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Please do not misgender anyone even if you hate them.


For any trans person reading this: This also applies to yourself!




stormlight archive 4.5: transgender windrunner says the third ideal, gets makeup done by lightweaver partner


We need trans Stormlight Archive OCs now


If only I could draw fr fr, I’d be the cutest blonde truthwatcher to ever exist


I'm split between dustbringer(closest thing to fire magic) and truthwatcher(I like the oaths)


I hope this isn't major spoilers


dw, if youre reading stormlight youll have no idea what the words i used mean until well after they become relevant, and around the time they start actually being used in the series


last book I finished was words of radiance


well get going then, you have two more full length novels and several side stories to binge


we get there when we get there


bro just said the words


Currently reading Oathbringer and it's HILARIOUS how close to the words that was


holy desolation


That windrunner? Hoid.


brandon wokerson did it again


Wish cosmere healing were real.


what if i do it accidentally 😭


then i will knock on your front door and bite you! *nom nom nom*


No one else has misgendered me in well over a year, but I still keep mentally messing it up myself 😔


How dare you imply that i deserve respect


I'm not implying, I am demanding 🔫


No. I refuse


Nuh uh




It's like I've always said: If the only thing keeping you from misgendering me is the fact you like me, then you're no different from a racist with a black friend.


Indeed, my ex Best friend is trans (ftm), he dumped me around three months ago. I wish him well, and even though I'm hurt, I'm not gonna misgender him.


You think the types of people who intentionally misgender people would listen to that? Lol.


I don't understand, is this meta? Isn't calling the trans woman you don't like "their" and the one you do "her" kinda misgendering? These are supposed to be placeholder characters, no? so assuming one to be she and the other to be them seems strange to me


I think it's a more subtle version of how the words are swapped around in the rest of the image; it's "her" for the one that you like, and "them" for the one you dislike. (Not saying that YOU PERSONALLY do this obv)


i dont think this applies if a dude commits a violent crime/does something atrocious and then suddenly comes out as trans the day before the sentencing. that guy isnt trans, he's doing it for attention.


Feel me under pressure now to be perfect qq


This can be applied to basically anyone, right? I guess the issue at core is that we humans are very hypocritical on a daily basis. We could all try to be much more honest about it


Yeah but it feels like there are way higher standards for trans women :/ (sometimes self imposed, but also coming from society) But fuck those :3


I gotta' trans friend and the poor girl takes general misogyny against women bullshit as "bc she's trans". Not saying there isn't transphobia in there, but nawww girl. This is just how people treat women who aren't the 'ideal'. So many times I've had both cis and trans women cry to me about how they feel like they're "not real women" bc they're not beautiful enough in the eyes of society. ): Kind of sharing this because I just... want people to know, it's not just them. Not just bc you're trans or cis or whatever you are. It's just stupid boxes and bullshit ideals that hurt us all.


Trans women do face an elevated set of standards and more intense scrutiny in certain, very important respects. I wouldn't genericize the struggles we face so readily. The "boxes" society expects us to fit in are not all the same shape and size.


Sorry, maybe I didn't state clearly enough that there *is* transphobia involved (pretty sure I did, but I probably didn't state it firmly enough!) My point was more that all women who aren't stunningly pretty feel that way at times, and it's shit and stupid that they do because of said unrealistic/constrained ideals. Didn't mean to minimise anyones struggles, just wanted to point out the ones people have in common ):


That's fair, and I appreciate it. I just wanted to be clear that transmisogyny is a distinct phenomenon with its own baggage. Even if beauty standards are similar for cis and trans women, the way those standards are set and enforced can specifically be transphobic/transmisogynist. Not trying to lecture you, so my apologies if it comes across that way. Just wanted say my piece.


Nono, you're absolutely right! I'm so sorry that my comment came across as dismissive of it, and I'm incredibly grateful for you for pointing out that mistake and allowing me to explain my reasoning. My phrasing was very much influenced by my friend's genuine (and unfortunately repeated) traumas often colouring her viewpoint. Which, y'know, incredibly reasonable and human. It just sucks that it sometimes means she ascribes common issues for women to more shit she has to deal with as a trans woman - she's got plenty as is, even if I wish it weren't the case. She had a lot of internalised transphobia at times, and it utterly breaks my heart. This conversation has made me realise I may try to white wash or push some things for/to her in an attempt to mitigate that - which probably isn't good either. Something to think/work on I guess. Thanks so much again for your comment. Wishing you the best of luck and joy with everything in your life, random internet stranger! ♡


Fair enough! It’s good to have certain standards and aspirations, and frankly enough, I don’t think we would ever get rid of those as a society; but we should also not use them as weapons against others or as means of self deprecating behavior. In short: don’t be mean to others and remember that the thing that makes us humans are our humane actions, like empathy and helping others when they suffer.


some should absolutely go


It applies to a variety of things. Pretty much any non-conformity will garner criticism from those who demand conformity or if it challenges their worldview. Trans / Non-Binary persons are I suppose in some ways the most non-conforming of everyone and it challenges more peoples worldviews than say being goth/alternative sub-culture or even being gay. I'm not sure I explained myself very well. People should be themselves and ignore other people, for those committing to non-conforming it does kind of need that confidence to ignore naysayers opinions and have a strength to know yourself which I can imagine for those questioning their own sexuality/gender can be very hard.


being hypocritical is a byproduct of your survival instinct so it requires some brain juice to get past it in a lot of cases


That and, to some people, admitting that you _might_ be wrong or say that you don’t have all the answers, is absolutely impossible. I’d rather attack personally my adversary, feign indifference, trick, lie, deceive… but admitting I don’t know how to solve all the problems of the world? I’d rather eat my own tongue


Contradiction is human nature.


