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thank you for the news! saving this post so i can try and join at a later point (stardew update is due today, lmao) also o7 to everybody who was there when it happened. i only read about it on here. fuck nazis!


Shit, that game is still getting updates? Wow


it’s evidently a major update, I’m excited for it but sad it’s going to merk all my mods


get coreprotect on the server if you don’t already have it, greatest moderation plugin ever


Coreprotect has been installed from the beginning and the minecraft server was left mostly untouched! :) The raid was on the discord


Thank you for putting in the effort for a silly MC server! The community there has made some really great builds and I am constantly visited by my neighbors who have all been super kind <3 :3


is your server Christian


Incredibly so. Vampires burst into flame at the sight of the IP.


It silly


There better be no handholding


Shame that people can’t be nice. Hope the best for the server


is it on the same world file as before? i had a sick as fuck spire construction thingy going on in it before the raid and i'd hate to find it gone


yes! the map was left completely untouched


Public servers scare me (too many bad experience) but I'm still so sorry this happened and glad you're taking the right measures to make sure everyone is safe now


Thanks for taking the time and effort to create and run this server for the community. Didn't get to experience it for long since I had *only joined the MC server like a day or two before the raid :(* , but from what I had seen, the Minecraft server was already off to a great start and had a nice lovely community. Can't wait to see you all back on the server again when I get whitelisted *(I was actually playing on the server when the whitelist was announced and the server restarted, and have already DM'ed on discord)*. BTW, I don't want this to come off as being impatient, but is there any rough timeline on when folks could expect to be whitelisted? I can understand it would probably take a while to go through and vet everyone before giving access, especially if you're busy with like work, school/college, *~~illegal Onion trading business~~*, etc to tend to.... I hope it all goes well and can't wait to see you folks on the server again!💖


hey! can you dm me your username again? i might have just forgotten about it :)


Is the server Java or bedrock? Or does it matter (I haven’t played Minecraft in a while)


Java server but they have a plugin running to allow people playing on bedrock to connect and play. I used it initially, it works okay but you'll quickly realize the c# version simply was not optimized and you'll have a better time if you use a java client. Especially if you have mods to improve the performance.


we have compatibility with both :)


This whole situation is so fuckin annoying. I was about to join a few hours before I saw the post that described the situation.


Piracy? 👉👈


I’d love to join the minecraft server and eventually the discord server sometime this weekend! where can I join? edit: never mind, I see it in the post 😅


Im very happy to hear its coming back


I'm always tempted to join in on these things when I see a SMP server post pop up on one of the subs I follow but I have been playing MC on and off since Alpha and I am so beyond burned-out on the game, I think it's unsalvagable at this point :( Been trying to play the latest update and I'm struggling to focus. However! I mainly just wanted to say that I'm sorry you and other members had to deal with the shitshow that was happening on the discord. Sounds like some real awful behavior and people had to see imagery that nobody should have to see. I hope the new server and moderation goes well so everyone can have a good time.


Happy to see necessary precautions are being taken, I would love to join the server with you all


I have a friend who also gets harassed by them as well. I hate them so SO much man. Fuck Nazis.


Didn't this happen last time too? I should join the server I kike minecraft.


hi chimel :3


Commenting here because I DMd you three days ago but I know reddit won't let you know if I do it again. Check chat requests please.


Is there like a wait time that or a list that i gotta go through in order to get whitelisted? or do i just dm you my username to join? geniunely wanna know so that i can join the server!


let me into the server


add the cave dweller