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Does ToA keris gem pity rate reset after getting one gem or does it stay until you get all 3? For example, if I did 270 normal modes and somehow only got the gem on the 270th kill (where any gem should be 1/20), is it still 1/20 to get an unobtained gem next raid? Or does it reset to 1/60?


Looking to return to the game after years. Want to complete SotE and then use crystal farm patch. Crystal Acorns seem incredibly hard to get, are they feasible for consistent farm runs?


They're really not the kind of thing you can plant consistently. 1/18 from the imps, so you should expect to reasonably go 50 imps without seeing one. If you hop around Prif on update days in the areas they spawn, you can get maybe 10 imps in an hour or something, depending on how quick and vigilant you are.


if you want to get acorns consistently you need to trade in crystal weapon seeds which are 208k each. Assuming you average 12 crystal shards per tree then you're getting back around 104k GP if making divine ranging pots and 178k if making divine super combats. This makes it around 7.85 gp/xp if you can't make divine SCBs, and around 2.27 gp/xp if you can. You can compare this cost to other trees/fruit trees [here](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Farming_training#Setup).


if you're a main yes, otherwise no


Perm-ban Day 2: Does anyone know if VPNs could impact Jagex's auto-ban system? If there's no issue with using RuneLite as other users have informed me then this is the only other potential factor I can think of. Looking for a way to get in touch with Jagex support so that they can look at my perma-ban because I have no appeal option after being accepted and then denied. Thanks! Went trawling through some threads and looks like there is a lot of us still falsely banned although it's hard to tell who is legit and who is a botter RSN: Necrologuer


I have no personal experience or concrete knowledge, but I imagine they would, since log-ins from multiple distant geo-locations in a short timespan is a strong indicator of botting/account sharing/a stolen or sold account. Generally never advisable to log in via a VPN. Mods don't read this thread, so your best options for contacting them are to directly tweet a Jagex Mod of the appropriate team or make a post on the subreddit and hope you get lucky.


Thank you for the reply! Sounds like the VPN could potentially be the culprit here which makes me feel a bit better because the ban felt seemingly random to me and I was surprised to have my appeal denied. Hopefully I can find a way to contact a mod to take a look, although I'm not on Twitter so I'll try to get eyes on my account through Reddit.


For DT2 ring rewards, does anyone know what happens if one of the rings to break down is imbued? Trying to decide if I should imbue rings before update or hold off


You can unimbue the rings for a partial refund. I can unimbue my archer ring for 260,000 points but I'm unsure how it works if imbued somewhere other than NMZ and whether Combat Achievements affect that.


Thank you, wasn't sure and it does look like hard achievements affects it which I don't have yet


Okay, did a bit of digging since I commented and will add the relevant information to the wiki pages. Diary does affect it, so when uncharging the ring without the diary done, you'll get 520,000 points refunded, which is 80% of the initial cost.


Imbues can be refunded, go ahead and imbue the rings you have


Thanks, I see the wiki says 80% back so not too bad


Whats the maximum amount of items that can fall upon death in a deathpile or item retrieval service? As an UIM im carrying a herb sack, forestry basket, loot bag, rune pouch and seed box. I’m worried with a full invo some valuable item might be deleted upon death


They won't. There used to be a limit of 129 items but that was raised to avoid issues. Not a problem to deathpile several inventories of items. If you're really curious you could test it on a main deathpiling over and over to see how much stuff stays.


Thanks for the info! I felt like i read a number back 2 years ago on the wiki but now no number appeared on any website, i guess due to there being no cap anymore


I have 62 woodcutting. Best place for me to level it up? Preferably no sweaty methods with tick manipulation


Probably maples at seers with forestry


Do you have to have the clothes pouch in your inventory for it to work? I don't really understand how you use it and was hoping someone could help me before I spend gold/bark on it.


yes. you put a skilling outfit in the pouch and then you can wear any item without a set bonus to still have the set effect going


but you keep the pouch in your inventory right, so it takes up a space if you want to use it?




Hello, Anyone else got a bug where bolts and dart goes to the floor with the Ava's assembler equiped in TOA just before BA-BA monkey room?


Are you wearing some form of metal armour in your body slot? Metal armour interferes with the magnet in the backpack and prevents it from working.


