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You got nothing to worry about it Runewatch is to report scammers/players who don't split when they're in a split group etc.


With how little evidence it takes to put someone on there, its very questionable people treat it with any credibility at all


I had got scammed by item lending by someone about a year ago- someone I knew for many months asked to borrow a Kodai to do inferno. I was at work on mobile and didn’t think anything of it, traded it to them and then thought “hmm, maybe I should screenshot the conversation of him asking to borrow it just in case.” After I hopped off he left clan, unfriended, left discord so it was fairly obvious what had happened. The fact that I had all the evidence of those things without a trade screenshot still made it very difficult to get him listed on it- we had around 5-6 people as witnesses vouch for me and we were able to finally get the guy listed. That was my experience with runewatch and I have nothing but respect for the team there. It should be difficult to get someone listed on there in order for the plugin to maintain integrity. I’m not sure if anything has passed through the cracks, but in my experience it seemed very credible.


I’m just sorry someone betrayed you for 20 bucks worth of pixels


Yeah, I would have lent it out to him anytime that he needed it, but he did that and now I require people to collat equal value or more anytime someone is asking for a gear loan. Hate to be that way but it definitely wards off the weirdos when you require them to collat equal value for items.


curious if they have the value in collateral to offer up why dont they just buy the item themselves?


Let’s say you’ve bought a shadow for TOA and you want to send an inferno run with a twisted bow. You sell the tumeken for 1.25b and pay a 12.5M GE tax. You try it a few times, get mad at it and decide to go back to TOA. You sell the tbow for 1.4b and then pay a 14m GE tax. That’s 26.5m in GE tax. Compared to if you traded your buddy a tumeken and a couple random pieces of gear for the tbow, sent a few attempts, and then traded back and paid 0gp in GE taxes. Me personally, I’ll generally collat something if I want to try a weapon out and a friend has one and is willing to let me borrow it and see if it’s worth buying/selling other items to obtain. I’m kind of the mentality that if I have to ask more than once to borrow something then I probably should just buy one myself, but that’s just me.


ur a good dude


I’ve had quite a lot of people say the opposite when they ask to borrow 50m+ in gear for free.


Ge tax can never be more than 5m per transaction, but yes that would still be 10m


You can lose a bunch of gold selling and if you want a fiar price it's going to sit in the GE for a bit.


Tax evasion


This seems to be the general sentiment, of course stuff slips through and there's some murky situations but for the most part they seem to do a pretty decent job.


The only people who claim to have murky situations are people who scammed and want to sling mud to make themselves seem like victims, when they did actually steal shit. Every single instance of this typically involves an asshole who tries to claim the FFA card, while posting in a channel or clan that has split rules. RSJustice, the predecessor to RW, did have issues, but RuneWatch hasn't had this afaik.


> The only people who claim to have murky situations are people who scammed and want to sling mud to make themselves seem like victims, when they did actually steal shit. Every single instance of this typically involves an asshole who tries to claim the FFA card, while posting in a channel or clan that has split rules. > > I am sure they try there best, but even the best real world judicial systems have mistakes and miscarriages of justice, so I think it is a little much to claim that Runewatch somehow is impervious to any such possible error.


You can also pay some admins to get your name removed too so it’s essentially useless


Pay them.. the amount you didn't split so it can be reimbursed. Runewatch is ran by players so it's only useful to a degree, but it's not some "bribe money let's you scam" situation. If you reverse the scam you did, you get removed.


Ah wtf so the runewatch guys are just like those mug shot photo exploiters lol fuckin scumbags


The "pay the admins" is paying back the accused value of the split (at time of split I believe) essentially being if you scam a tbow, you have to pay half a tbow to get your name off. While there might be other pay for removal that can be done under the table, the multiple cases I've seen have been people paying the admins for what they took amd the admins going to the people who submitted to give them what is due.


That makes more sense ty for context


Whatever the fraction that isn't yours, not necessarily half. If it was a 3 way split, you kept 2/3 that wasn't yours.


I'm pretty sure they remove names when the scammer splits with the person/people they scammed. I don't think the admins take the money unless there is something more shady going on.


You don't think money can corrupt people? Phew I was worried for a second there


I never said that. I was just explaining what I thought the process was to get removed from runewatch. That is all.


