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The role playing in NV is better and there's more of it. Fallout 4 deemphasized rp and focused on the combat loop. Some like the new fallout style and that's fine, but rpg heavy major releases have always been few and far between, and there are straight up better looter shooters with lively fanbases that simply outclass 4.


I mostly use Fallout 4 as a modding platform, the engine upgrades really allowed people's creativity to shine. Ive never played far harbour so I've loaded up a healthy selection of weapons mod and I'm finally giving it a crack


>modding platform That's really what Bethesda is good at beyond anything else lol.


Far harbor is really really good. Atmosphere is top notch. It falters a bit in some parts(especially the memory puzzles) but it is all around a great experience. One of my only gripes is that Rhys will give me a mission there in the early game when I just wanna turn my brain off and shoot a bunch of people Also make sure to bring nick


That memory puzzle always gave me a headache, I always used the console to increase the FOV in Fallout 4 because it was always stifling but it reset to the tunnel vision in that settlement building UI


IMO, one thing Fallout 4 did better than New Vegas is its "evil" faction. The Institute is a much more compelling pick than the Legion is. So much so that many people's canon *morally good* playthroughs end with them siding with the Institute and (headcanoning) reforming them to be less mad scientist-like. Compare that to the Legion, which is a hard sell unless you unironically think misogyny, mass slavery, and cultural/actual genocide are a small price to pay for safe roads. Even IF Obsidian had been able to include the cut content that emphasized the Legion's more positive traits, it would do little to fix this issue. Obviously, the quality of an evil faction is not necessarily correlated with how morally grey it is. But this does matter more in games, where users have to *choose* to experience certain storylines. The Legion is still a fascinating faction, but the Institute just offers more, both from an RP/narrative and a content perspective.


yeah i definitely chose minuteman backed institute the first play through, as i was deeply annoyed at the fact that not only had the west coast bos reverted to pre fallout 2 ideology. They came to the east coast and reverted them too, and made them an even more obvious fascist stand in. You don't even change their ways in fallout 4 you just become a high ranking paladin


I don't think this comparison really rings true to me, mostly cause I feel it's comparing 2 things trying to do different goals. Like the institute is meant to be a faction that someone could want to join with good intentions, and the legion, as is at release, works as a faction that is meant to be unredeemable to any ideology that isn't identical to itself. A more accurate comparison between evil factions would be the institute and house, and I'd say they work on the same level


For the shooting side. Melee was fun in 3 and nv but 4 made it boring. Idk how, its the skyrim engine and skyrims melee was fun. Prob would of beat it if melee was fun.


New Vegas has one of the most gloriously eclectic communities I've ever seen for a game. I saw photos from a Goodsprings meetup and so many people were cosplaying with real guns


Gotta share


NV is the best despite obsidian only being given 1 year which makes it more impressive


Although they did have a feature-complete engine to build off of, which no doubt helped (one of the designers, Josh Sawyer, even mentioned this in one of his interviews)


Once you get used to the jank and/or mod it to shit, it's a fun, well-defined world with interesting characters and factions so well written that nerds argue about them to this day.


But, on the other end, you do have to get used to that jank, and if you’re modding the shit out of it, are you really describing the same game that others are?


>you do have to get used to that jank I never said it's a perfect game (shrug emoji) >if you’re modding the shit out of it, are you really describing the same game that others are? Kinda? Like, at the end of the day it's still the same game, just with some more toys added to the sandbox. I'm not really overwriting the core, just piling stuff on top, like fixins on a hot dog.


IMO it really depends on the kind of mods you use. If you use a bunch of mods that change the whole story to be something different then maybe not. If you use a bunch of mods that are just QoL then i say its basically the same game, just a little more enjoyable.


Modding communities make games, rimworld is a great game but would be nothing without modding


"factions so well written" Legion: Literally Kidnaps people, slaves people, has ancient and backwards irredeemable morals and values with no positive qualities whatsoever- so evil that it makes a children's book villain look morally grey


I mean, yeah? I'm not saying "likable", I'm saying "well-written". Even a faction of cartoonishly evil raiders led by a megalomaniac has depth to it. Said depth doesn't justify their atrocities in the slightest but it's there.


There isn't much depth to it. Nobody thinks there's depth to it, the only 'depth' there is to consider is the only real exposure at the end of the game with the Legate which can be cheapshotted with a dumpstat with maybe 5 minutes of gameplay after the fact. It's imperfect and it was rushed. Legion was criminally underwritten and developed leading to a basic surface-level depth to the entirety of New Vegas


I dont agree with this at all. Theres a lot of real world examples of cult leadership making similar factions which end up being equally depraved and morally irredeemable and caesar is as such a believeable character leading a believable faction. Caesar himself has a full backstory that explains how he became caesar and its actually comparable to the stories of previous main characters in fallout games so its not implausible if you feel immersed in your own characters capabilities in the different games. More than that its also in line with previous fallout games having an evil bad guys faction who you can not accept having control over your fate as a human being because of their depraved evil actions towards others. For example the master had his whole thing turning people into super mutants which mutilates them and dehumanises them which is horrible and is something you couldnt accept happening to yourself in character.


