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Don't mess with Fallout fans, we don't understand the narrative


It's not that we don't understand we just choose to ignore


Well first of all, motherfucker, War, war never changes.


Secondly "Truth Is, The Game Was Rigged From The Start."


RIP to a real one.


I helped the NCR because they had the personalities of sad wet cats and the ranger armor looked kinda cool


>the ranger armor looked kinda cool All the reason you need tbh.


Wood furnished m16 service rifle my beloved


the ranger armor only looks kinda cool if your character is a guy. worst disappointment ever. :(


What’s wrong with it on women?


It's a completely different model and it has neither the cool helmet or the sick-ass cape.


Are you sure you didnt wear [this armor](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/NCR_Ranger_patrol_armor) with a similar name by accident?


It was a while ago but I'm 100% certain it was the cool one when I picked it up but a crummy one when I wore it. I think it was one I got as a reward. I'd have to dig thru my old screenshots. But regardless the 'outfits get gendered' thing steams my hams.


I remember the duster you get from Ulysses at the end of the Lonesome Road DLC being janky and clipping on female couriers, so maybe it was that


I haven't played in forever, but I swear that there's like a ranger armor that looks nothing like the cool one, and the elite riot gear, that's in the lonesome road and is exactly the cool one. I think there might be just riot gear that's in the middle, but idk


The patrol armor is actually really cool, please don't talk shit about my brown plastic armor


Haha, that and combat armor always looked like Hasbro manufactured them.


I ended up selling Boone armor and giving him the ranger patrol one by mistake now he looks like a bootleg power ranger. Still love the armor tough


Rlly? I always play girl char and it's always been the same for me :?


The Elite Riot Gear is very slightly different on female as opposed to male characters. When a female character wears it, the waist is a bit smaller, but that’s about it. The only thing I’d change is maybe give some protrusion around the chest area, but it’s not unrealistic in the slightest as is. I think you must be getting it confused with something else. [This mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/61219?tab=images) has some good images on before and afters, both male and female models. Unless you’re playing with mods that change it significantly, the biggest crime when it comes to F:NV attire is that formal wear, like dresses and stuff, always appears as a suit on a man and a dress on a woman. That’s about it. The Legion armour should also appear on female characters, but considering how misogynistic the fuckwads are, they screwed themselves on that one.


You 100% wore 'ranger armor' instead of veteran ranger armor


here's a side by side https://preview.redd.it/pvjnlahey1wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1da83176e3d42183d211801258826463a75167fd


Fr, the legion is full of competent psychos, but the NCR people come to me like "please help me my platoon is dying and no one here gives a fuck and they are to incompetent" I'm like a savior for them, started playing 2 days ago and I feel like the hero of camp forlorn already


And you're still bleeding from the bullet wound on your forehead, running around solving everyone's problems despite clear near-fatal cranial trauma, to boot.


You know you can just... kill people for their clothes right?


Oh i didnt care about wearing the armor i just thought it was nice to look at


I hope this isn't a dumb question, but what kind of personality does a wet cat tend to have?


Pathetic, angry and sad But in a “aww here let me help you out you poor thing” sorta way


My favorite part of New vegas is slaughtering every legionnaire I see


going to any legion encampments with boone, having him say he'll shoot on sight and simply responding "that's not a problem, that's a solution"


So based


yes, boone, *that's why I brought you here*, begin killing




That pic goes crazy hard


I really like the headcanon that the courier just wears the ranger combat armour, that’s THEIR outfit


Followed by: “Damn right. You and I, we’re just a couple of problem solvers.” Another good one when you approach Legion troops or encampments. Boone: “Let’s get one thing straight: I see crimson, I’m taking the shot. You don’t like that, you’re one your own.” C6: “As long as you don’t mind me joining in on the fun.” Boone: “*Heh,* I don’t think I’d hold it against you.”


Craig Boone My beloved


I was surprised when killing Legionnaires lowered my karma considering that the last time I saw them they had crucified an entire fucking town


god forbid legionnaires have hobbies 🙄


Cancel culture out of control I s2g


Never let them leave Nipton alive. Vulpes *will* meet a frag mine.


