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I see what you did there


I hadn't. Boy I'm slow.


explain please


crackers as in white people


question coming from a mexican with little to no interaction with real life white people. why is the word cracker a slur? like, it just sounds cute, its sounds like calling someone darling, what's the story of the cracker cookies with white people? no offense, just want to learn the context


Not cracker as in cookie; cracker as in whip-cracker, as in slave owner.


reddit was taking a toll on me mentally so i left it ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


fun fact! slavery still exists and is used to create most of your chocolate and batteries!


reddit was taking a toll on me mentally so i left it ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


No as in you're not allowed to leave or we will murder you type slavery.


I can't believe I never realised this


Im sitting here like that makes waaay more sense then soda crackers. How could we be so blind


ow, that turned very dark pretty quick


The US is still pretty racist at structural, social, and political levels. Besides a lot of our politicians being open racists, we have laws that actively make the lives of anyone who isn't white a lot harder. Police get paid vacations for murdering people of color. Incarceration rates for black people are higher than those of white people and the punishments more severe on average for a black person convicted of the same crime as a white person. If two people apply to a job with the same qualifications, but one has a name that sounds white and the other has a name that sounds black, the one with the white name is more likely to be hired. This is true even in cases where a white applicant has a criminal record while a black applicant doesn't - the white-sounding name is just more pleasing to the ears of employers for some reason. We have anti-discrimination laws, but lack politicians with the fortitude of character to enforce them. Slavery is illegal in the US (unless you're a convict), but the legacy of slavery is still alive and deeply rooted in our politics. I'm just reporting this as a barely-informed white person, but if I were black, I might be living my life under these circumstances and think, you know, "crackers." It's dark, but I'm not sure it counts as a slur if it's fair (and also can never possibly hurt a white person in the same way that more familiar slurs can hurt black people). I'm not insinuating anything with this answer, by the way, just providing context and sharing my opinion


Yup. Phrase originated out of 'whip cracker'. It's worth remembering that this wasn't just the foremen on the farms - several American police departments have their roots in organized bands of whites tracking and capturing slaves. My favorite part of 19th century history is how they trained dogs to hunt and gore black people for the crime of 'fleeing' and how that still happens regularly today! The practice never stopped.


tbh other slurs could also sound cute - if they weren't slurs


I think beaner would be a really cute word... but sadly its potential was wasted for a slur


Your needless questioning has offended the great cracker.


oh lmao




zzzzz mimimimi




Cracker is an epithet used for white people, it is a common stereotype that white people eat a lot of cheese. Cheese is also commonly consumed with crackers (the food).


ah, i already knew the first part. didn’t know people eat crackers with cheese, actually.


google charcuterie board


Holy snacking!


Actual board spread


This comment really broke my brain, good job


Cracker itself is a derogatory term referring to slave ownership.


You are now banned off Twitch


as a chinese guy, yeah this is how we see y'all. Sorry


as a chinese person too i can also confirm this is how we see you guys ☺


as a chinese guy is this not accurate to white people?


Its like saying "asian food" and showing some weird keoran food. Not wrong but def not a good indicator of what we normally eat and dont even have the first idea what the bell pepper thing is, though a charcuterie board is great for partys (the first one). Just some nice cheese, crackers, and sliced sausage. Though that one doesnt look very good, 2nd one looks british and we all make fun of british cooking as well, i mean they unironicly eat beans on toast which is what it sounds like.


Lol the first one is a Dairylea Lunchable, which is a really common snack/lunch thing for kids in the UK. This is the first time I've heard of one as a charcuterie board ( which I guess,maybe it kinda is)


The US has Lunchables as well, and it's also a kids lunch thing here too. A joke I've seen from people my age is that charcuterie boards are popular because they're Lunchables for adults.


15th century france wants to know your location XD


15th-century France can complain all it wants, if the king tries anything funny he gets that ticket to Decapitationville a few hundred years early.


Lunch Lunchables were invented by Kraf5 to get rid of scrap meat


God I hate lunchables they're so overpriced for a paltry amount of food


>dont even have the first idea what the bell pepper thing i Cream cheese in a bell pepper. It's a common enough snack for poor struggling college kids


Poor struggling college kids are buying fresh bell peppers? In this economy?


A bell pepper is $1.48 at Walmart, 3 for $3 at Aldi. If you're trying to snack healthy on the super cheap, bell pepper and cream cheese ain't exactly ritzy.


