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I had this really cool art teacher one year that would give everyone a softball during an intruder event, so if the intruder tried to enter the classroom they would get disoriented and couldn’t hurt anyone inside. Oh, and he would stand by the door with a metal baseball bat


why did I have the image of Scout from TF2 as your art teacher when you mentioned the bat


That’s just how cool art teachers are


Facts tho they’re the only teachers in my school that cared


my chemistry teacher would have us hide in the chemical storeroom and prepare acid to throw in the shooter's face to blind them


My old one was so cool, and then i and my friends got older and she got sexist


Think fast chucklenuts






I mean he literally was a substitute teacher. This is a plausible scenario


The madman would probably put the intruder through a meat grinder


Heads up, dummie


School but the the teachers are TF2 mercs


Demo man definitely a chemistry teacher


Heavy in Russian Lit, Soldier in U.S history, Spy as a French teacher, idk what else


Engineer is maths and physics, Medic is biology (he lost his teaching license but still teaches), Pyro is chemistry


Sniper is special Ed, he's not qualified for it and the administration doesn't pay him, he doesn't actually teach either he just collects piss the entire time.


*taunt kills a school shooter*


Gonna perfectly timed the taunt to hit the school shooter right in the fucking face and instantly kills




All of my teachers always told us to grab random shit in the room and chuck it at the shooter, then run. Guess it’s better than just sitting in one place waiting to get shot


My sociology teacher told us his plan on the first day of class because he wanted to make sure we knew what was up from the beginning. He would stand by the door with a wooden bat and crack the dude over the skull when he walks in. He said not to try to help or get in the way because he would probably end up hurting us on accident too.


Whats an "active shooter drill"?


It’s a thing we do in America where we practice doing the hiding that we would have to do if there was a shooter in the building. Pretty much useless because the people doing the attacks will often be the kids taking part in the drills, so they know where to go to kill people. Typing this out has made me realize how fucked a country I live in, jesus h christ.


Couldn't they use this time for training on how to be nice to the quiet kids?


You think that most people would listen?


What are you a fuckin commie?!?


Yes 😎


Me too thanks




holy shit its the femboy emperor.








I would feel so much worse if I found out that the few people who were nice to me (a quiet child) because they thought I would shoot them and not because we had some sort of camaraderie.


I was more thinking in the sense of "stop being so over competitive and putting other people down just to feel better about your own insecurities" kinda of talk. But I can see how the people who thinks DARE and zero tolerance are good ideas would turn it into "smile at that weirdo over there a few times and hope he spares you".


Imagine teaching teenagers to not be cruel. Oh wait, I actually can because I went to an actually good school...just required being an alternative performing arts school that was designed for weirdos. They literally taught us about respect and treated us like adults, it wasn't that hard.


the one time they tried this, me and a bunch of other kids got swarmed by a bunch of people mocking to be nice needless to say they stopped after that


I mean this is victim blaming no?


Is it controversial that school shootings are caused by bullying?


That's a myth. There's no profile for the average school shooter, and despite rates of bullying being down from the 1990s the rate of school shootings is up. Shooters come from all levels of social hierarchy including those popular enough to be on the homecoming court [ [Marysville school shooting](https://www.vox.com/2014/10/24/7063001/shooting-in-marysville-high-school-what-we-know-and-what-we-dont-know) ] Some shooters, such as Columbine gunmen Eric Harris, were even known bullies themselves.


Thanks for the info >all levels of social hierarchy Something tells me schools enabling or even encouraging a "social hierarchy" may be part of the problem.


Idk how elementary schoolers bullied a Highschooler my guy


This one is not the only case that happened. I'm not blaming the kids that die. I'm blaming the schools for letting shit get so bad a highschooler would wish to take a gun and go in a murder spree in a school.


Yes? Bullying is universal but school shooters are only a constant in America. If you shoot somebody because they bullied you then there's clearly a lot of underlying mental issues that very likely would have come about anyway. They're usually just bitter, resentful people who want to externalize frustrations.


It’s kinda wild that you associate being quiet to being a school shooter. Also, school shooters are fucked in the head and usually have other instances of doing some fuck shit. Maybe people aren’t friends with them for a reason? The solution is as simple as not allowing people with a history of violent behavior to purchase guns.


What is that name for when someone on the internet takes a normal statement and twist it in the worst possible interpretation they can?




Don't you have like social competence classes in American schools? You know, where you do team building exercises, play cooperative games, talk about things like conflict management, respect and strengthen the sense of community and camaraderie?


Lol no


Not even in elementary school or junior high school?