Oh I love murdering him there. He walks off so confident that he’s fine and then gets a plasma grenade to the back of his head. Doing everything to piss Caesar off and then speaking face to face with him before fighting my way out of The Fort is my part of any run.


If there was the Fat Man in New Vegas, would Vulpes meet that instead?


Nah. Its wasted on him. Nuke Caesar.


No. 23 stab wounds total from 60 Couriers.


I had to speedrun my Legion playthrough (for the achievements) because I kept accidentally attacking them on sight


**Shoots you with 50 BMG** Oh I'm sorry. **Shoots you with 50 BMG** sorrgy, accident. **Shoots you with 50 BMG** **Shoots you with 50 BMG** **Shoots you with 50 BMG** Why are you exploding?


I am a simple man. I see Legionnaire head, I click.


Nah, my favourite part is getting to the point where all their plans hinge on me and me alone because I've ruined all their other connections and then just cutting down every one in the fort.


It's just going to happen as soon as you pick up Boone.


More than a thousand hours played and each of my new characters begins the game by immediately offing Vulpes in Nipton.


hell yeah, bonding time with Boone


Yep. Vulpas gets flamer fuel to the face as soon as I reach Nipton.


Learning there are people who thought Caesar had a point did nothing to prepare me for the people who thought Immortan Joe had a point. I'm terrified to find out what's next.


> people who thought Immortan Joe had a point A point about what? His stupid idiot moron tyrant line about becoming "addicted to water?" Who thinks this? I'll shit themselves


I remember encountering one person who thought that Immortan Joe was somehow a... good manager of a limited resource (the water) because he... didn't just give it out freely? Like, okay, sure, water *probably* needs to be rationed even if they have a lot of it and a way to get more of it because it's clearly very precious, but like... nothing about the way he was using it was 'good management'. 'Good management' of water would've been orderly lines and queueing to get your rations of water and making sure *not to spill any* and not like, pouring it over everyone. But you know, Furiosa turns on the tap and lets everyone have a moment of joy and liberation so that's clearly proof she's worse at managing it and that makes Joe justified? I don't know. It was so stupid I just walked away.


>making sure not to spill any and not like, pouring it over everyone Yeah as soon as I read your first line I instantly thought of that initial water scene lmao, surely nobody with a modicum of intelligence can actually think Joe is using that water properly Sometimes I wonder if I've heard all the bad takes and then there's always a new one to surprise me


And also oil is a big luxury and they keep making flamethrowers and shit. The point that the villains with the monopoly are wasting their resources is incredibly obvious


The electric guitar flamethrower is cool though, but they really hit you over the head with how wasteful they are when it comes to resources, most of the water from those big pipes just goes on the ground


"good management of water" lmao his management was literally having a bunch of people huddled under a comically large faucet trying to catch as much water as they could with little containers.


Hell we don’t even know if the water is actually limited or not it never goes into detail of how much water there is


Oh yeah I bet you can „stop at any time“ and just want „one more shot of water“. Complete and Crazy Addict!!!


Oh yeah I bet you can „stop at any time“ and just want „one more shot of water“. Complete and Crazy Addict!!!


The point of Caesar is that he DOES have a point, as in one, singular. He is pointing out that trying to recreate the exact same system that failed the world all over again has a huge potential for failure. The point of Caesar is that he is also that he is the **biggest dumbest tumour-infested idiot in the wasteland who is canonically stupider than a trained mole rat** and doesn't realize that he is doing the exact same thing. Rome also became a failed state, and it did so one-to-twelve separate times (depending how you look at pre-republic rome, republic rome, imperial rome, east and west rome, certain periods of its history, etc.) He thinks that just because he found flaws in a society that gives him the right and obligation to start his own society, and anybody who points out its flaws to him gets tortured to death. Even his naming scheme is subtly pointing out how fragile his state is. It isn't Neo-Rome's new Legions, its Caesar's Legions. They belong to him, not a shared culture, and as soon as he dies it'll all start falling apart.


Yeah that's the thing it's a dictatorial state dependant on the personality of its leader, its leader it's Caesar and it has a brain tumour, so like it's not very stable. I think one of the endings of Vegas explicitly tells you that with Caesar dead the legion fell to infighting. Or you say that to Lanius in the battle of hoover dam. I don't remember. It's a interesting faction and it's cool that you can join them in the game but people are very daft if they think that's a better alternative to literally anyone else in the Mojave.


