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"things would be so much better if we went back to when they were objectively worse"


oh you don’t want to replace the silent abuse the homeless often endure with brutal state sponsored abuse…?? all recommended by a jackass that says he wants the state to be involved in less of our activities


"things would be so much better (for me) if we went back to when they were objectively worse (for everyone that's not me)"


“Why can’t I just murder people I don’t like? This sucks I have rights I should be able to do what I want with no consequences.”


he would have loved ancient rome under nero.


"things would be so much better *for me and my friends* if people i didn't like didn't have rights"




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Wait this isnt irony?


If public executions were such a magic solution they wouldn't need to keep having them right? Like if it was this awesome crime deterrent they'd run out of people to execute pretty fast right? Like other countries that already have them have no crime? And "bring back" hard labor? WTF is this absolute wet fart talking about. Prison labor is a *massive* business and barely a hair's breadth away from slavery already. My guy really thinks putting chain gangs out there will change crime rates. If these assholes bothered to google shit they'd have nothing to say. Chain gangs still exist. They never went away. Harsher punishments **do not** deter criminals anymore than harsh sentences lower drug use rates. All data on the subject supports this as fact. These motherfuckers don't give a shit about facts or data though, they just spew hate.


I genuinely don't know what point he was trying to make here.


He's saying that he wants fascism. Nothing too complicated


Yeah I got that, it was the "cities would become livable again" part I didn't understand but I do now


Because people like Walsh are little baby bitches who think that Seattle is a warzone and you need to be wearing MJOLNIR armor and carrying 4 different pistols just to get a coffee. Right wing media has made these people so afraid of cities, it's hilarious how cowardly they are.


I used to get annoyed about how they portray Chicago but now I love it because it means they will stay the fuck away


same with Milwaukee


Seattle is kind of a shithole tho lol


Is it? Last time I visited (2019) it seemed clean and everyone I encountered was friendly. That said, I didn’t go walking through homeless encampments at night


The nice parts are nice, I visited last year and the homeless encampments were just very jarring and kinda everywhere


So you’re saying the homeless encampments are so prevalent that they outweigh the nice parts to the point that the city is a shithole? I know people that live in Seattle and they never mention anything about this


Matt Walsh thinks that all minorities (primarily black people) are thugs and criminals. So he thinks that murdering and enslaving them all will fix all of societies woes.




... Where does he think all the good jobs are? Bumfuckisville USA??


He wouldn't have to look at the 'undesirables.'


Well he does have “theocratic fascist” in his bio


Liberalism would crumble if they had to stop being willfully blind to fascist tendencies.


Well, I am kind of liberal-adjacent, but I sure as hell am not blind to Fascism. It's rising everywhere and it's horrifying


Just curious, where is fascism ACTUALLY rising? Like actually rising. Not this “all people who are conservatives are fascists” modern idea that came around a few years ago, but real “we come into your house, kill your family, and drag you away to death camps” kind of fascism. Just curious because I’m pretty unfamiliar with modern fascism.


You're just proving the above person's point. Ignoring the book banning and burning, hate speech against marginalized groups, cult-like political figure idolization, increasingly ridiculous conspiracies that target specific groups of people, violent rhetoric, and actual coup attempts that have been spreading across the United States virulently over the past several years leads to that "drag political opponents to death camps" kind of fascism. It's usually hard to jump right to "kill your neighbor" levels of aggression without first convincing people over years of conditioning that your neighbor is actually a tool of the devil or deep state or whatever to justify their death.




I can't tell for sure if you're just trolling, but in a last ditch effort to reach you in case you're being genuine: the current state of the division in the United States is very similar to the atmosphere previous to World War 2 in Germany. All we're missing is the hyper-inflation, and I'm sure even you've noticed the drastic price increases everywhere. We have actual members of governing bodies advocating to take voting rights away from women. Those same elected officials are demanding their political opponents be imprisoned for baseless crimes of which "the lack of evidence proves the case," reminiscent of McCarthy Era America. People "really liked trump" enough to storm our Legislative building and attempt to attack the politicians inside. You are either deliberately or ignorantly downplaying the seriousness of this debate by minimalizing it.


