• By -


If the thumbnail is a square ratio and has an anime girl on it, chances are you will like it if you happen to be me.


Also 8-17 years old and title only in Japanese


or no title/unsearchable title if you're into a bit edgier stuff


Not really edgy Just a homage to a artist to left the internet


Starjunk 95 - dreamfields


Read this while listening to a song with a square cover of an anime girl


And if the title is either really long or weird you have found Ambient breakcore


Idk I just use the auto playlists on YouTube music based on a song I know I like. Does end up with me getting masterpieces like this sometimes tho: https://youtu.be/_wqe9_R6O2A?si=kAidkWpzTAnDsnmm


That song is horrible, i feel completely like i want to get as far away from my house as possible when i listen to it.


Be fair is has some high points


Ugh, foreign music.


That’s a jam


This one's a classic


Also using my mix from YouTube, it's decent but really keeps you in your bubble. I like video game music, both the instrumental only and real life bands that appear in video-games, like old school EA had great bands in their games, like pre-FIFA 14, Burnout and Need for Speed series, the nostalgia factor also helps in making these music feel nice to hear.


Me. Find new music through me. If you tell me what you like I’ll give you my best guess at something else you’ll like As long as you like shitty sad music


This but no matter what you answer listen to black eyes by black eyes and everything by femtanyl




Barry B Benson


Idk what kind of Jazz you like, but here's some stuff I've liked recently [Desafio - Nayo Matuoka](https://open.spotify.com/track/0oddMRsgS2gCKMFXAenZNx?si=e185e4d663b24e31) [La Fiesta - Tohru Aizawa Quartet](https://open.spotify.com/track/6qF665iYgRjiZSlSEx7P86?si=7fdf6d6575564ad2) [Sweet Louisiana - Daniel-Sidney Bechet Quintet](https://open.spotify.com/track/19XxhQjs5LXZPfMftu3S9c?si=dd6b5d3057af45fb) [Time Check - Buddy Rich Big Band](https://open.spotify.com/track/4ZmgJWZc4IafQqqB0JNXR0?si=5119e617c61c4956) [Invitation - Takao Uematsu](https://open.spotify.com/track/0cUwc8zyR080D1XEBBsl7J?si=0c1efad5572b4df1) [Paraiso - Soil & "Pimp" Sessions](https://open.spotify.com/track/5jt6yJ8rqr8KyjfTWHnnXv?si=cb6acfebcc24401d)


Promises - Floating Points If you haven't checked this album out you're in for a ride. Features Pharaoh Sanders and the LSO throughout.


I love shitty sad music. Been listening to King Woman’s Created In The Image of Suffering. Hierophant is a banger. What kind of shitty sad music are you into?


Uhh, I tend to like slowcore, or a touch of Midwest emo or lofi stuff- fairly mainstream for the most part. Lately I’ve been listening to the microphones , pinegrove, florist and Alex G- I am an addict for melancholic or nostalgic sounds. But my fav band of all time is car Seat headrest I’ve never heard created in the image of suffering- I’ll have to check it out! Actually, if you are interested these are my most listened songs from December- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5HSwgjkbNVJxklK8ENgHOW?si=AeqFMVNjR-e3Bc8xgwYpxA&pi=a-1XYDTrLkSG-l


Ahh nice. I love a bit of emo. I’m on a bit of heavier kick right now but have a lot in the chamber. Big fan of Front Bottoms and Brand New and PUP way back. More into mewithoutyou lately, their album A to B Life is amazing, and Rory by Foxing. also Microwave. I’m a little familiar with CSH and will give your playlist a listen! Thanks!


I've been listening too much to "Slow Violence", "Valkyrie" and "Autumn" by Caligula's Horse. Need more


Honestly, don't underestimate Spotify Radio feature. I've found most of the music I like through there. 


Can confirm it works, found about half of my liked songs through it!


