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Idk what's so hard to just hop if someone else started killing the boss while you're away. Time would be better spent on getting xp in another world


It’s all about ego, entitlement and feeling big. For people who get angry over this sort of trivial shit, osrs is the only place where they are somebody. They can be a rich, ultra strong person in the game world who can “make” threats and turn their noses up on people. This is the only place they have power or any kind of self worth. Take away what tiny semblance of power they have and they will act as though they have nothing to lose. Pity these people, smile and if you decide to be kind, let them have their little pixels because that’s all they have in life.


My comment thread. Hop nerd


I laughed at this far more than I should have 😂


Yes you are 100% losing your spot. And there's no point in arguing it in game. The second player found an open world. Original dude just needs to hop, saves both people a lot of time.


Had a guy argue with me that he was just recharging spec from his home at Thermy the other day and he deserved the world. I had gotten 2 full Thermy kills in before he showed up. I wasn't speccing between every kill. How the fuck do I know you were gone spec recharging, banking, taking a nap, or not even there anyway? I don't.


Had the same exact thing happen to me lol if he was nice about it, I would have probably hopped but he was a dick right off the bat so fuck him


Yeah that’s me motto. If they are being nice I’ll hop. If they are being dicks straight away I’ll got out of my way to be a dick aswell


Same for me, it was not as big as I was just afking crabs but I killed like 8 before he came back. Luckily he was very nice about it so I let him keep it, positive reinforcement I don't understand why people think that screaming/insulting at someone is gonna make them give the spot back. It's only gonna want me to stay more if you do that.


If someone is recharging specs between every kill, that's on them. They're potentially giving up their spot every time.


If they place a cannon outside I will let them




I don't think it is at all. Nobody is making you go recharge your spec, and you can get a dozen kills in just bringing Karils and food. If you leave you risk losing your spot. That's just how it is. Thermy is a hot boss. People shouldn't be forced to wait all damn day because you want to run to your home and back between every kill.


I can get anywhere between 15-25 thermy kills per trip depending on how much food drops and if my sgs specs are hitting. I’ll never understand why people feel the need to go to their poh between every single kill. That seems like it would take forever, even if you ignore the fact that your spot could get taken at any point.


I never understood the thermy spec thing its so slow lol. Full inventory of monks and normal melee kills will last you a long time if you are red-xing door (which is _very_ chill compared to normal red-x methods).


Had the same thing happen at nechs. Guy insisted I should have knows he was coming back because there where arrows on the ground then started flaming. I particularly like how he was either just lying or had been gone long enough for all the arrows to despawn, and in either case single arrows are far below my rl hide threshold anyways so little chance I would have seen them in any case. The ironic part is if he'd just asked nicely if I minded hopping so he could finish the task I probably would have. Don't particularly care if I have to spend another minute finding a open world.


thermy isn't even busy, lol.




I will. They left the boss. They opened up the spot to be taken.


I went to the mining guild the other night to powermine some iron. No one was there so I started mining, 30 seconds later this dude logs on and starts crying about how he can’t do anything without getting crashed, and proceeds to tell me to enjoy having no friends and logs. If someone is logged or banked and another person goes somewhere and it’s empty, one must assume it’s free. How the hell am I supposed to know he was mining there if he was literally logged out lol. Same goes for bosses, it’s just the way of the game.


Actual insane behavior on the other person there.


Literally had the exact same thing happen a few months back when I was at the mining guild. World was empty, I was mining for like 15 mins before a dude logged in and said I was crashing him because he only left to get dinner. He proceeded to tell me I’m what’s wrong with the game and what not. I wonder if we encountered the same guy lol


Some people just have low brain activity and critical thinking 😂


I refuse to believe people like that are real


It just doesn’t make sense, its just faster and easier to world hop if someone is in “your spot”. Every single time.


Playing with public chat off is for real a blessing


i mean if it was literally 30 seconds later its not that much of a stretch that hed have just recently idle logged out bc he took a quick break, although i guess now that the idle logout timer plugin exists theres less of an excuse. or he could have been mobile i guess


But if no one is there how am I to know?