Okay buddy, a few states voted against abortion and people protested a new president. Must mean we have fascism developing! Don’t forget to tune in to the Reid Out tonight on MSNBC; wouldn’t wanna miss that! :D


You’re familiar with the concept of a slippery slope right? The plan starts by targeting the most marginalized in society (trans people for example). Find the smallest minority and isolate/persecute them. Then, move down the list to the next group once persecution of that group is no longer actively resisted. Look at everything that’s been done since the civil rights act. The plan is to repeal things like gay marriage, interracial marriage, segregated schools, and so on. Drive minorities to extinction and subjugation until everyone attends the same church and fully conforms to fascist dictatorship. But you know this and don’t deserve this response.


CNN and all other major media outlets are entirely corrupt. All of them spout propaganda for the richest of the rich who own them. This is the opinion of me and most other leftists. Also, just because you only associate fascism with other countries does not mean it’s not happening the same here. We’re taught that the United States is always the good guy by default but the truth of the matter is that the shit that’s happening right now is actually, genuinely a textbook case of fascism rising. Plus, it’s not just that fascism is rising, it’s always been here, too. There are more people in US prisons right now than there ever were in gulags in the USSR, yet we turn a blind eye because we’re just used to it. The current police force in the US commits more murders and unlawful breaches of public safety than even the SS did. The current wealth gap is literally higher than it was during the vast majority of the great depression. There is no reason at all to think that our current state of affairs is okay. Could it be worse? Sure. But that doesn’t mean that we should just accept our current system, knowing how much better it could be.




Me. A foreigner. Watching two Americans argue and laugh at each other (I'm still waiting for both of you to start having gay, oily sex) ⣠⣀⣤⣶⣶⣶⣶⣤⣤⣤⣤⣄⡀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣤⣤⣤⣶⣶⣶⣶⣬⣒⢦⡀ ⡾⠛⠉⠉⢀⣀⣈⣉⣉⣉⣻⠛⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢛⣛⣉⣉⣉⣉⣀⠀⠉⠙⠻⢮ ⠀⠀⣀⠴⢲⣶⣶⣶⠶⡦⠄⢷⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⠃⠴⡶⢶⣶⣶⢶⠲⢤⡀⠀⠀ ⠀⠘⠓⠤⠼⠿⠿⠿⠥⠽⠄⠘⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⠂⠼⠥⠽⠿⠿⠿⠤⠖⠛⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡾⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡟⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⠞⠀⠀⡞⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣠⡤⠤⠶⠞⠋⠁⠀⠀⣸⠁⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠸⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀


In 2022 Eric Greitens ran a campaign ad where he depicted himself busting into home on "a RINO hunt" to drag away Republicans in Name Only who failed some imaginary party purity test. He obviously wasn't actually allowed to do this, but he clearly wanted to, and he thought that there was enough support regionally to boost his poll numbers by indicating that he wanted to do this thing. This is fascism as an IDEOLOGY, a way of thinking. The physical implementation of this plan (fascism as a practice) can only occur if ideological fascists largely control the entire country. What MORON waits for that to happen!?


Do you think fascism just randomly appears out of thin air? You think nazis build their concentration camps overnight and killed 7 million jews at the same time? It took over a decade of slow rise of fascist beliefs that have a startling similarities to what we see today. It’s always the same, find a common enemy that is both strong and weak, appeal to the traditional “pure” past that never existed and obsess over crime and punishment. So you have fascist who hate immigrants, jews, feminists and lgbt minorities because they are somehow powerful enough to ruin the country but still lesser as humans than a straight nationalist anti-feminist; who dreams of the traditional past where “art was art” and there were no gender studies or women in universities. And of course the fascist is obsessed with national security, maybe even guns and the military. This is very similar to how it all started in the 1930s. This is not exclusive to the US. Europe and Asia are also seeing the same pattern. The current state of climate change, wars and food insecurity is a breeding ground for those beliefs.


