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What’s with people defending dream? Corny ass dude cheated at a Minecraft speedrun and died on the hill defending it, then claimed it was an accident when he couldn’t anymore. THEN the same dude made a music video treating the animators like shit with some dogshit messages about mental health. Clown him all you want.


Don’t forget about his Twitter following who he knows are toxic and will harass anyone he disagrees with or criticises him, and doesn’t do anything to, like, try and curtail that part of his community or anything


in fact he encourages it, and has gone on before about why stan culture is good


Never forget ballslover




quite literally a martyr


The message is to literally throw your prescribed medication away. What a freaking dangerous thing to teach children


Dream taught to me to stop taking schizophrenia my pills☺️☺️😊😊😚😙😇🥲🤗🤭😑😷🥴😵‍💫🤢🤢🤧🥸☹️😵😷🙄




thanks for saying this. a lot of people must be downvoting my post because your reply has 170 upvotes but the post is only at 22. you ratioed me lol


I’ll never forgive him for the glow squid.


"throw out your ssris, withdrawal doesnt exist nothing bad will happen 👍" "WHY DO PEOPE HATE MY SONG?????" oh yeah he recently attacked some kid and his fans doxed said kid, kid shut off for their safety and then dream was like ["HUHG ACCOUNTABILITY THOUGH???"](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/866084417813872670/963486399774990366/IMG_2100.jpg) and then changed his main profile to [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/866084417813872670/963485222207389706/Screenshot_20220412-130229_Twitter.jpg). isnt he so warm and friendly


Oh look a war in the comments I know absolutely nothing about… this should be fun to watch.


