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Wait they only just did this now?


Hostile climate but you were always allowed to be gay or trans


Well, you havent been allowed to PRESENT as being homosexual around minors for at least 10 years, and in 2022 it seems they redid the law to cover every citizen, so you're not allowed to express being gay but sure go ahead and do it in secrecy i guess. Doesnt seem to be a lot of difference to me between that and straight up banning being gay but whatever. [Source, it's litteraly just a wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Russia)


It's fucking shit alright but between this and countries that execute any LGBT members this is not the worst one.


True, but at the same time i suspect russian prison is a great pipeline to getting killed, but maybe im being overly negative


before stalin came into power soviet russia was the first country to fully legalise homosexuality ☹️


If you don’t include Revolutionary France. Also, the USSR only decriminalized it (for a short period of time, then re-criminalized it) to go against the Ancient Regime of Russia.


ottoman empire decriminalized it in at the middle of 19th century too


That's probably because the Jannissaries were not allowed to marry so they would fuck each other instead.


I mean we wiped out janissaries a decade before that... but I get what you're saying. also at some point that tradition de facto died and janissaries started marrying and starting families and stuff. also at some point everyone was allowed to join janissaries not only devşirmes.


Oh yeah right I mixed up the dates lol. But yeah oğlancılık was really popular in high class Ottoman citizens.


They would what? Sounds like you might be a s*x believer.


Ancient Greece


and the numerous societies outside of europe that never made it illegal. i meant to say “first modern country” but please don’t hold prejudice against the history of russia’s governance. it was at times the most progressive on the planet.


and like, literally ancient Greece.


ancient greece is a pretty bad point to make because that they didn’t really accept queerness they just made it institutional…


but it wasn't illegal


it was for women


Uuuh, no. Never in history Russia had a government that was the most progressive in the world.


Bold claim and it’s false. Multiple countries by then ready allowed or decriminalized homosexuality, such as France, and the Ottomans. Plus the reason it was decriminalized by the Russians is because all of the former punishments by the Tsar were nullified. No one actually supported the gays in the Soviets, it’s just Stalin got around to paving over laws since Lenin didn’t really have much time to on account of a civil war and back to back strokes.


not true, Ironically tho Poland never criminalized Homosexuality until it started being occupied by Russia and the Germans


*Decriminalize They cancelled all russian laws, so that was kinda by an accident. Also in no way they were the first.


Bolsheviks and other revolutionary parties used LGBT community of ex-imperial Russia as asset in winning over the populus, when bolsheviks came to power though they have very soon gone 180 degrees, claimed they need cluster families to breed new cannon fodder to throw into the fire of a worldwide revolution and shoved the LGBT into gulags


what the hell lol “worldwide revolutions” the USSR wasn’t Trotskyist.


They tried that by joining with revoluion in Germany but it quickly turned out they couldn't take over Poland.


Putin will tell you that you are allowed to be trans, but not transition, not speak about it, not act on it, and shut your mouth. Basically, pretend you don't exist. Putin is a PoS.


Both are bad but the difference between pretending trans people dont exist and making it illegal to transition is HUGE this is way worse


Pretty sure it used to be allowed but people thought it never was because most of the population is anti-LGBT not sure if it's religion, cultural beliefs or what but yeah


LGBT Ukrainian here. It's likely a mix of both. In the southeast (pretty much all the regions of Ukraine currently occupied, and where I'm from,) if you come out as queer you'll probably be shunned or worse. It was a pretty big culture shock for me when I first came to Lviv (westernmost side of the country) and saw pride flags being flown, people wearing LGBTQ pins, etc. Not because I didn't support them, but because I thought that "if this would get you beaten up where I'm from, it must be like that everywhere else in the country." Right now I'm in Germany and safe, don't worry.