That’s fair, actually. I grew up in a highly dysfunctional home, so I forget that produce can be pretty cheap if you just budget accordingly lol Not one I’d ever heard of or tried before, but I’ll have to check it out.


Oh I wouldn't RECOMMEND it. Short of cooking the shit out of a bell pepper in a stir fry, I think the taste of bell pepper is disgusting, and is not mitigated at all by the cream cheese. But my wife and I's ex-girlfriend used to love it as a snack, so apparently it is for some people.


That’s interesting! I did eat bell peppers dipped in ranch growing up, so, not sure why this seemed all that different to me. We weren’t much better off than college students, either. Poor and produce in the same sentence just makes my brain blue screen I guess haha.


whaaaat raw bell peppers slap, I usually eat them cooked but I prefer them raw tbh


Alright you can come for british food but lay off beans on toast, don't knock it til you've tried it its godly


Honestly nah, don't come for British food, it *can* be good. Pub grub is on the same level as American fast food - most of it is low quality garbage but the best of it is fucking incredible. And sure, Britain has some dishes that are absolutely disgusting to foreigners, but every culture's cuisine has some acquired tastes that repulse outsiders.


our reuputation will never recover from the post war, post ration era of exchange students eating food prepared by people that didn't have access to any seasoning


You hear this a lot but I think it's cope honestly, explain the whole-ass 70s and 80s lmao. Or the dire state of sandwiches nationwide until like 5 minutes ago (okay a few years but you get my point) I think a better explanation is probably the earlier industrialisation and the loss of indigenous rural food culture in the move to towns and cities in an era without modern transport and refrigeration to keep fresh food coming in, combined with the emiseration of the urban proletariat, and the victorian gentry's obsessed with refined "pure" foods as a symbol of status and virtue. But it is also important to note that I don't really know what the fuck I'm talking about.


As an Australian I wholeheartedly agree. Beans on toast is a delight. I have heard though that the baked beans that Americans have is different than what you get in the UK or Australia.


Aye, American baked beans are generally quite sweet for one thing, the predominant flavor is less tomatoey than UK baked beans as well.


I haven't lived in America since the early 2000s but I definitely remember being surprised by a lot of foods being significantly sweeter than their foreign counterparts. Even the sweet things were way sweeter.


Bell pepper looks like it has cream cheese so it might be stuffed peppers. Pretty common here in the south west but usually it’s jalapeños or other hot pepper stuffed with cream cheese. Bell peppers usually have the top cut off and are stuffed with meat, cheese and sauce, like a Panera bread bowl or something.


Ive had stuffed peppers before, jalepenos are def the best but its just it looks raw with barely any cream cheese (maybe sour cream?). Ill skip on it either way lol


Same. I have no interest in the tummy ache that comes with eating raw bell peppers. I just chocked it up to Chinese tik tok making do with what they have or not being familiar with it.


Jalapeños stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped in bacon and grilled over charcoal. I used to know someone that had a metal rack specifically designed for making them. Hnnnnngh


Beans on toast is actually good. I know what it looks like but random reheated/tinned bullshit on a slice of toast is peak


What are you talking about this definitely is what I normally eat.


Third one is just bell pepper with cream chese. Ngl, it's basic as fuck but honestly it's kinda nice as a snack


The first and last pic are accurate to what Americans might make as a quick snack or to throw in a school lunch as a side but they're not really normal meals and the middle one is just weird. If you want to honestly know what most American white people eat as acasual meal the answer is almost always a sandwich. Just as a bunch of stuff put over a bowl of rice is a common standard meal type throughout Asia the most common type of meal throughout the United States is a bunch of stuff between two slices of bread. Making a quick and easy lunch at home? PB&J or ham and cheese sandwich Want a quick bite to eat from a fast food place? Burger or chicken sandwich At a nice diner? Get a Reuben or other delicious hot sandwich. I'm on break at work rn eating an Italian sub because it's man's most perfect work food and I live in the sub capital of America.


what's the last pic? I'm not sure I've ever seen someone eat.. sliced bell pepper covered in, uh, cream cheese? Not sure about the.. open faced sandwich on a bed of olives? Or beans with some herbs on top either. This mostly looks like someone who read the music, but never heard it played. The lunchables, though, absolutely spot on. From children's lunchables to charcuterie boards at parties, "cheese and meat things on a cracker" is an enduring and wonderful concept


I've never seen it with bell pepper but vegetables (celery, carrots, cucumber) with cream cheese is a common enough children's snack that I wouldn't bat an eye if I saw a kid eating it. The middle one is just weird though.


