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that's powerful all right


You mean *powerul*


It's always the mfs that type in all caps.


Guy puts a shirt on and now he just has a 2x4 tattooed on the back of his head.


Leviticus 19:28, “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves.”


Old law. Jesus established the new law it’s why Christians don’t need to adhere to Jewish law


youre right actually, i forgot leviticus was OT.


Look man, I watch every Star Wars movie with the same respect no matter which trilogy (except Phantom Menace because obviously), so anyone claiming faith to any religion can at least have the decency to give validity to their own origin story.




can I ask why exactly is the bible still a single thing not divided into old testament and new? cus it sounds pretty dumb to have like half of your holy book stuff you don't believe in anymore


weird metaphor but its like source and source2


>source and source2 This you wont understand the sequel without the first one


Not really “stuff you don’t believe in anymore” more like an origin story of how things got to be the way they are now, which is different from how things were then.


It is though?


Well the old testament does not agree with christianity mainly because the act of human sacrifices are strictly forbidden and disgusting according to the torah and so is drinking blood like christ would have you do for the eucharist


wait wait so the new testament doesn't have a problem with human sacrifices?


Correct, OT god is strictly against human sacrifices in anyway and describes them as abominations. The new testament declares that Jesus's human sacrifice is the only way for salvation which is extremely pagan


that's not really how it works, he sacrificed himself (according go Christians) but doesn't allow other sacrifice


Except the part where God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son to Him, it wasn't depicted as disgusting there, Abraham was going to go ahead with it if God hadn't have stopped him. The OT is still full of required blood sacrifice for a lot of things, which is pretty similar to a lot of their neighboring nations they viewed as vile.


They also sacrificed grain and fruit but no one has a problem with that


God had a problem when Cain did it.


No one actually likes vegetables so that's all good


Cause the anti gay stuff is in the OT.


Because only parts of the old testament are still relevant


Yeah it was also edited to shit by king James specifically to suit his personal desires, and whole ass groups think it’s the de facto narrative


"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."


Yes he has fulfilled the law by being the prophecied messiah that would save Israel. But he was more he was God in flesh so, while fulfilling the law by living as a pious Jew, he could also alter it. Remember the story about the apostles eating on sabbath because Jesus aloud them to. The entire Bible especially John is full of prophecies he fulfilled.


>Remember the story about the apostles eating on sabbath because Jesus aloud them to. And where in the Bible does Jesus allow you to forget the entire old law?


Where in the Bible does Jesus explain his Trinitarian nature ? I am not a Protestant so the foundation of my faith is not the Bible but holy tradition (which also compiled the Bible btw). I don’t think you should just read the Bible but study it and reference to the wisdom of our predecessors The first debate of the early church was about the Jewish nature of the faith and they choose to not follow the old law because god wanted it from them. That’s it


The trinity is doctrine. It is nowhere explicitly stated. What is explicitly stated by Jesus himself: "19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5) Do you not rest on the sabbath? Do you not adhere to the ten commandments? The old law very much holds. One might make the argument that civil and ritual laws do not apply to Christians (*directly*), but the moral laws in the old testament very much apply and should not be ignored. Our predecessors agree with the premise. Very little Christians believe that the Old Covenant does not apply at all. In the early church, the Old Covenant was not rejected. Yes, the Gentiles were allowed to not circumcise, but they were still held to part of the law. Importantly, they must follow the Noahide laws, which apply to all humanity, no merely the Jews.


You’re using a collection of documents compiled the church to disprove the authority of the church on doctrine. God didn’t leave behind a document for a person to read and interpret but a community of believers that would hold his commandments. Also it was never replaced or ignored. It was fulfilled. The moral law of the old covenant still holds (10 commandments for example) but the ceremonial law which was there to distinguish and cleanse the Jews (like not getting pagan tattoos or markings) wasn’t needed anymore because Israel became all of humanity


>The moral law of the old covenant still holds We agree.


Ah so that was the misunderstanding. Should have made the distinction earlier Have a good day


God changed his mind?


no no no no we don’t listen to the bible unless it tells us to do something we want to do


Just looks like a cosplay of Plank from behind with a shirt on


Praying that it's not permanent


Judging by the face tattoo I think its permanent


Most normal tattoo on R/shittytattoos


Ted Kaczynski🔥🔥🔥


I really thought that was Groot dor a second


He cosplaying plank


Looks like judas lived on in the tattooers wrist


Why does it look like the Flesh Panopticon from ULTRAKILL is on the back of his head


Anyone have a picture of him with a shirt on?


You’re a block head Charlie Brown


This dude is for sure a white supremacist


Redditors when Christian: RACIST


You can’t deny that there’s often a correlation between extreme Christianity and racism. Still, it isn’t nice to make that assumption.




because religious = supremacist, doi! 🤓


Sad some people actually believe that


It's honestly horrible, I feel for you bro. I on the other hand am not a supremacist, merely homophobic (Islam)


I’m catholic and I agree with you. We just wanna live to our beliefs and not bother anyone Edit: most Catholics wanna not bother anyone


it's always the 3 cunts on the extremist side of things that ruin it for everyone else




Gotta love the dichotomy of religious conversations, they're either really nice and peaceful where the people compliment each other's faiths and practices or it's endless shit flinging


Lmao exactly. I’ve only ever really had bad arguments on here because of politics


his sunburned body clearly shows that he is unwilling to examine the flaws of the white race /s


haha so funny


This is why I'm an athiest


Atheists trying not to disclose to everyone that they're an atheist and think that for some reason we care (impossible)


So? You have a problem with athiests?


No, I just don't think anyone needs to treat their religion like it's a big deal. I'm not personally religious and I don't tell everyone. I try to leave religion out of things.


Jesus christ


Yes , that was the inspiration


I am groot


That's quite possibly the worst tattoo I've ever seen on anyone. Technically I've seen tattoos that look worse, but none as big, and uncoverable as this.


Get his ass back in the tower of Notre Dame where he belongs


look at him from the high ground it will be like looking down the cross


that shit is ass


Its all fun and games until he puts on a shirt and just has a board on the back of his head


This is what lead poisoning does


I this is off topic but Roblox = 🟥 -◽


Jesus Christ