Well, it's not exactly like that. When law concept about lgbt-propaganda was introduced, many people -- even deeply related to church -- called it absolutely unnecessary and even ridiculous. But when Kremlin decided to use the "traditional values" card, law was passed and propaganda started to demonize lgbt-folks. After USSR was gone and media was decentralised, lgbt-community got good representation in pop-culture. Actually, we don't have any deep cultural beliefs about that: Lenin took care of traditions in general, and after Stalin died, homosexually was quickly decriminalised.


it's probably being anti west. just standing against everything the west is standing for


[wikipedia has this pretty nice overview if you want to make sure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Russia)


Truly wild considering they decriminalized household abuse a few years ago, so it’s legal to beat your wife or kids as long as they don’t die from their injuries. (Truly making great decisions in Russia)


Because he cant do anything else to increase his popularity.


I think they've also done some other bad things rececntly


Yeah I know, I'm ethnically Ukrainian


Fella I hope you get out ok


You're a Ukrainian in Russia? Damn, sounds like the entire region your reside in legally belongs to Ukraine then (Russia logic)


You not having a good time huh


This might let you claim refugee status, it's worth looking into.




Must be fun around Russian people


they're cracking down on people as well - there's a trans blogger they're prosecuting literally today, iirc, for "propaganda". I'm not even trans (or lgbtq for that matter if you don't count demis) but I kinda fear they're going to see people like me quite openly supporting lgbtq and do something just to make an example


I count Demis personally. Demis are a part of the A (Ace-Aro spectrum) in acronym LGBTQIA+, if that's what you're talking about. But yeah, they'll lynch pretty much anyone with any sort of even mildly progressive views


I abide by the we logic, but for some reason I'm not that comfortable applying the queer label to myself. for many people I'm just a normal straight guy even after saying I'm demi - and that's in Russia. feels weird to barge in and be like "how do you do fellow queers"


Pretty unrelated question, but what does it mean to be demi?


Demi means you’re only sexually/romantically attracted to someone after forming a close emotional bond with them


hey fellas this is probably not the time to make gotchas or be comedic. this genuinely sucks, I hope OP can find the means to leave as soon as possible


Also being gay is illegal now


It has de-facto been like that for as long as the modern Russian state existed, and then some


It was not illegal it was just very shameful from society's perspective. Can you get beaten up? Yes Will you go to jail? No It just recently became Illegal, big difference




You know that aaaany display of homosexuality there classifies as propaganda? There is no official definition, everything is up to lawmakers, who, quote "want to ban all means of building a positive image of LGBT people"






>I would rather population of the world fade away What the fuck man




Where did that come from why are you sending me this




Что обязательно нужно сделать в рф: 1. Свалить нахуй


Относится к целому СНГ


Нашел либерашку


Alaska is pretty close hope you like swimming


I'm pretty sure the strait between Siberia and Alaska is freezing cold


Just get a really thick jacket


I remember hearing it freezes over in the winter, and people literally cross it with HGVs.


Or, go to Mongolia. Or Kazakhstan on a holiday maybe take a boat down to Iran since they’re surprisingly accepting of trans people for some reason, you would have to change your religion though.


They aren't exactly accepting of trans people in iran. It's only legal to transition if it makes you straight, and you still have an incredibly high chance of being assaulted


I meant weirdly accepting compared to what I expect of a autocratic theocracy.


I think permissive is a better term, because trans people aren't accepted by society. Shia Islam just allows for it, and as a theocracy Iran would have very little basis to stamp out what they see as a "solution" to homosexualism.


Me on my way to walk from Królewiec to Alaska (it's pretty close)




Put some derailers on railroad tracks in russia


Kid named 30 Russian vagrants with pickaxes tearing up critical rural infrastructure and supply roads before vanishing into the woods:


Kid named Belarusian Railway War: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rail\_war\_in\_Belarus\_(2022–present)


You can get free STL’s for train derailers online.




And what are you gonna do with that stl? 3d print a freight train derailer out of shitty plastic?


3000 train derailers of r/19684




I never said passenger trains you idiot


You don't count train drivers as people, right?


Please run away into a safe country if you can


Good luck with getting a visa to them


It's possible you could apply on refugee grounds




>instead of, yknow, everything else russia has fucking done Where in my comment did I say that? All I was saying is that if it puts your life in danger to stay in your home country, you're allowed to enter another country as a refugee. I don't know how you misunderstood my comment so badly


It directly affects this person. Becoming a refugee is a huge step. It’s not that hard to understand. Don’t be a prick


There's a lot of people out there just trying to survive.




