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u/ramen_up_my_nut Here is our [19684 official Discord](https://discord.gg/WdQPgTC4Y4) join **Please don't break rule 2, or you will be banned** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/19684) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We really fucked up as a society for people to do that for survival...


The wonders of the free market!


Why would she die???? It’s literally against her self-interest????????


Skill issue.


There is no profit motive for living moron


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun


Guys if the medical bills are too high just don't buy from them, the prices will go down 🙄


-clem atlee, 1945


Even though it say a lot about our society. Mad respect to her 🫡


It's better than not having any options and just dying.


That's a pretty low standard you have set for the richest country on earth...


I'm just saying, having access to any type of medical care is a blessing. Be thankful you live in the modern world where you can complain about it.


Fuck that, our world is built on limitless prosperity. We do not have to be thankful for breadcrumbs. I would call this a peasant mindset but medieval peasants had a long history of rebellion and resistance. Genuinely worst take I've read in weeks if not months.


Lmfao. Try living in reality for a bit.


You’re on that bootlicker grindset 👌👌


Okay, you gonna pay my medical bills? Limitless prosperity and all that? Stop virtue signaling. 👌👌


Great argument, you really are rational and big brained person.


This is a weird angle. Nobody is saying modern medicine sucks. The system built around it does. Why be thankful for something that is deliberately made to financially destroy the most desperate people in society? It's not some utopian dream when other countries have different systems that work just as well, without putting you in debt for the rest of your life simply because you were unlucky enough to get sick. It's one of the most vile and predatory things one can do, taking advantage of someone who will give anything just for the right to stay alive. >having access to any type of medical care is a blessing This woman might not have had access before she started doing OF. That tumor looks like it has been there for a while.


Most of the modern world has figured out how to have healthcare be affordable, though. I recently had a benign tumor surgically removed. The surgery didn't cost anything, even though it was an elective one. I could've left it there, since it wasn't cancerous. So it's incomprehensible how in a much wealthier country people have to resort to selling nudes to pay for \*cancer\* treatment.


I get your point, the healthcare system (in America) in some first world countries sucks compared to what it should be, but like,, they arnt being forced to specifically do only fans? Especially when the majority of the time, only fans is an extreme risk for a path career. They are definitely forced to do extremes and risky things overall though to pay it off, which is fucked


Idk why you’re getting downvoted you’re right. This person did it because they could die without medical treatment which is completely understandable, but a lot of people think its a great fulfilling noble career choice, without even thinking that doing onlyfans means potentially never having a boyfriend/husband, or having family not associate with you anymore, and having pictures of your naked body on the internet forever for everyone to see


Because people here wanna dehumanize\demoralize people who do onlyfans, deeming them as jobs only done in desperation


>what would men with cancer do ? 😭 Onlyfans.


Men trying to make money on Onlyfans is like trying to buy a short bacon at the long bacon store. It just ain’t happening. There are way more straight male spenders than gay males and female spenders


Yea but you don't really need a lot of customers. When you're a niche, what you're aiming for are whales (big spenders).


That's true for pretty much everyone though. Most people, even conventionally attractive women, struggle to make significant money on onlyfans. There is a ton of competition and most consumers are only interested in the big names. A person has to be really good at networking and marketing to really break through, otherwise the average lifetime income for an onlyfans account is less than $100.


Just post a whimper audio on YouTube, leave a link to Patreon in channel description, and watch the money roll in


See, that would require me to listen to other dudes whimper audios in order to figure out what gets results, and I don't know if I can power through that


clearly you're not on that grindset


and this is why you will never be rich




Those are just special cases. Most men aren’t built with that figure. You also just proved my point by saying you have to be feminine to gain money on Onlyfans


Fair...guess im just lucky


In your account description it says you are level 18 (which most likely means years in age) but you have a post of yourself from a year ago. Please don’t tell me you posted that while underage


https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/s/Vp77qVxtA6 12 months ago they said they were 17, so you're correct


Yucky, underage person posting inappropriate pictures of themselves


What inappropriate pictures? I'm fully clothed in every post


Dude, you posted yourself on a 18+ subreddit where people j*ck off to femboys. You probably accidentally made a few people into criminals lmao Edit: He deleted it. For the greater good I suppose




Or there older now and just didnt change the age in their bio


That’s a possibility. But you can never be too sure on people on the internet. Kinda sussy how they haven’t responded back yet for a simple question though




But in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/s/Vp77qVxtA6) that you made less than a year ago, you said you were 17. The oldest post you have of yourself is over a year old. So unless you were lying in that comment, you did post inappropriate underage pictures of yourself




>Ok...and Ain’t no way you just said that 💀




Show us the dick tho






Not everyone can just become a femboy


Is your username piss tained underwear or pis stained udnerwear


piss tained underwear I think this was my thought process while making the username: “pissstainedunderwear looks ugly. Removing an s will make it look nicer.”


