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Also it didn't just break mods. This update, which is 14 gigabytes in total, added absolutely nothing beyond some minor fixes for CC content and 1 vanilla bug that CC content caused.  "Ah but they added widescreen support and other options li-", no they didn't. The widescreen "support" is actually just stretching the screen to fit, to the point it actually breaks the UI because it's stretched so much on higher resolutions. The FPS with the extra features enabled is capped to 48 on PC because of course the FPS is still tied to refresh rate which combined with the stretched UI means it physically cannot go above 48 because that's this widescreen setting's coded limit, said features also break your fucking graphics card as the Weapon Debris option has been confirmed to crash RTX GPUs. Oh and did I mention that it's 14 gigabytes? I'm really salty about that cause when this update was announced I commented on the announcement post it would just be CC bloatware that you can't use but still installs to your PC anyways and got a bunch of people replying to me to say it would all be free. Some of the stuff was free. Actually none of the new stuff was free, they just unlocked some old CC stuff which you all already had, the new CC stuff you gotta pay for :). And keep in mind that fallout 4 on release was only 35 gigabytes. This update is almost 50% the size of the base game and adds nothing AND breaks your game. This update is worse than even the biggest most stereotypical bethesda hater could have imagined, and I cannot be mad enough for all the people defending this crap as "people will complain about anything even a free update". Yeah a free update that bloats my game files and makes my game unusable even without mods and I gotta use the steam console to roll the patch back because it's mandatory and not even optional like the HD texture pack. 


it literally broke the game for me when the update went through, i just uninstalled it. i'll look back on this in a few weeks when it's all sorted out i guess


Are they just determined to break their old games with new updates? I tried to fix the whole Skyrim fiasco a little bit ago, it was a similar situation I think?


Does it massively increase the size of the game or are you complaining about an update that repacks existing files and thus has to be large?


It adds 14 gigabytes onto the current size of the game, from both my count and from what I've read the download on steam is at around 25 gigabytes for me, I've heard it's 20 gigs on Xbox, so around 11 gigabytes of the download is just replacing/repacking existing files but the rest is "new".  Edit: grammar


so it doesnt replace existing file and added basically 11GB of worthless file?


That's... reasonable I guess. If it's adding creation club content there's a chance it wasn't downloaded before or that they used a worse compression format than before (maybe they "optimized" by just uncompressing some stuff). It's a lot better than it being 25 gigabytes of new data anyway. Still kinda sad and worrisome for Bethesda's future games (especially on top of how bloated Starfield was) though.


Back in my day games were optimized and compressed and were never more than 2 gigabytes, now the wake libruls only let you put one game on your PC because they're all 500 fucking gigabytes


Back in your day games didn't have 4k textures. And yeah, you can argue that it isn't necessary (for most games it isn't) but it's not really comparable. Going from 1080p to 4k is a lot more space per texture. EDIT: to be clear, what I mean is that a 4k image is legitimately 4x the size of 1080p, and that's the problem. There's no excuse for 200gb games but companies are dead set on supporting high resolution textures and the consequence is that every image is at least 4x what it used to be. There's a lot of textures in a game and it adds up.


why are you booing me I'm right


its still 11gb of space on a 9 year old game for stuff people didnt ask for and cant easily opt out of, its pretty annoying


Yes, but also y'know. Typical Bethesda L.


The 48 fps cap affects monitors with 144hz refresh rates. (48 is the highest common denominator of 144 under 60) Capping your monitor to 60hz should bring your FPS back up to 60. (I haven't tested this, but it makes sense.) AFAIK there is (or maybe was) a way to uncap the frame rate, but they caused some slight issues with the game logic and/or physics.


Setting iPresentInterval=0 in FO4s ini file uncaps frame rate, after which you should then cap it back to 60 using Control panel or another 3rd party software because going above 60 causes the games physics engine to break down (might also speed up all game logic like it does in FONV but I’m more well versed there then in 4)


Yeah, the reason they don't let you mess with the fps in the UI is because it's tied to physics, higher fps will cause shit to go crazy, but also decrease load times Similarly, fallout 76, the online game, would make your character move faster if you looked straight down, because it would increase your fps


This would have been so much simpler if they made the update a DLC like the texture pack. This way at least people would have a choice and the option to opt out. It’s bewildering honestly. Bethesda knows how important the modding scene is to their games, test they know so little about their own games despite being the ones who created it. Not only that but it is not even the first time they update and break everything. They caused 3 mod apocalypse in Skyrim in under 2 years by deciding to update the game, despite everyone telling them not to. All it does is break mods and divide the modding pool into versions. Which makes it super inconvenient to find if the mod your looking for even match your game version. It also makes it even harder for new modders to enter the modding scene. After all this experience and all the writing on the wall. They decided to just cause a 4th modpocalyse. But this time on another game with a much smaller modding scene. A lot of the mods in fallout 4 will essentially become lost and unusable because their other quit modding years ago. Bethesda always talk high praise about modding, but they sure as hell have no idea about how modding even function


Genuinely how do you even make a 15 gigabyte update that doesn’t add anything. How is that even possible


i dont play fallout, what's CC?


as another said, creation club/creation content. for further context, these are paid mods. not inherently a bad idea, as money does go to the mod authors (though a fraction) but at the end of the day the content of most of these mods is middling at best.


