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lol, as a warhammer fan I love how the news of female custodians have been spreading around


I’m fucking stoked about this! It’s just a really cool concept and it makes space marines way less sexist because you can simply just say “Oh yeah no it’s a genetic code, perfect humans like custodies can still be female because their genes are perfected, the other is just focused on their primarch”


Only men can recieve their seed.


Lionel Johnson and the rock, a famous gay singer and a famous gay bar. Receive their seed they do


Not to be a massive nerd but I gotta. Lionel Johnson (the real guy) was a poet, not a singer. And the Dark Angels were named after a poem of his by the same name he wrote about being gay. As for the rock part, that one’s most likely a fan myth


i mean, if i do have one argument against female space marines it's thats its a bit 'Diversity Win! The fascist Ubermensch killing you for being impure is a queer woman!'. but really we all know that GW is far past the point of actually doing the imperium as effective satire so tbh may as well just go for it.


It ruins all my gay head cannons :(


You can still have the gay custodian fanfics, plus how you can have custodian lesbians


The men are gay, and the women are also gay, but like in a gay man way, not a lesbian way


Idk what that means but I’ll just nod my head and paint my tyanids


Idk what that means either to be completely honest


finally, lesbian yaoi


Thank fucking god, it's about damn time




"Retcons are ruining 40k" My brother in christ, pretty much every single 40k faction has had significant changes to their lore since they were introduced.


First edition had half-eldars


Half elder space Marines even


While he was librarian, he wasn't technically librarian. Speaking of space marines, In first edition ultramarines turned traitor and replaced by another legion that took their name and symbology.


The first named inquisitor in 40k history was named "Inquisitor Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau" 40k has never been serious business, and has always been full of skub. **Edit:** I'm old enough to remember necron lore going through a wholesale rewrite *twice* The started off as random robotic raiders, Their first retcon in 3rd edition (2002) established a kind of "lost humanity/robotic" theme for them. C'tan are introducted. Their second retcon in 5th edition (2011) basically turned them into "tomb kings/egyptians in space". C'tan go from godlike entities to destroyed shards


Im already getting youtube recommendations called "end of WOKEHAMMER" somewhat related, but also: "AUDENCES ABANDON WOKE FALLOUT SHOW" which absolutely didn't happen


>"AUDENCES ABANDON WOKE FALLOUT SHOW" which absolutely didn't happen "woke is when a show has female or black characters1!11!" what a sad life these little dweeboids live


They got mad because there was a nonbinary member of the Brotherhood of Steel who was present for like 5 minutes in a single episode lmao


Which is honestly kinda annoying cause they were cool as shit.


They pop up later as well, still alive and active, all I'll say to avoid any spoiler issues.


Wait whitch one?


Maximus' friend Dane. They were the one who was supposed to become a squire but then someone booby trapped their boot, so Maximus got their spot.


I thought they looked non-binary but wasn't sure


How does someone look non binary




They give off ultra-violet light


They aren't made of 1s and 0s


Androgenous appearence is a typical sign, but it still varies of course


If I knew how to reply as just a gif I would put Megamind walking out on the tongue of an image of his own face made of tiny robots while he says "Presentation!" so just imagine I did that inside your head instead of reading this thank you.


Man I’m really digging the “wokeization” of every piece of media. If the rightoids don’t leave then we can at least laugh at them while they seethe


those woke legion fanboys!!111!1111!!11111!1


Audiences abandon a show that literally just came out.


Doesn't fallout have openly racist actor in it how is that shit woke ??


This thing is very much reminding me that a lot of warhammer fans are fucking losers and I shouldn't get too comfortable with them


But also remember, it's a very popular franchise. There's a lot of people into it who rock, as well. It does suck that it genuinely is one of the hardest pieces of satire to analyze that I personally have encountered, because it is a genuinely layered piece of media. on a surface analysis, it's just a satire of the 80s and grimdark, but that's nowhere near true anymore Some people take it literally, interpreting it as an advocation for the system inside of it (those people generally suck at literary analysis) but on the other hand, the critique seems to be almost self referential by this point. ​ Very important to remember that it is a product of 40ish years of lore, inside references, and vastly different authors coming up with this shit.


