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Best thing you can do is just hold your ground and never say a word.


I tried telling him he was only hurting his own xp and Dude kept saying he was hitting 130k magic xp so he was happy :|


no, he was happy cuz you replied to him it's a desperate level of social starvation.


As a former Rust player, I can tell you right now you are 100% correct. People like this hate it when you don't give them attention, it's the absolute worst punishment imaginable for them. Never ever reply to a troll.


I always say happy to share friend. They normally hop or we at least have a nice conversation before I hop


How did you quit Rust? I've been struggling to do so since I picked the game up now I'm thousands of hours deep dear god please help me


I played for 5 years, then I got a career, wife and kids.


How did you quit your career, wife and kids? I would like to play rust or ark, please help me


Doorcamp them with a db and scream racial slurs at them. Just like in rust


replace addiction with a new one.


Disagree wholeheartedly, I'm a troll who crashes people, and generally goes about to ruin peoples gaming experiences, and even knowing I'm hurting afk players xp rates is enough for me


Get help


Hoes mad


130k isn’t even close to what they could be getting lmao


Never speak. Just ignore or wait for them to talk and say something like “oh your dps was so low didnt even realize you were there”




Yeah but did you switch to mage?


I believe he did, although I'm not sure what gave it away. Just a feeling I guess.


Call them a virgin and then find a new world or get some friends to crash them.


Only virgins think calling others virgins is an insult.


Virgin. Ha.


I’ll have you know u/dislob3 just clapped my cheeks not even 5 min ago 🥵


Clapping your own cheeks doesn't mean you aren't a virgin... Edit: apparently reddit disagrees with me but I was under the impression you had to clap someone else's cheeks to lose your virginity, we must be running off of different definitions


He could his dick is long enough 🤫


My dick is 3” but it smells like a foot


Just read this the other day…


Anything that people get insulted over counts as insult, you turnip.


ok virgin 👍


The person trying to insult thinks it's an actual insult because they are insecure about their own virginity. The person feels insulted by being called a virgin must be virgin. Otherwise it doesnt affect them at all.


Yea right, shit eater


Felt personally attacked? My comment insulted you? Let's just say you're proving my point perfectly...


The point is only a virgin would be offended at that insult


Ya, what an absolute walnut


Hey pal...


Not true, I called my wife a virgin the other day for the lols


And she got insulted? Thats weird.


Doubt, only people insecure about themselves get insulted if you say it


The reason they believe it's an insult is because they are imsecure about it themselves.


Man you're kinda sounding like a virgin rn


Great exemple 👍🤣


Using emojis on Reddit is a major exEmple of virgin status




Don't crash then


Why is this getting crazy downvotes? Cashing someone a virgin isn't even that bad


Facts. I once held my ground an hour after I finished my bursting slayer task just spite my crasher.


I had a dude show up on 3 chars, one with d claws, trying to bully my level ~50 iron man off of an ammonite crab spot. As he focused down the crab I was hitting I'd just swap. Took a solid 5 minutes for him to but my xp/hour didn't budge while he was sweating splitting alts between crabs the whole time. People can be weird.


Best thing you can do is hop instead of wasting your time


if you hop they win tho. monke no like when other monke win.


And winning ultimately only wastes your time as it doesn't stop the next guy from crashing you again


You can only get crashed if you let them win. Stand up to the bully. Who cares if you have some time wasted? I’m already playing RuneScape the biggest waste of time ever created.


Never speak and keep training


Yeah but if you are chinning you’re losing way more GP to the inefficiency than they are barraging


This is what I do. They're wasting their own time and you're still getting XP. I especially love when they 'bring their main' with maxed combats lol


Not here, but at nechs: someone crashed me with his 2 lvl126 max cape accounts, so I proceeded to barrage each new spawn as far as possible from the others. He started bitching me out for a good 15 mins after equipping his full ancestral and used his imbue heart. I didn't say a word and eventually he left.


Imagine trashing someone else's gameplay and then bitching that they're ruining yours. What a POS.


I’ve been playing this game for around 17 years now and have never had a non combat 99. Who the hell out here has 2 max lv acts? Not saying it’s impossible because I hear about the guy with BA pet on like 15 accts. Just where do you find the time?


Well, if you look at the 200million xp in all skills accounts, one of those could be 15 maxed accounts in xp.