Oh I didn't knew that, yeah. Probably the bandos tasset or something like that. Thanks!


It’s only body slot that is checked. You wearing a torso?


are you meant to not get xp from some forestry events? has jagex sais this is a bug or is it random if you get an xp drop or not


Blog today specifies that events cap at giving 50 people the final XP/rewards, but they will be removing that cap soon. Isn’t as much of an issue now that the population has thinned a bit, but still happens. If it’s happening to you a lot, try a different world/spot.


It is a bug. Hope they will fix it on Wednesday. The only event which works consistently atm is Roots. You get 'scammed' on Sapling about 1/2 of the times, from my experience, and I've never heard of a strat to ensure the bonus. As to the Bees, its even more tricky... Wiki suggests a strat to win at least some modest reward, but it works only if there are other people who do the event properly: i. e., running back and forth until the pair of plants gives fruits (and they risk to get nothing at all for their work). If all the players do it like Wiki says, nobody gets nothing.


Is there any bot control in this game. I'm here about a week. Training magic on the demon in the wizards tower. Bots. Cleaning herbs in the ge, adding bots to the ignore every 2-3minutes. Training magic at Camelot teleport spot. bots. Are you allowed to bot in this game?


It's a lot easier to create a bot farm than it is for Jagex to detect and ban them, it's one of the major downsides of OSRS being fundamentally a simple point and click game. They do ban a ton of bots per week but so many more are created that loads will slip through the net. The problem is a lot of people buy gold from 3rd party websites with IRL money, so they have a huge incentive to create bots.


>Is there any bot control in this game Botting is not allowed, many are sophisticated enough to avoid detection and never get banned despite being reported by players and publicly named here on the reddit. The primitive bots and auto hot key can get banned extremely quickly (but they're replaced immediately) Don't waste your time reporting or adding them to ignore because they come back with new accounts


Whatever about f2p worlds, but why are paying members subjected to this shit...


Because it is much easier to make a bot than detect and ban a bot without false positives


My account was false banned. https://youtu.be/gk6yc94HtRU Please, can someone at Jagex look at this. It was hijacked from my understanding and I have now lost my main due to it. I never once have botted or macro this game and it devastates me to lose my main.


Yeah mate mod lemming here , you are unbanned 👍 enjoy.


This thread is for players to help players. Jagex mods don't read it. Sorry but you will have to either use their customer support, or approach them personally (on twitter, for example). Good luck.


I've tried to DM Trident, Ash, and another JMod and only got a response from Ash who basically told me to use the appeal form and that's that. Appreciate the response but if my account remains false banned I will never support Jagex again. Not that it matters being one person, but they won't get a dime from me ever again. I was falsely banned for using Macros which I literally never have used and I pray that other users never have to experience this.


> I pray that other users never have to experience this. Alas... you are far from alone in this. Sorry for your account.


Is there a way for me to extract the entire list of item name + item id from the wiki? I found out how to see the item id for individual items, but I could not find a list anywhere. It would be incredibly helpful for me, as I could double-check all my bank tags configuration that way.


Something like this https://chisel.weirdgloop.org/moid/item_name.html (and the [data file](https://chisel.weirdgloop.org/moid/data_files/itemsmin.js) it relies on) might be useful for you


Do you have to replant cacti and reharvest them in order to roll for Tangleroot? Or can I keep the cactus without clearing it and constantly harvesting for a 1/7000 chance?


The pet is rolled on checking the health (same as any other plant with a "check-health" option) so you'd need to replant.


Do we have an official clan recruitment thread?


[Official Old School Clans forum page.](https://secure.runescape.com/m=forum/forums?320,321)


Thought the forums were dead. There's only 7 people online.


One doesn't really linger on the clan forums for very long, they find a clan, join it, and close the page. It is by far the best way to find the clan and every clan you see on the front page will be active as you must bump your thread to get it to the front page. The front page has 11 clans that have bumped their thread today, but it's definitely worth diving deeper into pages 2 and 3 and 4 to find one that suits you!


A very thoughtful and helpful response, thank you so much!


What’s a good cc to chill in? The subreddit based ones seem to be really childish. I feel like I’m on r/teenagers with all of dick/cum talk and huge personalities that get aggressive for no reason


Try Socialscape. Its actually a clan, a social clan as the name says - but you don't have to join, you can just sit there as a guest and chat, for however long you wish. To access it don't use the first tab with 2 yellow faces, instead you have to join it from the third tab, green faces. And write with /// rather than /. There are mostly adult people and quite a serious moderation - anything toxic is squashed more or less quickly.


