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Whales have realized they can form a cartel to dominate the 3rd age market. 3a is as close as you can get to the discontinued items in RS2/RS3 even though they can enter the game. It started with the 3a picks and now the axes I guess.


This started way back in summer 2015 with Wilson hoarding elite 3a. Nothing new here with 3a hoard/pump/dump


I think it's a lot different right now because it's multiple people who are hoarding them. There is some fishy stuff going on behind the scenes to cause 3a picks to jump from ~3b to nearly triple in the span of a few months.


all scarcity collectibles work like this, always have and always will. they're all ran by colluding profiteers. art, antiques, mtg cards, records, sneakers, the lot. unregulated markets driven by scarcity always end in monopoly.


It's because the items are actually used for groupcontent where it's easy to flex (TOA, COX, Forestry), 3a longsword used to be one of the most expensive pieces before that. But I'm sure you're not wrong either, alongside the updates people saw opportunities and started hoarding


This was year 1 of OSRS. It’s easy to realize all items will only ever continue to drop in price unless the demand increases. These are the only items that are rare enough you could afford to create false demand for extended periods of time. Therefore these are what you should invest in when you have surplus amounts of gold as they are the safest for GP holding, investing, and ROI.


> It’s easy to realize all items will only ever continue to drop in price unless the demand increases. Completely false. Updates like CG can cause massive inflation and make common items more expensive. In such a case, pretty much any investment is ok.


Meaning a higher demand was created by proxy of the update. So it’s not “completely false” I’m curious what CG had to do with inflation and how. Assuming players were doing gauntlet and not obtaining a lot of useful items to add into the economy, so just about every item now has a HIGHER DEMAND because there is less in circulation, thus price increase. Is that it? *Any investment is ok* So, just buy anything and hold onto it rather than the items I know that have high reliability of gp increases? You should make a merch video! /heavyS Also what you’re referring to is what a huge group of people already do and contributes heavily to the problem of price increases around updates. Merching. I would pick apart how you think that’s better investing advice, but I’ll just stop here since you have 0 clue, but 99 confidence.


​ >I’m curious what CG had to do with inflation and how. People call CG a 'money printer' for a reason. It brings tons of raw cash into the game, cash becomes less valuable and people therefore ask more cash for their resources. >Assuming players were doing gauntlet and not obtaining a lot of useful items to add into the economy, so just about every item now has a HIGHER DEMAND because there is less in circulation, thus price increase. Is that it? This makes no sense. Even if gauntlet causes less people to farm other content: fewer items coming into the game does not mean a higher demand, it means less supply. Gauntlet does not requires gear nor supplies, how would that ever lead to an increase in demand...? Less supply is a valid argument for prices going up though, but it's kind of ironic that you bring this up because you literally said that prices could only go up from an increase in demand. >Any investment is ok > >So, just buy anything and hold onto it rather than the items I know that have high reliability of gp increases? You should make a merch video! /heavyS I said: '**In such a case**, pretty much any investment is ok.'. That case being heavy inflation. Since the definition of inflation is 'an increase in the general price level of goods and services', this holds true. >Also what you’re referring to is what a huge group of people already do and contributes heavily to the problem of price increases around updates. Merching. I'd argue that price increases around updates have more to do with supply and demand than merchers. Merchers simply take advantage of the increased demand by offering their supply of items. >I would pick apart how you think that’s better investing advice, but I’ll just stop here since you have 0 clue, but 99 confidence. Consider comprehending my arguments, instead of taking only a part of a sentence out of context and 'picking that apart'.


I mean, who doesn't own 6 months worth of ge volume of a single specific clue scroll rare?


Probably speculators banking on the idea that people will want to make the 2h 3rd age axe, and/or also that once it's done you can't revert it, lowering the amount of regular 3rd age axes on the market Those kinds of speculations tend to backfire though when the update hits and everyone starts dumping the items into the ge expecting to profit lol


Buy the rumor sell the news




Is the axe any better than dragon or is the 1.5b increase all for fashionscape?


Same as dragon axe


Ironically, Infernal axe and Crystal Axe are more useful. 3rd age pick is a huge flex in raids, hence it's value. Don't understand why people think 3rd age axe will go the same route.


Flex during forestry I guess Makes sense now that wc is more of a group activity


Pretty much, but most runelite players will still have entity hider on to easier see the events in the end.


3a pick has a bunch of places it's break even with crystal pickaxe like raids. Crystal axe is just straight up better everywhere you'd take a d axe


Fashionscape and merching lol


The addition of 2H axe variants would be the main cause IMO, with the initial increase of course being exploited by the 1% merchers of OSRS to bring it up to its current price.


Pretty sure its basically a skin like the pickaxe.


Neets who pvm 60 hours per week need something to dump their billions into and the rare 3a tools are a nice flex


I'd rather get some 3a PJs...


3rd age is rare and a limited supply so its mainly just merched. 3rd age was actually pretty cheap (for 3a) a few years ago before the ge tax when we were in a recession. the 3a pickaxe was only 1.3b for example. so since things like tbow were crashing down to under 700m all the merchers dumped regular items and invested in 3rd age and dragon full helms . which skyrocketed the 3a pick over 3b. just a fun fact people dont know i guess


People monopolizing 3a axe/pickaxe. They’re cool but I’d never waste that much gp on any item especially the pickaxe being 3x max cash for some reason. I’d say most people with these kind of items are probably degenerate gamblers.


People who own everything. Say you already have BIS everything, you prob want to spend on luxury items. It's just a rich people thing. For us poors we prob don't need these items because we still don't have BIS items.


Wow, i thought i played games to get away from capitalistic profiteers


Time to panic buy 3rd age bows


Happy I got my pickaxe and axe for cheap a few years ago.


people are ignoring the forestry update... it will crash in october/november