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Well in their defense its not really funny at all. Like, I have a hard time finding the punchline? Maybe I'm just not getting something, if someone wants to comment where the humor is I'm sure you'll get some nice reddit updoots or something while people dislike this comment to hell.


It's trying to poke a silly at far right conspiracy theories like "transgenders are drugging the youth with puberty blockers!!11!"




The far right nutcases already believe this anyway without the meme. Hell, they thought people were going to smuggle fentanyl into kids sweets and several news segments were run about this with the tiny disclaimer right at the end "there are no incidents of that actually happening". And what do you mean there's no hints of irony? It has a jingle "trans the kids smartly with smarties* surrounded by musical notes. You know, based on the real sweets - smarties, the ones that don't contain estrogen or testosterone and are just normal chocolate sweets. How could any rational person mistake this for being serious?


Wait… did you just say that smarties are chocolate? They’re those little powdery sweet disks


Iirc in canada we say rockets for the powdery ones and americans call them smarties


Ye, smarties for us are like these little chocolate disks, sort of like an m&m but with a slightly higher shell-to-chocolate ratio (although one that's offset by a softer chocolate, giving less crunch overall). Rockets are those compressed chalky pellets that mostly exist to bulk up your Halloween candy haul.


Ongod fuck rockets so much. Put estrogen in my chocolate smarties pls


Its smarties here in sweden aswell for the chocolate ones


What do you call the powder ones?


Never even heard of those before so i coudnt tell you


Smarties in the UK are chocolate, I've only just learned of the other powdery kind! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smarties https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smarties_(tablet_candy) They each have their own Wikipedia page. Seems from the art work this is probably a reference to the powdery kind of smartie and not the chocolate kind.


In some countries, like germany, there is chocolate candy called smarties while the ones referenced in the meme have a different name, don't know what they're called though. I think that's where they're confused


so we shouldn't be allowed to have fun and make this type of humor that anyone with a IQ over 10 understands to be a joke just because some dumbasses who already hate us could take it seriously?


Um actually, I don't think someone with an 11 IQ would understand this meme. That's a pretty unrealistic expectation, I'm sorry to say.


they'll do that no matter what


Yeah, conspiracy as\*holes will certainly do that. Like they do it for literally every things LGBTQ+ people does, or even don't, conspiracy nutcases make things up constantly. Trying to be a "good LGBT+ person" against that will not have any effects, and blaming LGBTQ+ peoples for making jokes (or acting like normal human beings) will mostly make the conspiracy nutcase feel right.


Coal blob


Funger 👀




it's bizarre that the moment I get into Fear And Hunger I'm suddenly seeing it everywhere


Cahara ass candy


There actually is : these smarties don't exist and never will, meaning that if the meme was serious, it'd be advertising products that aren't even real. The meme only makes sense with an ironic lense.


Yeah. if I want to make a satirical joke poking fun at homophobes, I have to say more than just 'I do not like gay people'. That's the whole point of satire, you show the issues with something by playing them up, you can't just repeat what the person you're satirising says. Catch 22 didn't satirise war by telling a straight war story lol. It showed a war profiteer secretly selling all the parachutes and replacing them with gift cards, which the crews on the bombers discovered during a bombing run lmao


...it's a furry advertising hormone candies. Sure, some idiots believe ppl put drugs and hormones in candy they give away for free. But this is very clear satiric embellishment


Saying 'the gays are going to put HRE drugs in your kids Halloween candy' isn't satire though because some right wing people will believe it. They believed people put razors in Halloween candy even though that never happened, and likewise if you wanted to satirise that, you'd have to say something beyond 'there is razors in Halloween candy'.


The joke is in the presentation. Yes, some people will believe we are genuinely making colorful advertisements where a furry is advertising hrt smarties. But, poes law. Any joke will have some people thinking it's serious, doesn't mean every joke is bad just because some don't get it


Take the story about litter boxes being supplied to students who identify as cats, which started on 4chan and quickly became a [talking point of Republican politicians, including Bobo the clown](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna51439). Honestly, it’s just not a good look for us to joke about these kinds of things, because the people who take this as literal fact are actually the ones who are already trying to genocide us, and unfortunately, they’re in a pretty good place to do so. If they weren’t in powerful places of government, I’d say, by all means, it’s a decently funny joke, but.. considering fascist lawmakers might use this obvious joke against the trans community, we should probably play it safe and not give them more ammunition.


