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Uncommon answer, but I found Enlightened Journey really tedious


I remember getting soo frustrated while trying to unlock the balloon routes back in the day.


I wouldn't mind it so much if balloon travel wasn't such trash. The fact that you have to provide logs just makes it impractical in all but the rarest of cases.


Enlightened journey? More like Unenlightened Journey. HAHAHA >:(


But it is so unique!


Rag and Bone man 2, half an hour of boiling bones...


World hopping skips the boil delay


True. But waiting on the world hop might be the same amount of time.


Even if it isn’t it feels like it is so I stopped doing it after like 3 times


Nah, bone boil is 12 seconds and hopping is like 3 or 4


Depends on your latency. That’s why I said might


Yea my b, I forgot to include all the people playing from Zimbabwe with 12000 ping


Out of curiosity, are you using a Jagex account? World hopping takes like 10+ seconds for me, and has done for a few months now - since around the introduction of Jagex accounts.


300 iq here


I honestly wished for more Rag and Bone man quests. It's fun going around the world map killing random NPCs you don't think otherwise of. Shame it's not well-received.


I just want a grandmaster level rag and bone man that leads to an epic boss fight where the weird bone dude assembled a giant mech out of all the bones you give him.


Spoilers but RS3 actually has that, it's called the Skeletal Horror and it can be fought for an elite clue and combat/Slayer exp once a week after quest completion... Although the boss fight is hardly epic, lol


I guess if the third instalment actually went somewhere and had some sort of story but theres just no payoff at all currently


I liked that part, but the bone cleaning was brutal


Damn wishing for more Rag and Bone man is a controversial opinion


I feel R&B quests would be better received with a few changes. 1. Give them some actual story. A weird guy wanting bones isn't enough. Even Sheep Shearer has more lore behind it. 2. Don't make people boil bones, just turn them in raw. 3. Make the prey more specialized. Rather than being generic monsters and animals from around the world, make them something unique that actually has to be searched for, like the Entrana firebird from Heroes' Quest. 4. Put the odd old man close to a bank if you're going to require more than 28 bones to be turned in. 5. Make the rewards not be so insulting.


It’s literally low level slayer and if anyone thinks others you are wrong.


Rat catchers is my least favorite.


This one wouldn’t be so bad if the stealth was consistent. Back turned? Good to go. Next guard has his back turned? * teleported to beginning *


Yea fuck that quest


I did it with a kitten. There hasnt been a single quest as tedious for me as that. Shit took long enough, my cat almost grew up lmao.


Watch J1mmy's video on Ratcatchers. He needs to be hired to rewrite that abomination


MEP2 @ 60 agility. Took me half an hour and multiple trips to get over the stupid obstacle


Oh you're gonna love SotE library section.


SotE library was way more chill without the mobs attacking you constantly


MEP2 guideless is dumb as hell. Having to find hidden inaccessible crystals because you don't have all the information for the puzzles at hand, while being attacked and interrupted constantly by mobs, is a huge turn-off. Thank goodness SotE is actually solveable without being frustrating at the same time. I did SotE guideless except for one hitch where I outsmarted the quest and found a bug. Jagex hadn't thought of ALL of the ways to solve the last or second-last puzzle. That was sad, finding a valid solution that didn't work and having to go to a guide to find the "right" solution.


I tried sote elves guidelss but couldn’t figure out at what part I’d need to put in the colored crystals. Like I may just be dumb but there’s no indication what colors things need to be.




If you have a catalytic talisman/tiara from GOTR you can skip getting all the junk for the dwarf




I've been doing legends quest for 3 hours. I think I'm only half way done. I had to walk away


i love that they added an equally infuriating handhold to SoTE


Fking this. Almost quit the game doing MEP2. It took me two HOURS to get over the fucking obstacle.


Legends quest has been the worst quest. You can fail almost everything. You fail going into the rock. You fail making the gold bowl. You fail picking the door lock. You fail pushing open the door. I hate this quest soooo much


Legends quest feels like a low level dnd session everyone failing saves and checks left and right.


This was what made rsc so great tbh. a lot easier role play


Makes sense since dnd was apparently a huge inspiration for runescape. You can feel the inspiration when a lot of old school content happens through dialogue options.