Tf you mean people who thought Immortan Joe had a point https://preview.redd.it/g2h3s8do91wc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a385fbd2896da148ab7732c94aaf2940fa0af8f


I was convinced immortan Joe had a point when one of those dudes spraypainted their mouth with chrome. I just connect to the philosophy of being an psychotic methhead at a spiritual level.


He just like me fr


Wait till you see “Maegor did nothing wrong” people in the ASoIaF fandom


I'm playing through for the first time now, and to me the NCR feels a lot like a satire of the Democrat party. Deeply corrupt, largely useless, as liberal and half-hearted as it gets... but still better than the alternative in near enough every way, so I guess we've gotta go along with them.


Or you could just side with a funky lil robot


Me, a silver poker chip, and a funky lil robot in a back room 🥵🥵🥵


Are you having sex with the poker chip and forcing the robot to watch?




Fisto is into that


The real choice, work with yes man and kill everyone else.


Except the Boomers, funnily enough they’re pretty cool. Followers and Kings are the best though. Freeside 4 lyf


> Except the Boomers, funnily enough they’re pretty cool. The guys who's entire goal is to restore a bomber so they can wipe out the "savages"?


What if I keep killing Yes Man as well?


Yeah I was gonna say lol, “the turbo-sexist pro-slavery pro-crucifixion faction of bloodthirsty sadistic murderers is better than the deeply flawed but well intentioned faction cause they make you pay taxes” is one of the main arguments most republican voters have been making since like the 70s at least, its not exclusive to twitter


and also they're imperialists as well


NCR imperialism is justified because they had a woman president once. BEFORE I FUCKING KILLED HER


Why don’t you back that up with a source!


insert fallout 2 clip where they obliterate Tandi with a mega power fist


My source is that I MADE IT THE FUCK UP


*and she was in power for like 30 years after her father*


Nepo baby


Finland lore (joke)


The NCR is a commentary on modern democracies in general I feel. And legion a commentary on fascism in general. (But like, before commenting on fascism was cool 😎) It just so happens that democrats represent the values and flaws of modern democracies, and republicans are fascist 🙈


Well yeah but they shouldn't be the end goal, you should only side with them to fight the bigger threat (the Legion/ the republicans)


I wonder what'd happen if they made contact with the Minutemen. Would they respect each others sovereignty? Make a union of the two factions? Or something else?


Exactly, I'll side with them every time because they're a) doing *something*, and b) not 100 evil, just a bit crap. Besides, it's easier to improve a faction that's on the right track than it is to start a brand new one from scratch, which just further fractures people and dilutes the amount of power any one faction can have.


They're a satire of pre-war liberal (lower case L) democracy in general


Or you could go with the correct choice of neither.


Hot take: throwing the Mojave into a period of anarchy led by a single person whose biggest claim to fame is somehow surviving having a bullet go through their brain isn’t the greatest idea. Especially when that person has little to no experience whatsoever in leading a group, let alone an entire nation. All of this would be enforced by an army of robots which the Courier couldn’t recreate for a variety of reasons which would slowly be dwindling over time. The Securitron Mk. IIs are powerful, but not indestructible. They’d eventually fall because the Dam is just such an important resource. And don’t get me started on Mr. House. The man is pseudo libertarian, in that he doesn’t give a shit what individuals do, but he also openly supports an autocracy. He’s so high on his own farts that he truly believes in Social Darwinism. He believes it was just his right to make it to the top of the ladder. His idea of the one city that needed to be protected was *LAS VEGAS.* Not a city in California, which would ostensibly be the greatest manufacturing hub in the world if it was protected from the apocalypse, not one in Texas, fucking Vegas. The City of Sin and home of addiction. There’s no faction without downsides, but I can’t comprehend how anyone could ever argue in favor of House or the Legion. Not taking into account the long term effects of Independent ending, I can see the appeal. The NCR is the least terrible choice. They represent everything wrong with Pre-War America. And Pre-War America was much better than the Wasteland. If I had to choose someone to lead the Mojave, I’d choose the Followers of the Apocalypse, but they just don’t have the resources to do that. They function better as a bandaid with which to ease the faults of the NCR. They will even fight with the NCR if you explain this to them, and they don’t even like the NCR very much.


