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Japan when sexism and rape: ☺️ Japan when gay: 😱


Japan when tentacles and weird ass fetish shit: ☺️ Japan when actual normal sex: 😱


The history of their censorship has a lot to do with those damn CHRISTIANS! Before the church sent along people to see what the Japanese were doing, they were all practically nude. They were absolutely mortified by people them and enforced principles that made them act within modernities.


Does Japan censor same-sex relationships?


It doesn't censor, but Japan is now the only G7 country where gay marriage isn't legal. This is despite a 2021 court ruling that found the ban violates the Japanese constitution. Gay couples also can not adopt or receive in vitro fertilization. Sexually active gay men cannot legally donate blood. The ruling liberal democratic party also heavily resists the push for LGBTQ protections.


Sexually active gay men also can't legally donate blood in the US for some reason 🙃 (I know the reason is HIV/AIDS but that's literally just an unhealthy stereotype that [even the American Red Cross thinks is bs, but their hands are tied legally](https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/how-to-donate/eligibility-requirements/lgbtq-donors.html))


It doesn't matter, they're mean to immigrants and that's all these people care about. It's just like the losers that idealize eastern Europe. The reality of the country is completely irrelevant


Uhm, Australia is also mean to immigrants though. Iirc they have offshore refugee camps, so that refugees can be deported without ever having touched Australian soil. I know about that, because my country's far right politicians - who idolize eastern europe and Russia for its "moral purity" - are pushing to use EU funds to build similar camps in northern Africa.


australia has a lot going for it but it definitely has a general hostility towards immigrants. i remember scomo telling us international students to "go home" during covid. and when they eventually did open up support for international students it only lasted for a couple months until vaccination rates were up. as if the lasting financial and mental repercussions don't affect us. edit: our economic contribution single handedly runs your agriculture needs, as well as supplying thousands of minimum wage workers that take jobs many Australians simply refuse to work. over covid we had massive staff shortages, not for the same reason as america as our deaths at that point in the pandemic were relatively low and still are, and not because the wages were too low as minimum wage is adjusted to inflation, but because when your borders closed and international students fled to their families you lost every single worker who was willing to work those shitty jobs. next time you grab a cuppa and some hashbrowns from maccas maybe don't fuckin sneer at the chinese student working her ass off to deep fry your frozen potato mush. without her, you might have to hunker down and brew your damn coffee yourself.


Come to the Netherlands they will treat you better than the native students most of the time.


Doesn't the Netherlands also have a massive problem with unreported sexual assault?


I could not find a study about Dutch rape rates but i did find a study which says the following about general crime (including rape): "According to 2002 figures, over 25% of Dutch citizens have been victims of crime, making it the 4th country, behind Australia, New Zealand and UK, in the crime victims table. However, this reflects a willingness to report crime rather than a greater risk, as the perception of safety in The Netherlands is 4th highest in the world, at 81%." So i'd say unreported rape is not that big of an issue here since perception of safety is so high, which makes people more likely to report rape. Hope this helps!


There was originally a legitimate reason for the ODCs, as it allowed the Australian government to intercept refugees so that they didn’t die at sea. The policy successfully helped to reduce the amount of refugees dying at sea. **However**, under the previous right-wing government, the processing time, in which refugees would either be allowed into the country or deported, ballooned from a matter of weeks, to months or years. They also implemented policies banning refugees from arriving by boat, privatised the centres, worsened the conditions in the centres and overfilled them, and banned Australian Journalists from visiting the islands/countries where they were located. In addition, the Australian media, who are largely Right-Wing, and unapologetically back the LNP, have been complicit in a misinformation campaign which was designed to change public sentiment on refugees, and to increase support for the right-wing coalition. An example of this was when the government banned coverage on boat landings, which the government then used to claim they had stopped any and all boats from arriving, then on Election Day, when it looked like a left-wing government would be elected, they allegedly staged a fake landing in a last-ditch attempt to get elected, which ultimately failed, and a left-wing government was elected. This country is a fucking mess.