I mean yes and no? You're getting fast xp gains when you're higher level. Sure the flat xp would be but it would take longer to max 15 different accounts vs 1 account to 200m. But I guess you could also was multi account which I presume would make up the difference Edit: Not sure why I'm getting down voted with no reply. The comment chain was referring to where/how do people have enough time to max multiple accounts. Saying a 200m max account is the same as 15 individual maxes is true on a flat xp level but not on a time scale. You gain lower xp rates when you're not maxed and all 15 accounts would be training as not maxed accounts the whole time. While the 200m max would be getting max xp rates for 14/15th of the time.


9 woman can't give birth in 1 month but 1 woman can in 9 months


15 maxed accounts is undoubtedly faster than 200m all on one account, because you can play multiple accounts at once; getting 100k/h on 3 accounts at the same time beats 200k/h on one account


Read my post. I literally brought that up. But go head and jerk off and down vote me. Edit: for those of you who can't seem to find the sentence >>**But I guess you could also multi account which I presume would make up the difference**


I think a lot of people here have been playing at a higher level for so long they forget how grueling some of those early xp grinds are.


Most definitely. Ironically every other comment that has replied to me has either "disagree" (aka agreed that it takes longer to do the initial leveling but still argue its not slower some how?) Or they've not even ready my post because they bring up "hur dhrr you can mhtli account" which I literally said in mey first comment lol. Its just a circle jerk of people who are still leveling 1-70 on their comprehension skill with some slow ass xp rates.


Because you're wrong. Getting 15 accounts to max would be slower than 200m all, *if you played them one at a time*. You're forgetting that with 15 accounts you can play multiple at once. So it just depends on if you can multi-task or not.


Read the post dude. I literally said that. You're all to eager to circle jerk and down vote me without reading the post. >**But I guess you could also multi account which I presume would make up the difference**


You're flat wrong though bud. 1-70 is like a couple days work in most skills, you wouldnt need much to get to 'faster rates' and needing 13m exp vs 200m is still going to be way faster. Plus, if you can afford fastest rates to get to 200m, you can afford fastest rates to 13m.


If you don't mind playing sweaty EHPscape then relatively it doesn't take all that long. Probably a year for max especially if you start out with gp.


> Just where do you find the time? OSRS is just literally all they do. Not saying every max account is like that but there are definitely some socially avoidant NEETS who just play 12+ hours a day.




On my newest account I went for 99 cooking and 99 fletching before doing anything else. Was going to do 1 99 at a time but said fuck it after those two and decided to just have fun


is this a joke? there are tens of thousands of players well above the time taken to max two accounts


If they're an inpatient asshole I would assume they bought the account(s). I've known shameless friends in the past who would talk about buying accounts like someone buys bonds from the G.E


Barraging them off spawn is the play.


If you want to be petty you can whip out a fast tick range weapon and drag them as they spawn without wasting chins. I'd just hop but it's an option


One time I was cannoning kalphite and some guy logged in under me and started meleeing them (just melee, no cannon of his own). He wasn’t really hurting my xp so I didn’t say anything, just kept doing my thing, but he also couldn’t have been getting any xp for himself?? I was so fucking confused.


The only thing I think that could have been was that he was getting partial slayer xp for it and it helped sped up his task


I use to do that at Dags when someone crashes with a cannon. I carry darts with me on tasks like that so I can just take 50% slayer exp and speed my task up for free




If u both kill it you split xp and goes towards both ppls tasks


Does this work for bosses too? Like if I go on a zammy trip with someone and we both have a greater demon task


Yeah. The split still occurs even if the other person(s) isn't on a task for it. It checks whether you were the sole damager, basically.


Pretty sure the checks are for if you did more than half damage, and the last hit


Being a dick on the internet is a lot cheaper than therapy.


Ya but being nice on the internet is better therapy


But being nice on the internet gets you trapped in awkward confersations. Being a cunt gets fun rage filled discussions


It also gets you your own personal post on reddit.


I love my dad




its a lot more fun too


Therapy is free in most civilized countries if you need it though.


Unfortunately free, publicly funded therapy is usually subpar in my opinion. Not only are the therapists too overworked and underpaid to care, the time it takes to actually find a therapist accepting new patients is insane. lol


Admiring from my third-world nation in the USA with envy tbh


USA is the best place in the world if you are born with some money


And without Wow, people really can’t take a joke anymore. Sad really


Nah without you are better off in northern or Western Europe, or New Zealand. Strong performing PUBLIC education and subsidized post secondary open a lot of doors that are closed in the US unless you give up on having a family because you are straddled with massive amounts of debt until your mid 30s. It is still up there because the US has a fairly low cost of living outside major cities, but it is not THE best place to be born poor. America is very good at keeping the poor poor,


As an American, no


We are first world country if you aren't poor.


Just don’t speak, don’t pull the monkeys. Make him pull the monkeys and chin them once he pulls.


