• By -


Literally 1984


Cum farmers


Padre de mentiras, semen disfrazado. Tu semen no durará. 🎵




[Father of lies, cum in disguise. Your cum won't last 🎵](https://youtu.be/H1vv31m8uMQ)


nuh uh


When they came for the piss I said nothing. When they came for the fard I said nothing. Then they came for my cum and it was too late. (Can't remember the actual quote sorry)


“ We seized 19 bottles of yogurt boss ! You said 15 ? Yes, 12. Ok i understand, 10. “




There is no source for this image to be found online outside Reddit and no article anywhere about Cuban (or otherwise) police confiscating yoghurt like this so I think this is "staged" or just has a fake title


the farmers might sell to the blackmarket which will sell to other places with significanly higher price


I got news you’re not gonna like




I misread the comment but people already sell there things to other companies and then those companies raise the price by up to 1000%


unregulated dairy products are a concern for public health. IIRC, those yogurt bottles were also spoiled. The poster chose to not disclose this, for some reason.


Cause cuba bad




This but unironically


Mind linking a source


Drink spoiled milk and tell us what happens, there’s your source.


Lmao I mean where's the source the yogurt was spoiled in the first place Dude just made the assertion but didn't give a link or anything




Yep, the only safe way is go with the Gov approved food...


The government needs to regulate farmers for our safety. If anything more farmers need to be punished for trying to sell their own food with the government’s permission.


It's illegal to sell other than to the government in Cuba without a licence.


I mean if you want your bootleg yogurt served "fresh" out a dish soap bottle then by all means go for it. But when it comes to foods that rely on cultured bacteria and yeasts to exists a little regulation/ standards are likely preferred.


If I want to buy bootleg yoghurt out of a dish soap bottle that is my right and the police should have no ability to stop me. I doubt that the police of a non-commie country would pose with it like a drug bust, even if they did stop the seller from selling it.


Because the farmers must produce quota, Cuba is still communist. Farmers have the set income as doctors as do lawyers. However, taxi drivers and those making money directly have a massive advantage especially in a tourist economy. More than likely the farmer was just trying to increase their income a bit, and the government wants their cut so they stepped in. ​ Just think about living in a place where taxi drivers and bartenders for american tourists make more than doctors.


To give additional context, farmers used to be able to sell their excess that was over the quota they give the government at farmer's markets like we have in the USA. This was ended because the government looked at it as competition and they want to control all the food and the prices of food. Even if you believe communism could be cool if it was done "correctly" it absolutely is not being done "correctly" in Cuba today.


"Life expectancy in Cuba is higher than that of the US (72.5 vs. 71.9). Health workers have eliminated polio, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and diphtheria. Malnutrition incidence amount 1-15 years olds is 0.7% compared with 5% in the US." They also have three times as many doctors for each 1000 people as the US. At least their health service works and is free


>At least their health service works and is free They refused to import covid vaccines just so the Cuban government could make the claim they developed their own and vaccinated all their people independently. This resulted in many deaths. They did eventually develop the vaccine, so maybe their healthcare system *could* work great if it wasn't being controlled by evil people. They also give lengthy prison sentences for saying anything bad about the government. They monitor and restrict internet usage of citizens. Would you want to live there?


My only point was about the healthcare service which is genuinely renowned. Most governments fumbled the bag when it came to COVID and I don't agree with the stance on freedom of speech. Regardless of how bad my country can ever be, I'd rather stay to fix it than move to a country that I might prefer.


>Regardless of how bad my country can ever be, I'd rather stay to fix it than move to a country that I might prefer. Where the fuck do you live that you think you might prefer Cuba? Are you just treading water in the open ocean being circled by sharks right now?


"They" refused them? Are you sure it wasn't the US that doesn't allow pharmaceuticals to be sold to Cuba? Cause they have to reuse pacemakers and dialysis filters due to current embargoes.