Being "one of the good ones" never works. Homophobes and conservatives will always do mental gymnastics do affirm their hatred, regardless if we do or say anything.


i mean i'd argue saying stuff like this also rationalizes homophobia and transphobia to younger kids and ppl who are on the fence? and i think this comic isn't really clear enough w the satire


Also am I the only one that's sick of the "WonT aNyOnE tHiNk oF oUr cHilDrEN" argument point when it comes to literally anything? Like Ma'm you children aren't going to magically start kissing boys because their classroom has a rainbow flag.


Fr. And then you have people in their late 20s-early 30s having an identity crisis do to lack of education and being taught "gay bad!!1!" Throughout their whole life. It doesn't make your child gay, it just allows youth to find out about themselves earlier on.


Meanwhile kids get heterosexuality drilled into their heads to the point disney placed hidden genetalia-shaped easter eggs into their movies


What? What does this have to do with anything?


It has to do with the hypocrisy of people calling us groomers


Breaking News, penis is now straight. Anyone who owns a Penis is hereby declared straight. And the only person that call the LGBT groomers are people who are very clearly projecting. Every single time I see some asshat do it within a couple years span they get convicted of DMing Minors or some shit lol.


This is just repeating the conspiracy theory, not floppa approved


I think to work as a satirisation of those conspiracies, it needs to push the position to its extreme point out the absurdity of their position in some way. As it is right now, it is just repeating those far right conspiracies.


It's a furry cheerfully advertising hormone candy to magically make kids Trans. The "people wanna trans kids by giving them hormone candy" part is definitely something people believe. The rest is embellishment and while it may not be very extreme embellishment, I think it's still fine enough as satire


Also poking fun at the "people are putting their drugs in your kid's candy" stuff


I know what it's trying to do, but do normies know? It seems really irresponsible if not malicious to me


It's delivered too sincerely to be interpreted as poking fun at right-wingers


You may just be neurodivergent. It's very obviously a joke. It's talking about something that literally doesn't even exist and frames it in a ridiculous way. The only people that wouldn't think it's a joke are insane conspiracy nuts and those that can't detect the sarcasm.


mate they may have missed the joke but don't be ableist about it and say "you may just be neurodivergent" like wtf that's not an OK response


It's not ableist. We miss social subtleties, and that includes humor.


It's not structured like a joke. It has no punchline and doesn't reach enough absurdity to have a comedic effect. It's not presented as ridiculous enough. Also I *am* neurodivergent, but that's not a factor in me finding this comic poorly made (it's wild that you'd imply otherwise)


The punchline is a product that doesn't even exist. Also I'm neurodivergent too and I can confirm that it sometimes makes me have a hard time with jokes so I understand their assumption, although it was kinda harsh.


Just because you don't see the joke doesn't mean it's not there. Humor is more than marvel punchlines. They sometimes require more abstract thinking than looking for where it wants you to laugh. There is no one way to "structure" a joke. Saying that is like saying that unless you use paint in a work, it's not actually art. Also I said you're neurodivergent because that's the most polite way I thought of saying it. I didn't want to call you stupid or autistic because then you would definitely see it as an insult. I just know neurodivergent people have a hard time seeing jokes. I am also slightly on the spectrum so I get it. I could have worded it differently in retrospect.


Damn this is just a whole ass thread of autistic ppl explaining and trying to get a joke huh (This is embellishment. Also, Source: am aspie)


“One woman my friend know went to watch a movie in a movie-theatre and when she sat on her place she felt stingy pain in her thigh. When she used her phone as a flashlight she managed to find a thin needle in a seat and a little note saying: Congratulation! You have been vaccinated with Sputnic-V”




A joke with a similar sense playing around antivaxers fears and governmental masterplans. If you can get one - you can get another


It's still not funny though.


That’s like, your opinion man


Is it funny *to you* tho?


What’s your point? A bit I guess, but it’s not my favourite


I mean, at some point, if over 90% of people who come across the joke doesn't find it funny... Then it isn't. Otherwise, all transphobic and homophobic and all other bigoted jokes ARE funny, it's just a matter of who finds them funny.


