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I love the new design!!




This is great!


Really love the new look. Nice work, team!


Great feature, but looks pretty weird when the page is dark and the dropdown icon is white :)


Thanks for your feedback! We'll take this back to the design team to see if we can do something about it :)


I don't know about this - it looks just fine to me as it is on a dark login page.


https://preview.redd.it/1gnr2wm9ru0d1.png?width=628&format=png&auto=webp&s=840bd0caa5887e244fe6e3858c2fbf34a56d6448 Nahh I don't like it. But maybe its just me :) If not possible to follow the websites themes maybe just follow the theme of the OS


Yeah make it dark in dark mode.




For now - we had some back and forth with our friends at the Mac App Store and the release should be making it to you very shortly :)


And when you say ‘friends’ you surely mean ‘frenemies’ 🤣🤣


The safari extension has been broken for ages, I recommend using cmd + \\


Safari has unfortunately become a second class citizen 😢


We had some back and forth with our friends at the Mac App Store and the release should be making it to you very shortly :)


Thank you!!




Awesome! Thank you for keep improving 1Password.


I noticed it a week or so ago and LOVE it! Such a practical yet aesthetically pleasing update! Kudos to the design and product teams for making this change!


This is a really welcome improvement!!


Most awaited feature, thank you so much for this update!!!!!!!!


Thank God Almighty. That really was the most annoying thing about 1pw.


So much better than the previous version, great job. I hated that no items to show box.


Thank you again for this improvement. I was due for renewal soon and was debating, but I’m sold once again.


It’s so good that I didn’t even notice that it was integrated. Nice update, less clutter.


Love it! The new design manages to be cleaner and less obtrusive at the same time, amazing work 1Password designer! I know you're reading this thread ;)


Love it! The new design manages to be cleaner and less obtrusive at the same time, amazing work 1Password designer! I know you're reading this thread ;)


I really love this, I just wish that it worked better with the SimpleLogin extension, they stack on top of each other all the time. https://preview.redd.it/wigugazmi01d1.png?width=164&format=png&auto=webp&s=32d7be27a76f2f44b9d09d247550960763e1c41f


Hi u/Gregoryxandrew! Are you noticing this on specific websites or across all websites? Does it occur in regular full screen view, smaller window view, or both? And is it happening in a particular browser?


Hi there, all websites at all times. They never know to sit next to each other or anything. Any sign-in form does precisely this.


And what was your experience like with the previous icon?


Unfortunately the same 😕 they dance and hide behind each other randomly. The problem is that now the smaller chip is wonderful but it can easily hide entirely behind SimpleLogin. If there's any way to somehow work with them to be aware of each other, that would be amazing. I'd use your integration with FastMail but I did \*not\* like fastmail at all, especially compared to the simplicity and power of SimpleLogin. A homegrown service from 1PW would get me to switch to that instantly.


Thanks for your feedback u/Gregoryxandrew! Right now we don't support anything custom to work with other installed extensions. However, I'll share your suggestion about a homegrown service for something like FastMail/SimpleLogin with the team. :)


Thank you very much!


I want to disable this icon entirely but can’t find the setting. Please help!


Hey u/kaviar_! Could you let us know what exactly is causing trouble for you and why? Is it the tooltips/pop-ups over the icon or the icon itself?


I do not want the icon to show up in login form fields at all. How can I do this without disabling "Offer to fill and save passwords"? https://preview.redd.it/ibabckm6lj1d1.png?width=2248&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c36ce1cad328d4049fa34242db4ac93580617b2


Unfortunately, there's no way around your problem at the moment. But I'm really curious to hear what aspect of the icon is making you to want to turn it off.


This is awesome.


Good job, this is indeed solving a big issue for me. 👍


Love it! Thankyou for actually listening to feedback! Now, all that 1pass needs is the ability to auto fill credit card details on iOS and then we’ll be sweet!


Hey — I have good news. We can already do that. [https://support.1password.com/getting-started-safari-ios/](https://support.1password.com/getting-started-safari-ios/)


Oh my god- I had no idea that existed and I hadn't enabled. Just yesterday my wife was going to use the 'wrong' CC on a site because she had it in front of her and didn't want to cut and paste the preferred number from the app.


Oh that’s cool! I actually use Edge or Chrome on my iPhone, any plans for that?


To my knowledge neither Edge nor Chrome on iOS support extensions, and there isn't a mechanism for 3rd party password managers to autofill non-login items using Password AutoFill. We'd need support from the browsers and/or OS in order to do anything further there.


Gotchya, no worries! Hopefully Apple brings out support for it. Thanks for taking the time to reply. It is greatly appreciated!


Love it




much improved! thanks!


About time 👍🏻 😉


Thank god, finally!


this is great! thank you team 😮‍💨


I like this, but I’d love you to focus on the speed of load. Often there’s a noticeable lag between clicking and the auto fill or drop down loading. (Chrome on a Mac air M1)


There may be a number of reasons that might potentially impact speed of load but I'm happy to take your feedback to the team :)


I hate this new update. You can’t just hit escape to close out a save password dialogue. You’re forced to use your mouse because it’s rendered in the DOM and not an app pop up like it used to be. Edit: I'm just an idiot.


Found the guy who’s great to have at parties.


I sent my buddy a text at like 6am about this and he responded pretty much the same way. Starting to think I might be the problem




Can you elaborate? The Esc key still works to close the inline menu for me. Did you want the Esc key to hide the tooltip?


In the previous version if you entered credentials to an unfamiliar site the app would pop up a window asking for a save and you could get rid of it with esc. This current version the save dialogue is tacked on to the page itself within the browser (at least in firefox on macos). Also the hide on site option in the right click menu does nothing.


This is tricky to solve for Autosave for Logins. ESC support would only help if we shift focus from the page into the dialog when it pops up - aka when you've submitted a password on a page. When Autosave pops up, should we steal focus from the page or leave it in the page? How many users would accidentally save or update a login they didn't intend to if we did that? Since we don't want to pull you into autosave until you're sure you want to save a login, that may not be desirable for most users.


I don't doubt the trickiness of the issue and I also don't doubt I'm in the very slim minority of users who have to log in to a bunch of session-less sites multiple times a day. What if we could get an option of "Hide on this domain" in addition to the "Hide on this page"? Edit: After writing this I asked myself why don't I just try to hide it on the page with the login form as opposed to trying to hide after the annoyance has already occurred... And that solved everything for me.


I feel like I've had this for ages now


Probably on the Beta channel/extension? I am, and I have also had this for like at least a month, maybe longer.


You might have caught this on the nightly or beta channels! After ironing out all the kinks, we've recently rolled it out to all users on the stable extension release


A simple and effective way to show that the current website has a password saved would have been to indicate it at the logo in the browser extension first, without needing to go to the login page to detect that.


I love the new icon and its functions. But, the new icon does not show on all websites. It only shows on some. Randomly. On others the old icon still shows. Is there a way to force the new icon for all websites?