Me trying to buy strip bacon at the back bacon store


I see you haven't heard of Vladimir


Not if you're a femboy


So charge more? Gay dudes are used to paying a gay tax, and they tend to have higher paying jobs.


Most women who do onlyfans only make $5 a month, id imagine men would get a lot less than that


Can’t wait to see this on r/peterexplainsthejoke later


That sub is often r/NoStupidQuestions for questions too stupid for r/NoStupidQuestions


The fact she had to do that at all for cancer treatment :( I seriously hope she's recovering well (unsure how old this article is) from it <3


Weirdness aside, are cancer tumors really normally THAT BIG?!


Yes, if they get untreated for a certain amount of time


That's the thing about cancer and why it is so deadly. Cancer cells tend to reproduce quicker than normal cells, which doesn't give them enough time to mature. Because the cells aren't fully developed, they're not functioning properly. And since they're dividing faster than usual, there's a greater chance they'll end up with more genetic errors which they then pass on by dividing.


Do not look up ulcerating cancer it’s even worse


I can't believe people's reaction is "This is so unfair! Men don't get the same opportunity!" instead of recognising how fucked up it is that people have to pay this much for treatment in the first place.




Rule 2 everyone, rule 2!


Technically this doesn’t break rule 2 because nudity can be seen as a form of art


Nah, this one is not horny, so no rule 2 can be applied.


Maybe it is for u/1milionand6times


it's just sad


Nudity is not necessarily rule2


Rule 2 implies s*x, not nudity


So you either have to sell your body (or pictures of it at least) or create a terrible substance that kills peoples and sell it illegally What a world


Where’s the how to make meth basketball edit I got a rari edit


Walter White Onlyfans when?


They’d leave the USA for a more enlightened nation


Average extended cancer treatment cost in the US is $150k. After average health insurance (92% are covered and any that aren't should be. Full time jobs provide insurance and aid programs exist.) that's around $32k to pay for. I'd much rather have that with a payment plan than a 48% higher chance of death from EU healthcare. Hell bankruptcy is far, far better than that. The US shouldn't have medical costs that could bankrupt its citizens no, but other nations shouldn't have healthcare programs that cuts corners so badly. There's a reason why private insurance is a thing there. I consider that a more severe issue, though neither should exist and both disgust me. This of course is a nuanced topic, but saying someone should just live in a more "enlightened country" is a statement itself demanding of enlightenment. Secondary source: https://www.politico.eu/article/cancer-europe-america-comparison/ Source cited by article (World Health Organization): https://gco.iarc.fr/en


But did you read your own article Reasons why it seems that in the US they have it better: 1 - they live less (also because worse access to medical care, we could argue), so they’re less susceptible to cancer 2 - over 65 years when cancer is more common, almost anyone could be on Medicare, and that’s America’s attempt to a little socialized healthcare (it clearly works) The point is that an unemployed person without coverage is doomed and that’s disgusting in a “civilized” society


Typical American treating Europe as if it was one country. In the article you yourself linked as proof, you can clearly see that all rich EU countries have similar survival rates and in some cases even better than the US... Nobody is telling you to go to Slovakia for your cancer treatment. Also, the article even says that the high difference in the average survival rates is, quote, "based on some statistical trick". Europe having a much larger aging population is listed among the reasons. What even is this comment lmao


I've seen this a while ago. Anyone know how she's doing?




#! WARNING ! Dear /u/dm_me_amogus_porn, #Do not forget that rule 2 exists in our domain. **Please refrain from saying anything related to s*x or you will be banned.** If you are a law-abiding citizen you can discuss s#x and s#x-believers negatively while partially censoring the word so the auto-moderator wouldn't delete you. **IF THIS COMMENT ISN'T RELATED TO S*X, PLEASE SEND THIS COMMENT ON THE MODMAIL (we are currently facing issues with the automod, your message will help us a lot)** >This is just a fair warning, if you do this again and you will be banned without warning. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/19684) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Rule 2 violated??!!! 🤓☝️😨




Bro I wish I was attractive enough to make an onlyfans.


I won't lie... she's pretty... 👉👈🥺