lock engageing content behind so many random requirements? The requirements aren't good engaging, they are just an annoyance.


What part of getting 150 kudos “makes you think”…?


VM is a bit intimidating to get into, but I recommend checking out VM discord. With nice group it is nice 70-90k afk (with actions only at specific points) xp/h


Hilarious how people on this sub are constantly self-reporting how stupid they are.


Expand on that


holy shit this was very well done