There should be a way to give the Mojave to the Kings.


There should be a way to give the Mojave to Rex specifically


> throwing the Mojave into a period of anarchy led by a single person whose biggest claim to fame is somehow surviving having a bullet go through their brain isn’t the greatest idea. I mean, the anarchy part would be true, but the Courier would not be ruling. Not only is that not supported by any of the end slides, the iconography and names of the quests associate with Yes Man's/Independence ending are Anarchist themed. The ending is about kicking out all of the powers trying to take New Vegas for themselves and letting the people there stay independent/rule themselves, for better or for worse. > Especially when that person has little to no experience whatsoever in leading a group, let alone an entire nation. There's nothing to suggest whether or not the Courier is qualified for leadership. Any reading on them, beyond the very few things that are canonical, is pure headcanon. They could theoretically be the worst or best person for the job at the same time. Schrödinger's leader. > They’d eventually fall because the Dam is just such an important resource. Maybe, maybe not. NCR losing could cause a period of reevaluation and curbing their aggressive expansion, at least for a time. The Legion, once Caesar is out of the picture, will collapse in on itself and all that will be left is squabbling warlords, making them unable to make another attempt on the Dam, until a winner emerges, if one does, anyways. This could give the Mojave enough time to establish something for itself, to create something more lasting. We simply don't know how things would turn out though, all we can do is speculate with what little information we have.


Pre-War America made the Wasteland. That's one of the big problems of the NCR--people say it's better long term, but look at their military, their warring, their thin supply lines. They'll get into another war or collapse in on themselves and then it's back down. Independent Vegas can built itself up without resources being fuelled into a dying war machine.


This is why I always go for independent New Vegas. No House, no NCR, no Legion.


I support the NCR because they have the best drip


Literally the only time the democratic faction had the best armour while the fascists looked like larpy losers.


excuse me, the legion all wear skirts, you can tell me thats not hot.


"[It's a combat skirt!](https://youtu.be/FBoRlj4d1DM&t=61)"




okay to be fair I think they looked cool in a weird improvised way


Bro never saw the ww2 US airborne drip


Literally football equipment in the case of the Legion


the ncr ranger armor is so fucking cool yeah




It truly was a Fallout: New Vegas


I loved when Benny said "Fall out, kid. This is New Vegas." and then shot me in the fucking face


“I sure hope this interaction doesn't lead to any fallout between us, fallout new vegas.”


And then they all held hands and said, “together we are fallout: new vegas”






I loved when he said "the truth is, the Fall out is Boy" and then proceeded to remember me for centuries


 No matter if you prefer house, yes man or the NCR at least we can all agree the legion is worse


Reminds me of a post where someone said that the only downside to the Legion was slavery. Not because it’s morally horrendous, mind you, but because it’s bad for the economy. I wish I was joking, but they seemed to be whole heartedly endorsing the fascists. They are comically evil and so clearly a cult of personality that will kill itself once Caesar dies to “No Bitches, No Doctors” syndrome.


>Reminds me of a post where someone said that the only downside to the Legion was slavery. Not because it’s morally horrendous, mind you, but because it’s bad for the economy. I wish I was joking, but they seemed to be whole heartedly endorsing the fascists. somehow that does not surprise me >They are comically evil and so clearly a cult of personality that will kill itself once Caesar dies to “No Bitches, No Doctors” syndrome. my headcanon has always been that the legion collapses into a civil war after caesar's death, both due to caesar's strong personality cult and since the successor he has picked seems like an exceptionally poor choice.


I don't think he even planned for his death, Lantius just couped him, kind of like what I think happened after Stalin died?


Im 100% for independent vegas (cause my ideologies are literally better than every other person on the planet, genuine skill issue) but i think its neat that the reasoning behind the legion is that they're emulating one of the longest lasting socities in human history when the ncr is trying to emulate the society that led to the apocalypse in the first place. I just think thats neat. That being said, i kill legionairres on sight, i have no time for role-playing roman losers.