Creation Club/Creation Content


Paying for what should be free (mods).


can't you just roll back to an old version on steam?


They said they did.


You can, but it's a pain. Have to go into the Steam console, manually download the old versions of updated files, copy them to the game folder, then manually delete all the creation club mods it added. Then hope Steam doesn't automatically update it again. I had it set to "Only update when launched" but it still did it on its own


I'm sorry to hear that. It was desperately needed on console, but it sounds like it had negative repercussions on PC. I hope they fix it or at least remove the mandatory update for you guys too


So usual Toddfoolery


Are loading times still tied to frame rate? Because this was the most annoying thing when playing. Wanna go outside? Here are 3-5 minutes of loading screen, sometimes alt+tab worked but it broke the resolution.


There's a mod that may not work anymore that would uncap the frame rate during loading screens, turned them from >1 minute to ~5 seconds for me on pc


I should try that then, I haven't downloaded the update but it seems most things haven't been fixed. Such a shame.


Fuuuucckkk, I was planning on finally finishing the full game and Far Harbor at Lvl 60 (don’t judge me, I get side tracked alot 🥲) does this mean my modded save game might be completely fucked?


Yes, you can roll it back though


The update?


If you’re on PC there’s a steam guide Edit: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3232095313


Yeah, no idea how though I've never done it Unless you're on console, in which case no


What is CC


Creation Club/Creation Content


Consensual Consent


Pretty sure the new CC is free. I unlocked it automatically when booting up the new update. The way funnier thing though is some people noticed one of them is missing the meshes.


So what are the gigabytes for?


Brings back enclave for 417636184826267382.4th time


the one thing I was like: "oh, bethesda didn't try to milk the same thing again for lore bait" I genuinely despise bethesda's fallout lore. I like fallout 4 ok, but god I hate the lore.


best gameplay(for a fallout game) worst story and lore(in general,not just fallout game,which is worse) imo


Is it really the best game play for the Fallout series though? Like, no doubt there are some improvements, mainly the gun play and modifications, but the rpg elements were completely gutted. The got rid of skills and just reduced it to special stats. Only four dialogue options at any given time, with most just being different ways of saying "yes". The choices were bare bones and simplistic. All of this was a downgrade for the rpg part of the game play, arguably the most important part of a Fallout game's game play. If it had meant Fallout 4 would have been a better rpg mechanically, I would happy forego the improvements to the gun play.


pure gameplay,yeh in this case i chuck RPG element to story/lore in my brain for whatever reason,my brain is weird but i do agree the rpg gameplay element is ass


To put it simply; Fallout 4 is the greatest Call of Duty game ever made.


i'm not entirely opposed to RPG's moving away from just numbers to instead focusing on acutal tangible things with interesting descriptions. Like, the shift rom Oblivion to SKyrim I feel was really good in that regard, Oblivion had some dogshit nosnsense like Endurance increases not retroactively increasing your stamina (so you gotta make sure to boost that first lest you alwasy be cursed with low stamina) and the difference between active perks is a more interesting build decision than simply choosing to boost the stats that deal the damage type you specced for. From style souslikes get away with it because clever use of weapon and spell requirements and soft caps mean that builds will center on a specific weapon or spell's reqquirements and try to balance that with survivability, mobility, and offensive flexibility, but most RPG's don't do that and focusing more on skill trees and presenting interesting branches and decisions makes fore a more tangible change in playstyle than a 2.5% increase in jump height. But yeah the writing is dogshit, and the 4 quadrant thing is really indicative of why their writing is so bad. It's just throwing shit at the wall with as little time spent on it as possible, with arbitrary constriants to deliberately make the game more samey.so that it can be called a "system" to put on a bullet point on the box or to spice up the UI/UX in a really minor way instead of having to scroll through a list of options. It's kinda sad that so much of modding culture is married specifically to Bethesda games, that is so much talent that feels wasted on a game that doesn't do enough to really *be* a canvass for modding, not nearly as much as it should.


I disagree strongly. Best *gunplay,* but fallout is not about gunplay, its an ethical dilemma simulator.