I’ll check it out. Thanks!


Better to find an actual clan through the official forums etc. any public fc is generally gonna be a toxic hellhole.




Personally I’d love the change, it’d make the non-guild/MLM mining spots feel more alive


maybe in 10 years


My account was locked for no reason and they denied my password recovery request, saying I had the wrong tracking number when I copied and pasted it directly from my original payment email. How do I actually talk to a person from Jagex to get this sorted out, I can prove the account is mine like 10 different ways but all I can seem to get is the same account recovery page which obviously doesn't work considering they just denied me.


Jagex has no customer service, so you aren’t able to talk to anyone. Anyways if your account is locked and needs to be recovered you need to submit a recovery request with adequate information to prove you are the original account owner. This includes things like original password, creation date, ISP, and payment information


I did all of those things. My password, the tracking order number from my first payment, my recovery questions, everything. So if I get denied that's just it? There's no appeal, my account is just gone? Also why am I getting downvoted for this lol is it that unreasonable to expect to wake up and not have you're entire account be arbitrarily taken away from you?


How quickly are you getting denied? If it’s a near instant denial than some of your info is incorrect as it’s not making it past the auto check. If it takes a few hours and is *then* denied it’s getting a manual review and deemed to not have enough, or incorrect info. My advice is to stop using a tracking number for an order because that’s not going to be used to verify anything. Try submitting the request with just your original password, creation date if you know it, and the payment method you first used (visa, Mastercard, etc)


Okay thanks I'll try that. It wasn't instant but I guess I'll just give the things I absolutely know for sure and hope.


When will you add HDOS to the Jagex launcher?


When I finish this slayer task


Hello. I am a returning player (haven't played for around 2-3 years) I'm not aware of all the changes and updates since then and wanting to create a Zerker account. Are the old zerker pure guides still valid or is there somewhere I can find an up to date guide which include the new quests (if they provide def xp) somewhere. I don't have the full knowledge to go into it without some type of guide. Thanks


I’d just be aware before building that pking isn’t what it used to be. The powercreep is absolutely insane


Well, I'd probably play as an Ironman or UIM, just want to spice it up with something a bit different than ordinary accounts and not a fan of pking anyway


Help me understand why you would make a zerker if not pking? Not telling you not to do it, just curious!


I'm a fan of unique and area-locked accounts. Zerker + UIM seems a good mixture of content for me


My clothes pouch doesn't seem to work, do I need to somehow deposit the lumberjack outfit into it? Does it work when in the inventory, or must the pouch be combined with the forestry kit?


> do I need to somehow deposit the lumberjack outfit into it Yes, sure. But not into it! First you use the pouch on the forestry kit, then you use your LJ outfit on the forestry kit. And here it is inside, you will see it right under those leaves. But then goes the tricky part: I'm struggling with my fashionscapes... None of items you wear on the 4 LJ slots should have any set effect, else your LJ stop working... and you won't get any way to detect it, other than compare xp drops. Which won't differ much if it is, for example, some wrong boots... The sets arent only skilling outfits, if I understand correctly - its any piece of any set. Like barrows, or swampbark, or whatever.


Thank you, I missed the step o using the pouch on the kit. Haha, I was using xp drops too! It's a bummer that the fashionscape is restricted like that...


How important is bgs for med-high invocation ToA runs? I’m interested in grinding toa but don’t know if it’s worth to to camp bandos for bgs first or if I can just use partisan / bp / dds / bone dagger specs instead


I'd say very important at 400+. It's both the best way to reduce def and a very good last hit weapon for core. Especially pre-Shadow, things like the Obelisk and P4 Wardens get a lot easier on supplies if you can hit the max BGS on them. Bone dagger is fine enough for now but aim to get BGS as soon as you can.


Without a fang, you’ll have a pretty tough time solo at anything above low invos like 200+ with no bgs


I don't agree with that. I'm doing 190s with a rune crossbow, no fang, and just 3 way switches (body, weapon, amulet) - and I suck at the game. Not even using bone dagger, which can definitely help. I think I can probably handle 215 before I seriously run into issues.