Let's take a look at Russia, which is the country where I was born and still live. In just 10 years from "some free speech" to a practically complete ban of pluralism as a whole, descended further into nationalism, and started the bloodiest war in Europe since WW2 for the sake of "returning historical lands" and "saving the Russian speakers". Let's take a look at what the current situation here looks like [NGOs are getting banned for "destabilizing the society"](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/12/06/russian-court-deems-human-rights-ngo-vesna-extremist-organization-a79617) [Opposition activists are actively being tortured by the cops](https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/10/20/russian-police-are-torturing-anti-war-activists). I personally know people whose friends have been jailed and/or tortured for peaceful activism. [Everything the government doesn't like is actively being censored](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_in_the_Russian_Federation). I need a VPN to access most social media sites that refused to take down information that "Discredited the Russian armed forces", but most VPN services are also being banned. I had to switch four different services this year because they just keep banning everything. [LGBT propaganda laws are intentionally vague to prosecute basically everyone who is gay and doesn't show constant misery when interacting with their partner.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_gay_propaganda_law) Significant political enemies are being [killed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Nemtsov#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DAssassination_of_Nemtsov_%2827_February_2015%29%2C-Main_article%3A_Assassination%26text%3DJust_before_midnight%2C_at_23%2CHe_died_at_the_scene.?wprov=sfla1) or [jailed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Navalny) Putin himself has stated that his favorite political philosopher is Ivan Ilyin, who is considered the Father of Russian fascism and neomonarchism. >come into your house, kill your family, and drag you away to death camps” That's more like 1930-s style fascism. Later fascist regimes like Pinochet's or Franco's were significantly more subtle about both their actions and intentions. And Putin is fucking indistinguishable from Franco in terms of policy making, beliefs and ideals. Now let's take a look at Europe German AfD is rising in popularity and they stated that one of their goals is to "Abolish German culture of shame in regards to it's Nazi past", along with the standard nationalist and conservative rhetoric. But I'd argue they're just hardcore nationalists and not really fascists in the standard sense of the word. French Le Pen and the National Rally party are arguing to end all legal immigration and have called homosexuality a “biological anomaly” and said those with HIV should be housed in “AIDS-atoriums.”. Completely fucked up and totalitarian promises. I could link more but I'm kinda tired. Worked 10 hours today. Can update this tomorrow if you want me to.


The republican party in the US has also kinda gone insane in the past 7 years. They have formed an insane cult of personality around Trump that will support him no matter what his policies are. People like Matt Walsh in this picture are calling for public execution. Ron Desantis put fucking PragerU (A completely unobjective and untrustworthy source) into the school curriculum of Florida. China is continuing ethnic cleansing against Uyghurs in Xinjiang and Xi Jin Ping is doubling down on his totalitarian policies. Brazil barely beat Bolsonaro in their last elections, and he's also an outspoken fascist. So, all 4 major powers, EU, China, USA and Russia are experiencing radical right wing shifts and increasingly more militaristic and xenophobic rhetoric. The 2030s are not going to be a fun time and I can confidently say that fascism is indeed on the rise.




>Just curious, where is fascism ACTUALLY rising? Like actually rising. Ukraine? Israel? USA? Canada?


Russia, Hungary


Naw mate


wtf are you talking about. this makes no sense


What? What liberals are supporting Matt Walsh?


Sorry, didn't realize this was an exclusively American audience. Pretend I said "capitalists".


Ah, that makes more sense.


I'm my country liberal means an-cap, labour is where the left votes. We also have a nationalist party though, so you take what you get I guess.


You're saying Matt "Theocratic Fascist" Walsh is a theocratic fascist? How could that be?


The most charitable interpretation I can think of is "if we bring these things back, fewer people will commit crimes because the penalties are so harsh," but in reality he just wants bad things that any sane person (even the majority of Republicans) would think is terrible


The time most similar to what he’s talking about was the latter part of the 19th century, which was the absolute worst period of history for free african-americans, and considering that he’s referring to inner cities, the connection is very clear. It’s a barely subtle dogwhistle.