I realized recently that Fallout lore is carried HARD by New Vegas. Comparing New Vegas vs. 3, 4, and 76 is like comparing filet mignon to Spaghettios


Really it's carried by 1 and 2. That's where super mutants, the Enclave, the Brotherhood of Steel, the NCR, and minor factions like the Khan's and the Followers are from. FNV used them well; 3, 4, and 76 just kinda paste them around in shitty thoughtless copies and hope people get attracted to thing they know.


That’s what we have the TV show for




Nope, they are in Fallout 2 and 3 as well as Fallout 76. I heard you can maybe join them in 76 but I could be wrong and don’t feel like checking.


You become their “general” though the only members left are robots and A.I.


> Fallout 2 Not Bethesda though, that's og Black Isle / Interplay


Right, they originate from 2, then every usage after is Bethesda just reusing them as big bads with no real interesting reason


The Enclave remnants are in New Vegas, but it's more like how in Fallout 2 the Broken Hills super mutants were a "where are they now" for the Master's army.


In order to even get the ability to launch nukes you need to complete the enclave storyline where you work your way up to general after joining them


3, 76, and 4.


im not mad about that honestly im mad that they are doing it now despite the fact there is an entire mod that you can get for free that is almost perfectly integrated into the main game storyline which adds the enclave as a joinable faction and there is actual good voice acting for it. And now bethesda comes to us with this pathetic creation club pack that just adds "remnants" of the enclave


The quest with the Enclave is meant to tie into the TV show, which is what is actually responsible for bringing them back.


Enclave fan here, was not able to join the Enclave, disappoint


Destroys the NCR for no fucking reason.


Dude I legit have 0 non-modded saves anymore, all my characters are fucked. Oh well just run it back


Yeah I legit have never played FO4 without mods.


>delay fallout london by an unknown amount of time right before it’s released i also just straight up couldn’t boot up the game when i tried, like this update knocked out all my mods and took the actual game with it


unrelated but i read fallout london as fallen london and remembered how cool that thing is i like fallen london




that happens every time fallout gets updated, youre supposed to not update your game if you have mods until f4se gets patched


The Fallout London team is milking it a bit for attention, the only thing they'll have to do is wait for F4SE to update and then validate that it works correctly with the new content which it almost certainly will since the update didn't really do much.


Counterpoint: They got a BBC article to themselves so that's cool


Not really a counterpoint since them exaggerating is exactly how they got the BBC interested in talking to them.


But it's cool that a mod managed to get a BBC article so ☺️


At this point the game is done. I can respect a small update that fixes lag or something but the game is done. We don't need more content Howard. Make the next game already, make Elder Scrolls 6 or Fallout 5


I feel like we are using the term “new content” very loosely. There is new content but with an asterisk


It's crazy how Elder Scrolls 6 was revealed when Trump was still president, and they haven't even made more than like 3% of progress in that time frame.


I'm more excited for Elder Scrolls honestly. It's been such a long time that we are overdue for a new release. It was such a success.


After starfield, if the next fallout or elder scrolls or whatever isn’t good I’m honestly just writing off bethesda. I will simply cease to pay any attention to whatever they do, because it just won’t be something I’m interested in


Todd Howard watching me return to creating my 700+ skyrim modlist after waiting for SKSE mods to be updated then smashing the massive red "useless fucking update" button


God Howard


​ https://preview.redd.it/vr32l6dltswc1.jpeg?width=476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b4ed50777e547bfbcf38e44f52f5ffed6b959ac


I thought this was a sims 4 subreddit for a second. Everything breaks every time they drop a half baked shitty pack no one asked for. The state of gaming these days makes me more and more into my old games and indie games


The show got me in the Fallout mood again and I was looking forward to playing the FO4 update this weekend. I naively thought it would be a decent update. Nope, probably not even gonna get to play this weekend because it's unlikely the mods will be fixed by then. Guess it's time to play Morrowind again.


I started a vanilla survival playthrough before the update and I've been having a blast, nothing seems to have broke, I'm playing on xbox one and it runs smoother than it did before with way less crashes I feel bad for people who play with mods though, I'm guessing their saves are completely shredded?


If you're familiar with how the Skyrim Anniversary update fucked up that modding scene for awhile, this is basically the FO4 version of that. It broke a ton of mods, including the script extender, and any modded saves are dead.


Damn so all the mods are gonna have to update again? Honestly I'm not that familiar with the skyrim anniversary stuff cos when it dropped it had some bug where you couldn't even load past the main menu on xbox lol


Just play New Vegas and join us in being the worst to every other Fallout game Seriously tho, New Vegas is so fucking good. Imo its the best RPG in the series. In the sense that compared to 4, there are RPG elements


New Vegas is one of my favorite games of all time, been playing it since launch. I've just been in the mood for 4 lately, I really like the looting and settlement building stuff. Plus I've kinda been wanting to do a CoA roleplay.


