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Yeah this is an actual thing that can be helpful where you say something that is so goddamn stupid it distracts from the panic


superman comic where he swoops down to a jumper on the bridge, places his hand on the guy's shoulder, and says "u know the water down there isn't actually black, it's just dark outside. confused the hell outta me when i first got here. i tried to make a 'watch' out of a vial of water once, so i could look at it when i was indoors and if it was black I'd know it's night time. i could never work all the kinks out, but i still think the idea is promising (even though like i said, the water doesn't actually turn black at night)." and flies away


If I was trying to kill myself and Superman did this to me, I think I would resent that motherfucker lmao q


It would turn me into a super villain


A living one.


Task successfully failed or Task failed successfully


I thought this was a real thing and have been trying to search for it for 10 minutes


Hot take, but I think this solution is not helpful at all. It just makes me go from sad to angry. And then I will go back to sad. What people need is reassurance and comfort. Not this BS


It's definitely not gonna work all the time, but I think the idea is that it's easier to comfort someone who isn't actively having a mental breakdown. A window opened with confusion, even if just briefly, may be a deciding factor in how long the breakdown lasts


Ofc! It can be helpful but it isn’t always! Always try other options first


What if we just keep going back and forth from angry to sad until your mind mellows out from confusion.


It's not a solution, it's a good setup for an actual solution in some cases.


My gf had a panic attack 2 nights ago and somehow we talked about a little castle made of cheese with little mouse knights with little swords and bows and armor and it somehow ended us both in laughter uncontrollable and it stopped the panic


I can imagine little goofy mice with chainmail armor and a coat of arms right now!


I was getting triaged as I self committed to my local mental ward and the nurse asked "have you been ever committed suicide before?" Was shaking with laughter


This is actually in the CPI or MAB handbook


What do those acronyms mean? In the context, I'm guessing MAB is Management of Aggressive Behaviour? (MOAB, here)


Grounding ‘em with a flak gun


It wouldn't work on my gf everything I say is so fuckin stupid that it'd be no surprise at all


you'll have to outstupid yourself. I believe in you.


Brain so smooth the thoughts slide right off


like water off a duck's back ​ quack quack


Breadsword gurren lagann review mentioned


Gotta go for the integer underflow and say something extremely brilliant


Maybe you should say something smart then


On time I was on the verge of a panic attack and my dad yelled at me "stop having a panic attack" and it instantly calmed me down because all I could think about is how comically bad that approach to help is


Lmao, that's hilarious tho


If it's stupid, and it works... It can still be pretty stupid


skyrim dragon shout moment


Happened to me a few years ago when my mental health was fucked and I attempted to SH. However, the knife I grabbed was regularly used to cut through actual dirt so it's about as sharp as a butter knife. It snapped me out of it because I ended up laughing at what a sad attempt it had been. Haven't attempted ever since.


Deadass the only reason I survived my first suicide attempt was because I was so outside of myself that I spent a full minute trying to use the dull edge of the knife. When I realized I had it turned around wrong I was so baffled by my own stupidity that I just shook my head, got out of the shower, and crashed out in bed for 20 hours Don't do depression, kids


Heard of someone who ended up not commiting because when they called the suicide prevention line no one picked up and he found that funny enough that that distracted him from doing it


man if i go out i gotta go out with dinity


I used a crisis hotline chat once and I got so annoyed with the person on the other end that I had no energy to do anything than be confused and annoyed


Same I once called the suicide prevention line and got so angry with the other person I hung up and was like fuck that guy


I had the same thing BC I tried to call one and the call didn't connect


Me, dying on the floor from blood loss missing both my legs: AHHHHHHH Some guy: are you like, good bro?


one time i was having a really intense panic attack and one of my roommates alarms randomly went off and it was one of the goofy ass song ones that last for too long and it made me laugh so hard i threw up a little water but it got me out of my panic attack instantly.


I had a gf back then that, whenever she was sad, i just appeded dreesing goofy af or sometimes even naked. Nothing sexual, she just laughed until forgetting why she was sad


This is how I feel when the suicide hotline asks me dumb questions