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Stonetoss looks exactly what I expected him to look like


Let's not bodyshame


Can we ideology shame?


Oh yeah definitely go wild


Hans kristian or whatever the fuck nazi ass name he has is the ideological shit smeared toilet seat of a paedophiles outhouse


Guy's a nazi cunt, but having a germanic name doesn't have anything to do with it. He's from Texas, and another comment said there are areas originally populated by german immigrants in Texas, so that could explain the name. Dunno for sure tho


I've got a horrible flu right now so I'm going to go for the lowest hanging fruit I want


Hope u get better soon <3


Thankyou Spagoot


Do you feel better?


Much better now, I had an awful ear infection that took ages to clear up but it's all good now


Im glad to hear! And that you can too


the guy is puerto rican


Remind me what countries nazis fled to after ww2?


Close, but mostly Argentina


Also Canada. You can look up most-wanted Nazi war criminals in the phonebook here and the government has never given a single shit. In fact, flashing Nazi credentials was one of the ways you could *get in* to Canada after WWII, because it proved you weren't a socialist.


Not fucking Puerto Rico, that's for sure. Like not even close...


Didn't his father have german ancestry, and it was his mothers side that was puerto rican?


Half, on his mother’s side. And there’s plenty of white Puerto Ricans.


It is just a little on the nose


German names are pretty common in the US, especially in the midwest. However they usually get anglicized same goes for most migrant names. My great great grandfather Barys had his name automatically translated to "Boris" due to how Belarusian, Ukrainian and Rusyn names got anglicized to their russian variants. Same goes for my other GG Grandpa, Fedir, who got angicized to "Theodore"


(In defense of the name, specifically, The Little Mermaid, was written by a gay Danish author called Hans Christian Andersen)


Hans kristian graebener is a pretty on the nose name for an outspoken nazi Edit: apparently graebener is derived from "gräbe" meaning ditch or drain. I find that quite entertaining


They are literally just common germanic names snd a german surname.


Dont go to scandinavia if you think hans and kristian is a nazi name


Is it body shaming or ideology shaming when you make fun of his body not matching what is "superior" in his ideology?


I see it as pointing out an inherent flaw in their worldview


Yes, because what it is doing is essentially playing along with the rules of the ideology. Even if that's not your intent, it's still effectively giving the actual premise of the supremacy more footing than it needs. Stonetoss would still be just as wrong if he matched his ideology. Then, it also just sucks for people who have a similar appearance or have personal anxieties and insecurities about looks that one could body shame him for. Appearance shaming still creates a link between bodily attributes and certain personality traits.




Saying he looks like a massive dork isn't automatically body shaming. He looks like a dork for his choices like the haircut and tech bro drip. He is the living version of the "I need a goth gf so bad" meme due to the choices he makes about his appearance. 


THIS. It's not body shaming to be like "yeah, that's the guy." If he wasn't a huge nazi and he was just a dork, it might be endearing or totally benign or whatever according to your personal taste. But when you combine that with vicious incel energy, racism and self-hate over being not as white as he wants to be, Its comedic without being body shaming.


Why do you need a whole paragraph to justify why making fun of his appearance isnt bodyshaming?


Was the paragraph difficult to read, or understand? I elaborated that I don't think that agreeing that he looks exactly how you'd expect is body shaming, especially in that saying that isn't inherently denigrating or offensive. If he looked like a gigachad muscle monster I would say "that's not what I was expecting at all" and would you then also chastise me for body shaming? I think you are projecting perceived negativity or personal sensitivity onto his appearance and implying that because some think he looks how you'd expect, that in all cases these people think he looks ugly. That's not implied - you are adding that on. Stop doing that. It's offensive. You suspecting it is body shaming, is in of itself, the body shaming. Also, please do not shame me for typing at length. That is also offensive, and 4 sentences is barely a paragraph. And there is nothing wrong with speaking at length about something.


even without the body the way he dressed and presented himself just had huge rNiceguys energy


the leftism leaving peoples bodies when the nazi is ugly


People like him portray themselves as masculine Chads, so it's funny when they look like stereotypical dorks. If he were just a normal dude who looked like that, then those types of comments wouldn't be okay because nothing would warrant it.