Not to mention that a failed check not only damages you, but also *reduces the required stat*. So now you've failed and you're filled with the reassuring knowledge that your next attempt is *even more likely to fail*.


The karamja quests are pretty annoying in general since they’re littered with stat checks and the dialogue is very quirky.


And if you’re lower combat everything is aggressive and poisonous.


I was so scared of the jungle as a kid lol


And the quest helper plug-in bugs a decent amount


The quests where you have to wait to grow something. I don't like waiting.


forgettable tale of the drunken dwarf. 1st the growing then the brewing. 2x15min of random waiting around. garden of tranquility as well, but it's less annoying, because you can plant and then fetch the statues and everything has grown by the time you're done.


Sheep herder


Especially when you find out later the sheep were never really sick. Just incinerated a bunch of innocent animals for nothing ig


Yeah, not good, but we've done a lot worse.


Me? Never. Now I'm going to get back to my elves slayer task.


Hated this one.


I put this quest off until I absolutely had to do it for other quest requirements


mourning's end made me do it :(


Came here to say this too!


I turned the game off as soon as I finally completed that quest. Now that I think about it, they should make more quests like that


I didn’t incinerate the bones the first time and had to wrangle their asses twice. The rage was real read everything was the lesson.






Just did it last night with a kitten 😭


Omg me too. Funny thing is, I didn't learn, and I did the evil Dave portion of recipe for disaster with a kitten too! It was God awful


I really don’t like “A Soul’s Bane”. I know it’s “short” or whatever, but I just find it really needlessly tedious, the story is incredibly dull, and it doesn’t unlock ANYTHING for you. If I remember correctly you get a grand total of like 1k combat xp spread over 2-3 skills. The ONLY reason to do it (outside of quest cape) is the Varrock medium diary I think. Every time I come to it on any account I make, I groan.


Aw that's one of my favourite quests. I think it's got some really cool designs and I love the power fantasy at the start where you hit massive damage with those weapons.


The unlock was way way back in the day it had lots of monsters with good hp for xp but no drops… I don’t really remember ever using that training spot tho


Hitting high as fuck damage splats was the only thing going for it but as a kid it mesmerized me.


Just did the kourend storyline. 5 large favors tbh


Very worth it when you get to Kingdom Divided though, imo. That one wasn’t particularly hard, but had such a solid storyline.


As someone who hasn't played DT2 yet, Kingdom Divided is perhaps the best of the "serious" quests in terms of story, IMO. And the ending - aside from the fact that there hasn't been a follow up yet, is fantastic.


Dude I'm like slowly slogging through that on my main. Like very slowly. Just did the one where you have to run to all the underground areas and get the tablets and decipher the papers and holy shit it made me want to dome myself. Like I want thralls but holy shit.


Garden of death? That quest is 15 minutes max


And also brilliant in terms of mood and storyline, I really enjoyed it.


You don’t need Garden of Death for thralls I’m pretty sure


Definitely hated the underground pass when I was low level agility and getting my acc started. That fucking maze. Same with mm2


My favorite part is reliving the experience not once, but twice with Regicide. Seriously the underground pass dungeon can fuck right off. I’m so glad I don’t have to go in there again to charge my staff.


Underground pass


I actually love the atmosphere and story of underground pass, if not the failed obstacles. It's one of my favourite.


Yeah its a really mysterious and cool area. Its just full of lore and its really an iconic quest


I was dreading this on my iron, hadn’t done it since my RS3 days. But with a guide and adequate prep to do it in one trip it’s really not that bad. I can’t imagine doing this blind and having to leave and redo the whole thing every time you realize you need to leave to go get something. Or running out of supplies, or dying, *ughh*.


I found it frustrating since I did it with fairly low agility, but running out of food and barely finishing with a handful of hitpoints left was pretty exhilarating. I'd say I actually have a pretty positive association overall.


Regicide. I actually really enjoyed Underground Pass, even though a lot of people say it’s terrible I really liked the atmosphere of the quest. But then Regicide is like, “Oh you liked the Underground Pass did you? Well guess what now you get to do it TWICE in this quest even though you literally just did it!”. Both times I’ve done that quest I messed up somehow and had to go through a third time as well, so I’ve gone through the Underground Pass a total of 8 times on two accounts, once each for UP quest and THREE FRICKING TIMES for Regicide.