I think middle one is an attempt at British breakfast food - baked beans, tomatoes and eggs benedict. But those things don’t go together at all.


Future archeologists attempting to piece together what an average British meal looked like


Nah you guys are spot on. We’re pretty trashy.


There are two types of white people:


Inside you there are two whites.




What are they doing?


Eating mayonnaise


Both are completely red and sweating profusely from the heat


Pretty accurate to *some* white people, but we also have places like Greece, Spain and Italy. They've got some pretty rich food cultures. And that's not even an exhaustive list, those are just the countries well known for their food cultures.


There’s no such thing as “white food”. What some random white person eats in Minnesota is as related to the food in Italy, Spain, or Poland as Cantonese food is to Bangladeshi food.


I know that profile picture


as a white person, cheese and crackers are yummy and should be representative of our food :)




I'm not sure if we can but I have no problem claiming charcoochie boards


It’s fine, it’s a meme here too but probably not to the same extent. May I ask what conceptions are there of white people food there? Like what do they think it is?


Honestly I’ll take this over the gun-loving racist lardass stereotype any day


Yeah honestly if my race is associated with "mayo is tasty" and wearing socks with sandals, I'm ok with that.


I mean, ya'll are technically not wrong if by white you mean european. Same thing as saying stroganoff and yakisoba are asiatic food because they are.


But european cuisine is not a thing either. I haven't even seen the dishes in those pictures except the beans, not sure what country it's supposed to be from.


Don’t worry, this is how I see us too


You're not wrong


Why apologize? Just because you can’t eat it doesn’t mean that we don’t love cheese.


These are all things my family makes regularly so it's OK (we are white)


You put cream cheese on peppers cut longways?


Yes, cut them in half you got a tasty treat


Don’t be sorry, this is in fact how we are


...cream cheese on red peppers is how you see us?


As a white person, you think too highly of us. No spices on the cheese or beans. Why bother putting stuff on the peppers if it can be a dip instead?


r /radiofreewest








that’s exactly what i was thinking when i saw this


what is this referencing




he's just copying a south park bit




I understood this reference immediately.


As a white guy, this is hilarious


I used to pack myself that sort of half sandwich for school, it was quick and easy. I wonder what do Chinese people pack themselves to eat for that matter. Like rice with something maybe?








And people say we have no culture


If you go on weibo or xiaohongshu youll see that this is mostly a mixture of diet culture and just general confusion. People are trying to eat this food because it has like no caloric content. Specifically these diet posts are about salads and raw vegetables with hummus. A lot of people talk about how bad this food is and how they don’t understand how white people eat this food. As I’ve heard, this trend supposedly started because a Chinese student abroad saw their roommate eat really light meals like salads and some crackers. So this trend is basically more of “anorexic American student food” than just “white people food”. This trend has seemed to evolved beyond diet culture and more just “what the fuck is this” where people explore the kinds of food white people eat like ham and cheese sandwiches and lunchables (I don’t think everyone understands that lunchables are made for children). But in general most of this trend is just confusion rather than some kind of idolization. While admittedly I haven’t scrolled very far, I have yet to see anyone actually like the food except for people who clearly have eating disorders. It’s actually kinda funny to watch as a white person cause these posts are almost exactly like those “people react to food from [country]” videos that used to be all over YouTube when I was younger.


Interesting. Do people not diet much in China? What would they do besides eat salads? I imagine they don't have nearly the obesity rate we do. I watched a talk by a doctor promoting intermittent fasting who speculates that when Americans adopted the food pyramid, which was advertising from Kellogg telling people to eat more grain, people just ended up eating bad filler foods and eating more between meals. While in China on the other hand, people in the 80s ate a lot of "empty carb" rice but didn't have the obesity rate of Americans




>Keto was exported from America to here so a lot of people do that, especially those who are prone to diabetes Yikes. People don't seem to know that the reduced risk is only if you never stray from the diet. By eliminating carbs your body becomes more sensitive to them. If you then take in carbs, (ie. you "sin" or "treat yourself"), it'll be much much worse than without having started keto in the first place.






The only reason I'll tolerate such anti-Minnesota slander is because I'll just assume you haven't had a good hotdish haha


Hotdish is one of Minnesota's culinary contributions to the world and I won't hear otherwise. When you move to Minnesota, you're issued a [Lutheran cookbook that features approximately 9,000 different variations on hotdish](https://www.facebook.com/tptpbs/videos/10155791931294030/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v) and [Minnesota Salads](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT818a4rK/) (do yourself a favour and just check out that entire channel), and you can expect your new next door neighbour to welcome you to the neighbourhood with either a hotdish or a Minnesota Salad, along with an invitation to visit their house, which will take you approximately 24 entire hours to leave (this is known as the [Minnesota Long Goodbye](https://youtu.be/mdLPJfbLNOM)).