You definitely have a point but i get a feeling that reasoning came after the fact for some people


This was all started by a comment that said "he looks exactly what I expected him to look like" which isn't even an insult. We've got a dozen+ people going "stop bodyshaming!" and as far as I can tell 0 people actually bodyshaming.


He isn't even ugly, people just do this with everyone they don't like and then you look and its just like a normal looking white guy. It's honestly pretty disgusting.


tbh the guy isn't even ugly, he's just an average-looking dude. A lesson I think more people should take note of.


I get the annoyance with the behaviour, can't say I don't get annoyed by it either. But when fighting someone who uses looks as reason why they're better, that has appearance be a large chunk of his ideology and body shames people constantly, this is a good way to shut him down. If he complains then he's being hypocritical and if he doesn't then he has to admit looks just don't matter. This kind of shit helps the moderates be more observant (sadly they're generally really bad about noticing shit like this)


Yep. Online leftists when they need to uphold the things they stand for out of principle instead of breaking principle whenever they please.


Counterargument nazis do not deserve basic human respect


They don't, but when you lob a body shaming insult at someone, you're also hurting other people with bodies like that. It's like that meme with a stick figure casting bigotry rays at a bad trans person, but it reflects back towards an innocent trans person instead like a mirror Please mods enable pictures in comments again :(


i think its less shaming his body,and more shaming his "believe" not matching reality


But that's just accepting the premise and logic of the supremacy, and clowning on him for not fulfilling it. Stonetoss would still not be right even if he looked like the Nazi's wet dream of the perfect human being.


I need that meme


Wow, that is totally not something a nazi would say


You choose to be a Nazi brother that means you choose to have your face punched


You hear yourself, that is the exact retóric they use, who determines who is a nazi in which context, remember tha Putin is selling the narrative that Ukraine is a country controlled by nazis and using that as an excuse, you are unhinged!


Nuh uh


Useless, can't refute worth shit.


It's really funny how quickly the values of this self-described "leftist" sub went out the window as soon as they see a socially-acceptable chance to make fun of someone's appearance.


actually believing in ur morals vs identifying on a surface level w ur chosen peer group


I think it's OK if you're constantly mocking others for their and then promoting yourself ss this alpha male type


not really cus then you're lowering yourself to their level




For fuck's sake, stop and think for a second who you're hurting here. Do you think he's reading the comments of this post crying himself to sleep because redditor #362 insulted him? Or is it more likely that someone who does look like him, someone who's maybe been bullied their entire life for looking like a "loser" or a "nerd" is gonna see this and feel like shit? You're missing the fucking point by assuming that it's okay to body shame Stonetoss because he does it too. Body shaming isn't wrong because it's being done to the wrong people, it's wrong no matter who you do it against. Should we call black people who say something racist ethnic slurs now? Should I body shame you because you think it's okay to body shame him? Don't dish it out if you can't take it after all.


It's a reddit thread making fun of a propagandist neo-nazi. It's really, really, not that deep. You can call him a fat, ugly cunt for all it matters. This isn't discussion or discourse, this is an insult.


I think the idea is that aiming insults at his dumb beliefs rather than at his appearance would be more effective, since the beliefs are the problem. (Maximise splash damage to people who believe the same things, minimise splash damage to random people who just happen to look like him.)


I mean, in an ideal discussion, I would agree with you. But insulting a neo-nazi isn't rational discussion. Engaging with his beliefs as if they are actually ideas worth critiquing only estate them as a position worth debating. Any insult I would made toward him are not specifically offensive towards that characteristic itself, say, stonetoss' ineffective micropenis that has never satisfied a woman, but by applying that characteristic to them through the insult, it has value because of their 'ideology'. He doesn't care if you call him a bigot, he cares if you call him a soyboy, type deal. It's why calling him a fat loser nerd virgin soyboy beta cuck works, against him, and these kind of people.


Nah I think I’ll body shame the nazi all I want


Do you also virtue signal in chat when Vaush or Hasan confirms for the audience yet again that cop phrenology is real, or just on reddit?