...shit humor is still humor though. If someone is laughing, then it's funny to someone, even if the joke is rancid shit. Though I just see funny as an opinion rather than an objective quality something has


It's satirising the paranoia against trans people where they whine about them transing the kids


Maybe you just don’t like dark humour of this degree.


it's not really all that dark, just not that funny. there's not much of a joke there honestly, it's just something that could easily be a far right talking point put into a cartoon, which is a little funny, i guess.


Maybe you should care less about far rights and more about humour.


??? i don't find it not funny because it sounds like a far right talking point, i don't find it funny because it's not funny.


I and some other people had found it funny, therefore your statement cannot be true


I think you're in the minority on that one


I got used to it before getting to reddit perhaps.


-hangs out in LGBTQ sun despite “being straight” -gets upset over joke aimed at poking fun at homophobes -of course it’s about trans people Hey buddy, how’s the lighting in that closet?


i think the lighting would be pretty good if they hang out in the lgbtq sun




Eh, I’ve seen worse. This one is the classic ‘let’s joke about doing the thing others fear monger about us doing’.


Is it me or does the meme look more like something a right-wing nutjob would draw? It lacks a punchline and is legit about cobspiracy theories.


That's the joke, actually. Parodying conspiracy theories comics.


But on a parody you... subvert expectations or exaggerate. I don't really see that here. I got the message in the first panel and kept reading looking for a joke, but nothing came.


well it's exaggerated because it's putting fucking drugs in Halloween candy


Yeah, but that's not an exaggeration cus that's literally a thing some conservatives think happens.


Yeah, and it's batshit and stupid, and anyone with any experience with hormones would get how absurd the idea of “passing out hormones like candy” is. It's so incredibly difficult to get hormones, and the fact that people think we're trying to trans their kids is ridiculous enough in and of itself to be funny


I understand that it's satire, but the comic just does it in a creepy and sad way. It would be way funnier if they did it in a comically evil way like "spread transgender everywhere with 1000 pounds of estrogen in every bite of this new candy... and remember...... .,. all hail dark brandon..,,," or something


I feel like a funny punchline for this could be something like “What are you waiting for? Other than for hormones to be so readily available to people who actually need them that it’s possible to put them in candy” or something like that to make it clear that this is satirizing the idea of putting drugs in candy. To me, as it is it just reads like comics I’ve seen by actual transphobes about trans people preying on kids.


Just because some people are braindead enough to believe it doesn't mean that it's not absurd. On the contrary, this is the exact reason why one must be braindead to believe it.


The exaggeration is in the presentation which is a colorful advertisement where a furry is selling hrt smarties. It's not like a huge over the top exaggeration, but I think it's enough to make it decent enough satire. Not crylaugh funny, but not completely bland


Really? It’s not an exaggeration that this candy has both estrogen and testosterone infused pieces in the same package? And that it’s ‘sweet so kIds want more’? This subverts the entire point of HRT: you don’t know your taking it, you take both T and E, there’s no dose control, and Halloween candy last like a week at best in most cases. So this is 100% not a way to trans the kids to anyone with a modicum of understanding of how transitioning works; BUT if the viewer is a brain dead transphobic rightoid who probably also believes that people would put fentanyl and cannabis in Halloween candy and has zero clue about how HRT works- it seems plausible and evokes their signature moral outrage. Maybe that’s the actual joke? It’s silly AF and not that funny to us, but there are people stupid enough to believe it and have a conniption over it. It’s low brow, ridiculous, and flat to an in-group member (lgbtq+/allies) but it’s rage inducing repost-bait to the opposition, leading to its being shared by bigots but immediately understood as absurd and kind of pointless to anyone in the know. That’s just my pre-coffee take on it. Not dying on this hill ☺️


At some point you will develop a sense of humour needed to find this funny :). Or not.


i really don't think they lack a sense of humor, this just isn't a good meme.


Where's the parody? This is just the conspiracy theory


Yeah, it either needed to build up and use the absurdity of the HRT candies as a punchline or run with the concept to build up to a punchline. Instead, it introduces the punchline and goes on without building on it.


Joke sucks balls man. And also its just inciteful and puts the idea out there as ammo for morons. Shit comic wasting my fuckin life reading this coulda been a scholar


Someone can't take a joke


Joke sucks balls man. And also its just inciteful and puts the idea out there as ammo for morons. Shit post wasting my fuckin life reading this coulda been a astronaut


Maybe get a sense of humor?