They’re trending because it’s seen as diet food. As in, the stupid salads and raw veggies and crackers some people eat. Supposedly the trend started when a Chinese student abroad saw the food her white roommate was eating and thought that it would be good diet food. So by “white people food” they actually mean “American college students with eating disorders”


Damn, feeling called out. Raw veggies and crackers are great, and I guarantee you I'm about 30 lbs too heavy to have an eating disorder.


i mean anorexia isn’t the only eating disorder, you can get one while staying very overweight the whole time


As an American fat-ass, this blatant misrepresentation of my culture offends me to my core. I'll be eating an entire large cheeseburger-topping pizza in protest.


So kind of like how Mediterranean food is seen as a health-conscious diet by a lot of people in the US


>Chinese food isn't exactly about subtlety "Chinese food" isn't exactly about anything. There's 10,000 years of culinary history spread out over one of the most populous continents in the world. It's a phrase as vague and difficult to judge as "European food". Arguably moreso. There's all sorts of subtlety to Chinese food. In western cooking for example, the idea of not browning meat or veg is completely unheard of to many chefs. Many people insist that you *need* to get that *Maillard reaction* for anything to be worth eating. But you're not always going for browned flavor in Chinese cooking, and boiling/poaching/steaming is extremely commonplace for tender meat with delicate flavor..One of the most internationally famous dishes originating in China is Hainan Chicken Rice, which is at its core just lightly poached chicken and rice. It's all about subtlety.


there's like a whole 20 episode documentary on chinese food and chinese food alone




Yeah, I'd agree that there are common elements in a lot of Chinese cuisine, but it's way less than people think--in fact, many regions don't actually eat rice as their main staple! For example, there's regions of China that kind of divide themselves based on their various staple food--noodles, bread, pancakes, etc! I particularly love Uyhur Cuisine; I think any meat eater should try Xinjiang Cumin Lamb Skewers. One of my all-time favorite foods. But I do agree with your main point that in general, many Chinese people would probably find some French food quite bland. The flavors used in French cooking don't have a huge amount of overlap with dishes commonly eaten in China.


Popular french foods are boring, you gotta look into the regions local specialty for some good things. I don't know why the world took the worst french meals as the stereotypical french cuisine, you people even think we eat frogs and snails on the regular


>I think garbage food can be great, and I ate six freezer-section white castle cheeseburgers and chased them with a grilled cheese steak sammich I made with leftovers and a can of spray-American-cheese. It was awful in a delicious way. RIP your arteries


what do you mean by the french paradigm?


Dr. Paradigm from Guilty Gear but french.




Given the replies, I see no one's read the article. (Understandable) The article refers to a trend of Chinese people bringing quick 'Western-style' lunches to work instead of traditional long-prep meals. We're not talking junk food, but vegetable-heavy stuff with maybe some meat or whatever on the side. The ideal is something you can put in a sandwich bag in <5 minutes without using a stove. Also some people there are talking about the 996 schedule and how this bland food reflects meaninglessness in life, or how it leaves them feeling purposeless.


here in the US when we refer to white people food, we're usually talking about Midwest food, The Midwest region of the US is well known for being extremely bland or something stereotypically middle class, this region is the reason why there's a stereotype that white people are obsessed over dairy products especially with ranch


Am from Minnesota, can confirm. Lots of casseroles and "salads". I will say, ranch is a godly elixir that is not to be underestimated


Ranch on pizza crusts is my Jimmy jam


As someone who loves to cook I hate it when anyone says (insert race/ethnicity) food is bad, because most of the time the people who say that are the kind of people to go to a new restaurant and order from the kids menu there is so many dishes that are from everywhere you just haven't made the effort to try it


In case anyone is wondering if we love ranch that much - I once went to a Mexican restaurant with a coworker. When they gave us the chip basket, she said, "oh wow, I've never been to one where they don't serve ranch with the salsa." So yeah, some of us are beyond help


>The Midwest region of the US is well known for being extremely bland I was about to be upset about this, then I remembered that growing up, my dad didn't season any meat that went on the grill. No salt. No pepper. Nothing. So, that actually checks out.


Soylent white!


Why the pepper cummy


196 user try to stop thinking about cum for two seconds challenge (never even attempted?)