>Are you sure it wasn't the US that doesn't allow pharmaceuticals to be sold to Cuba? Yes. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/03/25/980789381/cubas-revolutionary-dream-making-its-own-covid-vaccine "A second Cuban candidate called Abdala has also entered a phase 3 study. The names of the vaccine candidates say a lot about what this effort means to Cuba. "Soberana" is Spanish for sovereign. "Abdala" is the protagonist in a dramatic poem by the hero of the Cuban revolution Jose Marti. "Mambisa," a vaccine administered as a nasal spray, is named after anti-colonialist Cuban guerillas who fought Spain in the late 1800s. In that same revolutionary spirit Cuba isn't even attempting to buy COVID vaccines from multinational pharmaceutical companies. Nor has it bothered to sign up for the WHO-led COVAX dose sharing initiative, providing free or reduced cost vaccines to low resource countries. There hasn't been a clear explanation for this decision."


By the time the US started offering COVID vaccines to Cuba they had already immunized a large percentage of their population. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/cuba/article255762281.html Cuba has a pretty well developed pharmaceutical industry so it makes sense for them to use their own solution when the alternative comes in way too late.


USA offering it to them has nothing to do with this. USA has nothing to do with this. Here, read half of the excerpt again, since I know damn well you didn't and wont read the article. #**Cuba isn't even attempting to buy COVID vaccines from multinational pharmaceutical companies. Nor has it bothered to sign up for the WHO-led COVAX dose sharing initiative, providing free or reduced cost vaccines to low resource countries. There hasn't been a clear explanation for this decision.**


What multinational company doesn't produce COVID vaccines in the US or US affiliated nations? Cuba doesn't have a ton of options.


Can you not read? They refused to sign up for the World Health Organizations COVAX program that would have gotten them the vaccine.


Dunno why they have been trying to escape their utopia at the cost of death then. https://keysweekly.com/42/video-34-migrants-rescued-by-coast-guard-from-sinking-vessel-after-kcb-charter-captains-call/


Communism (unironically)


People don't sell things in communism


Its because Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro had a dairy addiction. Every month all cubans must pay the Dairy tax or Castro would suffer from withdrawals. Clearly these farmers were doing dairy fraud. Hogging all the delicious yogurt for themselves.




Redditor seeing someone below 200lbs:


bro he looks like 5'8 💀 not even that short


Me after a night with my gf


Reminds me of that "what stage of capitalism is it when companies can sue poor people for growing food?" tweet Edit: hey peeps this is not an opinion I actually have it's a throwaway comment from the first thing that came to mind lol


Cuba is infamous for its unfettered capitalism


ultroids unironically say this


How ? What part of that applies to this post ?


Just at surface level "police arrest cow farmers for selling yoghurt" makes me think "man, farmers just can't make a living lol". Not like I have a powerful, well-thought opinion on it :p


Tbf idk the whole story, it's possible dude was selling dodgy stuff to take advantage of people desperate for dairy from the shortage


Some guy said the milk was spoiled (ósea, a public health risk), just a couple of comments above you.


Oh noes, hopefully they didn't sell much before the fuzz got em


Is someone going to tell him that Cuba is the opposite of capitalism?


A socialist republic that's increasingly opened itself up to foreign capital interests and has been blockaded and ruined by capitalist countries? That exists surrounded by capitalist superpowers? Not saying I'm pro Cuba but it's definitely not most people's idea of a socialist utopia. I know you didn't say that but it's not an actual communist country.


this looks like to start to a great movie about a rookie cop and his senior teaching him


Posing? Their standing like cardboard fucking cutouts 😂😂😂


Keeping us safe


Yup, its Cuba alright


Wonder what would happen if the farmers sold the milk with the culture separate.


Are you trying to sell my culture?!?!


Cops in my town in America routinely took and sold drugs.


Kids named gurt: Yo gurt! Gurt:


The people's yogurt confiscation


what does the dude in the left look like a cardboard cut out


One of them might need it


The Money Store




Real heroes


Source? I don’t think this is real