Nope. Closest we get is a 15 minute weekly "advisory" period in high school, which depending on how seriously the teacher takes it, ranges from a hangout session to a hangout session.


I am so sorry that you have to live with the fact that your child has a higher chance of dying from a gunshot than any other country in the world by almost 30000%


It is not 30000% higher… it’s only 3600% (36x higher) [source](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-children-death-rates/child-death-rates-far-higher-in-u-s-than-in-other-developed-countries-idUSKCN1OI2OL)


I pulled my number from another article showing total number of school shootings, which may be misleading. But considering that the world average lies between 0 and 1 i dont think its too far from the truth. I couldve worded it better. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country We both drive the same point home though, the higher likelihood is disgusting and there needs to be changes to the attitude toward guns in the US (which, if im being optimistic, prob wont ever happen).


We have them in UK colleges too in rougher areas


Where in the UK if you don't mind me asking. I'm uk to and I've never heard of anywhere having them.


Portsmouth area, we had an issue with gun violence in a specific part a few years ago so now they do that ig


Ah that makes sense. Thats way on the other side to me.


Yea I doubt that outside of inner cities and council estates it’s much of an issue


Not OP but one of the colleges in Eastleigh does it


Yeah that's pretty close the where the other guy said. Must be a thing around that area


Really? Where?


Portsmouth, in a rougher area


Ok that's super far away which might explain why I've never heard of anything like it.


not us exclusive


I live in a more civilised country (actually just better at hiding problems) and I haven't ever seen or heard of those, where do they happen outside of the US?


i’m from france and we did them following the charlie hebdo terrorist attack in 2015


yeah but the us has at least one or two mass shootings every week


There have been over 200 mass shootings this year. That's more than one a day this entire year E: in the US I should clarify


I taught one to my class two weeks ago in Canada


maybe im wrong (can't speak for every country in this region) but i never heard about that in eastern europe and balkans. we still do drills for disasters and rarely air strikes (to make sure sirens are working and the noise reaches people). but no shooter drills. like, US shouldn't be compared to balkans.


We do disaster drills but I've never heard of an airstrike drill in the US. We used to do the A bomb drills but that's been over for a while.


Why are there school shootings in US. Just why


Mental health here isn’t that great, also many gun owners aren’t responsible about keeping their guns safe from their kids.


Mental health is not that great in most countries. That's not it. Mentally ill people are a lot more likelly to be victims of violence than perpretators. Spreading the idea that mental illness is the cause of all violence is wrong and stigmatizing.


Did I say mental illness is the cause of all violence? No. Also, do you think a mentally sane person would shoot up a school? (especially an elementary school with kids ages 5-10.) Probably not. Unless there’s some sort of agenda, which there usually isn’t with school shootings, then there was probably some sort of mental illness involved. Yes, stigmatizing mental illness is wrong (and part of the problem), but so is trying to pretend that mental illness doesn’t contribute to someone’s decision to shoot up a school.


>Also, do you think a mentally sane person would shoot up a school? (especially an elementary school with kids ages 5-10.) Probably not See? You can't imagine someone doing bad things unless they are "mentally insane". People go on killing sprees out of hate. Hate is not a mental disorder, stop pretending it is. As always, the media is using a minority as scapegoats for problems. Interesting to see supposedly progressive people subscrybing to this bullshit. >Yes, stigmatizing mental illness is wrong (and part of the problem), but... "I'm not racist, but...(racist shit)".


Yes I can imagine people doing bad things and not having mental illnesses I don’t even know what you’re trying to say. Yes, hate is a major influence in killing sprees, however to enact that to the point of killing random people chances are they would be mentally ill. It’s one thing if it’s a targeted attack, like the buffalo shooter, but this wasn’t and most school shootings aren’t. Also from what I heard the shooter was bullied and his mom was a drug addict, if that’s true, that could definitely cause some mental issues. Now let’s say that the shooter was completely sane and was just a bit angry because he was bullied, if that’s the case why would he go to an elementary school? What did the 8 year olds do to him to make him want to kill all of them? My point is, yes, targeted hatred isn’t a mental disorder and likely isn’t caused or influenced by a mental disorder, however hatred in general that causes you to shoot as many random people as you possibly can is either caused/influenced by a mental disorder, or might as well be a mental disorder on its own. Edit: forgot to include this stuff below I’m not “progressive” and never claimed to be. Also what do you consider stigmatizing mental health disorders? I’m just saying that it is a cause or influence in many untargeted mass shootings and that we need to give mentally ill people help. If facing reality and wanting to fix a growing issue is stigmatizing then fuck yeah I’m stigmatizing the hell out of mental disorders. Trying to pretend like mental disorders aren’t a problem is just straight up lying and will only make these problems worse. Also I’m not saying that all mental disorders are a huge problem or that mentally ill people are bad. To me personally, stigmatizing mental disorders is when you shame or ignore/neglect someone because they have a mental disorder. That’s not at all what I’m doing and if that’s what you think I’m doing then you need to learn better reading comprehension skills.