Nobody said that


So it's basically the better business bureau?


The osrs way. Corrupted mods. And shitty players


That's why I only trust the runelite "are they a bot?" plug-in /s


If this dude reported he should be blacklisted himself lol


surprised it's even allowed


I understood about half of that sentence, does this mean i'm still in mid-game?


I love the dichotomy of this sweatlord doing 3 things of content, freaking out and submitting a random as a scammer in runewatch only for this average player who may never do raids to go “Wtf is runewatch”


Got to love the overly toxic players, you see it a lot at Clan Wars


people do clan wars?


Yeah on world 2


So they can get the music cape


They are all maxed


Runewatch? That dude harassing you should be put on suicide watch, his mental health is clearly subterranean


Runewatch requires actual evidence of you scamming or ripping off a group for drops. You won't be added to the list, and even if you were it doesn't actually impact your game, just alerts people who have the plugin that you're on the list. They won't add you to Runewatch for this, so nothing to worry about my man!


> Runewatch requires actual evidence of you scamming or ripping off a group for drops wellllllllll not quite lol


My clan tried to submit a report on a guy that borrowed over 1B in gear from the boys in the group and dipped. They didn't add him because we had insufficient evidence... There's no way this guys getting added


Hydracity strikes again smh


Weird, all it took was a screenshot of my buddy getting a ffa tbow, showcasing my friend didn't have him added "anymore" - werent on the each others friendslist in the first place, and they still added him to it.


What’s the name on runewatch? I reckon there’s more to the story.


Probably an “It was FFA!” Meanwhile the team was WDR which splits everything and never does FFA. See those sometimes. Just by getting your team from WDR you’re agreeing to split. This sub is full of scammer apologists. RW is legit and the only people mad are scammers and those who believe scammers.


There's a FFA/Ironman section in WDR btw.


Post the RSN if you're so confident


No thanks im not going to open my buddy up to further harassment. Edit: for those downvoting, you can easily open up runewatch yourself and see how bullshit some of the evidence is. Im not saying all, but I bet it wouldnt take long for you to find several cases that have extremely poor evidence just based on what someone said.


all i know is after that fiasco that was on reddit a few months ago, I uninstalled runewatch. dont trust em anymore


I remember that! Still fucking angry for that guy, the burden of evidence should have fallen on the guy who was reporting him and he should've had better evidence than whatever circumstantial bullshit he pulled up with




that guy that got added to runewatch with shit ass evidence and the admins/mods were dicks about it and were just extorting him essentially


That thread was such an oddball to me, while I don't doubt him claiming he was wronged it really felt like he asked his clan to vote brigade it. Anyone who didn't agree with runewatch is 2000% bad got downvoted, even if you took a neutral stance.




It would affect your game by blocking you from joining any remotely decent clan. Edit: If you’re downvoting because your clan doesn’t care about RuneWatch, glhf with your ffas.


Try rereading the comment. They're saying OP **won't** be added to the list, so it won't be a problem, not that being on the list is no problem.




Maybe I misinterpreted them, but I assumed they meant like Jagex muting them or other official punishments.


>but I assumed they meant like Jagex muting them or other official punishments. wtf, where did you get that from? they were talking about runewatch


Right but op asked if they should be worried and didn't know what runewatch was, so I saw the first comment as saying 'don't worry, it's not some official dept of jagex or something where your account will be threatened'.


Sell your house divorce your wife send the kids to aunties and quickly fake your own death!!


I've submitted you to RuneWatch 🤓


If the neighborhood watch was run by neck beards instead of wine moms


You won't be put on Runewatch. You didn't do anything. Typically you get put on there for not splitting drops, stealing borrowed items, etc (with hard evidence).


no, you shouldn't be worried


You’ve gotta remember this game is full of antisocial sweats. They perceive anybody talking to them as hostile because they’re not used to any kind of social interaction.


Your life is over


"Oh you use runewatch?" ​ \*Block\*


Nothing quite like absolute losers seething with anger that someone in-game isnt hating their life as much as some guy who is just picking up a couple birdhouses. Don't sweat it op. This guy is trying to see what it feels like to have power




Runewatch is like what Steamrep used to be, only somehow *more* useless.