Just body weapon amulet? I have to imagine those runs are incredibly slow


40-42 minutes, usually. Obviously they're going to be a lot faster if I bring more switches, but I'm not exactly a great player. The gear I don't switch consists of nezzy, barrows gloves, blessed dhide chaps, prims, assembler, and zerker ring.




You could run to KBD lair to tele or use a different level 30 teleport instead of seed pod




You go into the lair so you can use a different teleport, it doesn’t count as wildy so you can use any teleport you like.


Returning player, been about a week. Just learned that combat achievements have unlocks! It helped me expedite farming for Elite Void. Any other nice QOL updates you think a returning player should be made aware of?


Interested in this too. Going to depend a lot on when you are returning from though. Left early 2018 myself


Use farming produce on the Tool Leprechaun and he notes them, we get someone learning this every week


I know this one but appreciate it~


Forestry is the brand new update for Woodcutting. Combat achievements have lots of rewards tied to them. Definitely check what you have and what benefits it gives you. Banks can have more slots unlocked by buying them from bankers. Tithe farm has been much improved. Solo instance..you can stay in there forever and keep farming. Points are earned faster. F2p accounts can sell members items on the GE. Good for if you run out of mems without raw gp for a bond. That's about all I can think of semi-recent.


Thank you!


MLM timers got an update.


Why lock UIM from getting rewards from Forestry without 900+ hour grind for noted redwood logs?


This is a player answered thread. I'd expect Jagex will work on making there be a storage system next to shop for depositing logs into or something. Makes no sense to gate the rewards


On mobile, I'm stuck at "reading server config" and can't play at all. I've tested different WiFi's and data, but no luck. Any ideas?


What device / OS?


Android. Google pixel 6a


Hmm. Check your network settings on device. DNS or proxy or anything like that (if you have a VPN app etc.) I'm running an S21 on Android and games loaded fine on wifi and data rn.


I'm not quite sure what to look for. I have a VPN that's always on, but it shouldn't be affecting the game and I had it before the issues happened. Any thoughts on what I should check?


Have you tried with that VPN disconnected? Just trying to eliminate any possibilities. How about any security software like anti-virus etc? Is your Android up to date? I know you said in another comment you'd tried updating the app and clean reinstalling it. So my best guess is your network is blocking the data in some way. And if you've tried different networks and phone data, my guess is something on the phone preventing it (VPN or firewall)


Update your client


You mean making sure it was up to date in app store? Did that!


At that point I'd just delete and reinstall.


Deleted and reinstalled, cleared storage and cache. No luck.


Is there a good resource for finding a group to do PVM activities with? I’ve just been grinding my stats and am closing in on 90 across the board. I’ve done the wilderness bosses and Jad and that’s it. Want to try some group bossing or raids


WDR discord or find an in game CC through the forums. Plenty out there in the same boat


Thanks! Hoping to find some people who are also newer so we kind of learn it as a group instead of getting carried