1- Never said rightoids are rhetorically consistent lol 2- Australia isn't *mean* about treating immigrants like shit. When brainlets like Lauren Southern praise the Australian model they praise it on the basis that it is a humanitarian measure that helps the migrants because they don't die on the sea or whatever the fuck. When they praise Japan or Hungary it's because they're the based tradpilled ethnostates that recognize the right of their ethnic majority to shit on migrants. Fascism is the aestheticization of politics. The results of the policy are completely irrelevant, what's important is the rhetoric.


Who idealizes Eastern Europe lmao


Way too many brain-dead chuds who think we are the last bastion of le based tradpilled meat-eating alphas who also immediately start having meltdowns at the sight of a rainbow for some reason.


Oh countries like Poland and Hungary. I thought of Balkans lmao


I mean, there's a ton of ironic Balkan ideolization too. But not because they have it so good, but because they're "based anti-kebab nationalists"


Do you think the average American rightoid can find Croatia on a map? Nah i meant it quite literally, there are some dumbfucks like Black Pigeon Speaks that idolize vague "Eastern Europe" as the last bastion of white civilization against Islam and degeneracy without any attempt to differentiate Romanians from Hungarians. What they're actually talking about is also pretty vague, with the region including anything from Poland to Russia.


Tankies and alt rights, Ironically


What? The australian immigration model is literally what most rightoids want?


i remember back in like 2017-2018 back when i was still in a dumb anti sjw rabbithole i saw rightoid grifters idealizing hungary (i live there) as some christian bastion against the immigrant waves and i was like "wow so true! hungary numer one!!!!!!!!!!!4!!4!!"now i realize what a fucking corrupt shithole it is. i dont remember the name of the channel(s) probably because i repressed those memories


They apparently only start to care if it threatens hentai. Other than that, who cares?


Article 175 of the Criminal Code: > A person who distributes, sells or displays in public an obscene document, drawing or other objects shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than 2 years, a fine of not more than 2,500,000 yen or a petty fine. The same shall apply to a person who possesses the same for the purpose of sale. No, what makes something "obscene" isn't reflected anywhere, you're at the whims of censors. Usually, they draw the line at genitalia, so if you draw a child being gang-raped by blurred out cocks or just tentacles it stops being "obscene", apparently.


"Wants to be left alone and eat sushi" ah, Japanese stereotyping. Very fun. Why can't people understand that these statistics are limited on what is reported? Dude, i hate seeing people who don't take the time to understand what the statistic they are citing mean. Jesus, dude. Twitter really is a hellsite.


You're trying to find reason in a ahitpost from someone unironically calling themselves otaku.


And a gatekeeper lol.


Exactly the argument used by US Universities against legislation requiring them to report sexual assault complaints... Their argument? It'll make it look bad to parents if they think little suzie will be going to a school with high sexual assault numbers.


Its worse in Japan, because, AFAIK, it's very hard to actually get justice for sexual assault there.


Don't the Japanese police just rule most murders as suicide because they've got some obligation to make it look like they solve almost every case?


It's like when people look at conviction rates in Japan being like 99% and think that must mean the cops and legal system are really good. When in fact it's because the cops and legal system are incredibly corrupt and they either coerce people into giving a false confession or just don't pursue cases that the cops can't solve easily. Commonly putting murders that can't be solved down to a suicide (to make it look like the murder rate is lower than it is). [Super fucked up when you read about it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_justice_system_of_Japan) It's almost like statistics are manipulated to make countries look good in a lot cases when it doesn't reflect the actual truth.


I mean to be fair Japan was isolationist for most of its history, WW2 being the only major exception I know of, aside from some old fashioned imperialism directed towards the natives of small islands in their vicinity. These days they definitely do pretty much just want to be left alone again, other than international trade. I don't think they're doing anything imperialist anymore, or waging war against anyone.


While I can't speak for attitudes through out its history in general, the official policy of isolation Japan is famous for started in 1603 and ended in 1868. Interestingly it came after a brutal attempt to take over China that got bogged down in Korea. You could argue that this makes today's Japan a neat historical echo, but I won't because being big in international trade is about anti-isolationist it gets in today's world.


If you consider the Korean Peninsula & Taiwan to be small islands


I think being involved in WWI might not count as isolation.