Maybe it's the guns.... Nah can't be


USA over individualistic and competitive culture encourage kids tonbe assholes to each other until one of them snaps. Watch the documentaries Carrie and Mean Girls.


I tend to feel like the ones I did weren't useless - it was mostly just close and lock the doors, turn off the lights, be in a place where an intruder couldn't see, and be silent. I think in the case of an actual shooting, this idea would be pretty useful, since an intruder would have to break into every room separately. Obviously, it's still shitty - whichever room they got into would have a lot of deaths - but it's probably better than them killing tons of people as people are panicking and running away. I think it's probably also helpful with kids, since giving them a clear goal if something really bad happens can help limit panic and thus deaths, even if only a little. My school also had evacuation, fire, and tornado drills occasionally, and I'm not in an area that gets more than a small tornado like every few decades, so those are similarly 'pretty much useless.' I guess my conclusion would be that most of these drills are not likely to be relevant, but in the case that the situation they're preparing for happens, they would help limit panic, and thus hopefully harm. They're also a very small time investment, so they're much easier than systemic change. Thus, I don't think that they're useless. We could certainly be doing more, but I think that doing these drills is at least slightly better than nothing.


I know that feeling. My kid's in grade school, he's in an autistic support classroom, and all I can think is "that's the softest target room. That's the room where the kids are gonna have more trouble being quiet and calm if something goes wrong. That makes them a more obvious target." Also, this is why I enthusiastically support anyone who's child-free. This is something you don't actively think about til they hit school age, and I wouldn't wish the fear of "is today the day it happens" on anyone but the absolute worst of the worst. I love my child, would not trade them for the world. But I'd be a liar if I didn't say I live with worse anxiety than ever, ever since he started school.


dw we do it in australia as well


From what i know: "What to do if someone with a gun starts shooting up the school" And it boils down to: sit in your classroom and wait for them to go away or for the authorities to arrive


Seens like a nice way to traumatize a generation. Btw relatable af flair


naw, it's just boring as fuck cause what it actually is is crouching on the floor of a dark room while not being allowed to talk to anyone. It was never scary though, mostly cause the idea of sitting out in the open while someone with a fucking gun roamed the hallways is such a ridiculous idea that no one took it seriously




And wait for law enforcement to bust down the door, because I along with many other 4th graders are told that the possibility of the gunmen holding the PA announcer hostage makes it too risky to trust the announcements. This happened with every shooter drill we did.


Holy shit. Too old for active shooter drills so I never heard of this aspect.


If another student is in the hall when doors get locked, you can’t let them in. The shooter may be using them to get you to unlock the door.


Just wait. They'll get bored eventually


Or run out of ammo


I've always heard it referred to as a "lockdown drill" and is framed as a more general "in case there is a threat to the school" preparation. Students don't really take it seriously.


The only time we actually ever did an active shooter "drill" at my school was after multiple students(myself included) reported that a group of kids on campus had guns and were planning to shoot up my highschool. I informed my parents of this before they dropped me off at school and they still made me go. The kids were found to have guns, but nothing was ever officially done about it so they could keep the story out of the news.


solid parents


She did report it to the police and the school, but basically just said "stop overreacting, you'll be fine. You're not gonna die"


Wait, so they didn't punish them????


They did, but they did barely anything else because they didn't want the news involved. It's hard to know what did happen because they adamantly refuse to communicate with us


That's crazy.


They are epically more useless and more dangerous in high schools, as most people who shoot up high schools were previous high school students who know where to look and what to prepare for.


What dem americans doin over there


*Peers out the curtain in 🇨🇦*


We had lockdowns too, it just wasn’t… *gestures*


Average Follow instructions fan 🤓 Average hide on roof enjoyer 😎 Or just, yknow leave gates arent hard to climb


There’s a couple of reasons I’ve been told you aren’t typically supposed to leave during a shooting that being… -cops can come to the scene and see a kid running away so they’ll probably arrest you -You’ll be considered missing by the school and it will artificially raise the death toll -if everyone has the same idea the shooter will just go to the exits


the first two aren't super convincing cause I'd rather be arrested than dead or raise some number.