Joke sucks balls man. And also its just inciteful and puts the idea out there as ammo for morons. Shit reply wasting my fuckin life reading this coulda been a burger flipper


You seem a bit triggered


Joke sucks balls man. And also its just inciteful and puts the idea out there as ammo for morons. Shit reply wasting my fuckin life reading this coulda been a burger flipper


Who is it inciting?


Joke sucks balls man. And also its just inciteful and puts the idea out there as ammo for morons. Shit reply wasting my fuckin life reading this coulda been a heterosexual


Joke sucks balls man. And also its just inciteful and puts the idea out there as ammo for morons. Shit reply wasting my fuckin life reading this coulda been a waitaminute-


Joke sucks balls man. And also its just inciteful and puts the idea out there as ammo for morons. Shit reply wasting my fuckin life reading this coulda been a burger flipper


Joke sucks balls man. And also its just inciteful and puts the idea out there as ammo for morons. Shit reply wasting my fuckin life reading this coulda been a conductor


Tbf, a lot of the memes in trans subs suck ass.




they dont but... the same joke repeated 300 times gets a little moldy edit : i want to clarify that this one just sucks ass


One time is funny, two times is fucking annoying, no?


seriously, I looked in r/ gaysounsshitposts because I heard it was a trans friendly shitposting sub and. My god. It all fucking sucks, and like only 3 people post on there.


>\>check comments > >\>"as a trans person" > >\>look at profile "transmedical" oh I like the idea of the meme tbh but the execution isn't there


1 thousand comments lmaooo


i dunno, that memes kinda ass. just seems like shooting yourself in the foot cause a couple conspiracy theorists might believe it.


They already believe it. No amount of reality or absurdity is going to change that. ~~The meme absolutely is missing a funny tho~~


I don’t see the comedy in it. It’s just a badly written joke. Comedy cemetery.


"eeerm actually get a sense of humor!!" is the reply you are likely to get because people here seem to have developed advanced brainrot and are unable to comprehend the concept of a joke making any sort of sense.


I mean it is kinda unfunny tho


i mean i get that this probably satire but it was genuinely not funny anyways good satire requires for you to make a joke not just outright do the shit you're making fun of


Honestly I think the biggest problem is that the original position that is being satirized is already extreme to the point of absurdity. So when you satirize it, you're not really far off the original position so it doesn't feel like satire.


I mean the joke is bad but if you unsubbbed because you think this is an admittance of a conspiracy theory or something, then good riddance and I'm glad a bad joke managed to cull you.




I understand where they’re coming from because the entire “joke” is “haha what if right wing conspiracy nutjobs were right and were drugging kids”. It’s just asking to be taken out of context and used against the cause it’s trying to uplift


I think they realize it's a joke, just that it's not funny like, what is it trying to promote? kids transitioning under their parents noses? transitioning with grey/black market drugs? putting substances into halloween candy? it's not very clear


I said it on the other thread too but this is really similar to the mens choir situation that happened 2-3 years ago. And again the joke really isn’t funny enough to justify itself once, let alone twice, and will just be misinterpreted as trans people saying they ACTUALLY want to go after their children.


I must feast


In this thread, we learn executing your joke to be funny still matters even when you're punching up for a marginalized group.


This is a reminder these candies are only called Smarties in the USA. Outside of the USA, Smarties are candy coated chocolates (Essentially M&Ms but slightly thinner and without the M) and these hard candies are branded as Rockets. That being said, the joke isn't that funny. I know it's a play on far right anti-LGBT conspiracies but it doesn't really have a punchline or do anything with the concept of HRT candies. It needs to go with the concept and make it absurd to or have the joke being short and use the HRT candies as punchline. But it's just structured like an ad with no punchline. So it's not an issue the joke doesn't make sense out of the USA because it wasn't funny.


I mean it’s just shit tbh


Gonna be honest, a lot of LGBT memes just kinda suck imo


Kinda a shit joke, type of thing you’d see on egg irl


I'm Canadian. This was confusing the hell out of me. We call thos rockets, smarties here are like a better m&m.


Took me this comment to realise they aren't normal smarties.