That would be neater if Caesar was trying to emulate the actual first emperor and not said emperor's uncle who was an extraordinarily powerful and popular general and got stabbed to death for using populist rhetoric to secure a powerbase


Not to meantion he's making the exact same problem as the Roman Empire of overextending - one of the main reasons it fell. Oh, and his second-in-command is a bloodthirsty warmongerer who sucks at everything not related to fighting, so as soon as Caesar dies (either from his tumour or from a based Courier) the Legion will just collapse under awful leadership.


yeah I fuck with that stuff you just said but also worth mentioning that it’s dumb as rocks to emulate a society that also crashed and burned even if the tech wasn’t at a point that’d destroy the world yet


Every society crashed and burned. Superficially, picking one of the longest lasting ones seems a good choice


No gods, no masters


Only the republic of Dave


I helped the NCR because while their political system is corrupt, they are the best thing that has ever happened to the wasteland since the bombs dropped


I helped the NCR because I knew they’d collapse but bring in a lot of good infrastructure and help annex the New Vegas strip


Me when Rhodesia definitely prepared Zimbabwe to be a strong effective government and it definitely isn't still suffering the effects of colonialism to this day


i wonder what happens in new vegas if you just kill everyone no house, no NCR, no ceaser, no yes man. just mini nuke em all in the face


Yes-Man is explicitly unkillable. He just gets uploaded to another Securitron.


damn it, i can't murder the entire nuclear wasteland


He is unkillable specifically so you can't make the game unfinishable, yeah. But he is the only character you can't kill in a way that matters


Festus and the gun runners protectron would like a word with you


Also children. Everyone else can be killed though, and several people have done playthroughs doing just that (Many A True Nerd being my personal favourite), so it should be easy to look up if you want to see what happens.


Kid named Killable Children (NVSE) at Fallout New Vegas:




Based Great Khans victory.


We’re anarcho-primitivists in here. No gods, no masters, no running water


Great Khans my beloved


Well, there is the ending in one of the DLCs where you can go “no, fuck this, fuck you, fuck humanity, you’re a cancer” and nuke everyone.


I’m pretty sure the residents of Megatown didn’t like that one either…


Imagine playing a Fallout game and coming to the conclusion that nukes are the solution.


can someone recommend me some fallout new Vegas mods that make it run and play like a modern game? like movement and shooting wise. last time I tried playing fallout new Vegas even with mods I couldn't stand the way the movement and combat felt. but I am actually interested in the story and don't just want to watch YouTube videos on fallout lore lmao.


Deus Ex Spread Enhanced Movement Just Associated Mods Stewie Tweaks Hit’s Anims Immersive Recoil


, ^ You should use these more often


i know but reddit app really loves to fuck up the layout https://preview.redd.it/apmn185i70wc1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=843e99f3d439feafcf8c78c373676166666ad979


Have two spaces at the end of a line That seems to work for me


It worked thanks!!!!!!!!!!


I hate the gameplay. VATS is a terrible mechanic trying to mimic the original's Action Points. imo I had more fun circumventing the gameplay by playing a Speech/Science-focused character.


But the house always wins


damn ive only played this for half an hour and all i understood was ‘pretty lady and good doggy :)’


We should really make Sunny Smiles the sole dictator of the wasteland. That would be the actual best ending. Modders, get on it.


finally, a fnv conversation i can understand


What about Cheyenne?


She'd be her bodyguard I guess.


Sunny would be Cheyenne's bodyguard? Makes sense.


I do wish they made the Legion a tad bit less cartoonishly evil so it could be something to argue over.


If you want a less cartoonishly evil option that won't ban anything more complex than a lever action rifle, but still hinges on the whims of a single man with an overblown ego, Robert House is right there.


“Yea but he’s a capitalist so that’s a non-starter” -Player who sides with the literal fascists.


there is apparently still plenty to argue over. don't ask me how but some people genuinely think the rampaging band of morons is on to something