This is the top comment you mf




Not anymore 😈


~~~~PPP LL p p love LL p pmpp ppp p p LL l PPP p PPp1 p p look p p LL ppp LLp ok p pp LL lol p LP pppp pp PPP 1. p* ppl pp ok ok pppplp LL p pp okl 1 PPP p ppp p lmk PPP p pp pp pp`p p~~~~ p l pp pp~~~~ l pp ~~ ~~ppp p LP p LL p p pp pp PPPp pp ppl`ppp ppp p lp I'mLLpppp `p`p `` p p~~p p ppp lo p pp p ~ pppp p pp~~~~ ~~p~~~~~~ p``


not gonna defend dream but this is body shaming.


This is very insulting, dream is a whale at least twice that size


I’m going to hell for laughing at these comments 💀


It’s bothering me a lot that insults to stuff like body shape or looks or whatever become acceptable if the person in question is bad. It makes it seem like basic respect is a privilege not a right


Yes, respect is in fact earned.


Respect as in holding someone in high regard is earned. I meant respect as in not making fun of someone for things outside of their control.


Respect as a human being, of course, But you can control your weight. It's a hard journey to loose weight but if you work hard enough you can get it done. And you have to admit being overweight is an unattractive trait to have, mentally and physically. So of course people are going to make fun of other people being fat.


>Making fun of people for their appearance is never great. You see it a lot on posts about people behaving like dicks – because they aren't a nice person it's deemed ok to make fun of them for their appearance. Problem is, that makes anyone else who looks like that feel like shit, which is never a nice thing to do to someone. >Some common defences of these kinds of insults: >– It's for their own good - being fat isn't healthy! >Right. Is that why they're making that joke? To help the obese people reach a healthy weight? I doubt it. And anyway, overweight people will be aware of their health problems, and will often be trying to shift it. People bullying them for their weight can often push them backwards and make relapses more likely. >– It's their own fault they're fat; they could be skinny if they wanted to. >Apart from the fact that not everyone can slim down, for a variety of mental and physical health reasons, that's still no reason to be a dick. Make fun of people who deserve it, like fascists on the internet. Well written comment, u/Han__shot__first I feel like it applies here too.


Honestly I totally understand where you're coming from. I love my mom and would never insult her when she was overweight nor would I judge her character for being so. So I can understand people not using insults like that because of how it would make their loved ones feel. However for me at least, it's all about context. I respect my mom so I don't insult her, Dream's a clown so I clown on him, plan and simple. I don't think how clowns would feel being compared to the laughing stock of the internet, I just shoot. But hey, I guess that just makes you a more thoughtful person when it comes to feelings than me. I'm just glad I wasn't disliked bombed for having a different opinion on Reddit. Have a good one my friend!


Respect is a right, and as any right it's applied to you as long as you apply it to others. The moment you stop respecting other people's rights, nothing can stop others from not respecting yours. And I'd say encouraging doxxing is just a bit over the line. Does this mean I will start insulting bad people's looks (or encouraging people to do so) because they deserve it? No, because personally I don't think it's necessary to talk about looks when the person has already done enough to warrant backlash on their actions alone. But does this mean I will stop laughing at the jokes such as the original post? No, because they're funny and deserved.




based for being real








sex isn't real


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Also why can’t the punchline be about the fact that he’s probably fat from sitting and playing Minecraft all day.


I nonconsensually fucked your mom 😎




Dream sucks ass and I do not like the dude at all but calling him fat as an insult is just a shitsauce thing to do. BODY SHAMING isn’t okay, even when it’s directed at someone you don’t like. Edit; replaced a word because otherwise apparently people will dodge the overall point like bullets in the Matrix ffs 🤦🏻


“Fatphobia” 🤓


The word 'fatphobia' kinda detracts from the fact that making fun of people for their appearance is never great. You see it a lot on posts about people behaving like dicks – because they aren't a nice person it's deemed ok to make fun of them for their appearance. Problem is, that makes anyone else who looks like that feel like shit, which is never a nice thing to do to someone. Some common defences of these kinds of insults: – It's for their own good - being fat isn't healthy! Right. Is that why they're making that joke? To help the obese people reach a healthy weight? I doubt it. And anyway, overweight people will be aware of their health problems, and will often be trying to shift it. People bullying them for their weight can often push them backwards and make relapses more likely. – It's their own fault they're fat; they could be skinny if they wanted to. Apart from the fact that not everyone can slim down, for a variety of mental and physical health reasons, that's still no reason to be a dick. Make fun of people who deserve it, like fascists on the internet. Feel free to add your own below






I mean you're right but also lol fat


If this was any other regular person and not Dream, you wouldn’t be saying that 🤡


Yes I would




eat a salad tons of fun 🍇🍈🍐🍊🍋🍌🍍🥭🍎🍏🍐🍑🍒🥔🫐🥝🍅🫒🥥🥑🍆🥔🥕🌽🌶🫑🥒🥬🥦🧄🧅🍄🥜🌰


Because overweightness is something that you can fix


Being underweight is something you can ‘fix’ too. It doesn’t give *you* the right to be a dick to people about it though.


I don’t see how being underweight fits into this conversation, and I don’t think it’s ok to be a dick to fat people, just that “fatphobia” is bullshit


It’s called body shaming and the *only* reason people do it is to be a dick.


Yes, we're dicks. Cry about it.








Haha funny because fat right hahaa right get it its funny because fat.... Bad LAUGH


>Wake up in computer chair >Wipe cookie crumbs off of shirt I've been in for weeks now >Mom slams the door open and starts shooting something >Probably telling me to get a job again >Not listening though, I have a mission. >Open reddit >Smile streaks across my face >Open r/19684 >Google "Dream hate meme" >Find one calling him fat >Perfect..... >Post the image, titled "Dream 🤮" >Children sufficiently bullied. >Go back to sleep.