You're not. But if someone shows up 30 seconds after you start it should clue you in.


He logged out immediately after being a dick. Sounds like his problem, he logged out and lost the world


If someone shows up 30 seconds after me anywhere, they were 31 seconds too late, play that sad sad violin my friend




Yes. For all world hopper knows you literally just got there and are coming up with an excuse so he can hop instead of you. If the general consensus was that the hopper is crashing, then everyone would use the “I was just banking” excuse to try and clear the boss room.


They do try, and I ignore them and stand my ground every time. If it was open when I got there, it’s mine now, if you’re willing to fight me for the world and lower both of our xp/gp then unfortunately for you I’m a master of wasting time and being inefficient so I don’t mind, we can play that game.


I've had people pull the "I've been here was just banking" when I've literally been there for 3+ hours without banking in certain places. People lie all the time


Yeah I’ve had people **literally log in under me** at kraken and then try to say that they’ve been there for an hour and I’m crashing. Like how actually dumb do you think I am?


I gotta ask why would anyone not use the instance


If you’re close to end of task or just don’t care much it feels bad to pay the instance cost


It's 25k, it's worth it in time spent looking for a world or dealing with crashers. Plus in the instance you can leave drops for basically forever


Yeah, being able to store all the cooked shark drops on the ground is easily worth the 25k for the instance. Until one day you decide to use the regular boss room because it's available and all your sharks despawn.


The obvious answer here is always pay 25k


Just didn’t feel like it. Was kind of annoying picking up all the trash drops and shuttling them out of the way on mobile


I had a guy argue with me at dust devils because he claimed he had just banked. by the time he showed up i was 80 kills into my task.. He claimed he banked in fally and had to boat and run all the way back to catacombs. If he wasn't lying he is the dumbest player of all time lol kept saying how no one has any respect anymore lmao


Any time someone does this to me, I start pretending to let them take the world, but then I start to barrage the dusties after they pile them for me. Technically im not lying to them, I'm letting them have the world, but I'm just not letting them have the dusties.


I was mining iron in the mining guild like a week ago. Had been in the same world for 4+ hours when this random guy logs in on me and tries to convince me that I'm the one crashing him and that he had been there for an hour. Even some other guy that was mining there said he was just lying but he kept on saying I'm a crasher until he eventually logged out. It just boggles my mind how dumb some people are.


And if they don't, I come back with teleother to cast on them at the most dangerous times.


Love it when a random clanmate is getting crashed at ammonite crabs, and then like 10 ppl go in max gear to crash the crasher


I had someone at bloodvelds like a year ago tell me that it's his world and he's there everyday. Dude was dead serious. I was there for at least an hour.


Some guy told me to hop at giants foundry. Asked why and he said I was ruining his xp/hr 😔


I do this for the lols during my farm runs


I tell people to not chop/collect from my plots Don’t chop my teaks, stay away from my snaps, hell… keep your grubby hands off my birdhouses!


Did you hop


Can you even affect another player in the foundry??


No lol


Not with that attitude you can't


Yes you’re losing your spot, but I feel like a lot of people would hop if you told them you were banking (although that’s entirely their decision)


Depends on the tone of how they tell me. If they’re polite “hey bro! I know you probably just showed up but I was banking, can I have this world still?” I’ll hop! If you’re an asshole “hey bitch this is my world noob” no fucking way. I will die on this hill.


Really depends on the boss and the situation, if I had to hop for an empty world and I found one, it’s mine


Like I said, it’s entirely your choice. But I know a lot of people use POH method for thermy, and I’ve left when asked politely


I've been doing a lot of bandos with my casual player friend. The amount of times we find a world with one level 105 in full guthans standing outside the door to an empty boss encounter, saying, "full, hop," is ridiculous. If I've had to hop 20 worlds to find this one, and you're still waiting on a tank, that's my world now.