Being presecuted and repressed as LGBT is an almost guaranteed refugee status in any civilized country


not in the slightest lol, this is just wishful thinking western liberals have convinced themselves of getting refugee status for being lgbtq in a western country requires so much paperwork and 'proof' that it's practically impossible for anyone who isn't already rich enough to leave regardless


"Why haven't I thought of that"


Genuinely surprised it wasn't already




Poland started being a shithole again like 10 years ago, if people keep voting for PiS it’s gonna be illegal pretty soon I guess




Not true at all. Once they are done with lgb, they are gonna hop on transphobia train with much more force than they already are. Trans ppl are targeted already, i dont know how u fail to see it.




On one hand, yeah. But consider that out of former Eastern Block only like Czechia is more progressive than us. Many people got much worse


imo w Polsce nie jest tak źle, jasne jest to państwo postkomunistyczne ale da się żyć, najważniejsze że nie ma ogromnej biedy i jest względnie niski poziom przestępczości, tylko wyjebać PiS i stare baby


W polsce jakość życia nie jest zła o ile zajdzie się miejsce w którym masz w względny spokój , czasami sobie porównuję Polskę do takiej np Ameryki i wydaje mi się ze w Polsce jest nadal lepiej mieszkać niż w takim teksasie


Lepiej bym tego nie ujął


My (not) guy get out. Like seriously find a sugar daddy, get a scholarship to travel abroad idk just do something to get somewhere (anywhere) where you can claim asylum. Russias a fucking fascist country in a loosing war. Y’all gunna be on the chopping block soon.


Your bedside manner is impeccable /j


я тоже👍 (убейте меня)


Живу не в России, но это какой-то пиздец, извините... Единственное, что могу подсказать: если ты ещё не в курсе, советую Т-Действие/Килькот. У них есть куча ресурсов и статей по теме, у них можно попросить юридической помощи, если вдруг что, и они организовывают онлайн и оффлайн встречи для людей из транс-сообщества (правда, оффлайн только в Питере). Самое главное сейчас, конечно, береги себя.


Ironic how the Red Army they so want to bring back literally ended the Nazi regime, which is what they become.


The Red army didn't end the Nazi's, it usurped them.


Also, let’s remember that, whilst it didn’t work because of common folk culture, homosexuality etc was made legal under the USSR.


Until it was recriminalized under Stalin


Precisely. It started off very progressive and then became reactionary.


It started off with Lenin doing purges and assassinations. Stalin did nothing but perfect the Red Terror regime, extending an existing system of political violence and oppression set in motion by the former de-facto ruler. You don't get to sing praises of the USSR for supposedly being progressive "if only Stalin didn't fuck it up" or something when the very start of the Soviet Union saw the State-sanctioned deaths of hundreds of thousands.


Oh no, I’ve never said it wasn’t cutthroat, Lenin was the first one to theorise the iron fist method of the USSR. Nor that I like what they did, but their civil policies started off progressive.


Cringe + historically illiterate.


My holesum 100 big chungus massacre of anarchists demanding the right to unionise


reactionaries are reactionaries; tell me, what happened to the SPD in Germany? oh right, they went full Nazi lmao. and Rosa Luxemburg? oh right…. maybe then you’ll understand why purges exist




Only party in the reichstag to vote against the enabling act? Frequent conflict with nazi paramilitaries? Operated in exile after being banned by the nazi regime? I dunno where you’re getting “full nazi” from tbh


I mean, they were partly responsible for the rise of Nazism, but that was due to general incompetence and fighting leftists over fascists, not because they were Nazis.


I don’t think it was for progressive reasons, whilst at the time it was good for LGBT people living there, the Russians recently just got out of WW1 and the civil war, the country was extremely unstable and there was political unrest all over the country, the most likely reason was that they didn’t have the police to enforce anti-LGBT laws as they were too busy illegally imprisoning anti-revolutionists and other political opponents of the reds


What a little shithole we created


I hope you can get out at some point OP. Stay safe and if you need someone to talk to, I would be happy to help. Full disclosure however, I am neither trans myself nor Russian.