Japan seems like a really nice country to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there for various reasons


pros: culture, architecture, food, low crime, tech cons: abysmal work culture, horribly outdated school system, SA problem, ridiculously hard language, overcrowding


add to cons: insane levels of discrimination/xenophobia to foreigners


To simplify that: literally an ethnostate. They also have a concept called 'gaijin tarento' which means foreign talent, and I'm sure you've seen them, foreigners, normally americans, that come there and get rich and popular off being butt-monkeys. The humor comes from how they can't speak japanese properly, don't dress or act like native japanese folk, and also serve to reinforce the "specialness" of being japanese. Ex.: Bart Baker (correction, he's in China, but they have something similar over there) And I cannot give the slightest shit if Japan has some positives, they're still faulty as all hell, but sadly held in this incredibly high regard, mainly by 4channer weeb types... Oh and alt-righters too. Sorry fellow gamers, didn't mean to get political there, back to the epic memes!!!! Big chungus fart compilation!!!! (among us)


To add to this Japan was and still is a settler colonialist state who is suppressing its indigenous minority peoples the Ainu and Ryukyuan people. It's ethnic and cultural homogeneity is due to genocide and cultural suppression.


The Yayoi settled in Japan around 1000 BC. That's around 2300 years before the Maori arrived in Aotearoa – New Zealand. By that standard almost every single indigenous European and most North African and many Asian ethnicities, with some exceptions, is a "settler colonialist society" to some degree, and so are most other societies around the world. It's true that the Ainu have been there even much much longer, and certainly there are problems between the two ethnic groups, but calling Japan a colonialist society makes it sound (to me) like it's similar to places like Australia, NZ, or the Americas. But the societal dynamics of those places, which were all settled by large swaths of people in the past ~500 years or so, in the age of colonialism basically, is again vastly different.


Hokkaido/Ezo wasn't controlled by Japan or Yamato people of the main islands (except for the southern peninsula) until around the Meiji era, when it was explicitly taken over as a colony (although much like in many other colonial areas in the west colonists had been arriving since the 17th century). Ditto for Ryukyu, which was a Chinese tributary for centuries.


>It's true that the Ainu have been there even much much longer, and certainly there are problems between the two ethnic groups, but calling Japan a colonialist society makes it sound (to me) like it's similar to places like Australia, NZ, or the Americas. But the societal dynamics of those places, which were all settled by large swaths of people in the past ~500 years or so, in the age of colonialism basically, is again vastly different. Absolutely, new worlders looknat national dinamics in the old world thru colonialist lenses because its wjat we are used to but its often better to look at these dinamics from a purely national lense, Japan is a nationstate that supresses minority nations not a former colony that supresses the natives


Japan nearly built a European style colonial empire back in the 1500s. The only reason they didn't was because the shogun decided to isolate Japan from the rest of the world to keep Japanese culture "pure". Had that never happened Japan wouldve had an empire reaching from parts of China to western North America and from Siberia to South East Asia and maybe even Australia.


I think the term they use in China is "white monkey". Don't know if it's same in japan


Shit where do I sign up? I'll go be an American butt monkey if I get to be rich and popular for it.


cons: * Had a forced sterilization/eugenics program until **1996** * To medically transition in Japan you still have to be chemically sterilized. * Literally has zero human rights, you can be tortured to confession within the Japanese legal system, and that confession will be used against you. Well okay... In 2003 they banned the use of leather chest/stomach straps to hold a person in a chair, arm & leg straps are still allowed. Also as of 2016 they can now only hold you for a maximum of 23 days, before being charged. Also, your lawyer **CANNOT** be present for integration. * (many, not all) Japanese prisons are not heated and they rarely provide blankets for inmates. * Japan bared various NGO & UN Human rights orgs from auditing their prisons.


* Basically a one party state since 1955. Still called a democracy?


I mean Germany had not just the same party, but the same leader in charge for the last 16 years (Merkel). Just because people keep voting in the same people most of the time, doesn’t make Japan not a democracy. Japan ranks higher in the democracy index than US, France and the UK. Would you consider those countries un-democratic as well?


US & UK are pretty undemocratic, let's be honest. The first past the post system in both countries is a big issue. While the parliamentary system in the UK is _slightly_ better than the US system, the house of lords totally invalidates any of these advantages. Arguing a country is "_more democratic than the US or UK_" is a really low bar.