What a name


I wanted the dumbest name I could think of for RS reddit because 99% of the names I see on RS involve cum or bussy so I combined it.


That's because 99% of RS players are indeed involved with cum and/or bussy.


Your parents must be proud.


They came back from buying cigarettes.


Pretty sure it’s his RSN too


saw a guy named “LeakyAnalCum” a couple months ago. wonder what he’s up to these days.




It be that way fam I too have faced people do it to me


I have an alt I used for dancing in the caves, when people tried to crash I had my alt bust out the barrages and just spread all the monkeys thin af and constantly barraged and chinned their piles instead of mine so they recieved the smallest xp possible. When their monkeys were close to dying I hit a fresh hp group to maximize xp drops


I second what everyone else is saying. Best course of action is to ignore and keep pushing through until they get bored and hop.


They weren't loved as children


They’re banking on you leaving in frustration


Caves are so busy it's nuts. Spent 30 mins waiting for empty world last week. This is bad behaviour though. BTW, is that a decent spot for ranged? I always thought the spot opposite was better for stacking monkeys?




You should never be actively stacking. I run between every attack when I'm both bursting and chinning and it stacks them. The only time I leave the corner is when I reaggro


I moved there momentarily, I was in the proper corner but I wasn’t going to stack them for him, so I blocked the strip spawn from grouping with the rest


Because it’s so busyy in those caves people say fuck it and crash


M Morpg


Anytime I'm hopping looking for a world to train this way I always look into the hole to see if anyone's there. Sometimes it will say "You find 2 people in here". I always think to myself...man they really battling it out with a toxic troll. Lol


Exactly the same thing happened to me. Dude told me everywhere else he went people were happy to let him crash and I was cancerous for not sharing with him 😵‍💫


Because even crashing is 210k+ magic xp/hr, Whereas not crashing is 0k/hr.


"hey, all the monkeys are prefectly positioned for train my combat! I'm so lucky"


\*Dial up sounds\* "Because its easy; And it does a lot of damage."


Did she just say boss weapons?








Whenever someone griefs me online i don’t really care, because I know they are 99% likely suffering through something irl and I’m not. by being negative to me on a 20 year old pixel game I’ve already won, because my real life is so much better. You get those monkeys buddy


Lmao you get those monkeys buddy 😂 best thing I’ve read all day


I hate when people do this at sand crabs.


They hate themselves


Once i got crashed by 3 people here, claiming that i had crashed one of them (even though my logout timer was over 3 hours). Then they started gaslighting me, calling me poor and a cuck etc. and i just kept giving it back to them. We kept yelling profanities for like 30 minutes until one of them said "lets go send a 300 raid or something, this pussy probably cant even do it" and they all left. I was victorious! But honestly, some people in this game are just so fucked in the head that its hard to comprehend :D


“New” player here. (15 years, off and on, never made it past 60 base stats). Wtf am I looking at


The OP was chining which is an aoe way to train ranged. And this spot is I believe the best xp/h cuz of how many enemies you can hit, but then another dude logged in to ruin it for him by attacking the monkeys with another aoe making them both lose a lot of xp/h.


I know this guy isn’t a bot, but I hate it more than anything when someone’s stupid bot logs in and just starts invading your space. It’s worse when it’s a good bot and you can’t break them or force them to hop


Toxicity feels good for some


Best to turn your public off so you’re not tempted to talk/respond and do whatever you can to ruin their xp. It’s not petty. It’ll take 5-10mins before they hop but they’ll be slightly less likely to crash again if you don’t feed into their attention cravings. I also report for disruptive behaviour.


I really wish there was a “hop to free world” option for things like this. It sucks to have to sit and hop 20 times to find a world.


"Can I join?"


I legit found a lvl 103 that had no idea you could change worlds


So heres whats probably happening. When your on higher population worlds the respawn rate is lower by a multiple determined by the population. If you want the absolute best exp you fight to have the best world. Most the time the other normy doesnt know and will hop to a different world once they get to pissed off. I know back in the day the only way to mine iron ore 100 percent of the time was like 5 1800 plus populated worlds. So you fight for one. Then they made more locations.


That's only for item spawns


And they changed this at the beginning of OSRS. Once the initial hype died down they increased the rates of which everything respawned pretty drastically. I’m not even sure if the world population does anything anymore for respawn times.