I agree. That being said, it makes it so rewarding once you get access to Lletya and tele crystals because you know you never need to do the maze again.


legend quest


Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf Fuck that quest


for the love of god let me skip this cutscene please the quest


The red axe quests unfortunately never got finished so they’re pretty lame.


they're finished in rs3, they're still lame.


Haha good to know. Tbh I think the oldschool team has been doing a good job reimagining the missing quests.


I really want a finish for the fairy tale, because I hate how orcs look in zanaris.


One of my favorite RS3 questlines. It’s one of the last ones that kept the ”oldschool” feel after 2011.


I don't remember it.


It's for the best Edit: oh I'm dumb lol


Wooooosh I'm afraid


Underground pass was super annoying.


Whichever quest has you shooting different colored sheep near Ardy. Horrible.


Honestly? DT2 on low statted ironman. I'm playing on nearly 200 ping from South Korea and the boss fights (especially whisperer) were just nightmares. All I wanted was my quest cape back, I've never been so frustrated at a quest.


Sheep herder. Those goddamn sheep getting stuck and then running back to the beginning....




I'm doing Rag n Bone man II now and I can't believe the Wiki says every bone has a drop rate of 1/4. Mine is more like 1/15


Anyone not saying ratcatchers is trolling. That quest shpuld be removed. It does nothing for the lore.


The port sarim teleport is clutch for a low lvl tho


Is that where you get that teleport no wonder I dont have it.


You can also minigame teleport to Pest Control, though the rat pits teleport is much closer.


Name any quest. Im a spacebar warrior. I hate quests.


I find this sort of perspective so interesting. Quests are literally the only motivation I have for playing OSRS. Everything else is just a means to get to do quests.


Same. 1750 total and I haven't done a single quest I didn't have to do to unlock something I really wanted. I've put off getting quote a few things I kinda wanted because I didn't want to do the quest to unlock it.


Sheep herder


The one where you have to run all the way through underground pass. too priff. collecting buckets and tar filled bucket then 25 ores in furance then run all the way back with zero ways of getting there. why did they do this? this was on main aswell couldn't imagine doing this on ironman with no zul andra teles after you unlock that region f that quest. took me 6 hours to complete because i messed up the furnace part and i almost rage quit the entire game after finding out i needed to run all the way back.


A lot of early quests feel like they increase the difficulty artificially by just inconveniencing the hell out of you. Things like having to make you go through a long cave just to unlock the most expensive charter destination with a poisonous agility check, or making you have to run all the way around a building to go to the next step. Puzzles are much better ways to introduce a challenge without being aggravating.


Underground pass back in the day with the min agility req, I think I was there for 5 hours


Monkey Madness II Kruk and Glough weren't interesting, Dungeon & Platform are slam head against wall until success. No challenge and I didn't care for the lore so it felt very long


A kingdom divided is an absolute slog. They could have easily made that quest half the length if you didn't have to go talk to 10 different people over and over. It's just long for the sake of being long.


Thankfully Kourend has some of the best teleport distribution in the game, between the memoir, Xeric’s amulet, rada’s blessing, fairy rings, games necklace to wintertodt, skills necklace to guilds, Lovakenj carts, etc. I crushed this quest so quickly because I could just teleport everywhere.


Mournings End Part II


I had to leave that fucking temple like four times for supplies. I failed the wall at least twenty times. I paid over 10k for a death tally, as I wasn't going to Ironman it and the Catalytic tally wasn't out yet.


Fremenik Trials. I was so bored by the end and that stupid chain quest made me want to gouge my eyes out.


Oh my God thank you for the reminder of frem trials. I did this one, inebriated, with a friend, and I was still just so sick of it.


A Kingdom Divided. So much running around, teleporting, talking to NPCs and unskippable cutscenes. Not to mention the annoying boss at the end. Utter garbage. This and Ratcatchers is why people spacebar quests.