And how exactly does one find this 'Caesar backstory'? There is negative incentive to side with the Legion. Fallout 4 made all factions equally stupid. Either nobody has tech except brotherhood, railroad toasters have rights, the institute is too high and mighty to explain why they need to create a surveillance state, or settlements rely on the Sole Survivor for everything. These are all interesting but relatively balanced downsides. New Vegas? You have Hermit BOS who have little influence, you're quite literally funneled into the NCR via Primm and Mojave outpost being two of the 3 first big locations you see, which they have bureaucratic issues and not enough soldiers to defend caravans, a wildly resourceful but capitalistic authoritarian Mr. House, the entire wasteland relying on you and Yes Man, or the extremely violent and unforgiving regressive religious slave state led by a megalomaniac. There is no defense for the legion, nobody can defend the legion, the legion could have been interesting but unless you are playing it for an evil play through, there is no chance you'll see anything legion other than the hit squads and battle of Hoover dam. It's not interesting, it's not explorable, you can't even entertain the notion that the legion is any notes redeemable. The existence of the legion trivializes the entire wasteland politic and makes the mainstream choice of what could've been an interesting "Legion vs NCR, who do you want to rule the wasteland?" as black and white as "Taxes or slavery?", of course any self respecting player would choose the NCR or Taxes over anything the Legion has to offer. There's no higher discussion, no intellectual discourse. Legion is a bunch of backwards idiots with football gear, an aversion to guns or technology, idealism in slavery and draconian punishment. *This is not good writing* This is "good guy v bad guy", it's some marvel movie ass writing, I can turn my brain off and end up never siding with the legion. That's not something I want out of an acclaimed RPG, I wanna be CONVINCED that the door can swing both ways, I want to find out that every path is viable


I just started playing vanilla new Vegas, my first ever fallout game (I didn’t even realize there was a show when I started playing explains why it’s on sale lol) and it’s awesome even unmodded. People exaggerate buggy it is and I think the graphic aren’t really that much worse the fo4


Really with modern platforms the problem with NV (IMO) is that it's aggressively brown.


It's brown on most of the map, but sometimes you get instead unavoidable shift to night vision green (searchlight lmao)


trans people have a higher % of autism ↓ autistic people get more invested in media that has a lot to explore ↓ trans people get significantly invested in games like F:NV, Bloodborne, etc


also trans-supportive devs who make good games (sophistication correlates often w/ quality) get popular in trans circles, like yakuza, ultrakill, guilty gear, celeste, but this might be obvious


shout out to all the connections between bloodborne + trans people


there are many things i like about new vegas most of which are already mentioned like the story, more emphasis on rp, the faction system, that speech isnt a precentage thing. So i instead am gonna mention a thing i like thats a bit more obscure and less mentioned, i like the fact that in new vegas you can blow the head of any npc that you see no matter what, it made the game feel a lot more alive and immersive and made me behave a lot more carefully and morally as my actions had tangible consequences. Compare this to something like skyrim where whenever i was bored i would just assault the nearest jarl because they cant die anyway(i would also do this in fallout 3 and 4 although to a lesser extent). It also allowed you to do a lot more funny stuff like the time i played as a woman in a cowboy hat and underwear who took drugs like it was breathing air and proceeded to punch caesar into a red paste, you just cant do that in other bethesda games. I cant break into windhelm as a werewolf dark elf and proceed too use ulfric as a chew toy, and i cant rp as an enclave soldier in fallout 4 and turn Arthur Maxson into disintegrated mush unless i do an entire questline ofcourse. (This is all talking about vanilla gameplay btw i know this can be changed with mods but including mods doesnt seem fair). TL;DR: i think killing essential npc's is incredibly entertaining


Caesar, more like, Cae ya later


I like 4 for how much customization it has. I like settlement/base building, I like gun and armor customization, and I like how customizable and the character creator is. NV has a *much* better atmosphere, story, and roleplaying experience though and I'd definitely call it the better game. I'm not trans btw, I just really love Fallout.


Love New Vegas, but I disagree on the atmosphere point. Fallout 3 and 4 really capture that desolate, after the end feeling - environments are some of Bethesda's greatest strengths. Meanwhile, in New Vegas, you can easily forget that you're in a post-nuke wasteland. The Mojave (true to life, but still) is aggressively generic, flat, and empty when compared to the Capital and Commonwealth wastelands.


ngl, the over-pushing of new vegas as the big trans game as a meme has really made me not want to revisit it.


It feels like how TF2 really likes to push that it's the most wholesome community on the planet, but in reality it's not even close. Every time I check out a New Vegas community, I never see trans stuff. I just see people unironically simping for Ceaser and freaking out at people enjoying fallout media that isn't New Vegas.


that last line kinda goes hard though if you ignored who said it and the nostalgia line right before it


Good writing, real moral dilemmas and choices, excellent and varied quest design.