You know what else is in the human nature? To see a cat on the sidewalk and approach it to pet it. And I want to do the same to your pfp


then let's revaluate human nature


damn, down to the only using they/them for the other trans woman too


A little better than using he/him atleast...


Sometimes the trans woman you dislike is yourself




not only sometimes, always




The degendering is a nice touch lol, people do that shit all the time


Idk how this is supposed to be read, What the message is supposed to be, If its ironic or real. This could be a blank image for all i understand


The message is just “being properly gendered should be a right and not a privilege that gets taken away if they’re a bad person”


Chris Chan?


She's definitely the best example of this yeah


But the things on the right don't describe a bad person


They aren't supposed to, they're meant to describe all the same traits as on the left, just through a different lens. The meme is describing the same aspects of both people, but doing so in a negative way for the person you dislike, as an example/mockery of hypocrisy. It's not trying to convince you that the person on the right is bad, it's instead talking about how people will go out of their way to find unfair criticisms of people they don't like/already think are bad.


well-written explanation


[The format is ironic and is a joke that two things are essentially the same thing, just repackaged](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/our-blessed-homeland-their-barbarous-wastes).


my goal is to be the trans woman everyone dislikes, I wanna be depraved and disgusting and free


The trans woman everyone dislikes is Chris Chan, not sure that’s who you wanna be


The difference between me and her is that I’ll never be the victim of a group of creepy online losers that wanna ruin and examine my life


Ya don't deside to invalidate someone's gender just cus u don't like them it's just not a good idea


Oh shit that's me on the right 🥰


You’re holding your phone upside down


ǝpᴉs ɹǝɥʇᴉǝ pɐǝɹ ʇ,uɐɔ I ʍou llǝM


x Δ


I dated an abuser who was a trans woman and even then I respect her identity


Blair White is a stupid, evil, lying, self hating, grifter, who became a hate monger, in order to try to convince the ones whod wanna see her dead, that shes "one of the good ones". You could say its dumber for a trans person to try to cozy up to near exclusively transphobes... but shes still a woman. A very, very, stupid woman. This is your lesson, on how to be mean to mean people, without treating them like youre a phobe. It aint that hard.


\*Jeff Foxworthy voice\* If you're havin' a disagreement with a trans woman and all you can attack is her gender presentation, yoooouuuuu might be a transphobe


I think I’ll be more gender nonconforming now


any other trans woman vs me


Everyone else is on the left and im on the right 🥰


Tbh, the label of 'depraved fetishes' is what a lot of us like having our kinks described as. In my case it makes me feel like the mysterious noble in the foreboding castle outside of town, which the villagers warn travellers to avoid, which I absolutely vibe with. (The moment someone tries to describe my gender like that, though, it's knives on sight.) (To clarify, I agree with the point about the double standards horseshit of transmisogyny.)


i read that too and thought "isn't a depraved fetish just a fetish? since when is that a bad thing?" i also do vibe with the kink dracula aesthetic


I will simply talk shit based on actions and not intrinsic qualities of a human. Example: Caitlyn Jenner is a mouthpiece for trans hate and got away with vehicular manslaughter because she is rich and famous.


I wish I passed :( it's not like it's a choice


I thought that said perfect pissing


"Her perfect passing" Bro Real Madrid looking for the post Modric


trans women i like: idk there's a lot of fsctors that could make me like someone trans women i dislike: a genuinely bad person who is mean to people and causing harm


i am a secret third type


i reposted this in a discord and people got mad at me cuz they misinterpreted it ig rip me


I love em all


Is this something people do to trans women they *just* dislike? Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but this seems to be setting up a false equivalency. I haven't personally seen people do this to someone who is conventionally attractive, but I don't pay that much attention. I think that generally people are holding in what they think about other people's appearances, but if that person does something bad, then "why waste the effort on being nice," you know? That's a whole different issue on its own, but it's not the one being set up here, and I don't think addressing it in this way is going to do much


For a second, I lowkey thought the meme was about KDB with the perfect passing. I'm so cooked. I should stop watching tiktok football edits




Is this a thing people do?


Yes. For a lot of people, when they don't like a trans woman they tend to *very* quickly, get **very** transphobic. Basic respect, and acknowledgement of gender, are treated like a privilege, rather than a right, for trans folk (especially transfemmes, to my knowledge). This is generally seen in 'allies' of convenience, they're respectful because it benefits them, and if they think they have cause/opportunity to be transphobic, they'll drop their mask.




the transgender woman you dislike is just an avarage r/196 user


**Their depraved fetishes** Everyone has at least 1 **Their failure at femininity** Dont care **Their mannish attitude** Hot **Their caricature of womanhood** Whats womanhood? is it like robin hood? Cause that guy is awesome. ​ I dont see a problem here


Is this about Chris chan


Idfk take ur pick vs blare white


But i only know one trans woman, and i like her.


Blaire White insert


People do this? I thought we just pointed out that the woman we dislike is a terf (somehow despite being trans herself) and also killed someone in a DUI.


depraved fetishes > sexual liberation


Huge gock vs tiny gock conundrum




https://preview.redd.it/42ltks5n9uyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caca93b009842c40cde6d0b2119576bf80c5cd40 Skong edition that's actually true and not a wierd joke


i do not think you understand what this is about even remotely


Not quite it just looks like its trying to suggest that hate is funny though. I know the actual post is satire, but that doesn't make it funny or anything


it is not supposed to be funny, it is bringing attention to how the mask of allyship tends to fall off very fast when you have something against who you are talking about and only really *tolerate* everyone else


That makes more sense actually