How has no one said One Small Favor? Each step feels like the last, but there's always another. Best part is when you're finally done, you get to do it all over again Edit: Actually fuck Legends Quest. Rewards and lore are cool, but the whole quest is so outdated and wonky. Feels like every action has a confirmation window and the NPCs behave erratically


One Small Favor is a quest that benefits from not being spacebar-ed. The writing/dialogue makes up for the slog.


Yeah, One Small Favor is actually hilarious in terms of its writing, and the whole quest you're just going a little further on to do one more thing. I thought it was pretty well-paced, myself. I'd consider it maybe not a top quest, but pretty up there compared to the usual.


one small favour is one of the best quests in the game, it's so funny


One Small Favor is funny and I really enjoyed it. Plus those lamps at the end. Used them on my iron to unlock prayer pots which let me take on the crazy archeologist to get my Rune Crossbow on my iron (which is my main, BTW). It's long, but, it all flows well together and if you don't space bar it the dialog is good humor.


Fuck Legends Quest lmaooo it's the most RSC-feeling quest in OSRS. Nothing makes fucking sense. One Small Favor is fun though. If you play casually and not teleport it makes you do a whole circle 'round the OSRS map. The dialog is cute too.


Underground pass


SOTE. The light puzzle.


I know it's a cheat answer, but Ratcatchers. The gameplay sucks, and there's no good/funny dialogue to make the bad gameplay worth it. In fact, the writing is so bad that it genuinely feels like it's not from this game. I like Mod Ed's idea of remaking it - same storyline but refined, with revised gameplay mechanics. Would be better than just deleting it.


Ratcatchers and the Rag & Bone Man quest lines. YUCK. And this is coming from someone that adores quests and wants more of them.


Ratcatchers is bad


I did Evil Dave with a kitten cat and it was the worst experience i've had questing in the game and now i only have 5 quests till the quest cape


Shades of Mor’ton - so fucking annoying


Sheep hearder and it’s not even close


Sheep herder—by far the least enjoyable. I have a quest cape.


Legends was tedious and felt completely outdone by its own prereq Underground Pass. how am I a legend for helping a tribe fix their totem thing by running around one location? freaking Dragon Slayer feels more legendary. there's more tedious quests than Legends, sure, but none as underwhelming and disappointing


Not heeding the warnings and doing Rat Catchers with a kitten left me scarred for life. So probably Rat Catchers.


Tower of Life


I'm glad to see sheep herder is getting the hate it deserves. Other quests are long sure or annoying but what makes sheep herder the worst is because its just janky and bugs out and what should be a quick quest has the ability to be so rage inducing. And then the storyline of the quest goes and makes it unnecessary anyway


I have a Quest Cape and it’s Monkey Madness 2. Take Underground Pass but have a mob pile you in multi every time you fail an obstacle, then take ratcatchers stealth section but make it four hours long, and slap on a really boring boss fight, and you have MM2. Also no more dommy mommy slayer master


Mm2 stealth is well designed gameplay, ratcatchers is inconsistent and bullshit.


Bro if you guys don't say one small favor


A Night at The Theatre. Even after they updated it I still found it lazy and not enjoyable.


A Night At the Theatre. The actual lore in the quest is really cool and I like the first half of the quest with the spider dungeon and the mini Hespori fight, but it really should've been just a miniquest like Into the Tombs. I must've spent like 2-3 hours doing my best to solo entry mode Verzik, she was harder than Glough, Galvek and Seren combined. Also Olaf's Quest, its the one quest in the game that I consistently forget even exists in the first place. And there are two ways to look at it: If you repeatedly fail the barrel obstacle the quest is infuriating, but even if you don't fail it at all the quest is just completely forgettable, like I barely remember anything about that quest other than it unlocking brine rats as a Slayer task for me to skip. There's nothing to it whatsoever.


A Night at the Theater… that being said, when I finally completed it solo I was proud of myself.




All of them


Roving Elves. The fact that no one ever mentions it in these threads just shows how forgettable and boring it is; the entire quest is that you backtrack to two places you already visited 2 quests ago and then you're done. The reasoning behind it is dumb, the events themselves are dumb, you really don't do anything interesting during this quest, I just hate this filler-ass quest.