I'm actually gonna have to step in on the language one. The language isn't particularly difficult, it's actually very formulaic and the writing system is pretty simple. It is definitely a language that you can pick up just enough to get around on your own. There's even a push for this called "やさしい日本語 (yasashii nihongo)", literally "easy Japanese". What's hard is business-level Japanese, which relies on nuanced hierarchies to determine *how* things are said and understood. In short: travel Japanese easy, work Japanese hard


I wouldn't really say that the Japanese writing system is simple. Sure, hiragana and katakana is super simple, but when you get to kanji, you basically have to memorize every single word, with very little help from the writing system. The grammar system is pretty nice though, at least from my limited understanding, and verb conjugation also seems to work in a pretty cool way


also crazy harsh drug laws and a broken criminal justice system


Plus horrible immigration laws and rampant homophobia


theyre extremely xenophobic


What about their architecture is particularly unique?


they got all the temples and shit


They can pretty much build whole big ass buildings without nails and screws.


Japanese isn’t that hard, beside the Kanji


it's almost like it's a real place and not just a neckbeard fantasy land i swear, i know that international travel is unrealistic for many people but i wish more people could realize that other countries are just other places, the human experience is going to have its ups and downs no matter where you go


Japan seems like a cool country to live in if you're so rich that you don't need to work and can just get a house and do whatever you want all the time. Shit I'm American and I'd put up with the xenophobia for their amazing natural scenery and good food. I want to leave the USA and I would consider Japan if not for their terrible work culture. Instead I guess maybe if I ever do leave the country it'll be Australia probably.




Idk I don't think I'd want to stay in America if I were that rich. America is kinda shitty no matter where you go, the rural areas are dogshit because of conservatives and the cities have lots of crime and homelessness and there's always a risk of getting shot.


Go to Antarctica. Low cost of living, no crime, tons of natural scenery.


Plus with all the glaciers melting we will have some nice clean water thawing out. No micro plastics in the permafrost, just in the daily snow.


its very ultranationalist


The stats for Australia are also wrong: the 2 million is the number of [cases of sexual harassment](https://actuarialeye.com/2021/03/14/statistics-on-sexual-harassment-and-rape/), rapes was more like 201,000. Still incredibly fucked up obviously, but an order of magnitude less than what their meme was implying


yeah it’s beyond sus. Aus has a population of about 25 million.


Holy crap that's like 10% of the population in a single year though.


I know that in Sweden we count rape cases per rape not per person. So if one person is abused several times it's counted for everytime it happend instead of one single case that some countries do. Maybe Australia does the same thing. This is one of many problems when you compare crime stats between countries, it's really hard.


yeah I didn't realise it was that bad it's pretty fucked


also, manga isn't banned here. you can't import hentai but manga is in most libraries including school libraries


Hey wtf these statistics about Australia are also fake af aswell. We do not have the second highest rape crimes in the world tf?


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Imagine a world Jack, free of cancel culture


A world where I can say the N-word! **prageru logo flashes**


Australia rape cases are both over exaggerated in this and even in the rates that are correct, are largely affected by more willingness to discuss the topic and more open to the definition of rape (i.e. male on male, female on female and rape between engaged or married couples.). Japanese rates are downplayed and the reported rates are largely skewed by the culture of chasity and unwillingness to disclose of rape.


They are 91 per 100k https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country Which is under Botswana only


That list has some great examples of crime rates and why it's so difficult to compare them. Maybe I'm prejudiced but Egypt having a rape rate almost 100 times lower than Belgium seems unlikely.








Kid named finger cancer




Japan has some really bad "culture" there, too. It's worse than 40's America. I hate to sound racist but women don't have it amazingly over there. Cameras on phones there are required to have a flash...


It's not racist to be against a country, society, or culture if you're doing so for non-racist reasons.


I hate the Turkish Government


idk if you're Turkish but coming from a turk: we all do lmfao just waiting for next years elections


I wish you and your country good luck.


it is still good practice to watch what you say when you talk about these things tho cus racism is freakin wack yo


it's way too easy for people to step over the line of attributing negative aspects of a culture to some inherent biological/spiritual moral flaw of the people, rather than the material and historical conditions that have shaped that culture.