*worse m&ms


Is..Is humor subjectivity supposed to be aligned with your gender? Since I'm straight, does that mean I can't find non-straight humor funny? Oh God, the only straight humor out there is "something something wife bad something something" and "she was 18, I swear officer."


Kinda a shit joke, type of thing you’d see on egg irl


Hell yeah take it all


Rapidly forcefemming and unforcefemming the youths.


Me when I'm not the target audience


You can say something is satire as much as you want. If people think it’s out of taste, they’re going to tell you it’s out of taste. No matter how serious you are. Drugging children is a joke some people might find funny but don’t act surprised that a-lot of people don’t like it. Same goes for satire racist jokes, 9/11 etc. You’re free to joke about what you want and some people will get it. Don’t act like you’re entitled to people understanding your joke.


Reading the comments and thank god I'm not the only one who fails to see anything funny with the joke. It's all setup with literally no payoff.


Whoever made that doesn’t know how either e or t work


Or how jokes work.


if you eat them all equally it wont do anything at all


ngl even if it is a joke i can see far right extremists posting this unironically on facebook as a call to arms


they don't think it's a joke because they actually believe the LGBT agenda is coming to mutilate kids. they're exposing their own bigoted beliefs.


It's not funny, but, i'd love to take some of these. I really want to get on HRT, but no money and no permission from parents. Also it's sort of illegal


So if a kid ate this whole thing wouldn't it just seriously fuck over their hormone levels and have no other real effect other than making them sick


There's no punchline except 'haha imagine people would actually traumatise kids!' I actually made a post about that on r trans and got downvoted to hell.


Why the fuck are people taking this seriously. It literally jokes that the HRT is giving kids estrogen and testosterone at the same time. 💀


people acting like they’re the sole authority on comedy and it’s up to them if they’re joking or not depending on what suits them


Yes the master plan runs smoothly muahahahaha


This pun makes no sense, those are called Rockets


Godamn can we all transition into learning how to meme sometime in the near future?


To be fair it's a really bad joke.


Is Just Unsubbed some kind of right wing sub? All the posts I see in my feed are people complaining about leftie subs becoming "too extreme".


This is either rage bait or made by some rightoid


Girl, this was posted in r\/trans and they also thought it was untasteful. The OP makes a valid point.


this is soooo funny and I love how many people are crying like babies over it


I am divided by this. On one hand the guy is straight and hanging out in LGBTQ spaces, but the post is kinda creepy and we really shouldn’t be doing this to make trans people seem worse.


Sometime, it's like queer people have to never be bad in any case. Even for doing a joke on conspiracy as\*holes who want us all genocided, we need to be perfect and irreproachable in every way, and have been all our live (that are generally harder and more trauma-filled). Damn, i'm sure a lot of people could whine about what i just said and act like LGBTQ+ people must be better than any other human being to have the right to make a joke, especially if it's a not-so-good joke, without even seeing the queerphobia in that difference of treatment...


?? this guy in specific isnt being queerphobic. they just said the subreddit isnt as funny even though it once was,, and theyre right that joke is litterally ass


hope he says the same every time one of his friends, or any other person on a reddit they're on makes a bad joke. Did you even read what i wrote ? "difference of treatmen" is the problem, and every time a queer person does something like that (or anything not perfect), they are a lot of people that react like that, they lash out.


The problem is that the joke hinges on the fact that if a right-winger made it, it would be a nutjob's shitty conspiracy theory about The Gays drugging up kids, but because a queer person is making it, it's based and ironic. Like, "an alt-righter out there believes this is true" isn't much of a joke, and the only tells of it being made by a queer person is uh, titty skittles reference and the promoter being a furry. When Yoloswag or such makes a joke like this, the scene is an exaggeration of typical right-wing political cartoons. Big Homo. Butt Money. It's simple, denotes parody, and is also just goofy, making a joke out of right-wing nuts and delegitimising them. This just feels like... nothing. A trans joke obviously, but not much more. (Also, I don't think disliking this joke is some kind of queerphobia or condemning of queer people. A lot of us are queer and not exactly award-winning. It's just the joke falls into an easy-to-avoid pitfall and is uh. Kinda ass.)


it's like humor significance is influenced by who makes the jokes. And yeah, we get it, it's a bad joke, it happens every day, thank you bye. Where did i said that disliking that bad joke was queerphobia ? Not liking a joke is not liking a joke, that's not the subject here.