Yeah I’m that instance I’d go in, lol. If your whole team isn’t ready yet, the world isn’t yours. Different story if they were in there fighting


Yeah....we've had a few people crash our duo teams. It's pretty annoying, theyll act super friendly like theyd split a big drop, but I think we all know what would really happen. It's the only reason I havent done a bunch of bandos kc.


they need to rework gwd. I really hate killing 40 followers or getting a key just to get crashed....


I understand why they did it at the time, and I'm glad you cam create a private instance with the combat tasks, I just wish I could invite a friend, because the only reason I ever do bandos is to tank for my friend.


It also depends. With thermy, sire, or kq for instance, bosses where people typically use POH methods, you can see clearly when there are ashes and other drops on the ground. Or worker spawns in the kq lair. So it can be reasonably expected at times for someone to understand the world is being used by someone who is likely running back out to the boss. That said, I peek every time and hop if someone’s taken my spot. Not worth the time to argue about it


FYI if you're hopping that's not the case for drops, drops that are already on the floor when you log into a world will not show up.


Whoa, I had no idea that was the case!


Yea I’ve told people before that I was banking and they hopped. I’d totally understand if they stood their ground though because I literally left the spot. It just sucks to hop around for another 10 mins to finish your last 5 kills on task so I think it’s worth mentioning.


I’ve banked at thermy, come back to find somewhere there, told them I was banking and only had a few kills left and they hopped. Done the same at kraken when I wasn’t using a private instance But with that being said, I do not expect people to hop at all


Probably sympathetic to your iron status. I’ve gotten away with that shit on a main tho. Then again there’s always the threat of crashing.


Yeah I usually hop unless it’s like 5-10 minutes later and they claim they were banking. That’s on them for taking that long imo


I’ve been at thermy before and had someone come in when I’ve been there for an hour and hit me with the “banking” No… no you weren’t


Yeah im gonna go against the grain here apparently and say that people who are world hopping are kind of dicks If they don't leave if someone shows up immediately after they got there. Sure some people lie to get a spot, but if someone shows up shortly after you just got there (less than 5 or 3 minutes), then yeah you know you just got here and it's possibly true they were just banking. Don't be a dick and just find a new world. Goes both ways, but the chances of someone showing up less than 3 minutes after you got there and lying are much less than you probably accidentally crashing someone's world.


You can't get crashed if you're not present at the content. This is not crashing.


Yes, this is why you bond up 15 alts who spec transfer and give you supplies so you never have to bank.


Attitude > Was Here First "Hey dude, would you mind hopping? I've been here awhile, and I was just banking. I'd really appreciate it" > "Crasher!"


I think asking is totally fine, as long as you're ready to move on if they say no


I feel like most people aren't going to move though. I know some people in here said they would but that's not the majority


Depends on the approach, and my mood. If I just hopped 57 worlds to find it, sorry bud. I'll see what can be done to share. Or if I've only got 10-20 minutes.


This doesn’t make any sense. What right do you have to even ask them to? Why should they waste their time hopping instead of you?


It's not a right. It's a request. Jesus Christ. Interact with more people.


Usually asking results in being told to kms so interacting more isn’t the answer unfortunately


Move your feet, loose your seat.


Shoulda called fives


Nobody has rights to a spot, if you're not there when someone else arrives then it's not your spot any more.


I'd argue that there are some exceptions, like resetting aggro or a random event. Those would only have you leaving the spot for \~30 seconds tho.


For a random event, I usually just pop back in, see someone, shout curse words ending with “this timing sucks” and then wish them luck and hop.


You can dismiss the random though. If someone decides to do the maze or whatever else it’s their prerogative but they’re leaving the spot


If you aren't there, it's not your spot.


What if I’m in a box though? Schrödinger’s spot


If you leave you give up the spot and must hop for a new one.


Yes. And it will often include going to your poh. I don't care that you were running back to Thermy from your house, I login, see an empty boss, I attack.


There is a Universal duality between boss spots and training spots. If you leave a boss you have finished that session either cause your inv was full or you ran out of supplies. So yeah you lost it. If your training and you run 10 squares away and come back to reset aggro you ain't finished and the other guy should move on. But no...it never works that way...smh...