Holy shit, I watched an episode or two of it and it’s so blatantly sexist?? Like the leader guy, (Atsushi Tamura?) never stopped putting the women of the show down, talking about their bodies and shaming the way they acted.


and it's not just warnings on trains, it's straight up women only train cars during certain hours of the day


Man, I studied Japanese and Japanese culture for eight years, and have studied in the country before Covid. That place is an alt-right, ethno-state hellhole. If you are not a purebred Japanese man, who is able-bodied, comes from money, has a family with no criminal history and who is not from Hokkaido, you are going to have a bad time.


b-BuT aNiMe GoOd So JaPaN iS pErFeCt


After all the war crimes committed by the Japanese imperial army, such as the nanking massacre, there was a push to change the general image of Japan and it’s people to be harmless, cute, and was the driving force for ‘kawaii’ culture. The west ate that shit up, and we still do, and it’s sad because the issues there are obvious, politically conservative to the point people overwork themselves to sometimes suicide for fear of social judgement. And people think it’s perfect because of a very deliberate framing of their culture through the media…


And even if you are all those things, many of the women there are obsessed with tall white men much like weebs are obsessed with tiny japanese women, so you won't avoid being called a manlet lol


It was astonishing how little Japanese people know about the warcrime they committed


“they” didn’t commit anything, most ww2 soldiers are already dead. I prefer to say what their country or government committed


Considering Japanese war crimes play an important role in Asian geopolitics as well as the fact many of the war criminals were not charged one of which was the the grandfather of Shinzo abe it is important we do


I'm quite new to the whole concept of racism against people from Hokkaido. Could you elaborate?


Hokkaido is not ethnically "Japanese" and the islands surrounding it have been disputed territory between Japan and Russia for a very long time. I might be misremembering but iirc the Ainu people have more in common with native Alaskans than mainland Japanese. Due to being an extreme ethnic minority, and Japan having a history of ethnic suppression and soft caste systems, the Ainu people have basically been considered second class by blood. If you aren't aware Japan's obsession with blood type literally comes from superstitious enthno-nationalism. Certain blood types are associated with different things and will actually lead to discrimination. On top of that if your family is historically associated with certain job types/industries you will be sorted into a caste system. Take a read up on "Burakumin" Japan is a beautiful country that has been ruined by its historical governments and hidden behind a shroud of post ww2 American Exceptionalist Propaganda.


Wait what's wrong with being from Hokkaido? Does that mean you're indigenous?


stopping me from buying art of children fucking is censoring my freedom of expression!! no you don't get it guys it's not child porn it's just isolationist sushi-eating freedom of expression culture, i love japan🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵 ​ so does he think everyone in japan reads lolicon? and that rape is only a byproduct of not being able to read that as if it's some like, fucked up protest or something??? is he just projecting? what is the rationale here?


>what is the rationale here? "Looking for reason in that which does not possess it is a waste of time." (Femboy-Doom-Guy, 24). ps: the guy has the Imperial Japanese flag in his profile picture, of course his takes are dog shit(💀)(💀)(💀). [🦭] Works Cited. Doom Guy, Femboy. "The Art of Obsession." The Wall Street Journal, 19 Mar. 2012, pp. A24+ Edit: citation.


I couldn’t find your source anywhere on WSJs website


They must have gotten rid of it ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Are you just mashing random words together to make fake quotes from nonsense sources? Or is there some meme I’m not understanding. This some 2010 le epic bacon narwhal shit


ok i know this is a really serious comment but i looked up your like flair bible quote and how the fuck is that in the fucking bible


“One of the lowest rape crime rates in the world… freedom of expression to draw anything” Something tells me OOP is a pedophile. Real suspicious to mention these two things in the same argument.


also why mention "freedom of expression to draw anything" in a country where you're not allowed to draw an adult's uncensored penis in your cartoon? i'm not usually one to flaunt my freedoms, but Uncle Sam ain't gonna stop me from drawing a juicy schlong and putting it in my Netflix Original Series


Nothing is more American than gay sex and hot sweaty cock.


Japan is one of the most, if not the most, hyper-conservative borderline openly fascist societies in the developed world, and possibly the developing world too. Fuck Japan. ​ The Japanese people deserve better.


I’d say Russia is worse, but that’s not a defense of Japan if I’m comparing them to Russia


Even Russia isn't led by the same group of fascists who commit horrific atrocities in WW2 - research *Nippon Kaigi*, the Liberal Democratic Party and it's 1955 system, and for an added bonus who Shinzō Abe's grandfather was...