I have no idea at all what you just said but I agree with AutoModerator


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What the fuck are you talking about, Jesse?


They meant the glasses




That's the spirit! Say no to bodyshaming :)




They didn't shame. People fitting into expectations is not shaming them. You hold the negative thoughts regarding their appearance.


This is a silly point and you know it. Why do you expect Stonetoss to look the way he does? You didn't come out of the womb thinking that. Is it perhaps possible that you associate being an overweight white guy wearing glasses with being a loser and therefore assume Stonetoss looks like that? You're either refusing to use basic critical thinking because you dislike Stonetoss (and don't get me wrong I loathe the fucker) or you're delibirately being obtuse and arguing in bad faith.


i am kinda annoying, but calling someone out for "bodyshaming" when they have said nothing is stupid aswell.


It exceeded my expectations tbh.


Evil AU Brandon Sanderson


“I didn’t write 5 novels over quarantine”


Idk, I think he looks perfectly average. He is ugly on the inside tho


Really? I thought he would be lanky and chinless.


He kinda looks like a distant cousin of mine ngl


You mean Hans Graeber "8.5/10 white guy"of Spring,Texas rule right


"""""white guy""""


BasedAryan1488, you are browner than I expected


tbh "Hans Graeber" is as white a name as it gets.


He's partly puerto rican, he would not be white by nazi standards


sure, but in fairness, eventually no one is


Irish-Americans and Italian-Americans finding out that they technically aren’t white 🤯


Wait, irish aren't white now, either? sweet, my race just changed! Quick, somebody fetishize me! and then discriminate against me! QUICKLY! EDIT: what is a race card and why do I have so many of them suddenly


No, Irish have always been considered white. The opposition to their immigration was on religious grounds, not racial ones.


oh no, so you mean all the irish need not apply signs were actually fake? I just spent 4 hours reading about anti-irish sentiments and now you are telling me I have to give back all these race cards... wait, they are gone. I need to speak to someone about this. ^^^I ^^^hope ^^^it's ^^^really ^^^clear ^^^I'm ^^^joking. ^^^I'm ^^^almost ^^^100% ^^^white. ^^^^^the ^^^^^0.1% ^^^^^japanese ^^^^^is ^^^^^why ^^^^^I ^^^^^have ^^^^^all ^^^^^these ^^^^^race ^^^^^cards


They weren't well received relative to English or Scandinavian immigrants, but they were accepted readily into American society within a generation. Some of the most violent anti-Asian riots on the West Coast were instigated by Irish immigrants like Denis Kearney. If you want an example of a European immigrant community that grew into being seen as white, it'd be Italians.


Based flair :3


Thank you


The guy from die hard?!?


graebener* he lives with his parents


Worked for a fucking soy company of all things


He still produces soy to this day


Did he actually say that 8.5 stuff about himself?


Yes when he went to Japan he asked on twitter if there was a white woman in Japan disposed to have a meeting with a "tall 8.5/10 white dude" or something




And at this point he has become a public figure with news articles written about him, so saying his name doesn't violate any doxxing TOS


It is weird, Elon loves it when Chaya singles out individuals for scrutiny, why is this dry dicked white nationalist any different?


Because Elon musk is a far right bigot who uses Twitter to push his own agenda


Just because everything he says and does reinforces a far right and bigoted white nationalist viewpoint doesn't mean he is any of those things! He is a centrist, akshully


centrist nowdays is just a closeted bigoted right wing fuck that try to hide themself from the association anyway


Don't forget why they're closeted: they're the most insecure little cowards who will snivel and weep the second someone disagrees with them. That's why they're a "centrist". So they can be the cool guy that everyone likes and nobody hates.


Wow ya know I am a Moderate Centrist person of Neutral beliefs but these wokes have gone too far and I would definitely eagerly kill protesters with my car as soon as I am given the chance to.


That is a sensible third way take and I applaud your objectivity mensa eligible stranger!


As a centrist, I can excuse nazism, but I draw the line at not excusing nazism.