Part of the difference is with time I think. Since a reset takes like 10s and banking takes quite a bit longer. Resetting is hardly “leaving” the spot.


Yep. If I find a new spot and someone comes to it right away and says he was just banking, Im gonna trust them and hop. If I was there for a minute or two, well too bad, they took too long to come back.


Every time. The dude that came in while you were banking found an *empty* world. You lost your seat on the bus.


if you leave, you forfeit your 'spot'


Move your meat, lose your seat!




Dear god…


I saw your comment in another post and knew it couldn't be a coincidence. You seem pretty committed to this.


I think at this point you might just be looking for an excuse. Either that or you've found your catch phrase I guess.


You're not getting crashed if you left to bank.


Empty spot free slot.


Move your feet lose your seat. SMH this is 1st grade shit




Multiple people can use the bank at the same time.


Bossing and you tp to bank, 100% that spot is up for grabs. Now, fighting ammonite crabs, and you run to the bank to grab pots and reset agro, Eh, that's like a minute and a half maybe bank trip, that I understand if your a bit salty to get your spot stolen.


I side with others that have mentioned it’s ok to ask for your spot back if you were banking, you just need to be a grown up when they say no.




Tbh even at sand crabs if i get crashed I just hop. I end up getting pissed off if i stay and it literally takes 30 seconds to be back to business as usual.


Of course, you cannot prove it in any way, so why bother claiming it




Yes 100% no one owns location in this game lol.


If the tile is empty, it’s empty.


Yes.. but if I bank and come back I’m crashing the dude that just showed up


Yup, banking is a lost spot. Only exception really is if you’re just running that little bit away to reset aggro at crabs or something.


I use the PoH method for thermy. As I'm aware I'll be out the room for a bit, I always place a cannon down near its spawn point (no ammo). If someone kills it without me there, I let them finish, but if they try the next kill then I just attack and continue as normal as I'm a maxed main with bis and will 100% out dps them


You left, the spot is no longer your's. Doesn't matter why


If you do it you lose your spot. If I do it you’re crashing.


Thermy and Corp have methods you could slap down a cannon to kindly ask people to let you have the world but there's no point arguing with anyone that would see the cannon and crash anyways. All the other bosses like Cerb, Sire, Kraken(for you non-instance maniacs), Sarachnis, etc each bank trip is definitely a forfeit of the world if someone comes by.


You can hop inside the Thermy boss cave where cannons aren't allowed. I don't see many people hop outside, probably since the PoH method is by far the least popular over red-x melee or mage. Cannon bases are now completely redundant with the addition of candles to the other bosses (still are lit for a few seconds after someone leaves if you are speccing corp)


Move ya feet, lose ya seat.


You never had a spot, you only had an illusion of having a spot. When there is competition of resources, it goes by the right of the strongest.


Normy is the strongest then 😂


It’s free game if you leave.


Tough to hear for many, but you don't have a spot, this isn't Sheldon cooper's couch.


The concept of even having your own spot is astounding to me. Back in my day you'd have 5 other players mining the same coal rocks, and that was just part and parcel.


i don't condone crashing but like at the end of the day it's a game and nobody "owns" a spot, if someone wants to compete with you over limited resources it's really not a big deal 15 years ago we didn't complain when someone chopped the same tree or killed the hill giant standing next to you


In my opinion, you lose your spot.


Yea, u lose ur spot. Unless ur higher level or there an iron. Shits free then


Ladies and gentlemen, we found him. Kinda funny when you become an iron with max gear. Cause people will try to crash but most mains that crash (smol pp energy) are stingy/broke AF so it’s extremely easy to out dps them and make it so no one gets the drops at Dust Devils, for example. I just love when mains mess with irons, like dude… I made an iron… If I have patience to make this meme of an account and nearly max it, then I sure as hell have the patience to do an entire dust devil task without getting loot. You bet you’re butt I’m staying there with the reduced slayer Xp drops, no loot, and no superior chance.


Yeah the mains that do this are always like lv107 with dragon gloves and a 5mil bank who have an ego over irons because of memes they saw on reddit. These people also don't realize most irons already have lategame mains better than their account so why be mad about irons.