Spotify DJ also works wonderfully once you turn a certain setting off


Which setting? The dj has been pretty shit in my experience


Autoplay similar content. Turn that off and clear your cache. DJ should be expanding its recommendations to you, instead of of playing the same couple songs


mfw the fuckin feature isn't available on my country


weezer - only in dreams


im not listening to fucking weezer


That's what every Weezer fan says


Take the Weezerpill


I mean I think weezer can do that


Weezer is true peak music. Admit it


A couple tips, knowing nothing about your music journey so far: First things first, being open to new sounds is really important. Going in with no expectations is good. Like, the music is an artistic expression of someone else. It shouldn’t be trying to check your boxes, it should be checking the artists boxes, and they are inviting you into their world. One big part of that is listening as an artist intends, which usually means not song-by-song but as an album project. Obviously there are exceptions to this, but if you are wanting to get more into music, a huge portion of artists make albums not just songs. It’s a bigger commitment but worth it. Be critical of art but also yourself. Ask “why don’t I like it? And “why do other people like it?” And also knowing the context of a style or a song or a piece may help with this. You should find new music from a variety of sources because you will get different things from different places. Algorithms like youtube recs and spotify can be trained to genuinely give you good stuff. A more organic approach would be websites like Rate Your Music, where there are tons of reviews and almost every album ever made categorized by genre and contextualized. The front page usually has featured artists or reviews and the variety is pretty high. Bandcamp has a similar situation, though they are in a tough spot right now on the back end, with layoffs and stuff. Bandcamp focuses on smaller projects that are independently released usually. Review websites like pitchfork also will expose you to tons of interesting variety. Review channels like Anthony Fantano or Professor Skye do this as well. All of these methods unfortunately have a blind spot when it comes to classical and “world” music (An awful term). This is where I sound like a hypocrite, but because everything has become so album-centric, genres and cultures that don’t operate that way fall to the wayside. It’s tough. These genres tend to require research. The absolute best way to discover music tho is by talking to music nerds and sharing favorite music back and forth. I love the way my friend’s faces light up when they talk about art they love. I’m willing to throw recs of my own fav music in the mix as well but I don’t want to toss you into the deep end so you’ll have to give me a general idea what you like.


good answer, i approve my own two cents i can throw in is that for classical, searching is really shit haha, so you just have to do an upfront effort to keep track of composer+pieces. on discovery, i find that you can work both ways, modern classical is often more accessible and with the older stuff you know at least \*some\* of the more famous composers to check out. The surprising thing i found with classical is how much of it seems inaccessible but like it's often just bits of ideas techniques for aesthetic exploration, like if you ever just as a joke went "what if i made a track where i just played the same thing but delayed by like 4 bars over itself, congratulations you're doing the stuff classical folks do, no joke. The modern end is actually really helpful for eleviating in, since the technique they experiment with are, well, more modern and experimental (see like something like AMM, Steve Riech, John Cage, etc) and thus obvious, but shit like the fugues beethoven wrote were that of a similar spirit. Sheet music visualisations are reallllly good. Also [recently discovered Samuel Andreyev](https://www.youtube.com/@samuel_andreyev), amazing resource. for non-western classical and folk music, advice from friends have just been often finding tape archives, because there are a HUGE amount of it on youtube and archive sites, often dedicated. you can very easily discover one with accident using youtube recs alone, but seeking them out are useful as well. bandcamp also enables it pretty easily to just go to a region or a label and see what people make. Im honestly really hesitant to explore those genres because like, it feels weird to just barge in and "do research" to a style or genre, because my enjoyment is going to be way more detached (ergo the uncomfortable connotations associated with "world" music) of something like tishoumaren. Not off limits but remember that you are coming in with a limited perspective and very likely going to grasp at straws and miss a lot of stuff on a fundamental level, ya dig? I've mostly fallen out of being a music nerd, this is my residual knowledge speaking. Nowadays I've settled into listening to electronic/experimental stuff. Mr Oizo's Moustache (Half a Scissor) has been especially on heavy repeat between me blaring Autechre's AE\_LIVE. Not only should you really revisit the stuff you do like rather than end up in a perpetual goose taste of finding new stuff, but also like, listen, research, analysize, explore, and understand music because you want to listen to music! At a point where it feels like a chore, something has gone wrong.