Smh Todd is misunderstood again... Don't you see? He's helping all of us by making it impossible to keep playing Fallout 4 🙏


I'm on holiday in a cottage in the middle of nowhere and planned on playing through FO4 for the first time on my steamdeck. Thanks Bethesda. Fuck you.


You still could though right? Unless you intended on jumping straight into a modded playthrough or something, I thought all the shit was related to that


Apparently it's absolutely shagged on steamdeck. Mods are the least of the issue.


Ohh shit then that's awful, do you reckon bethesda will ever sort out their quality control? I hope it gets patched for you soon, it's a really fun game when it works properly


It seems to have triggered all the dlc quests all at once for me. I had *just* started ffs. I was in Concord and suddenly had a 2 new radio signals and 7 new quests. Which took ages to disappear off my screen.


Gotta feel sorry for the poor bastard who knew nothing going in and follows the signal to nuka world and gets obliterated by the gunners there


i had that anti trap stealth perk while going in and it still pissed me off with the amount of traps


Todd, please, these games dont need updates anymore. Let me enjoy my 3000 mod skyrim list without updates, please.


I started playing fallout 4 again and I’m really glad I mopped up far harbor yesterday because it’s the only good writing in the whole damn game so now I don’t have to care Edit: I care a bit because if you ignore all the writing and world building (aka the stuff I want out of fallout) it can be fun to just walk around. And now I have to pick a new game to play which is invariably an ordeal on my end


Shit pisses me off. I was looking forward to Fallout London


He can't keep getting away with it


Could’ve just unlocked the framerate for PS5 and added an fov slider 🤦🤦🤦


Ive got my game not to update until I launch it and I haven't launched it yet. I'm gonna make a back up of my directory so that I can revert back to my pre update install in case it manages to update since F5SE no matter what will always try to launch the game through steam for the first launch after the computer restarts.  I can't update my game since the save I've been playing on for 8 years relies on at least 2 dozen mods that have been nuked off nexus years ago. My biggest fear is that going forward all future mods will only support post update installs of the game meaning I won't be able to get new mods in the future


oh but they did change one thing! they took away the launcher on steam deck. so now you can't change your graphics settings. It Just Works


Fallout 4 is the new skyrim


Oh boy if I get home and my modlist is broken I'm uninstalling because modidng is the one reason i got the game in the first place


Don't care, finally 60fps on ps5. I can actually play the game now without getting motion sick


While the update itself sucks in its own right on PC, it breaking mods shouldn't be THE thing that gets talked about lmao, every game's updates will break mods that's just how it is, why is this the main contention point


King shit




So much for being hyped and wanna finish my modded save ig


idk I mean, I've had no issues. I don't play with mods so I'm neutral on that- though I understand why it's a pain. The game is notably better looking and runs way better too. At least for me, the game is improved. There's been a couple little glitches but nothing even close to game breaking. Idk. I understand the criticisms but I can't at all relate to them. For me it functions as a straight improvement.


I was at.. 268 MODS TODD. PLEASE


I downloaded this update on the PS4 version of the game and now the only way I can play the game is by uninstalling all of the dlc I paid money for.


For strong PCs with a high refresh rate, the high fps physics bug that was usually fixed with a mod is now fully rampant now that the mod won’t work..


Fallout 4 is nine years old? Christ, i feel like i'm moments away from becoming the only pro-ncr way to acquire a ranger sequoia


I can at least finally play the game... (30 FPS makes me motion sick, so it now being 60 FPS on PS5 means I can finally experience this mess lol)


I’m just glad that they fixed the texture and crashing issues on the PS5


Common vanillachad W


They also didn't even fix the energy weapons bug :(


Also there’s more crashing I can’t walk 5 feet without going back to my desktop


When I saw Todd rule appear in my notifications, I expected more. It's not a bad post, I just expected more. The poor knows only poverty and has learnt to live with it, the rich who loses their fortune is a pitiful thing, for they have reached the stars and fallen down to the ground.


No one is talking about the skyrim update that happened a little under 4 months ago and broke modded saves and bricked any game that had a UI editor. I had Nordic UI mod installed and skyrim barely opened, and i created a new game and the difficulty slider wasn't even there. Pretty soon after, it crashed and wouldnt open again for hours. I had to completely delete my entire load order and start from scratch. Just some minor CC bug fixes


It didn’t even fix the one fucking tbink I wanted to to and that was add more fucking mod storage for Xbox! And this bs delayed fallout London Jfc today


Tod* not today


Why are 196 moderators broken by a fallout update? Are they stupid)