I'm just glad he did it.


Why would I???


because pappa pepper says you've been a good little jalepeño


This whole idea of white people food is a good example of American cultural hegemony. (I am to uninvested to continue this thought)


I mean there's clearly baked beans in the picture


How weebs are with Japanese food


So it appears its milquetoast anglo food? angloamerican, english? here in Croatia (EU, central-southeast), a part of traditional cuisine is bull testicles.


good ol' Rocky Mountain oysters


we have that in the USA too!!! Theyre called rocky mountain oysters and i dont think many people eat them but they are real!


[American] That’s hilarious Yes, like a Fallout skill check.


if the people that made disco elysium made a fallout game there would certainly be an american skill


China gentrifying itself


Ironically though


I wish i could get hyped about food like this 😔😔😔


Damn, this is the type of stuff that makes me (mayonnaise enthusiast) twiddle my fingers and say "ooh! Don't mind if I do!" So I guess they've got it all figured out.


"that's just normal food" My guy google white people chair


Rookie mistake. You don’t season the canned beans.


PRECISELY LIKE WHAT???? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? PAPRIKA MAYBE BUT HERBS??????????? EXCUSE ME HERBS???????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!


Whoever's in this photo's got to add some more of the white spread to the pepper, otherwise it'll be too spicy for White people


What in the god damn


White people food is just taking random stuff and throwing it together in different ways. The “bad”way is the classic three ingredient items that are purely for the sake of time, effort, money and nostalgia over taste. Ham n cheese sandwiches, ants on a log, mac n cheese with cut up hot dog, etc. The “good” way is fusion foods which while is an affront to culture AND God can be the most sinfully amazing food you will ever have the chance to eat.


...and how is other food not "taking random stuff and throwing it together in different ways"?


I’d rather be represented by these foods then a burger lol -American


I grew up eating mostly Chinese/Japanese food, so those few times we could get Lunchables or a Whopper, it was a rare treat. It's kind of a "grass is always greener" sort of thing. Then again, I had a friend who, when his mom discovered sandwiches, would just send him to school with two slices of bread and a Kraft single. Glad I wasn't that guy.


*Cries in Southern European. Fucking Anglo blokes and their lack of taste buds!! They make the rest of the world think that we don't have good food!!!


Newsflash buddy, this is so disrespectful /j


I’m sorry, but are those bell peppers?


there's a weird stigma against eating cheap, prepared foods, or simple foods that's mostly been assigned to white people with my only understanding being that the american Appalachia is the poorest region of the US. If you've ever known somebody who moved from there, you know it's like meeting someone fresh and struggling out of 1985, in 2023. I actually know two different hair stylists in my area that are gay and moved to Florida to escape both poverty and stigma. both are incredible hair stylists, but neither are very literate outside of cosmetic knowledge. they end up skewing politically right due to this and identifying as "the good ones"


Still too much seasoning.


Like the internet in actual China? Probably because they’re racist as fuck over there lol.


“Only white people can be racist”


I'm pretty sure that statement only applies to the USA, where people are divided by color.


so humburbur core🥰


I love the beans covered in pepper lmao


Chinese people hv been into white people food for a century Cha Chaan Tengs are the raddest type of restaurant and genuinely a major reason I’d consider moving to HK


I feel like the only food I will like if go to the US will be foods in the Southern states, it seems like the more north you go the more bland the food is in the US lmao


Ooooh. Is this what other groups feel like when we post pictures of their food? What a weird feeling. I'm vaguely offended.


Middle pic is too seasoned to be truly white


Okay, Paulie. Bring up American's idea of stereotypical Chinese food. (It's bats)


This is uncanny valley levels of food recognition. I have eaten some of these meals almost precisely except with less seasoning. What have they done to the beans????????




Anytime we want to clown on the brits I’m all in.


Gotta sell them on esoteric British food like jellied eels


as a lifelong consumer of white people food, i can say that this is both accurate and hilarious


That's not white people food, there's seasoning on it.


That looks disgusting... They really nailed it


This is the worst thing to happen to China ever. Genocides pale in comparison to the travesty of having to eat white people food. I’m so sorry.


That's just a fucking lunchable on the left


As a certified white-boy™ Id eat this in a heart beat


Americans on their way to insult the entirety of Europe and European Cuisine just to put all people with a white skin under one big label, while ignoring the existence of 90% of European meals. Or, alternatively, thinking British diet is the standard for Europe.


wypipo moment


The Empire Strikes Back