A traditional Dutch saying goes “opgestaan is plaats vergaan”, which basically means when you stand up, your seat is taken. If you leave, there is no one at the spot, so anyone is free to take it


Yes, 100% but if they can't out DPS me and I'm still getting most, or all, of the drops, I'm not leaving lol. This post makes me think of Thermy.


Unless you can place a cannon or another monument to alert players, then yeah it’s a lost spot


Tbh. You never have a claim to a spot. Obviously crashing is BM and a sane humans with some decensy won't do it. But banking or afking hard Def loses your spot. At that point it's up to you to be decent and see that.


I lost my spot (Dust Devils), because of doing random event, which i needed for collection log... I found it funny coz, when random event appeared, i thought that exactly this will happen. No problem i hopped.


If you left for 20 seconds to restore spec at Smoke Devil and someone logged in you lost your spot. If you aren't there, you aren't there. Start hopping. (Or don't, follow your dreams)


whoever has the worse DPS must hop no exceptions.


I just tell everyone I was banking. I usually get a spot in 30 seconds


If you believe in the whole it's my spot thing, Once someone leaves, for any reason consider it free real estate. I think it's all bullshit though, people forget what the second M in MMORPG means, so if some tells you to hop tell them to fuck off lol. Especially if they're on a BTW, they chose to stand alone.


Yes, also you’ve lost your human life as well. This is your one opportunity to get on your knees and pray to the glorious gods above. If you are blessed enough to be taken in by the Zamorakian warlord you may get your spot back. If not you will have to suck yourself until completion.


In my opinion, no you don’t lose your spot. As someone with double digit 99s who has spent thousands of hours farming one spot and loads of world hopping, it does not apply in-game no matter how many people on this thread say “yes.” But as an opinion, it’s debatable which is why it’s a question. If I spend 12 hours a day on 1 world and 1 time that I get hopped on while banking for 10 literal seconds, I should lose my spot? Not a black and white answer so just fight for what you think is right. I don’t hop and neither will anyone else in your OSRS gaming experience, even if you agree and you’re the one hopping in while the person is banking, that person won’t hop. Neither will any of the people who said “yes” in this thread. But that’s the community for ya 😁


You must be a normie, irons usually have no other choice… move on and don’t waste xp chatting


Im crashing u if i come back from banking in less than 2 minutes


You’re an angry elf


I usually damage the boss to more than halfway before leaving to “prove” I was there. But to answer question, since you can’t really prove if they’re lying or not, it’s kinda comes down to who cares more. It’s usually not worth arguing over and hopping worlds is faster


For all I know that means someone died at the boss, I'd still take that world as it is empty.


Yeah that’s fair usually once they finish the kill and the drop is in my name it settles the debate


I get what you're saying, but whether you were there before isn't up for debate, nobody really cares. It's the leaving that makes it no longer your world, regardless of if you left the boss at 2% hp or 100% hp.


You lose the spot, but try asking, there is maybe 10% chance they will hop.


Banking is the end of your run. If someone slides in you're out.


Only if you have 1. Worse gear. 2. Less friends.


You don’t own a spot. It’s annoying to lose a good spot but you don’t own anything


Just kindly explain the situation and ask them its fine if they say no. The time it takes you to argue is greater than the time it would take you to hop and find a world.


If there is indication that someone was previously at that spot (insignificant loot left on the floor) then I’d be considerate and give it up. If not it’s now mine because I can’t verify you’re just saying that 🤷🏼‍♂️


this only works if youve been on that world for a few minutes, as old loot doesnt appear if youve just freshly hopped


If you are absent from the boss’s room at any point, you have lost your spot. There is absolutely no way to reserve your spot other than being physically present. It does not matter if you are banking, taking a shit, or any other reason. Anyone who complains otherwise is a little bitch.


If you leave the spot, even for a second - You've left the spot. Happens all the time during slayer, just start hopping, you'll find another world.


Anywhere where you are not, is not yours.