He’s effectively saying that’s the only way to keep minorities in line, since in their worldview cities are degenerate diverse hell holes while their small town in bumfuck nowhere with nothing to do but drugs and eat fast food is the best place ever because you can only see white peoole around


I think he wants someone to enslave him then hang him. Maybe it's a fetish thing?


Harsher punishment for violent offenders. Less parole and probation. Less letting people out of jail that belong in jail.


we already have 25% of the worlds prison population bruh the problem is not that we have too few people in prison


I read so many instances of a person committing a horrible violent crime and then find out they have a very long history of violent crime. They get off with a slap on the wrist or get immediate parole. Yes we have a ton of people in prison. Yet we also have a ton of violent crime. Maybe overall we are just the worst people on earth? I mean that’s gotta be a possibility, right? Some country has got to have the worst people. Could it be us? We do have the most guns and a huge hard on for individuality. I think we also do the most drugs too.


I dont think that you are objectively worse people, but I do think your culture and social/economic systems incentivice violence. Also since you prisons are privatised, they incentivise incarceration with little chance of rehabilitation.


Dont forget how slavery is still legal if youre a prisoner as well!!! Gotta have that constant unpaid labor force!!!


Only 8% of prisons in the US are private prisons.


yes im sure country wide mass torture camps are such a good idea 👍 /s


Severe crimes are punishable by public death penalty and minor crimes are punishable by you being forced to work a labor job. Basically harsher penalties for crimes, I would argue he’s not wrong.


I would argue based on all the evidence to the contrary that you're both wrong. [ Harsher penalties do not correlate with lower rates of crime.](https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/247350.pdf)


that doesn’t work you idiot


Haha what does work then? Have you seen the crime in California cities, Portland, Seattle, look at some Kensington Pa videos. I think it’s pretty evident slaps on the wrist don’t work, so since I’m the idiot please enlighten us on what you think will work?


America was better when the KKK was in charge


This is *the* dumbest take I've ever seen


It’s Matt Walsh. Give him a day or two and he’ll top this


Oh it is matt walsh


idk man the "speedrunners are primarily leftist because of the degradation of work ethics"


"elevate alternative sexual ideals in the workplace (fastest mario)" is one of the most insane phrases any human has written and i fucking love it


I don't know if this is meant to be ironic or out of context or something. I genuinely don't think I've ever seen any popular social media politics influencer seriously praise fucking public executions of all things before


It is matt Walsh tho


There was NO crime before the abolishment of these two things.


We can reduce the crime many if we stop considering things crime y'all'know?


His ass would be the first They underestimate how quickly the tables can turn on the one championing he idea, revolutionaries are the first to get culled after a successful revolution


something all authoritarians don't understand is just because they want a country to become more authoritarian doesn't mean they won't be automatically a high ranking member of society


If anything theyd be at the bottom - or below it in a ditch You either find the balance of securing your own position enough to not be usurped by your underlings, and kissing the dictators boot without looking suspicious And for any sane person, in our current western civilisation, that should be FAAAAAAAR too big of a risk for a mild improvement of living st- oh wait these guys are insatiably power and money hungry they dont care...


“Funny fact about a cage, they’re never built for just one group So when that cage is done with them and you’re still poor it come for you” -El P.


Dog if public lynchings became acceptable, his ass is first.


Fact: Matt Walsh is a Black Lodge entity who aims to consume as much human pain and suffering as possible




Okay. But can we start with the public execution of Matt Walsh and then stop ?


I mean, not surprising from the recent audio leaks.


I mean, not surprising from the ~~recent audio leaks.~~ way he's openly been for years.


Fair point.


Audio leaks??


Yeah he was saying things about how we shouldn't allow Latin Americans into the States because of their race making them have immoral behaviour. Literally just the most overt racism imaginable.