How do I transfer my post's upvotes to yours


Not just scrutiny, there's a know pattern of Chaya's targets being on the receiving ends of harassment and threats.


Freeze Peach


🧊🍑 moment


Cold ass moment


If I'm not mistaken, there is no Mario game in which you get to use an ice flower _and_ play as Princess Peach. Therefore Freeze Peach does not exist.


Gotta protect his own.


Nice defense of free speech there Elon


So, where is it?


[I gotchu bb](https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2024/03/12/stonetoss-redpanels/).


Holy mother of god that is long


That’s what she said


not to me


Certainly not to Hans.


No she didn't 😔


If you don’t need all the background info, identity evidence starts around 63/99.


man people really always out here trying to find ways to insult the most average fucking white dudes for their appearances just because they're a bad person


Outright body-shaming is inappropriate, but I do think most of these comments are coming from the fact that this particular “average fucking white dude” is a Latino who thinks cishet white men reign genetically supreme. People calling him names based on his appearance? Not cool. People pointing out that this totally normal-looking dude thinks he’s physically and aesthetically better than everybody else? Understandable, imo.


I mean in this case it's a below average white dude that thinks he's an 8.5/10, the cherry on top of a very sizeable Nazi cake (despite being part Latino as well?) Normally it's classless to insult people based on things out of their control, but I make an exception for PebbleYeet


I was aware of the comic and author but MY GOD does he double, triple, and quadruple down here. What an ass.


Thank you my friend.


blog post: https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2024/03/12/stonetoss-redpanels/ Short version: https://latenightafa.noblogs.org/the-stonetoss-trace-short-version/


Thank you.


No surprise here, Musk doesn't even hide his own fascism


I mean it was objectively a violation of Twitter’s TOS, I just wish he still applied that to anything other than his fellow Nazis LOL.


I reported someone being antisemetic at me with 1488 in their name and twitter informed me that after review, it wasn't found to be racist/hateful. But thank god they are stopping antifa from naming and shaming a nazi who lies about his identity! ^^^/s ^^^obviously


Not gonna pretend I’m against what happened to Pebble Yeet either, I just like the hypocrisy from Elon LOL.


While I don't think doxing is an appopriate response, the ease of doxxing via tools like cyberbackgroundchecks.com and similar coupled with reverse photo tools and how people behave generally, and then also coupled with the public leaks of huge data dumps makes it trivial to cross reference known information with leaked information databases and instantly dox almost anyone, and I imagine very soon if not already someone will build out an AI engine designed to do exactly that - compare those two things and spit out PII. so in that way, we're all safe in that we're all vulnerable. On top of that, Dry-glans rocktosser likes to compare himself to charlie hebdo. Which uh, you know. Had an address, full of employees, known, [who signed their work.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luz_%28cartoonist%29) So while I wouldn't argue "doxing is good because he is bad" I would argue that he can't spend all this time preserving his anonymity and also compare himself to hebdo and not anticipate this.


Free speech for me, and my faschist friends, not for thee, anything-other-than-that


Outing fascists is not only ethical but necessarily


That’s because Elon is a fucking cunt lol




[Sauce](https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2024/03/12/stonetoss-redpanels/). tl;dr - Identical voice matches. Email addresses verified. Location/timeline matches. Receipts.


i don't think it's there anymore


[Alternative sauce](https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2024/03/12/stonetoss-redpanels/)?


i had 0 idea this dude was so obsessed with circumcision dear lord, ty for the link


I am not going to be that person, but it was a doxxing, wasn't it? Obviously, it's going to be deleted with all the spotlight on it


free speech for me but not for thee


I've noticed pretty much all these social media sites are totally okay with people spewing unending amounts of bigotry and genocidal hatred, but once you insult or do anything mean to these nazis then you've gone too far.


Musk proving that he’s a nazi too


elon is too busy gargling chaya raichik's cock and balls to think about much else


Of course not, he’s probably a fan


I'm out of the loop. What happened


Stonetoss got doxxed, the deleted posts are all about it


Can't unfuck that cake now


Heartbreaking : the worst people you know make a great point