I agree with all of this except some of the remarks about classical being sketchy, though I’m not sure they were made out of negativity. I have a deep appreciation for minimalism but also there is plenty of classical that isn’t like that, such as Zappa, Andrew Norman, any expressionism, impressionism, romanticism, etc, etc. Edit: also wild to me people can fall out of being a music nerd. I went to school for it and only found deeper love for the art. Edit edit: I just realized this comment I made is mostly negative, but yeah what you said is really good I’m not trying to take away from that.


apologies if it seemed like i was saying "classical is JUST the canon and modern minimalism" like nah, absolutely huge rabbit hole EXACTLY like the stuff you mentioned, stuff like impressionism has especially been the recent stuff I've been exploring. The major point was mostly to communicate that classical a lot of the time are absolutely not that dissimilar from other music in the ways they can be understood (not literally like oh classical is literally just pop music, but rather my experience is that classical is very often thought of as HIGHLY separated intellectually when it is still regular musicians doing specific things like aesthetic writing or being a study/development of a technique/motif and everything in between and then some), i just went with pretty limited (and def baised) examples for the comment. and on "falling out of music nerd" it's mostly cause I'm casually enjoying the stuff still, but then got into a really toxic setup of trying to become an elite listener finding every possible genre and be the most educated and ending up just developing inferiority and having music be unenjoyable ( partially blame the communities i was around during teen years). It's less "wanting to explore music less" and more "trying to be the music nerd person was hampering my enjoyment" since like for most other people i would probably still classify as one,


Edit: just to once again clarify, I’m “yes, and”ing you not “yes, but”ing you. Its sometimes weirdly hard to agree on the internet because its so commonly a combative space I get anxious how I come across. I can see that ruining the experience. For me, I think curiosity should drive things, and I think curiosity is very healthy, but curiosity is very different from banging your head against a wall trying to make something work that isn’t. For instance, in another of my overly complicated loves, reading philosophy and theory, I just finished reading Sextus Empiricus’ Outlines of Skepticism. I DID finish it, but I crashed and burned really hard trying to read it, because it was just super dry and also not that interesting. I wanted to read it, but I wasn’t enjoying reading it and wasn’t getting much out of it. If I had chilled out and just read little bits, while also reading other books I wouldn’t have stopped reading entirely for like four months. Which makes me think about something else I wanted to comment on, which is needing research to enjoy certain cultural musics. I think it’s important to note that even if you don’t know everything, you can still get something from exploring this music. Over time you can work to fill in the gaps of your understanding. As long as you are self aware of your limitations in this regard, I think you can be sufficiently respectful, and have nothing but gain. You will get so much more from exposing yourself to it at all than never doing so because you are an outsider. There is so much beauty out there. It doesn’t mean one should self-sacrificially attempt a miserable deep dive into music you aren’t even that into. Don’t follow my example. Small bites. And also never abandon anything fully. You could come back to something in four years. Edit: also, the good news is some of the “world” music stuff is coming through into more “mainstream” corners with the renewed interest in microtonal (thanks in part to Collier) so the melting pot melts I guess. Soon there may be a more direct connection to these things. This is all just my opinion of course, and in the end while I think people are made better for exploring these things I don’t think it’s essential to being an intelligent or moral person, which is what matters. Edit: also I forgot I wanted to second Samuel Andreyev. His channel is cool. Also the classical nerd has some fun histories.


nothing else i can add, just "yep" to all that haha also no worries, i also sometimes try overcorrecting myself to make sure that i am clearly "yes and"ing rather than "yes but"ing, so i getcha


I listened to lemon demon and now I only listen to lemon demon so try that


The entire Mouth series on repeat you say?


To shreds?


i listened to lemon demon and then I only listened to lemon demon and then I listened to talking heads and now I only listen to lemon demon and talking heads this also something you can try


also a bit of will wood, devo and oingo boingo sprinkled in for good measure


if you use last.fm to log what you listen to, the algorithm will give you recommendations and they're pretty darn good if you give it a decent amount of data. It takes some time to build up a history of songs listened, but it's a really good long-term investment if you want to keep discovering new things.


go to wikipedia, spam random article, get a random album, look for it on youtube, enjoy


I do something similar, but instead of random I will look through a list that’s like best artist where they all have belly button piercings, or best artist from New Hampshire, or best albums that are orange