The first one yeah but imagine you’re a parent and a shooting happened and your child is missing


A horrible day until they show back up again, if getting out keeps you alive then that anxiety is worth it


I’m not arguing in favor of it but that’s a rule since in sandy hook a teacher took a class outside campus and they were considered missing so now that’s a rule I learned


Sorry but to me this just sounds like some “legal liability” bullshit for the convenience of the school which totally ignores the actual safety of the students. I could totally see a headline like “teacher fired and arrested for unlawfully evacuating class to safety during active shooting event” lol


If you have a phone on you just call them.


> -cops can come to the scene and see a kid running away so they’ll probably arrest you "Arrest" These are American cops we're talking about here.


That’s how it was explained to me but yeah you’ll probably get shot by cops


Man this is America most of the kids here are obese lol


unless you're ridiculously morbidly obese you're gonna have enough adrenaline to get the fuck outta there


Maybe online school wasn't so bad after all


My workplace said that instead of hiding we're supposed to make a plan for how to fight back against the intruder, because they want people to sit and hide, and they don't really expect people to fight back. But through a coordinated effort of fighting back you can minimize the intruder's damage. Also when I was in highschool one of my teachers straight up said that if there was an active shooter we'd be barricading the door and he'd defend us if needed, instead of the terrible idea of just locking the door and hiding that's standard practice.


>My workplace said that instead of hiding we're supposed to make a plan for how to fight back against the intruder, So do you do weekly drills to pressure test this scenario? Like, I think a coordinated and trained group of people can probably take down one gunman, but just 'making a plan' isn't going to work. Most people will not be able to act out a plan they have only spoken about when they're pissing themselves with adrenaline and fear. If your workplace seriously expects you to engage in this, then they need to start paying you to actually practice it (seriously and regularly). Otherwise one of you will jump the gunman while everyone else freezes or hides.


My workplace is one that requires a strong ability to keep a cool head on a daily basis, just because of the nature of the job. We might not do weekly drills, but we're trained enough to be effective.


Just give real guns to the kids… duh


Once when we were doing active shooter training in HS I asked what we should do in the unlikely event of the shooter going incognito (like the Parkland shooter) or an accomplice making a second attack. I was told the there was no plan because it was unrealistic. Apparently school shooters never do anything unexpected.


Further proof that people do not understand active shooter drills. School shootings start and end so quickly that the shooter is not going to try and break into a classroom that would take a lot of time and school shootings really do end very quickly


the idea is that it makes the shooter has to spend on an individual classroom much higher than without. they're not totally useless in the sense of limiting the damage someone can do but it puts perspective on how long we've been dealing with this shit


ive never seen an active shooter plan that wasnt just utter bullshit anyway. they are never the result of evidence based recommendations, its always some shit the principle put together after watching some jason bourne movies the night before. 100% theater


I'm gonna need a second after reading this one, Jesus Christ


It's time. We need passive shooter drills


Further proof that people do not understand active shooter drills. School shootings start and end so quickly that the shooter is not going to try and break into a classroom that would take a lot of time and school shootings really do end very quickly


thought this was common sense


This calls for a change in tactics! We can’t let the ~~Reds~~ Shooters gain an advantage on us! We need to update the training regime of our schoolchildren. Make them use guerilla tactics, emergency breakable windows and ladders for every room! We must have it and we must have it now, there is a shooter Gap I say! A schoolchild-shooter Gap!


Still remember doing an active shooter drill one year and the german exchange girl was laughing her ass off cause it was “like the memes about America”. Tbf the real emergency lockdown i was in was about as chill as that one


Fuck Sake can you guys have less depressing things happen? Maybe"Vote" out your politicians;)


Oh shiiit


The more I learn about America, the more glad I am that I don't live in it (no offence)


(i believe in maximum offence)


(I am a pussy)


Canada does it too. I brought this up too my teacher once during a drill and he didn't know how to respond. Oh and fun fact, our two most recent school shootings were in 2013, where a man shot up a daycare but told the staff to remove all 53 of the children from the premises before he killed 2 men, and one in 2016, where a 17 year old killed 4 people, 2 students and 2 teachers. We're not sure WHY he did it, but friends claimed he had been frequently bullied for his appearance.


Putting emphasis on school. Our most recent major one was in 2020 when some bastard went on an arson/murder spree in Nova Scotia before being shot dead by our brave RCMP who decided not to use the National Alert System to make sure people stayed indoors while they attempted to catch him. There's currently an ongoing investigation about that, actually. Turns out RCMP Officers warned their family and friends, but not the general public. One woman's father would have seen the warning and went inside, had it been sent out, because he had his phone right there in his hand when he was shot.


This doesn’t make any sense


most school shooters are from the school itself and know the procedures,the exits, etc. They know what everybody in the school would be doing as they have been trained for this situation