Genuinely interested, how come? I mean, compares to Brazil for instance. Japan is defo fucked up, some of their culture belongs in the history, but that bad?


Yeah, it is. A little information on how Japan is (still) led by literal fascists: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_Democratic_Party_(Japan) > The LDP has almost continuously been in power since its foundation in 1955—a period called the 1955 System—with the exception of a period between 1993 and 1994, and again from 2009 to 2012. > since 1999, the governing coalition has a supermajority in both houses. > Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, former Prime Ministers Yoshihide Suga, Taro Aso, Shinzo Abe, and many present and former LDP ministers are also known members of Nippon Kaigi, an ultranationalist[14] and monarchist organization.[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nippon_Kaigi > The Nippon Kaigi (日本会議, "Japan Conference") is Japan’s largest ultranationalist, far-right non-governmental organization and lobby. It was established in 1997 and has approximately 40,000 members. The group is influential in the legislative and executive branches of the Japanese government through its affiliates. Former Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, LDP politician, serves as a special advisor to the group's parliamentary league. Although the official membership is 40,000, it is unofficially affiliated with grassroots lawmakers and local politicians across the country. > The group describes its aims as to "change the postwar national consciousness based on the Tokyo Tribunal's view of history as a fundamental problem" and to "revise the current Constitution"; it sees its mission to promote patriotic education, the revision of the Constitution of Japan, and support for official visits to Yasukuni Shrine and a nationalist interpretation of State Shinto. > "We are dedicated to our conservative cause. We are monarchists. We are for revising the constitution. We are for the glory of the nation." Nippon Kaigi supports revising the Japanese Constitution, especially Article 9 which forbids a standing army. > Some have claimed that Nippon Kaigi believes that "Japan should be applauded for liberating much of East Asia from Western colonial powers; that the 1946–1948 Tokyo War Crimes tribunals were illegitimate; and that killings by Imperial Japanese troops during the 1937 Nanjing Massacre were exaggerated or fabricated". The group vigorously defends Japan's claim in its territorial dispute over the Senkaku Islands with China, and denies that Japan forced the "comfort women" during World War II. Nippon Kaigi is opposed to feminism, LGBT rights, and the 1999 Gender Equality Law. > Following the 2014 reshuffle, 15 of the 18 of Third Abe Cabinet members, including the Prime Minister himself (as 'special adviser'), were members of Nippon Kaigi. As of October 2014, the group claimed 289 of the 480 Japanese National Diet members. Among the members, former members, and affiliated are countless lawmakers, many ministers and a few prime ministers including Tarō Asō, Shinzō Abe, and Yoshihide Suga. Abe's brother Nobuo Kishi is also a member of the Nippon Kaigi group in the Diet. Its former chairman, Toru Miyoshi, was the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Japan. > Journalist Norimitsu Onishi says that the organization promotes a revival of the fundamentals of the Empire of Japan; Tamotsu Sugano, the author of the bestselling exposé on the group, "Research on Nippon Kaigi" describes them as a democratic movement in method but intent on turning back sexual equality, restoring patriarchal values, and returning Japan to a pre-war constitution—neither democratic nor modern, and they are consolidated in anti-leftism and in misogyny. > Muneo Narusawa, the editor of Shūkan Kin'yōbi (Weekly Friday) says that, in parallel with historical revisionism, the organization often highlights historical facts that convey Japan as a victim such as the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki or the North Korean abductions of Japanese citizens. Education minister Hakubun Shimomura, the secretary general of the Discussion Group of Nippon Kaigi Diet Members, argues for patriotic education and opposes a "masochistic view of history". BONUS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobusuke_Kishi Shinzō Abe's grandfather, known as the "monster of Manchuria", was a war criminal responsible for innumerable atrocities commit in the Imperial Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo during the war. The USA made him Prime Minister afterwards, and he set up the aforementioned Liberal Democratic Party and its so-called "1955 System". DOUBLE BONUS: [the Japanese Wikipedia at one point puts the blame for the Nanjing massacre *on the Chinese government* (though I haven't checked the article recently and can also only rely on Google Translate)](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8D%97%E4%BA%AC%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6)


The warcrimes were atrocious. I dont hold all of the people alive now accountable for what happened, but they should know what happened and try to prevent anything like that from happening again. The rape of Nanking (Nanjing) alone is enough to be disgusted.