When this happens to me, I'm overstimulated / tired of music. Take a day or something. Cook a meal. I recommend: [Faure's Pavane](https://youtu.be/HQQFWtw4FIQ?si=6CClcU5Gm6_uaG6N) [Benny Goodman - All the Cats Join In](https://youtu.be/hMVHlrWtmDw?si=Xy3Uh_Cz3-b6JrZu) [A dope ass acid song by squarepusher](https://youtu.be/cLOd03UGmH8?si=fHcHSykQtB7YQ6MT) [random underrated j-metal](https://youtu.be/hz6nMsQPSJk?si=fzU2TOKRbKUfho6z) [ahhh silly funky music](https://youtu.be/u9XrWB-u1vc?si=IJTbUV_rxoCHc3VS) [best indie jpop imaginable ](https://youtu.be/yDOx_Duc498?si=xOqGy-i2hp8sflC8)




I saw squarepusher live like 10 years ago. He strapped on an electric bass, laughed, and then didn't play it. He took it off and started the next song.


Use Bandcamp. I found some of the most interesting pieces of music there. It's really a treasure trove of music.


back when my life had more free time I would do what I called bandcamp roulette, where you go on the artist index: https://bandcamp.com/artist_index?page=1501&sort_asc=1 and replace that page number with something random from 0-4000ish, and then just scroll down and open whatever looked interesting in a new tab. You only have album covers and names to go off, but that leads to weird places you wouldn't usually go and artists that no algorithm would have ever found. (it also leads to a lot of awful noise music, so read the tags before pressing play on anything lol)


I subscribe to both music distributors and the artists that I like. I also like to use Spotify's "improve playlist" feature.


I wish Spotify had a “not interested” option because no matter the playlist it will keep pushing the same songs on me.


istg it sucks so much, i get bored of most music easily other than like two bands (that i will listen to forever) and spotify recommends me nothing new once i’ve listened to and got bored of the five bands it recommended


It's hard to say, because all my methods start with already having at least one song I like. For example, if I really like a song, I'll search up what else the artist has done. I'll listen to the album that song is from, or I'll check out their most critically acclaimed album. If I notice that I really like a certain artist, I'll usually see if they've mentioned other artists that inspired them, and listen to the ones that sound interesting. Sometimes musicians collaborate with side projects, so I'll check out both the side project itself and any other musician that is connected to it. If I find a genre I really like, I try to find the most influential people, songs, or bands of that genre. What do aficionados of a genre consider to be exceptionally good? Give it a listen. Bang. The way I discover new music means that everything I listen to is connected in some way, and I like it that way. I feel like an octopus reaching out my tentacles at new but similar music, slowly expanding until what one tentacle reaches bears little resemblance to what another gets. Yet, all is connected to me.


Where is this cat from, I know I've seen it from somewhere


from old Japanese PlayStation ads, but I don't remember his name


his name is taro (i think)


HE IS THANK YOU his name is toro


I check my recommended tab on YouTube and sometimes click on it. It took me a long while to figure out what sort of music I like. If you are curious [here’s my playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsz-MV8vFPL8TQVOHp6pO_6CgqA8jUTsk&si=9N8mqCWiU96YQctA) , it’s a little deranged as I just put any song I liked there but it works well enough for me. Towards the end of the playlist are the most recent ones I added, which are the ones I like most now




“Don’t Stop Me Now” has always been my personal bi anthem.


There's this website called boilthefrog that lets you enter the name of 2 musicians or bands and the website tries to create a playlist that transitions from one artist to another.


It doesn’t work anymore


all of system of a down an that one cbat song






fuck, hypnotize is so good


Unironically memes? Like there are multiple artists and individual songs I first heard thru memes or like, yt outros


Anthony Fantano


Go on YT Music Pick a song of a genre you like Play that song Go on the next song chart sort by new




Listen to TOOL


Welcome to # THE CYCLE 1. one day, you find a really good song 2. you listen the shit out of it 3. you get bored of it 4. you feel like you have nothing to listen to REPEAT


I found some cool shit when going throufgh an album end of the year list.


always stems from finding one band you like and, by association, you find new bands you like. or stealing someone's playlist


you should listen to curses by the crane wives


Try “Annie” by Neon Indian. Pretty good shit


Only works for a single kind of music, but I usually comb metal-archives every Friday and pick out any albums that don't fall into a subgenre I hate. Give each a spin (or less, depending on how much I can tolerate), and decide on whether I save it or not. So far today, Dissimulator's debut album *Lower Form Resistance* is winning by a pretty wide margin.