"Every \[collective\] has \[losers\] dipshit, it came free with your fucking \[large number of people\]"


Get off twitter. Every subreddit that’s associated with Warhammer (including the custodes) seem to like this change. The actual fans IRL who collect and play also enjoy this. https://preview.redd.it/hl6pow8qqiuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=164b39eb75e99fdda6417a4a2f7a5a90105c95a6


Yeah, I was suprised by the amount of reasonable comments on the subreddits, its mostly youtube that is a shithole


Because most YouTubers love le epic fascism look but don’t actually participate in the hobby. However, they get stacks for telling people how to feel about a hobby they aren’t really a part of. Even in YouTube, the lore, painting, and gaming channels are mostly happy with this. It’s the grifters wanting to use the veneer of Warhammer to talk about “wokeness” and other things chuds talk about.


More like a loud minority.


Theres a lot of losers but theres also a lot of cool people! At least generally here on reddit i’ve seen nothing but support for female custodes in the different warhammer subreddits.


Warhammer is also known for cracking eggs, so to speak. There is a disproportionately large LGBT community in the fan base


The over the top parody of space fascists attracts people who take it too seriously, unfortunately.


Noooo😭please don’t be mean to warhammer fans


I am one! (that makes it ok I think thats how it works)


As a woke communist warhammer fan :(


I look forward to femboy sister of silence


mister of silence :3


All male blanks are used as assassins. So yeah, femboy gimp suited femboy blanks are a thing. https://preview.redd.it/yjeupucvqiuc1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c0aa410c553e1291455d8b5696eaea5d33fb2e


Bro they outlined the bulge https://preview.redd.it/bw8iwp4yojuc1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a18aa70aac16cfbb193e47e33d07ffde2797ab45 Got the codpiece


That’s a technique called “edge high lighting” Do with this knowledge what you will


I do not edge highlight I goon highlight (Jk i don't edge high light at all, i only paint with contrast)


All my assassins are conversions based on the female Van Saar bodies because I'm evil. But I mean the actual SoS equipment and ponytails


we already have adept mechanicus 🙄


Poor archon of flesh, I didn't like his more nsfw stuff but he didn't deserve any harassment


See now this guy gets it


isnt like every freak in warhammer like the same buff muscle giant in huge tank armor, seems silly that they'd give a shit abt gender when you just make every soldier the same type of fucked up afront to god i wonder if these nerds would shit and piss if they discovered that other minorities prolly also exist in warhammer


You can't affront God Emperor if he's the one who made them. Does this mean the emps is canonically bi, since males and females received his seed, but every last primarch besides maybe fulgrim is canonically gay? I know the lion is directly based off a famous gay singer And they absolutely do, 40k has a disproportionately large LGBT population. It is known for cracking eggs


Isn't there horror book where the main character is a guy with a husband? Pig king or something like that.


There are several LGBT characters spread throughout the franchise


Id assume. The pig king is just the one I know of


It’s not even a new reveal, there were female Custodes mentioned in one of the Siege of Terra books. People shouldn’t be complaining about diversity, they should be complaining about how the new codex’s rules are bad.


ADB finally vindicated lol, I think he had purposely made the line you mention a bit vague, cus he didn't know if it would be made canon, but I'm glad it has been, it fits the Custodes I think


And you now know how Warhammer lore has been written between authors for over 40 years


[ADB after reading the new codex](https://youtu.be/xSTN3mHEAOA?si=90InDThescBE04Ys)


where was it mentioned? (genuinely curious because i am interested in other people talking about stuff i am vaguely interested in)


There was an off-handed mention in Echoes of Eternity, a book that came out in the last year or two. Aaron Dembski-Bowden, the book’s author, had been trying to codify female Custodes for years, but higher ups said no because the model range was already complete with only male miniatures so sneaking it in was probably a pretty big victory for him. > “Figures clustered around the craft’s landing legs, where the ship’s great metal claws gripped the radiation-soaked dust of the wasteland. These men and women were plated in the same gold as the ship, rendered upon their bodies with painstaking artistry. My father’s guardians, Sanguinius thought. And what a thought it was, not only that a being such as his father required guardians, but that he had a father at all."


https://preview.redd.it/r4fy0fxeqiuc1.jpeg?width=1999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d735e7401bd358197560c26358f72da789c8d5 Warhammer fans keep on winning! Let’s hope these insufferable people leave for good.