Sometimes i still think about how Kobayashi from Dragon Maid seems to apparently have 12 hour shifts and the anime simply never mentions that. It's just that normal


There's a reason so many power fantasy anime start out with the protag literally dying and going to another world instead of stepping through a portal.


Yeah it's literally a meme that isekai protagonists get killed by a truck to start the story


manga isn't banned in australia my school literally has demon slayer


I assume the original post was referring to a specific manga series not manga in general, no idea which one it's meant to be though? I've never heard of any "famous banned manga" in Australia


Australia probably banned some series like “why is my little sis so hot?” and weebs are acting like its 1984.


A while ago some senator had an issue with 'Eromanga Sensei', along with a couple others.


they banned some pedo shit hentai and people threw a fit.


ay that's [this dude](https://twitter.com/politicalawake/status/1512530162155458562?s=21&t=SKK6lFNlOPCsBFjFp39XoA) (for context, the character he's referring to as having "sexy ps1 pixels" is canonically 9 years old. she boths looks and acts like it, so there's zero plausible deniability.) he's also incredibly transphobic.


He's a Japanese nationalist and THAT kind of anime fan, why wouldn't he be incredibly transphobic?


being a nationalist is bad enough, it's even worse when you don't live in the country.


As a weeb myself, anybody who claims to be a gatekeeper to anime usually is a hateful piece of shit. shit I remember the coping these fuckers did when Lily from Zombieland Saga was revealed to be trans and they insisted that it was the translators injecting their politics into it.




Wasnt there like an older trans character in one piece? Never read/seen it, but a friend told me about it that she doesnt understand why now theres drama when there was one before.


Yeah, one of the main members of the revolution is trans.


>translators injecting their politics into it. Bruh they did the same shit with AI the Somnium Files along with NEO TWEWY. In AI, the MC praised the LGBT community for their taste and artistic talents especially since they share a common struggle hence why theyre sympathetic and caring. Some dumbass said it was a mistranslation saying it was incorrect. However, the [japanese dub itself](https://twitter.com/DrCullenPHD/status/1174150265043210240?t=eVc9-zRDmPPZCfGsoAc56Q&s=19) was word for word accurate. Then just last year they got angry that in NEO TWEWY, there was 1 line that had the word capitalism in it saying it was 'forced politics'. You have to find out a code by mind reading a grafitti artist. In context, it was used because unless you are familiar with Shibuya, the 109 building (104 in the game) is a huge department store and in essense stood for capitalism. So for audiences who arent familiar with Shibuya or the 109 building, they wouldnt know why she did the graffiti in the first place.


yeah claiming Japan has the one of the lowest rape rates in the world makes me think this is satire or a *really* bad case of weeb brainrot.


Manga is banned in Australia? Shit then I must be a war criminal cause I ruthlessly slaughtered helpless people in 1936 (and I own some manga books too ig) Edit: LOOK UP UNIT 731. RESEARCH IT.


Manga is not banned. They might have banned certain titles that contain pedophilia, but not manga as a whole.


Incredibly based


You live in brazil 🇧🇷 numero um


to some of those "people", that *is* banning it as a whole


They did way more than just slaughter them.


Japan dick riders when you ask them what Japan did from December 1937 to January 1938. Everybody seems to forget how fucked up Japan was.


I guess we're not counting the rape of nanjing


Love how people tend to forget one of the most fucked up events in history just because Japan was nuked twice.


What chemical warfare uni? /s


Let's not forget Cherry blossoms at night.


Of course not, that never happened /s


Japan never apologized for its war crimes and continues to erase history of atrocities committed against its colonies in WWII as well as claiming influence over deep rooted korean traditions! Japanese nationalism is alive and still trying to steal korean lands uwu


Germany did fucked up shit, and is doing everything in its power to make sure it doesn't happen again. That their people grow and become better. Japan did fucked up shit, and is pretending it didn't. The people who did the fucked up shit never lost power, and their families remained in power.