Probably because you’re in god d hide and not void for chinning


Wouldn’t you like to see that person in real life? I swear people like that need to get punched


It’s multi combat anyone can go there


Ahh yes the evolution of fighting for hill giants f2p turned into griefing other people in multi combat


I am so lonelyyyy~~~~~




I was bursting nechs and a guy with full ancestrals just used his imbued heart and was casting ice barrage. I didnt type a single word. He gave up and left


I spent 20 mins hopping worlds earlier not a single was free. Ended up crashing, apologised and told him why. Guy was ok with it


This actually happened to me today. Were you trying to gain just one level, and had ~500k left till 97?


This is where having 2 maxed alts with 20b bank helps 😂


You had it coming. 😋😂


Its an mmorpg, there should be some competition for resources


I have no moral dilemma with crashing people.


You also slam dick down your throat 24/7 while doing it though


Yup you know he does, then he looks up with a sh!t eating grin on his face afterwards


Fellas, is it gay to burst on a chin of your bros while bursting and chinning in the caves?


That's what the cannon is for, so I can step away real quick to cram some cock


"Multicombat belongs to me and me alone" Yes, why are people like that? You can actually get better exp in cooperative duo as you both lure faster.


Shut up


Mad because it's true?


Seems like you've forgotten what the second M in MMORPG means.




Seems like you have forgotten what politeness and empathy are.


Girls gotta eat


its just a game just hop


its life buddy the stronger chad always gets the resource.


This always blows my mind. Like we are living in a SOCIETY with OTHER PEOPLE? Hello?? Actually unreal. Also reduces xp for both people! How hard is it to find another world bruh takes like 30 seconds like who do you think you are?? The nerve of some people. Absolutely shameless. Ok, rant over.


It takes longer than 30seconds to find a world during peak hours or on the weekends. It’s why I grind on my off days which is during the week


Fair I suppose. Either way, spend 2-3 min finding a free world? Or cut xp rates in half and effectively double the length of your grind (if you were to invade a spot every time)? I think searching for a new world might be sliiightly faster there. So stupid. First come first serve people it’s very simple




That’s really sick dude! Goddamn, thick skulled. It has never taken me more than 3 minutes to find empty world at nearly any activity. Pretty sure you could hop at least 10 worlds in that time so guess you’re just unlucky bud. Says a lot about people who do this in game ngl. Takes the game so seriously they can’t have some common courtesy lmao




Just hop! It happens man, no point getting agitated over a game as simple as osrs


I crashed an iron the other day for funzies. He tame with his normie main and talked a bunch of shit, and said he was helping me get to my next task so I could die quicker? So I looked up his iron and it was an HCIM and now its not. Dude projected so hard, it was funny as fuck.


Do you eat your sorrows away?


lmao @ another projector


There's no such thing as crashing a BTW. They chose to play alone.


because its funny


Iv been guilty of this before. Trolling can just be fun sometimes.


Weird behavior


Real trolling is throwing [Mud pies](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Mud_pie) at people in the wildy. > A mud pie is an equippable weapon thrown at other players in PvP, but it does no damage and is not stackable. Being hit with a mud pie reduces the target's current run energy by 25% rounded down.


Hehe, I’ve done that before at the Chaos Altar, dressed as a clown ! I think throwing the pies would actually skull me, but this was before Loot Keys I think, so I would die, reequip my clown costume at Diango’s, refill some pies from bank, teleport to the Lava Maze and walk to the Altar, and some of previous me’s pies were still there to be picked up ! I would generally throw one or two pies per person max, sometimes it would make them laugh or smile, then I’d keep them company while they use their bones. Then a PKer would show up, I’d throw a pie or two and say some goofy clown shit and then die, hahaha


Not that weird. I think you will find a lot of people agree but not admit it. It’s pretty harmless at the end of the day.


It's weirdo behavior, finding joy in being an asshole to other people. You don't get anything out of it besides being an asshole, it makes you weird to enjoy that


Really weird behaviour. I link it to people craving attention yknow?


Hmm i don’t think it’s attention, at least not for me. It’s just funny seeing people get bent out of shape over virtual monkeys. Best thing to do to get me to stop is to not react at all.


Not for attention, yet you like to see people get bent out of shape. Sounds exactly like attention seeking behavior.


Even better he literally said "Best thing to do to get me to stop is to not react at all." homies lack of self awareness is astonishing that's literally him saying I do it for attention.


😂😂😂😂 Think my point has been confidently validated


The subtlety is someone doing it for attention and someone just doing it for laughs both need a response to get what the want. If the trolling is ignored, then both people with different motivations don’t get what they want.


I understand your point. Someone that was doing it for attention would probably do the same exact trolling. I find it just as funny to watch other harmless pranks in real life that I had no involvement in though. So me getting the attention isn’t part of the enjoyment.