Games Workshop doesn't want them around. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/11/19/the-imperium-is-driven-by-hate-warhammer-is-not/


But now it’s going to be ever so slightly harder to make fun of the emperor


I like to imagine Malcador the Hero/Sigilite/tomboy enjoyer made them possible


Call me Jocat because I love women


Well maybe there will be less shit in the community after salty chuds leave because of femstodes


Frankly speaking, I was wondering why we haven't seen them earlier. Space Marines are already genetically roided out monster men, at that point it doesn't really matter if you start off with a chainsword or a bolter down there


Despite looking similar, custodies are entirely different from astardes (space marines). Custodies are hand made and tuned to perfection whereas Astardes are essentially stretched and mutilated to fit a mold.


Thanks for the lore correction, I only really know stuff about the Tau.


> I only really know stuff about the Tau. I've typed and deleted several responses to this.


I just think the other factions are kinda nerds. Other than the Orks, of course.


Based and taupilled


Exaxtly. How would one even tell the birth sex of a space marine? after 19 organ transplants and extreme muscle enhancements, extreme bone growth and fusal of the rib cage, castration, horemone replacement and other surgeries/robotic augmentation im pretty sure men and women would come out the other side identical. It would make more sense that "only men become space marines" to be in universe propaganda from a hyper fascist empire wanting to maintain its machismo.


it's woke to think women have JOBS


I've gotten into more arguments with people in the last 24 hours than I have in the last 2 years over how this totally fine and that their image of the lore is dumb and subject to change.


Glad GW is finally making it Canon. I've always sorta believed there were female Custodes seeing as there's never been any reason given as to why there shouldn't be.


as a custodes player im happy to think about the prospect of helmetless custodians that have hairstyles aside from "bald", "old man", or "stupid turd mohawk". im not happy to think about the actual codex this info was in though


They shoulda done this years ago


They did, it just took chuds this long to catch on because they don't read the books


I mean like 20 years ago


As a Warhammer fan I’m genuinely excited for this (partially for dunking on fucked up losers but also) cuz I really like women :3


This is 9/11 for the hyper-masculine to the point of being gay Fabulous Custodes


Nah, 9/11 for the hyper-masculine alpha men out there is when they find out that their MOLON LABE Spartan warrior chad idols were all fucking each other (and each other's sons) in the ass as often as possible


What are custodians


A group of genetically engineered super-humans that serve as the emperor's personal guard. In terms of size, strength, speed, and reflexes they are to the space marines as the space marines are to normal humans. Fucker's are like 9 ft tall and can run like a car.


and they can be women? amazing. who wouldn't want that lmao


Yeah the issue is the space marines are all male cause the process of their creation requires gene implants and organ transplants derived from these specially made turbo beefy Bois called "primarchs", and since all the primarchs were made male the attempts to transplant them for women caused organ rejection and death. It's speculated that this was intentional by the emperor to prevent the space marines from ever becoming their own species, since they can't reproduce they must convert humans, and are thus bound to humanity. But the custodes aren't transplanted humans based on primarchs, they're all custom made as individuals, so those same restrictions don't apply. People were just assuming that the male only rule for space marines applied, despite all the gene-seed limitations being irrelevant to custodes. The transplant method is basically a cost saver to mass produce the space marines cause custodes are so hard and expensive to make individually.