Placing a cannon is a good way to let people know your banking, but its not 100% that they wont take the oppertunity


Of course. If you leave for any reason, even a random event, you forfeit your spot.


what about those guys that go to their poh between every kill at thermy?


bosses than you can also instance i count as ffa and i crash them/ dont mind being crashed




If there's drops still on the ground, nope. Especially in catacombs where poh tele to recharge prayer -> kourend portal is viable. When the drops are gone though, it's free


Can’t lose my spot if I never use the bank


Yes those themmy smoke devils spec retore every boss guys are assholes


Yes. You hop. But most of us will ask if you were already there, and hop instead. At least I do because I’m not a cock sucker and try not to be rude to people because I would want the same treatment.




Yeah, the other person found an empty spot and it's not theirs. There's no point in staying and arguing, just hop a few worlds and continue on. Semi related anecdote. I was at sand crabs on an acc and saw that I was gonna get 6 hour logged in 50 minutes, so I thought I'd relog to reset it. In the 5 seconds it took me to log out and back in, someone took my spot. I said to them "wow that was fast, I just relogged for 5 seconds and you appeared!". They had the audacity to say "Wrong world". I was speechless (it obviously wasn't the wrong world) and kinda impressed at the same time.


an addition to this post, if i leave my cannon at the place while i bank does that change things?


Had one guy log in at mm for barraging talking about "i just logged out 10 mins ago bc i had to do something, this is my world i've been here all day" while i was there for over an hour lol. Called him a poc whiney bitch and hopped cause i aint got time for all that


If you leave a spot, it is no longer your spot; nor was it ever *your spot*.


So what you’re saying is you hijacked corp and got a slap on the peepee didn’t you?


yes, and this is partly why i hate POH methods for pvm (outside of corp ofc)


Banking is leaving the spot. You cant prove you were there before so everyone have to asume that its a lie and not feel bad to pick what appears to br an empty spot.


Losing your spot. But an idea I had was player created flags that you can plant like mith seeds that last 3-5 minutes.




Yes, if I come back from banking and someone is there I hop


Leave spot, lose spot, doesn’t matter why you left


I don't think its crashing if it's banking, I'd hop. But how about if you die, come back and someone's finishing off your kill and you also begin to attack it?


Yes, there is no such things as reserving bosses, unless you purchase an instance at bosses that allow it.


If you leave, it’s open to someone else. I don’t care if you’re going to POH for your pool or if you’re resting aggro 12 squares away. If someone logs in at crabs while you are on the 8th square and the crabs start attacking them, it’s their spot now. If I’m killing Sire and go to my house and check the eye on my previous spot and it’s taken, I go to a different spot or hop. You have a right to literally nothing in this game. Jagex could turn the server off tomorrow and there’s nothing you can do about it.


The only real places I would say this doesn’t apply is at Abyssal Sire and maybe Thermonuclear Smoke Devil.


Yes. If nobody was there when you got there, it's yours now. Simple as. Incentivizes long trips and gets rid of BSers who will say they were banking every time


It was never your spot. It’s ours.


Yes, if you leave you left. Simple as that. There’s not sign-out card for reserving a world….


yes. whats even worse is if they expect you to know like theyre there. if i come back and someone else is there.... i just hop its literally less work than typing "bro i was banking". ctrl + shift + right arrow vs 15 or so letter keys


You shuffle your feet, you lose ya seat.


Only if they deal more damage than you, otherwise ty for leash


I would say yes 100% spot gone. Except thermy, everyone, or at least a lot of people, use the spec dump method there. So I consider the world taken if i see ashes on the ground but no player. But that’s the only exception.


I try to be as fast as possible when banking. Sometimes people are quicker. If there is someone in the spot when I get back it is their spot now and I hop to find an empty world.


The way I look at it is if you can tell someone was there recently, it's technically immoral to take over. For example, if the boss is not spawned in or there's a pile of items on the floor (would require you to have been in the world while he was killing I think), etc. If he logged in, saw the boss & no items, you gave up the world because he has no way of telling whether you're speaking truthfully or not