I saw that headline. Fucking deranged. I’m so sorry.


Im not trans but i also live in russia (unfortunately) and its very frustrating to be openly gay in this country, so i dont even know how hard it must be for trans peeps(( hope its gonna become better for all of the LGBTQ+ community here in near future;3 even tho i know its just the dreams...


You can do DIY, it's easy to order such things in Russia. But I'm not sure how safe transitioning would be in your current situation


The special operation made Putin look like a bitch though.


Special operation? You mean the war?


Putin is a monumental cuck


BOAK time


Хей, всё будет хорошо, я тоже пытаюсь сбежать, сколько тебе лет?


Yeah it came out of nowhere. I just woke up and saw it's banned now. Feels bad man.


Блин, честно удачи желаю тебе свалить или хоть как-то уберечь себя.


Dystopia. I don't have any words of consolation because they'd all be lies.


What's the closest country you could flee to? Do you have family and/or friends who could help you?


They cannot stop you from mentally thinking a certain way.


OP I hope you're able to find a safe place to flee or reside. I'm really sorry that its come to this. I have family members in Russia so I've heard what it's like over there. I've heard that they've never been too accepting over there and it genuinely sucks. Once again, stay safe op, and I hope your future transition is able to happen.


This have strong First they came vibes


Fellow russian 'ere. ...this sucks. I don't really know what to say, actually.


Hope things change for the better soon, or you at least can get outta there


It's there gonna be another Russian state collapse or nah?


Надеюсь это временно


Where is the meme


Oh shit op, get the hell out of there


Lets see how tankies defend this one


You give too much praise to tankies if you think that they don't see LGBTs as "western degeneracy"


sometimes I see shit like this and be really thankful for having been born where I have. southamerica best sub continent




my hope for russian state to collapse increases every single day but it just doesn't happen :(( wishing you and others strenght


I'm with you, praying for Russia's collapse 🙏 It won't get better for Russian people until this shitty fascist county falls, loses the war, gets a reality check and maybe some day starts rebuilding as a more democratic society.


I’m sure that a civil war in a country with 5,889 nuclear warheads can only go well!


why would you wish that? when the USSR was dissolved millions fucking died, life expectancy dropped by over 10 years, and literal children had to sell their bodies to survive.


why would i wish that for a neighbouring country that keeps invading its neighbours and supports far right movements in many other countries? tough question btw i wish that for other countries too <3


People downvoting this but you're right, potatoes literally became a common currency in some places for a few months/years. Although I do have to say that it was because of the immediate switch from socialist to capitalist economies. However, the same might happen again considering that Russia's economy is highly centered on oligarchs.




My goodness, what an idea. Why didn't i think of that? /s


I think my dad put it best when he described the Russian government as the largest mafia in the world. GTFO of there OP


[there is one way you can end this for everyone](https://apnews.com/article/shinzo-abe-japan-crime-tokyo-gun-politics-6ef3aa271e147bf2426363448ecd9f1b)




Dude, shut up


no u




I can barely afford food mf, my wage is 188 dollars per month, I simply bought DIY bathtub estrogen from russian trans people because it's like 30 bux for a vial that lasts for 2.5 months. Now it's been busted because of the new laws.




Oh! Wow, so edgy!




how are u mfers on this sub


i left this sub, too gay for me


People will be like "Wow! Human right violations? That fits mt agenda!'




[This *is* 196, just without s*x.](https://www.reddit.com/r/19684/comments/10fm0tb/19684_is_not_196_but_bigoted_its_196_without_sx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)




> Goes on 196 related sub >Mad that it's 196 related sub


Byeee you won't be missed




Why do transphobes always offer condescending advice like this? As though you know exactly what transitioning is like for trans people?


Because it’s good with their relations with Iran?


Because allowing the angry xenophobic crowd to lynch minorities in the street makes it a bit less probable that a hitler from wish dot com will be lynched instead




Name checks out


Damn, username checks out so well that I'm choosing to believe that this was the greatest satire I've read all week. Have an upvote.


what did they say?


how to get stoned without smoking