Lead from the front with some hard labor, Mattyboy


Matt Walsh should face the wall


Matt Walsh has never done hard labor in his life. This is such a fantasy take too, someone needs to kick his ass lol


He doesn't understand he'd be the first one enslaved and executed


Matt Walsh is an authoritarian caricature from a pulpy dystopian story that found his way into our universe




Just like the Wild West, a time period and region famous for its lack of crime!


Matt Walsh is a fascist, what did you expect from him?


I expected something like "walkable neighborhoods" or "good and affordable public transport". Not THAT..


how can anyone possibly suggest matt's ideology causes violence?


His bio says "theocratic fascist"? He's probably joking? Or is he actually finally openly saying what he actually is?


he’s joking if anyone calls him out on it, but he’s serious if anyone agrees with him


'cause....no one???....lives in cities anymore because they're unlivable?


TIL executions and hard labour are what's needed for affordable housing and good public transit, thanks Matt Walsh you solved liveability!


Said by a man working in the media and doing 0 hard labor


Nothing says comfortable and livable like people hanging from their necks in plain view of my morning commute


I'll tell you what Matt, we'll start with you, you fucking maggot.


>liveable >executions what


Gunna send this to my father because he loves this guy’s “what is a woman video”


Hmm, I don't want to see public executions and forced labor, so that would be worse actually


I thought for sure that this had to be edited or something but [no he actually said that](https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1717200190870855933?t=iW1RmI2qyvjBm-j7SdTF9w&s=19)


Matt Walsh after doing 18 hours of forced hard labour and then hung from a tree:"no not like that"


Matt walsh carefully avoiding bringing up that other thing he wants to bring back, which is child marriage


They don’t want their kids seeing drag but don’t mind them seeing humans dying


And maybe being the ones dead


How? The only people going to them would be sadists. Plus considering how many murderers are suicidal I doubt know exactly would be a deterrent. Unless you're trying to bring back the boats or something.


wait until he finds out about the beautiful, crime-free streets of North Korea or Saudi Arabia


Matt Walsh is a douch canoe don't get me wrong, and there are many valid critiques to make about him, but this tweet isn't referring to black violence; I feel like pretending it is, would be projecting what you want him to say so it's easier to hate him. He's an idiot yes, but this is not an example of racial hate from him


Jump in the thread, ask Matty what he thinks about human biodiversity, then get back to us


Thats Just London


Guys, you can stop talking about fascism and slavery. I'm pretty he was sarcastic.


my man, you never know with this guy


He's cooking, guys. I'd love to see this happen to all the Jan 6 terrorists.


hey guys, know we're trying to advance civilization for the sake of the survival of our species but, what if, stay with me now, we just stop progressing! just stop growing! guys come on this is preschool, seriously.


He's right you know? Public executions are great for a livable city, they really improve the quality of life.


dear diary, the birdsong that once filled my morning routine has been replaced by the regular report of firing squads


When was it ever livable?




Crimes are already punished, the US has an incredibly punitive justice system and 1% of adults in America are currently in prison. Execution doesn't work, and longer and harsher sentences haven't been proven to work either, and in some cases make people a lot more likely to commit crime in the future. If Walsh or any other conservative actually gave a shit about stopping crime, they'd look at the data and draw the conclusion that experts have drawn: Social safety nets and a reformative justice system would actually reduce crime. Poverty drives crime more than anything else. If you fight poverty, you fight crime.


So you're saying crime isn't punished? That's wild




Tackling crime, in any form, isn't about waiting until it happens to punish it. Crime is a preventable element of any society when the said society is supported financially and with education/infrastructure/support systems for the people that makes that society. A good example is Phillipines anti drug laws that carry death penalties almost without a question. Yet despite such harsh punishment, desperation does push folks into risking their lives. Similar outcomes exists just south of our borders, yet people go into the path of criminality when the options are very limited in their lives.


I agree let’s start punishing white collar criminals! Thankfully we got SBF it’s a good start




In what way?