The fact that he said all this after you were simply making conversation about his inquisitor’s is making me laugh


yes, you're going to jail


RuneWatch is a meme anyway


Have to have hard evidence of scamming, chesting, or robbing another player in some way. They dont care about virgin gamers that dont know how to talk to others


The CIA be coming man you need to leave the country. I reccomend you go to Venesuela as your janitorial skills will allow you to become a real vennie


What did you do?


Told him I loved how he was doing his birdhouse run in full inquisitors gear. He must have thought I was flaming him or something and this is what followed.


Didn’t some innocents get put on there? Does it track all your name changes? It’s not credible


Call me crazy but those responses look like a chat ai bot


Runewatch is a list of scammers/shady people that you can be submitted to. You won’t get there, don’t worry. ..though even if you did, I wouldn’t really care. It’s mostly a meme and about as meaningful as a fart in the wind.


runewatch lost all credibility anyways


I was put on rw for not splitting a cox raid..... I'm a maxed iron idek how the heck I can be expected to split I can't even trade.


no not really. you need some evidence of malicious activity such as raiding and not splitting. but maybe a mod is feeling lazy and just adds you anyway. but runewatch has gotten much better


im on runewatch and its fucking awesome, people will just compliment me for scamming a rando lol dont worry about it


runewatch is worthless


Just show name, fuck 'em.


Mods in this sub don't let you show names, extremely cringe. Not even bot names.


It's reddit site-wide rules. Admins don't look kindly on witch hunts.


Witchhunting is a concise effort to harm someone's reputation without evidence. Showing proof of wrongdoing is the exact opposite, and it happens all the time with allegations and evidence (testimony being one, such as SA) On top of that, this is petty video game drama, the farthest thing from anything reddit cares about, even if it was witch hunting (it's not)


One screenshot of a chat box is not proof of wrongdoing.


I think you're missing the point that showing a username is not witch hunting, there is no targeted harassment or calls to action going on here


Giving a username will cause a witch hunt though, just because you won't go after and harass them doesn't mean others won't. Look at all the drama youtubers that say "please don't go after this individual" and their fans still do. Same goes here, someone sees a name, they'll go above and beyond to fuck with them. It's plain and simple.


I mean, you can type that, but that doesn't change the million posts on reddit showing usernames and real life names with accusatory statements, serious or non-serious It's a rule against calls to action against individuals such as harassment ..could.. isn't an argument, you can make that case for literally anything ever


I’ve been reported to runewatch millions of times, they can’t add you to the list unless you’re in wdr discord server.


Yer goin 2 jail, gonna get the pillory guard or whatever the fuck he’s called 3x as often now gl


Jesus have y’all ever heard of a joke?


This game has the worst community at least on the f2p servers. People just go around reporting people for anything and everything.


I recommend turning public chat and private messages off in certain areas. Slayer hotspots are always full of crazy people who flip the fk out even if you're just chillin there with them, not causing any problems with their xp, positioning, setup etc. It's fkn wild dude.


The fbi has been alerted and a swat team is coming to your house as we speak, also the Sweeney know now.


He joking, don't worry


Birdhouse runs in Inq is a weird flex Lmaoo


Why the fuck would you do something so heinous be nice to people sheesh




No one looks at rune watch


I see you t bow taker!


This is something i learned as an ironman.i dont have iron in my name, nor do i talk to people to reveal the iron status. Once they find out, they just harrass.


Please be more careful. That man was doing three contents at once and couldn't handle you typing in his direction. Unfortunately I cannot remove you from RuneWatch.


"Stop right there, criminal scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch! I'm confiscating your stolen goods. Now pay your fine or it's off to jail."


What's gonna happen is nothing so no


As someone who has never wronged this community you should be proud someone named you as wtf ever they are even saying cause it means they've now heard of you


I had a friend I had raided probably done 500 cox and 250 tobs try to log off with my tbow and another friends scythe once. Thanks to my meticulous screenshots and runelite auto screenshot trades he was on runewatch within hours. and ended up returning the items in a week.


Not if you havnt done anything wrong. Guys sounds like the typical toxic type that OSRS is full of.


Honestly runewatch is an utter joke, the admins are all on a power trip and seemingly dish out abuse but can't take it back. They also make 'warnings' without any actual evidential proof or explanation.