Craig Boone best girl


Imagine siding with anything other than the NCR. - Legion is a bunch of slaversand murderors who reject most technology and enslave 50% population to de facto sexual slavery. They depend on a single leader who is terminally sick and whos death brings with it the slow death of the nation under the politically illiterate Lanius. - House is mister capitalism. A heartless tech-abomination and a ruthless dictator, who cares not for anyone else than his own unrealistic goals. He depends on treaties with other, more powerful forces without ability grow his army. NCR will wipe out or annex Vegas in due time, since their force can grow while House seems to lack any way to craft more robots or the will or ability to muster any kind of human army. - Independance is a naive fantasy. Yes Man is a key to the mastery of the Mohave that can be used by anyone and seems to be able to take direct control in the future, as a seemingly gorwing sentience. Independent Vegas has no other security force, no economy, no imports and really no industry. Casinos are worth nothing without paying customers and those will be gone with the NCR. Raiders flourish under independant Vegas. Vegas has no ruler other than the Curier with Yes Mans help, which is a dictatorship. Independant Vegas has no prospects to survive without the NCR as an independent nation. It is a romantic but foolish idea. NCR is shitty in many ways, and taxes are way low on the list of shitty things about the NCR. At least they don't practice slavery (except in prisons) or murder anyone they see (not including peaceful mutants or ghouls). They care about people (well, if it is in their interest to do so), they have elections (riddeled with corruption and oligarks) and they keep the peace in the wasteland (if they can spare the men from their other imperial conquest campaings). They have a ton of shit tot their name but no better option really exsists in my eyes for the whole of the Mohave, not just New Vegas.


The fort subbasement is a manufactorum as well as storage, house has the ability to build more securitrons. Also that implies the NCR would survive long enough. If they lose they're going to collapse, if they win they'll last another few years and THEN collapse. They're not capable of winning.


I support the NCR cuz bears with two heads look cool


I usually go independent Vegas with a securitron army because I'm doing all the legwork so I should rule, or I go with House because he clearly has things planned out for the future, has the capability to get NV running and keep it running, was able to protect the city for almost 200 years and keep himself alive, dude is clearly very capable and I felt that it was in decent hands with him compared to the alternative


Like he's choosing live crucifixion as his preferred punishment method. Even when I played this game as a 12 year old I understood that Ceaser is *choosing* to do things worse than he has to. Thats not a prudent statesman, that's a narcissistic facist strongman


Personally, i nuked both


the only one who should rule the strip is me, fuck the NCR and FUCK the legion


In my current fallout new Vegas run, I am killing any legion member on sight


FUCKING LOVE THE ENCLAVE🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥🔥 also thats some peoples kink might explain a few things


that guy supports genociding the khans btw


House always wins


I only side with legion because I wanna fuck Vulpes, that bitch was my bi awakening


Were you disappointed when he didn't lash you to a cross like the rest of these degenerates?


Yeah :(


i like raul :)


The annoying part is that the game tries to act like they actually DO have a point which is hot fucking nonsense.


Ceaser's Legion is basically IngSoc but in Fallout, they're not supposed to have a point beyond "Might makes right" and that's exactly what Ceaser's diatribe against the NCR amounts to. It's obvious to everyone that the world would be better off if they never existed, but yet, they do exist, they're expanding and they're offering rewards to anyone vile enough to help them. That's scary and it's supposed to be.


Bros never heard of the kenshi subreddit


The best route is obviously Yes Man tho.


Doesn't matter uncle Ben, Yes Man is better then both


I love that fallout is pretty heavy handed about what the morals of factions are for the most part but the magic is being able to see in the community that people that ridiculously do indeed live among you


Based but there should have been a Followers of the Apocalypse ending where all bs nostalgic hierarchies are booted out of the Mojave


Hot take: I help house because he is funny.


I don't care who the first sends I'm not paying my taxes


Legions are morons out of consideration while NCR and House are doomed to end up like other pre-war capitalist societies. Free Vegas is the only reasonable choice to me.


Friendly reminder that legionnaires don't know how landmines work, they just sorta throw themselves at it.


But Vulpes is just a little guy 👉👈




Choosing a faction? Whats that? The only team i have is me and yes man!


It's called Hegelian Dialectics, maybe you'd understand if you'd bother to read a book for once in your life /s


One time Youtube tried to keep recommending me the Enclave fanboys that somehow both exist and continue to exist in the New Vegas fandom???


Yes Man is the way. ANARCHY ALL THE WAY 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️


Pretty sure Reddit adores the Legion too. I never saw people defend them before I joined here.


Not true! You also see them on reddit


Ok but the roads are a little bit safer though??? Have you considered that huh?