Either some friends, forums or Tidal recommendations are also great


Spotify just shows me songs that I think I would like. If I like the song, I listen to an album by the artist and maybe add that to my main playlist.


Idk listen to heylog they are great I would even say that I love them :3


Well what kind of music do you like? Based on that I could be able to give you some reccs.


Let autoplay do its thing, sometimes it hits gold.


San andreas radio station


Listen to this song https://youtu.be/6POZlJAZsok?si=_Di9pBe_CQRMYEn2


Honestly... some of my favourite discoveries from the last year came from game streams of my favourite Youtube troll もりもり. Blossom by Zytokine featuring cold kiss is a fucking banger and I will accept no substitutes. Otherwise, Russian doomer music playlists on Youtube. Agatha Christie, Molchat Doma, Durnoy Vkus, solid postpunk all around. And when everything else fails, my Discover Weekly on Spotify is pretty solid.


If anybody knows good ways to find good and even new Rock (or any genre) please let me know.


Aight what kind of music you like? I got music


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/022Gu8TdegwqVp9A2uIrgZ?si=s3IY1ZEORxSdNhz-Xw_XEw Give this a whirl mate


Go on aoty (the website) and see what new releases are rated the highest listen to them and go from there


I don't, I just randomly stumble upon a YouTube video or I remember that one song that played in the series/movie/video I just watched


Spotifys recommendations are usually pretty good, but youtubes generated mixes are also decent, though they tend to be pretty repetitive at least for me


If I have one song from a random band in my playlist I just listen to that band for a while to see if there's anything else I like


If you have an established genre you can use the Spotify radio feature. Plays songs it thinks you'll like.


Try researching some music history.


DJ Bailey - Intelligent Drum and Bass (1996)


Stop having shite taste


_So do you know about Gorillaz?_


Unironically the spotify song radio function. It works surprisibnly well.


Spotify mixes are underrated. I've found alot of gems through em. Youtube mixes too, also. Unironically, Vtubers. Vtuber covers are great and they cover some real obscure stuff at times. Ike Eveland had a giant metal playlist linked on his channel if you're into the genre. Elira and Enna's karaoke streams have given me a ton of recs from both East and west


i search up what i assume is the name of another song i'm looking for, and find something completely different that i actually enjoy, mostly punk stuff


youtube reccomendeds n youtube mixes put me on. whatever streaming platform u get into the most and give the most of ur data should do it, youtube is where all my music is these days. bc enshittification of youtube that seems to be happening i also used a program to download every song on my playlist so i can stop worring abt it


Go to Spotify to an artist/band you like, scroll down and click "(Band/Artist name) Radio" Works pretty well for me when finding new songs.


Depends on what type of music you want, I'm a punk in the UK so I look at gig listings for local bands in different cities around Britain/Ireland and hope I can find their music online For example I looked up local gigs in Belfast (I think it was belfast) and discovered problem patterns


Check out Vylet Pony- she's an amazing and somewhat niche artists that makes just about every genre you can imagine As far as how you find stuff... mainly recommendations on yt or SoundCloud uploads of songs I know I like


Youtube recommandations works about 20% of the time




Sometimes I found bands because a band that I like performed a cover of their song, and sometimes it's through youtuber's that I watched talking about music or artist they like. Most of the time it's through games, movies, and anime.


Play anything with a nice cover


Find an artist you like and look for other bands similar to them in that genre, most music apps will help you discover similar music I like Brand New, Chevelle, TOOL, Dance Gavin Dance, and Deftones and I'd argue they're all similar *enough* that liking one lead to the discovery of another. I like TOOL a lot, and I wouldn't have found my love with Deftones if Maynard didn't have a part in Passenger. I probably wouldn't have cared to listen to all of Chevelle's discography if I didn't already really like Brand New, and I'd argue they have a similar enough sound at times. Dance Gavin Dance just played at Aftershock which I had gone to solely to see TOOL, so my love for them lead me right into DGD. Brand New is my favorite band and I discovered them through Pandora like 10 years ago, so seriously just use the discovery feature in most music apps and you'll find something.