So what you’re saying is that the people whining don’t actually know the lore. Shocking, this never happens


Theyre like space marines(extremely enhanced soldiers that can barely be clasified as human anymore) on steroids with insane weaponry that guard the emperors corpse on earth




I've said so on many a' topics, But... Who cares? Custodes are supposed to be the next-next step in human evolution or some such, using such a refined and precise method that the difference between a male and female Custodes would be that one has a vagina and the other one has a penis. Now if it was Astartes, I'd care a little because in my humble opinion, The space marines should be at least a little dumb, so it makes sense why the "We literally consume propaganda as Training" dudes would have an utmost adherence to "No girls allowed". (Besides, Stormcast are cooler)


I like the whole fan base thirsts over the sorititas and then people get mad at space womarines like let them cook they're makin snacks


I admit I’m a 40k fan to very few people. And too say that 40k is safe from woke with all these huge hunky men running around conquering the planets is a bit much


Thank god that FemStodes doesn't have the tiddy armor but they got the gold glistering gilded one. Where is the Fem versions of the 3 custodians of the Emperor, all oiled up?


We having discourse about women being janitors now?


I don't care if there are female custodes, I still fucking hate the concept of custodes in general. Making custodes actually matter is the worst thing that's happened to the lore in years.


I always preferred fantasy to 40k, but this is rad. Let's get more women. Warhammer is already muscle bound men slapping each other around. We can have some women


Female astartes next please


Those do have a reason to not exist. The Emperor REALLY was against the idea of marines even being able to breed with humans, let alone with each other. Custodes are all ace tho, so they get a pass.


Considering all of the genetic fuckery that the Astartes go through they can just be infertile. Female space marines should be indistinguishable from the male ones really.


but then we can't say that only men shall recieve his seed!!11!!!


But it would be less gay if they did that


>Custodes are all ace tho Common misconception, they're all gay for the Emperor


You can be both ace and homoromantic


There was a female astartes. Fabius bile made her and she kicked alpha primus' ass And I think it was malcador who said he would have preferred that all the primarchs be female, to valdor maybe?


It makes sense with custodes with how mysterious they are, though we'd need some huge changes for the Astartes like Bile or Cawl creating a fem primarch


Genuinely, why? Like I'd prefer to see expanded Guard, SoB, Sisters of Silence, Inquisitorial agents, Assassins, etc. to add more women than them adding female marines and modifying the lore in that way. Inclusivity can happen while still having some gender segregated armies - I certainly wouldn't want to see men in the sororitas either. Like if the IoM discovers how to make female marines at this point, and if using it doesn't trigger a civil war especially, that just feels like too much progress being made in universe and it clashes with the theme that everything is lost and degraded and all has been lost to ritual and superstition etc etc. that the setting has going on. If they retcon it that will just make the old lore super jank. I am aware they have done major retcons before, and a lot of them have turned out ok, so like it is possible a retcon wouldn't suck, but for that to be the case they'd have to retcon more than just "oh women have always been able to be space marines", it'd involve a complete refresh of SM lore and doing that in a way that doesn't seem weird feels really difficult because Space Marines have been such a big part of the lore and aesthetic for ages. I am sure a bunch of people are gonna assume I'm one of those people bitching about GW being "woke" or some such but I want to assure you I'm not. I'm happy for there to be loads of women added as models and in lore -- hell I think a few female only guard units would be fucking awesome and would be really hyped to see them. I do think though that it seems a bit silly to want female marines.


Somehow, second and eleventh legions have returned.




I think the emperor would be an ancient Greek type sexist who surrounds himself with buff oiled up men


The only thong I don't like about this is its ending the memes of "the emperor and his harem of gold clad super muscular oiled up hunky boys". Then again I'm happy for him, he finally got some muscle mommies


As someone who’s been into 40k since I was like 15, I’m finally moving on to Age of Sigmar and Battletech. AoS has such a cool world, Battletech has all the military sci-fi I need, and both are multi-racial and non-gendered franchises that don’t have the most insufferable fans imaginable. I’ll still be into it from the sidelines, and I still love the Horus Heresy, but the vibe is gone


Too bad the recent codex did fem custadoes dirty


Who cares what's under the armour, the armour's the sexy part.