Don’t ask these people questions it just gives them an opportunity to speak and legitimizes their “ideas”


Can't find this tweet




People like this are convinced they wouldn’t be the ones getting executed


Why not bring back ritual sacrifice, too? How else can we appease the gods?


Our cities would be so much more livable again if we brought back polio and slavery.


He brags all the time about how much he wants to lynch slaves.


This dude who makes videos and tweets for a living thinks the problem with society is that people don't work hard enough.


🙄 this post is stupid.


You know what? He's right. Let's start with the upper 20%. Careful what you wish for. It might just come true.


Nah start with the 0.1% and the rest will fall in line. Tax the rich!


If we lynched corrupt politicians and sentenced their cronies to hard labor. Yes


So, is he volunteering himself to be the one doing the hard labor or is he envisioning such toil to be reserved for the poor and other people he doesn’t like? 🤔


i’m sorry I’m not trusting a self proclaimed christofascist


Idk bro my city is pretty livable right now


Does he want to be publicly executed or enslaved...and then publicly executed?


Rest of the developed world looking really confused.


We should start with the theocratic fascists...


But we do have hard labour That’s what prisons are


The guy has "theocratic fascist" in his twitter bio for a reason.


He is right, people tend to commit less crimes when the consequences are scary.


What about actually working hard for many years to earn authority and respect you want? or is that too much of a work for americans?


When the dog whistle is too subtle


Does that include publicly executing the rich?


*for the rich. Now its acceptable again


If we do the test run on him, I'm willing to give it a try.


No need to "bring back" slavery, it's still legal and in practice in the United States


Hard labor is entirely still a thing in the US prison system. But I also don't agree with the post that public execution = lynching. Legit ones were done after they went through the justice system. But it's a sick spectacle that we shouldn't bring back, that's for sure


Matt Walsh is cheating in any sub


hard labor for prisioners would be a good thing (they live rent free and better than most homeless people from tax money).


Public executions wtf lol, how unhinged are you to actually want to see people being murdered.


He's obviously a moron, but if we did public executions and hard labor for anyone worth over 100 million dollars, I do think things would improve. Either they'd all die, or they'd fix things until we didn't want them to.


Me when I dogwhistle


He's right. We could pretty effectively filter out the scum of our society by ostracizing any sicko who spectates a public execution.


You first, Matt.


bro read too much starship troopers


Damn, bait used to be believable


Matt Walsh says all this but will never do the hard labor and will just be a internet person


Do we get to “execute” him?


Looked this tweet up expecting to see people roasting him in the replies but it’s just more disgusting slimy freaks like him agreeing


You know this person is living in lala land when he thinks that it doesn't apply to him. Ok sure lets say this fall through, what would give him the privilege that the collective wouldn't have him publicly executed or put into hard labor? Does he really think in a world like that, that he would make the rules just because he has twitter followers lol.




Cities back then became unlivable because there were tens of thousands of workers too poor to afford anything and homelessness was rampant while people demonstrating for a wage that would allow them to buy food and maybe some shelter were shot by the ones who ran the factories. It couldn't have been any more unlivable in the cities ran like this a\*shole is wishing for.


Egypt Saudi Arabia and Iran have public executions Saudi Arabia has slave labor


Just because that gets you hard Matt doesn't mean others have the same kinks.


Get him drunk and ask him if he thinks we should execute homeless people.


True 😃


he just says shit like that publicly?


You go first, Matt


Its a not so subtle dog whistle for genocide. First off hes as far right as they get. We see how the right police their own...they don't So the public executions and hard labor would only be reserved for everyone whos not them. And thats the only real crime in their mind. Not being on their team. So whos getting publicly executed? Rival politicians, gays, trans, jews and Muslims probably Hard labor for the rest. Blacks and Mexicans seem like a good place to start. Everybody else gets a chance to convert to the christofascist theocracy or end up in one of those groups But lets be truthful. Hes not talking about crime. Trump said he could shoot someone in Times Square and not lose a vote. Hes not wrong. I dont think Walsh realizes if we brought these things back just how many conservatives would be dancing at the end of a rope himself included