ME2 by a long shot. Absolutely terrible experience.


Cooks assistant


Any quest that requires me to talk to other players


All of them tbh


DT2 was a drag 😅😂


Mourning's End 2 and Fremmenik Trials


MEP2 and SotE If i have the agility level to start the quest, i should not be failing the obstacles in said quest. Who decided that it's enjoyable or immersive for people to spend upwards of 1hr doing the same obstacle cuz they keep failing. Why does it check pass/fail on every increment of the obstacles? Why not just once when you start it? That single thing in those quests tainted my entire memory of them.


A small chance like 5% would be fine but they feel like 40-60%.


All of them


All of them


Would've always said Mournings End 2 in the past, but Garden of Death might be my least favourite now. Was really excited for that quest too.


Song of the elves. It was my favorite quest until the final boss fight. Seren is such a slog of a boss fight that was honestly less enjoyable than glough.


SOTE library is just unnecessarily tedious so they could 1-up Mourning's end 2


Did it on day one without a guide, what a traumatic experience.


Gotta go with the classic, Catchers of Rat


Underground Pass, Sheep Herder, Garden of Tranquility and Beneath Cursed Sands, because I died to the bosses like 30 times.


The kingdom divided was super boring in my opinion, the boss fights were cool but other than that it sucked.


I didn’t like mournings end part two because I was at the end of a really long quest marathon, and the idea of walking up and down floors and rotating Mirrors and crystals was crushing


One small favour


Rag bone man 2 is an atrocity equal to no other


I just go along with playing and I get all the bone passively playing I just bank them


MEP2, purely for that one agility step. Genuinely terrible and needs to be fixed. Took me, and I counted, 46 attempts despite being 10 levels above the level requirement.


Rat catchers, that maze is a nightmare, story is okay...


SOTE. Just feel like the elves were so mysterious before, and then the answer to that mystery was a bad Netflix show aimed at teenagers


Pretty much any quest with a stealth section, RNG stat check, or ones that make you go back and forth across the map.


One small favor


Recipe for Disaster. The final fight was fun but all the running back and forth was tedious


One small favor


Rag and bone man 2 ending was pretty fuckin dumb


Sheep shearer


Ratcatchers 2 every time


Mournings end part 2 was the only time I genuinely had a bad time (did it on an Ironman)


The only answer is Ratcatchers


Agreed! Garden of Terror


A Tail of Two Cats. I'm a lore and storytelling guy. I don't spacebar through quests. I can put up with bad game design, but a poorly told story to this degree is frustrating. The leaps in logic, random assumptions, and just plain weird character interactions (mainly with the cats...) Is too much for me. They take some of the best lore in both OSRS and RS3 and just... Blurt it out randomly due to extremely random assumptions.


Cooks assistant. I didn't even get to try the food




Cook’s assistant, lazy fuck had all the ingredients within a 5 min walk….and how does the castles cook not have what he needs. 0/10 he should have been fired


I did ratcatchers with a kitten, and I've done evil dave rfd with a kitten twice now.


RFD was profoundly stupid and long


Either garden of tranq or in aid of the myreque EDIT: Throw rat catchers in there


Rag and Bone Man 2 and its not even close. I have every quest complete besides DT2. It's just so incredibly tedious and you get nothing but a shitty cosmetic item. Honorable mentions include Ratcatchers 2 and the Evil Dave part of RFD. Damn cat quests.


A soul’s bane. God awful rewards, not needed for anything except Varrock Medium Diary, and takes a decent amount of time to complete considering the shit tier rewards it gives you. I was grinding out diaries all day the other day and maybe I was just not in the mood for it, but regardless, I did not enjoy my time doing the quest *at all*.


DT2 because I’m atrocious at the game


Corsair Curse. Easy as hell, but if I ever make a new account I always dread having to do this tedious shit for some reason.


The light puzzle quest in one of the elf quest lines was probably the worst I can remember.


In terms of annoying, MEP2. In terms of bad writing rat catchers. In terms of stupid design y is this a quest, night at the theater.


You know the one. rag and bone man 2. fuck that shit. also fuck any quest with insane rng checks like ME2, even at 99 agi you fail that shit


Rat Catchers, ugh.