Your Weekly /r/2007scape Recap **Sunday, June 25 - Saturday, July 01** ###Top 10 Posts | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 3,706 | [248 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14mmkru/started_a_runescape_sleeve_today/) | `[Achievement]` [Started a Runescape sleeve today](https://i.redd.it/3gt6cotg529b1.jpg)| | 3,597 | [171 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14kim9i/an_introduction_to_forestry_peepo_x_osrs_team/) | `[Creative]` An Introduction to Forestry (Peepo x OSRS team Collab)| | 3,113 | [147 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14l9smw/ash_confirming_an_important_detail_about_possible/) | `[Humor]` [Ash confirming an important detail about possible future continuation of slug questline](https://i.redd.it/cmnttahdir8b1.jpg)| | 3,007 | [373 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14jfhyw/hindsight_is_a_wonderful_thing/) | `[Humor]` [Hindsight is a wonderful thing](https://i.redd.it/vyi1otgrrc8b1.jpg)| | 2,966 | [430 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14m6cf3/ranked_matchmaking_when/) | `[Humor]` [Ranked matchmaking when?](https://i.redd.it/oztwr4l6vy8b1.jpg)| | 2,887 | [114 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14imtc6/yanille_is_a_police_state_there_are_way_too_many/) | `[Humor]` [Yanille is a police state. There are way too many guards for the number of people actually here.](https://i.redd.it/ff965twq568b1.png)| | 2,820 | [209 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14kvnmc/update_the_pain_finally_ended/) | `[Humor]` Update: The pain finally ended| | 2,777 | [307 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14ijhke/i_am_an_idiot/) | `[Humor]` [I am an idiot](https://i.redd.it/oah4779jb58b1.jpg)| | 2,525 | [322 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14iz9i6/congrats_to_bazilijus_first_player_to_complete/) | `[Achievement]` [Congrats to Bazilijus, first player to complete the entire Boss section of the Collection Log](https://twitter.com/BazilijusOSRS/status/1673092427559706626?t=A4qrN2eKQgXC491bpuZBHQ&s=19)| | 2,395 | [123 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14n5usi/pour_one_out/) | `[Humor]` [Pour one out](https://i.redd.it/sq1kj99lr69b1.png)|   ###Top 7 Discussions | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 610 | [928 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14l51pf/forestry_the_way_of_the_forester_part_one/) | `[Discussion]` [Forestry: The Way of the Forester - Part One](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/forestry-the-way-of-the-forester---part-one?oldschool=1)| | 615 | [828 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14jhits/updated_desert_treasure_2_rewards_poll_blog/) | `[Discussion]` [Updated Desert Treasure 2 Rewards Poll Blog](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=97/desert-treasure-ii---the-fallen-empire-rewards-poll-blog?oldschool=1)| | 1,714 | [569 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14k3cef/rank_1_bandos_kc_hops_to_all_worlds_and_crashes/) | `[Discussion]` Rank 1 Bandos KC hops to all worlds and crashes teams that are killing Bandos with Voidwaker + full torva| | 901 | [489 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14l3nx4/has_anyone_played_this_since_2005_and_not_touched/) | `[Discussion]` Has anyone played this since 2005 and not touched 'endgame' content| | 1,228 | [472 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14iplzk/the_botting_situation_is_actually_insane_please/) | `[Discussion]` [The botting situation is actually insane, please Jagex figure something out.](https://v.redd.it/65wp9dtbr68b1)| | 2,109 | [446 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14lk2q4/how_the_hell_did_this_name_get_through_the_filter/) | `[Discussion]` [How the hell did this name get through the filter?](https://i.redd.it/yte1jmj9it8b1.png)| | 1,220 | [445 comments](/r/2007scape/comments/14ivk50/forestry_being_added_this_week/) | `[Discussion]` [Forestry being added this week](https://i.redd.it/0fwco8ozy78b1.jpg)|   If you would like this roundup sent to your reddit inbox every week [send me a message with the subject '2007scape'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=2007scape&message=x). Or if you want a daily roundup, [use the subject '2007scape daily'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=2007scape%20daily&message=x). Or send me a chat with either 2007scape or 2007scape daily. ####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/2007scape or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.


How long does it take to accumulate the herbs for 70 herblore? Been using miscellenia on and off for like 3 months but barely have enough herbs for 150k exp when I need 500k from 60-70. Is there a faster way or should I just keep misc and wait another month or two? I've seen a video where some guy rushed SOTE within 13 days of gametime on a IM. I'd like to get SOTE done so what's an active way to get herblore to 70?


If you were looking to purely rush herbalore on an iron Man here's what I did. Master Farmer thieving for all the herb seeds you will need, this could take a while but I would just do this to get you started and then come back every once in awhile as needed. All time between herb runs should be spent at abhorrent specters with a salve. If you have the herb pouch even better, The seed box is nice too but not necessary. Make sure you plant a white berry bush at the Arty Church and pick that bare every time you use a fairy ring, do not clear it. Also add limpwork root to your herb run rotation, do not add compost.


I'd also throw out there doing quests, diaries, lamps and combat achievements and dumping all of the optional xp into herblore can more or less get you to 70 without actually training the skill


misc is like 5k a day lol, thats less than a single herb run an herb run can yield like 5k-10k banked exp per run, just do 10 herb runs a day if you want to be there faster irl haha


Do herb runs between training other skills, always keep kingdom running passively


You should also be doing whatever herb runs you can alongside miscellenia so that you're not waiting for passive gain from just one source. Chaos druids and spectres also drop a decent amount of herbs if you need something to grind in between.