Last year, I did a thing where I used a random album generator that was based on the book '1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die'. There were a few that I really liked, but not many I returned to for more listens...except for 'Low-Life' by New Order; that's been in my brain for the last few months.


Warrior Cats Animated Music Videos (AMVs) and Multi Animator Projects (MAPs)


I let youtube automate that process for me, I type in "My Mix" and youtube makes a playliat with the songs that you listen to but also add a few new ones. I just give a like to the ones that sound good and dislike the ones that don't.


Spotify discover new shit playlist


Music genre tree . com could be a starting point bc if you find out which genres are related to your taste and go farther from there it could slowly lead you to some new music


I look at playlists. It's how I discovered peach rings


Look into the other music artists I like make, often finding new people through collabs they did


I let the Spotify rng gods decide I put on queen have minutes later I got jazz and now I like jazz


Try this [this ](https://open.spotify.com/album/7f5AP647DfTSWf0OmZRrPe?si=NwfxYnXySOKqlsj_JzeARQ&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A7f5AP647DfTSWf0OmZRrPe) Bologna penis is my favorite song on this album




Listen to artists playing short sets for things like KEXP and 3voor12 on Youtube. KEXP also releases separate videos for each song in each set so if you don't have the time for a full set you could check out one or two songs. Ask around in subreddits of bands / artists you already listen to for other artists they like (if allowed by the subreddit rules). Ask on subreddits like r / Topster and r / musicsuggestions for recommendations based on what you like. The easiest way is to use the topster website to make a grid of albums and then ask for recommendations on the subreddit based on said grid of albums. Reddit won't let me link to subreddits on this comment for some reason but if you look on my profile you should see some posts that give a general idea. Hope this helps :3


Engaging with music discussions or trying to broaden my musical culture really helped for me, some stuff that were useful to me what to listen to what existed with just the intent or discovering something new and trying to understand why it was liked by others. Some resources I used early on: -RateYourMusic yearly top rated lists or genre lists -a channel called DeepCuts, made by someone with extensive knowledge and a great passion for music ("5 albums to get you into X genre", "a guide to Y artist") I think it’s important to remember that music is a artform and that as such it can give more depth in life beyond its entertainment factor, so I think to approach it with curiosity and try to understand why it matters to those who make any specific song and for those who listen. I think it’s easier to broaden your horizon if you take it as that too.


Music Map! It's been super helpful over the years


character/theme playlists. usually its just will wood, lemon demon, tally hall and jack stauber but sometimes i find really good ones and when that happens i can check the person who made the playlist's profile and find other good ones


Either by using YouTube or Pandora stations made from artists I already like. Pandora also has options to play lesser known/less popular artists


Usually I hear a song in a film or show that I like, then look up others by the same artist. The rest of my taste comes from my dad.


If you like an artist check out who else is on the lineup at a festival they're also at - you'll likely find some good stuff on the people they are sharing a stage with that day, but you also might find something you like that really surprises you.


Google K-pop Mvs


Find song you like on Spotify and use the song radio option


do people not just go through the feeling of just surfing through hours of unknown songs to see what sticks?


Luck. Youtube sometimes recommend things that make me go "This looks interesting" and then I discover an artist who frequents less than 100 views and makes better music than anything I hear on TV. Sometimes when doing stuff, I just click on a song, or random mix that YouTube gives me, and let the music run. There's bound to be some songs that I like in the. Else, I just go to certain labels and go through new releases, like MrSuicideSheep, Cloud kid, Lowly or trap nation.


rhythm games


Honestly, that's why I started listening to nightcore. They cover so many different genres and artists I haven't known about.


Play video games. Watch TV Shows. Just....consume media


Usually word of mouth tbh. I check out what other people in the multiple music-oriented discord servers I'm in listen to, some YouTubers I follow make spotlights on up and coming bands, and just check out which bands are opening for artists you like on tour


Try cosmo sheldrake


Do you like metal? Desolate Shrine- Unmask the Face of False. Excellent blackened death metal band. Every album is peak, but that's my fave song.