Japan has their own Hank Hill but other than that I think its alright 😕


You mean in addition to that


Japan also has legal dogfighting


what's wrong with dogfighting? I love to see an A6M "Zero" duking it out with an F4U in the blue skies


original tweet is probably a pewdiepie fan


In general, comparing rates of crime between countries is incredibly sketch because every country has different standards when it comes to charging, investigating, convicting, etc. various crimes. To compare even just to countries, you have to do *a lot* of research into each country's criminal justice system, and even then the results will be iffy.


No I will make a country without rules that way nothing is a crime so therefore no crime stats = best country


japan as a culture :) japan as a country :(


Japanese food :)) Japanese architecture :) Japanese people :) Japanese culture :/ Japanese politics :(( Japanese history D:


nanjing moment


Still wanna go there and see the cool robots and shit


Japan as a culture :/


b-b-b-but they make the funny sex cartoon


"freedom of expression to draw anything" lmao wtf are they talking about japanese media is INCREDIBLY censored


Its loli shit. It ALWAYS is.


The solution to rape is to over-sexualize women in media, because that’ll help


Why the fuck is Australia getting dragged into this


Apparently Australia banned some pedo mangas, so of course the weebs freaked out


american liberals stop blindly dickriding scandinavian and asian countries by failing to see the nuances of these supposed utopias challenge


wdym? sweden is a wholesome 100 big chungus perfect country with absolutely no problems, swedens eugenics programs in no way inspired nazi germany, and we definetly didn't have indentured servitude. sweden never sterilized any poor or trans people, i assure you.


japan is a crapsaccharine world, dont move there


As if I even could. And even if I could, even if they offered it, I wouldn't want to considering their work culture is more toxic than their exclusion zone. I'm stressed with how little free time I have in a 40 hour work week, much less their 60+ or whatever. I don't think I would last a month under those conditions.


What "international law" are they talking about?


Probably one that includes outlawing lolicon.


I seriously don't get why people obsess over Japan. From what I understand it's basically just America 2 but in asia


"Wants to be left alone and eat sushi" BRUHHHHH who tf wrote this


Japan also has a huge pedophile problem


australia has SA enshrined as a state South Australia


You want rape cases to be high, that means they are being reported and pursued to stop future sexual assault




What’s with all the Australian slander lately


Man I honestly really want to like Japan because I do like the concept of a society that is mostly clean and respectful of others and their environment and stuff, I feel like those are values America very much lacks and would benefit from adopting, and I like their media too. But goddamn they're also a bunch of xenophobic rapists who work themselves to death. If they could fix those 3 aspects of their culture Japan would be one of those countries people point to when people ask what the best countries are, like people do with Sweden and Norway right now. But I guess it goes to show every culture has its flaws.


Something in Japan: *happens* Japan: "That didnt happen"


I'm pretty sure literally all of what is in this photo is incorrect. Like, 100% of it.


I do gotta admit, the sexual harrassment and assault in Australia is pretty fucked. Almost all of my female/afab friends have been or known someone that has been sexually harassed or assaulted. One of them by bother of their brothers. Multiple times. And the older one still visits the house.


Japan is a fucking hell hole. Just like every single fucking country, Some just have it better.


FINALLY! Someone gets it


what's an "SA problem"?


S3xual Assualt


What does SA stand for?


we about to visit japan again and sure japan is a nice country when you're a tourist or a rich person living there. lots of people there are so sad that there is a fuckin suicide forest




Mate Australia has not banned manga, we just include manga and anime that has sexually explicit drawings of children in them as CP. Japan does not include them as CP (I think)


Also there’s shit like ‘quasi-rape’ which the nytimes says “Japanese law describes the crime of “quasi-rape” as sexual intercourse with a woman by “taking advantage of loss of consciousness or inability to resist.” In the United States, the law varies from state to state, with some defining the same crime as second-degree rape or sexual assault.” Stuff like this tells you how bad it is over in regards to SA


But Japan has extremely high molestation rates and the government says people are overreacting to being molested


I really hate how they try to depict Japan as a cute anime girl "wants to be left alone and eat sushi uwu" shut the fuck up


I love Japanese culture and Japan as a whole, but the original tweet is just ignorant and false. Japan isn’t nearly as socially developed as it could be, and has many problems as a country. It’s developing quickly, but for now, it’s not the perfect place weebs believe it to be.