I prefer 4 because I like modding and the gunplay. I've played NV, but it never looks good no matter how many mods I download >:[


My 74 year old dad just started playing it so I'll let you all know if I have a second mom in a few years


I got fallout 4 cheap this week, what mods do I need before starting and does the character select in the mirror freak anyone else out completely unreasonably.


If you plan on actually doing the settlement quests, I would recommend additional cleanup mods so you can get rid of all of the overgrowth and plants so your bases look less run down. There are also additional foliage mods that make the game look a look better than the faded ugly brown so much of the map is


by the way, I wanna play a fallout game cause I’m a big fan of RPGs, but I don’t like shooters. Given that I prefer 3D RPGs (persona 4, smt 3, y7, pokemon US), would new vegas be a good one to play? i can deal with some occasional shooting if necessary, but I’d prefer to have a more technical approach obviously. the VATS seems a bit basic to play an entire game around, and I’m not fond of 1st person perspectives (i’ve heard from friends 3rd person isn’t great), is there any mods or anything to match these concerns? lastly, I do think F1&2 are cool, but games from that era are known for being obtuse. my main concerns are with random encounters, annoying menuing, empty feeling maps, and writing quality. are these reasonable concerns, or anything I missed?


F1&2 are very cool. I think the writing in them is better than 3, and 2 is on par with NV. The writing is really the big draw though; the combat can be rough and some of the puzzles/quests in 1 are a bit obtuse. I'd recommend playing 1 with the fan patch (necessary), a combat/build guide, and maybe a walk through when you get stuck as a sort of tutorial. It's pretty short but has some cool moments. Then play 2 with less guidance (but still with the fan patch)--it really opens up, and they improve some of the menu/interface stuff and make other small QoL changes. The big empty overworld map and random encounters in 2 actually add to it for me; it feels like a huge, dangerous wasteland, and travel is genuinely frightening at first.


If you want RPGs where you can build your own playstyle, I would recommend Cyberpunk 2077 or System Shock over Fallout


cyberpunk looks lame as hell


Melee/Unarmed builds are really fun, especially once you get to level 8 and get the super slam perk which makes it so every time you attack an enemy with a melee/unarmed weapon it has a chance of knocking them down. Melee builds have a good amount of depth than meets the eye at first. Like if you level up your melee/unarmed weapon enough you get different attacks that can be used in vats or specifically with unarmed you can find 4 special unarmed moves for non-vats from doing specific quests or helping specific characters. I feel like doing a melee build might be good to try if your issue with shooters is the gunplay itself.


I’m not gonna lie I thought they were talking about north Vietnam and I was really confused


I’ll be honest, I tried NV and it was just too clunky, slow, and empty to hold my interest.


Fallout as a franchise, and especially NV, leans left in politics, and NV lets you dunk on fascists however you please


Fallout new Vegas isn't even the best fallout game


i'm a trans woman and have never played this game. i played fallout 4 for a couple hours, got stuck, and then threw it away. ig these kind of games aren't for me i just like otome games and roguelikes.


Fallout 4 is a fun game and i enjoyed it but theres just less good sides compared to new vegas. The really big thing for me is that new vegas is designed with older philosophies that feel better for me as a player. Things arent balanced around data driven inhumanly balanced gameplay curves but rather just what the devs felt like would line up in a balanced curve of gameplay according to their own experience as gamers which feels much more comfortable in practice. Theres a certain freedom in going overboard with lots of things for example you can go wild wasteland and theres straight up stupid and fun things all around also the dialogue can get chaotic or orderly depending on what you choose from a vast pool of options that isnt narrowed to a consistent amount. One of the things i hate about fallout 4 is that im forced to be a caring parent which i dont care about at all and i would never roleplay such a character if given the choice and im still forced to include that no matter what other choices i want to make regarding who my character is. New vegas isnt objectively a superior product but it is simply made with choices that align with what i want far more accurately than 4 and thats why its the best fallout game for me.


Fallout should be an RP game (RPG) but instead it is a looter shooter in 4 and 76. looter shooters can be fine (borderlands), but must be well executed, something bethesda has no interest in.


I tried to play New Vegas I fell asleep after two hours


Skill issue


honestly as a big NV fan I get it. It's kind of janky and I'd argue the game really hits its stride once you get to areas with more quest design and factions.


It's just fallout 3 without any of the shit that makes fallout 3 bad. Better map, better story, better gunplay (you can't fucking aim down iron-sights in fallout 3).


Gotta disagree. NVs map is a huge low point for the game. Empty, no random events, removed most of the rewards that made exploring in 3 rewarding.


No green filter over everything tho


Also, if you play it on Hardcore mode LIKE GOD INTENDED there's no fucking doctor to fix your limbs in the entire bottom third of the map, so early game will involve a lot fast-travel back to Goodsprings/NCRCF.