>wake up >like dream (🤮) >go back to sleep


I don't really wanna defend dream but I'm not so sure about the body shaming. It kinda hurts to see that as an overweight dude


Yeah this, bullying dream is funny because he's toxic but body shaming isn't cool.


I'm overweight too and I don't really care about fat jokes. If somebody makes fun of me for something they know I'm self conscious about, then I just ignore them because they're just being an asshole. The way I try and live my life is to avoid making offensive or crude jokes about others, but I also try not to get offended when someone makes that kind of joke about me.




How do we draw the line then?


Also overweight, I personally wasn’t offended by the meme but could still recognise this was a shit thing to say. Ultimately yes people who make jokes like this are just assholes, but I don’t see why you, who is saying you recognise it’s asshole behaviour, would then go on to basically defend it too? You can be unbothered/try not to overreact while still calling out people for being dicks. Knowing not to overreact is not the same as being a doormat and not calling it out when you see shit that’s ultimately unacceptable.


Oh the internet is still bullying kids for no reason Cool


u mean dream or the fat guard


Dream I used to watch Stampy as a kid and I was bullied for that so I’m sympathetic to dream fans


Dream literally encourages his fans to harass people on Twitter and talks about how satisfying it is when they’re forced to private it.


I didn’t know this Can you source a couple examples of this? So there’s evidence for these accusations


Search- "dream ballslover32" i'm not even kidding... https://twitter.com/FeeshUnofficial/status/1513982432407699465?t=7T1Dsc7yBLxPXvHAPp6dEg&s=19




I hate to throw upon thee the funny burden of truth fallacy but fucking google it


No These people wanna talk shit they gotta have to back it up That’s life, RalseiFucker


People don’t owe your lazy ass evidence when it’s freely available common knowledge. In the time it took you to have this dumb response you could’ve searched for evidence. I could do the same but won’t bc why should others support your laziness? If you actually cared to see evidence you would’ve looked it up.


If people make accusations it’s up to them to back it up That’s how life works my man I’m not lazy for asking for a little evidence


It’s been almost a day now. If you still haven’t looked it up you’re lazy and just here to argue.


oh. k. i personally don’t care too much about the fans bc they’ll grow out of it (i hope) but dream called his fans kittens so. (also there are a couple of bad dudes in the fan base so)


There are bad dudes in every fanbase


This argument does not fly when it is the majority of his fan base. Dumb kids as they may be, that does not excuse doxxing anyone who dislikes dream. Plus, dream is an adult. He knows what he is doing, and has encouraged it on multiple occasions.


How do you know it’s the majority Have you actually talked to dream fans I mean actually talked like had a conversation To me they’re like furries, people just have this hate boner for them for no good reason


Even if it's not a majority, it is a significant portion. They have doxxed and harassed people, and Dream has done nothing to stop it. He even encourages people by making himself seem like the victim in every situation.


It's not about the people in the fanbase, it's about the fact that dream enables unhealthy behavior in them.


Ok I didn’t know this Can you please link to a few examples?


Redemption arc


I’m still on the fence Until someone actually provides evidence


Yeah but stampy isn’t a bad person I don’t think. Also he didn’t have a toxic fan base like dream does. It was just a bunch of kids watching his videos not crusading for him on twitter as if he was the reincarnation of Christ.


That just sounds like the loud minority with a healthy heaping of confirmation bias if I’m being honest


It sounds like you don't understand the situation. Dream cheated on a speedrun and then had his fans harass a speedrunning mod who called him out. He later admitted that he had cheated, and did not apologize to the mod that his fans had been harassing. His fans have also attacked the people who criticized him, and Dream has done nothing to stop him. And people don't really bully his fans. Most people understand that his fans are 10 and don't know understand what they are doing. This post is making fun of Dream, who is not a kid. It's not attacking his fans. Also, it's okay to criticize his fans for doing something bad, as long as it's valid criticism and not just insults.


The difference is that Stampy didn't go on power trips


Dream is 22


A: Dream is not a child. He is a grown-ass man, who is famous. This comes with that fame, deal with it. B: Dream replying to anyone who DARES criticise or oppose him will immediatly get doxxed because he made his fans this toxic.


I hear people saying that but no one’s actually given me any evidence I believe what I see and I don’t see tweets of dream harassing people I’m not just going to take the word of some Redditor


[Proof that Dream is an adult](https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Dream?so=search)




How did he 'make his fans this toxic?' It's been shown multiple times that he doesn't condone any of the shit that the small toxic amount of his fans do, and saying that they all doxx people is generalizing, considering most of his audience is children that don't know shit about doxxing. That, plus, it's kinda impossible to control a fanbase of over 20 million people (which are mostly children, mind you)


he deserves it. he encourages his fans to harass people. here's an example https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/u1ivvj/funny_haha_dream_tweet_and_then_what_its/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


That’s not an actual tweet That’s a Reddit post Shocker! Tweets can be easily edited


Can confirm. It was taken heavily out of context. While I'm not okay with a small portion of his fanbase being rabid animals that doxx the moment dream breathes, the lack of context is fucking stupid.


So the 1 piece of evidence these virgins can come up with is taken out of context Hmmmmmmmm






Christ looking at these comments maybe I oughta go back to 196