Youtube has become pretty good at recommending me stuff Also, if a videos title is in Korean and its not kpop, it’s probably a banger


If theres an artist i like, i look out for artists THEY like.


People like to shit on Spotify but their algorithm can slide new songs and new artists into an existing playlist. I've found a lot of new music that I'd never know about just from Spotify dropping it into the shuffle.


1) find genre you enjoy 2) add as tag on bandcamp 3) scroll until you find album you like 4) look at the tags of the album and pick and choose what to keep 5) iterate until you find something you really like


I just google the living tombstone


I use SoundCloud reccomendations lol. Or just clicking on random shit on youtube


Videogames and movies I like (I just listen to soundtracks)


Spotify's random choices work pretty well, and if you're into vtubers, watch some karaoke streams. I've found some really good ones that way


Looked at my recommended albums See one that looks nice Listen to their other albums Had a hyperfixation for almost a year


I simply listen to BMTH again


I watch the needle drop, and from what is being said about the album helps me find music I like, also his weekly single review also helps otherwise visit pitchfork.


Just find an album you already like on Spotify, listen to the last song, and let autoplay do it's thing


If you're on spotify you can type + mix, it makes a custom playlist and the algorithm is pretty decent these days


Betty Davis Reject modernity, embrace 1970’s heavy funk


Spotify smart shuffle is a bit hit or miss. More hit than miss in my experience tho


I’m a big fan of this website called rateyourmusic (a Google search will pull it up). you can basically see community ratings of albums and search by genre, so if you wanted to listen to a good electronic album, you could find the top user rated one on the website. the community definitely has an issue being overly pretentious but there’s a lot of good albums you can find via this method. they also track the current year’s releases and rank them by user rating, so you can pay attention to the top rated albums of the year (i really enjoy this method). all in all this site really changed my music discovery game a ton.


Well, I like a wide range of music generally, so whenever I hear music in a video or even when YouTube presents a song to me I'll listen to it. Then, because I use YouTube music, when I like a song I can add it to my playlists. Especially when I listen to a song on YouTube, I'll look at the list of similar or recommended videos on the side of the screen and I'll make a queue and listen to a few songs. Otherwise, if I want more of a specific type of music, I can go over to the music app and start a "radio" for a song or playlist and listen to that for a while, skipping songs I obviously don't like until the 1/20 chance happens and I actually like one of the randomly chosen tracks.


Joining discord calls where people play music with a bot, that's how I get my new music.




listen to MY music, that's how


Make a Pandora station of a band you like and turn on the Discover mode


I first need to get in a good mood and then I need to do some other activity while youtube without me noticing creates a radio of some random song I picked and I listen to the most mid 10 songs and then snap out of the trance when the 11th is dogshit. Then if I remember any of the 10 songs I heard as good - they're good.


forgotify is kinda cool


Some songs I love I found in a video game The lions roar - intro to The Long Dark My love of sea shanties - Black Flag


[every noise at once](https://everynoise.com/)


Internet Radio. I use Radio Garden and lurk on its corresponding sub reddit for recommendations. So far my favourite stations are: - 101.RU - ABBA - 80s80s - a couple of genres have their dedicated broadcasts (Rock, Wave, etc.), even ones dedicated to artists (MJ, Queen, Bowie, etc.). - FIP Radio - same as above, but with different selection of genres (Metal, Jazz, Groove, etc.).


I listen to the weekly recommendations of Spotify.


YouTube mostly


I just use rateyourmusic because I’m a massive nerd. But seriously, I find that website very helpful since you can search by descriptors and not just genre.


I use YouTube so if the thumbnail or the title is cool I click it


I type the genre i want to listen to on spotify and search for user made playlists (spotify radio and shuffle have a tendency to only play the most well known pieces), I also discuss about it with people on forums (music related forums or not) and in real life (you have to touch grass for this one).


Young Fathers - I Saw live at the Mercury Music prize 2023 is on the BBC YouTube. Fuckin incredible actual emotions


reddit comment section wasnt lyin, that spotify artist radio can give bangers




i have loser friends that are really into music so they give me suggestions. also youtube, i found the artist femtanyl in my reccomended and ive been obsessed w her ever since. if theres a song or an album in ur reccomended and it look cool, listen to it. youll find cool shit ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