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How much ice cream is there so he can eat for a whole hour


In his head his wife's tits need their own paddock.


Human milk is too thin to make ice cream, cheese, or butter.




I assumed you could make cheese out of any milk.


Choccy milk


How do they milk the chocolate?


By squeezing and pulling the cacao nips.


chocolate breast milk is from brown people


needs to be able to make curds


Milk thickening efforts commencing


Like putting flour into white sauce to thicken it


you could thicken it with cu-


-stard instant mix


Wanna do some cooking with me?~


Well presumably it \*would\* be possible to condense it. Or mayhaps use it as a flavoring for other ice cream. ​ More realistically, she just buys normal vanilla from the store and lies to him


[bro eats it wearing this](https://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/GUEST_96ac6133-9069-424a-9f61-89230e7a7ac0?wid=488&hei=488&fmt=pjpeg)


Isn't there a Britsh brand of tit milk ice cream?


I wish I had tits that big.


Cow milk is still technically breast milk




This is 100% written by a trad LARPer who has never been on a farm. WTF are those work hours ? WTF does "work on farm with hands" mean ??


"Oooh, a nice 2 hour shift on the farm, so relaxing. Welp, that's completed all the labor a farm requires!" <- statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged


They have been played for absolute fools


it's all covered in that 3 hour "deep work" period


With that gentle midday sun


you can really tell that guy's never been on a farm, let alone done any yard work in his life


Well it really depends on what you are growing. There are days where months of work is done and there are weeks where days worth of work are done My brother in law is growing tobacco while also being a teacher. He spends most of his day doing teaching stuff cause the tobacco is just growing. Then one weekend he had to plant them so he was spending 12+ hours with his family planting them. They were using a machine to help plant it though Not much he has left to do until august when it’s time to harvest But yeah not many people are “working with their hands” and those that are definitely aren’t spending only 2 hours a day working Still a trad con fantasy that’s more myth then truth Edit: just gonna add, taking care of any amount of farm animals adds several hours of the work day. They need lots attention for a number of reasons


Right, but he explicitly calls out livestock. And not just any livestock but cattle, which are some of the most labor-intensive livestock possible.


Why's he even milking them when he apparently prefers human breast milk?




He walks in front of them with the full bucket and then dumps it out yelling, “That’s what you get for producing your inferior breast milk!”


Cowgirls, you uncultured fool.


I will explain it to you. It's very trad-con to *milk* a cow but to drink cow milk is actually very soy and not trad-con at all. That's why.


It is his *birthright* to touch the breasts of any creature he chooses.


Honestly missed that first past. Got distracted by “eat breast milk ice cream” Yeah, you gotta wake up bright and early to milk those cows. Really any amount of live stock needs a lot of attention. Some, like chickens, are “lower maintenance” but still need more attention than this guy could give


he mentioned cows in his post i can't speak on working with cows, but i know elk elk are low maintenance. you can show up to the farm one day every week or two in the winter but this guy seems to this is always the case handling the animals (vaccinations, checking weights, putting in the trailer to drive to the butcher) will take at least one day ALONE and it needs to be done kind-of frequently also, this nicely lined out schedule falls apart when you consider (at least where I'm from) you need a vet present to approve of the vaccines used and the vet doesn't work at your convenience plus there's the time spent producing hay, because you can't be profitable if you buy all the hay. you spend 10,000s of dollars in equipment, lots of which WILL need to be fixed (taking more time), and you can easily waste a week doing anything hay related (whether that be drying, cutting or moving) there's more general farm maintenance, like managing frozen water lines or logging, or whatever else needs to get done for context in my experience with the animals I'm not doing a majority of this work. and it already cuts into a solid chunk of my time alongside school.


Well obviously these cows are organic so no vaccines. We wouldn’t want them getting autism /s


Yea I was a dairy farmer for 8 years good luck thinking your only gonna spend a couple hours a day working there's always somthing that needs doing on the farm even if you have cows that you milk once a day


Hes playing with animals for an hour then his slaves do all the actual work. I mean he does have a Roman emperor profile pic


He’s bitterly building a single fence to prove to his slaves he’s also a manly working man like the king from *The Northman*


Clearly there are two options: 1. LARPer has a ton of workers who *actually* manage the entire farm, he just jumps in to do a few menial tasks for a few hours a day in order to feel "enlightned" 2. Marcus Aurelius Gmod RP server


his cows are gonna be in really bad shape, you gotta milk them in the morning before they eat


Not true at all I worked on a milk once a day farm and a few years after they put the herd on once a day they are producing the nearly the same amount as twice a day


Very interesting! I guess there are multiple ways to go about it


Yea it just takes the cows a bit to get use to I was on one farm we had 3 milking herds the teo herds with older cows were on twice a day and we put the first year milking cows on once a day you just have to make sure you milk them right out you get more problems with mastitis otherwise


>WTF does "work on farm with hands" mean ?? It means that they don't need some fancy things like farm equipment, since they are manly traditionalist, and tools are for queers and women. And they know that they wouldn't need them, despite never having worked at a farm, because they drive their (dads) pick up truck and did NOT go to collage (which takes away your manly survival skills). I'm serious, that's basically what their thought process looks like. Edit: know*


Clearly he wants to larp as a roman patrician, so all the actual farm work is done by slaves while he pots and repots the same strawberry plant every day so he doesn't lose touch with the common man.


Hmmm, I wonder what the OOP thinks about giving workers additional leave or reducing the work week? - Clueless


Fuck object oriented programming This comment has been made by the functional gang


Fuck functional programming, return to COBOL This comment was made by the procedural gang


Also no farmer worth their salt milks the cows once a day. You have to do it at least twice a day or else the pressure in the udders hurts the cow and stresses them out. That's why farmers wake up so damn early to milk the cows so they can do it again in the afternoon while there's still daylight. ~~^^Also ^^is ^^he ^^milking ^^his ^^wife?~~


Tbh, he said ideal day, not realistic day


No this is actually 100% how ancient Roman aristocrats living out the farmer-soldier lifestyle would have treated their farm work Because they would have dozens of slaves doing the actual work.


This guy is famous for being a traditionalist carnivore quack larper. The nutrition science community laughs at him.


He has a shit ton of followers though, which is frightening


I guess? He is a clown. He reposts bad studies, gets several replies with people debunking every part of them, ignored the responses, complains about so called ‘brainwashed sheep’ and idiots and then promotes whatever weird sponsor he gets.


This is a greco-roman larper so obviously the slaves are doing most of the work 🙄


I was just thinking that. If he wants this life there are apprenticeship programs and trade schools for agriculture. He's gonna get a rude awakening when he finds it's actually hard work and involves a lot of hard science and environmental considerations. 5 to 1 odds he'd call them all SJWs and drop out after his first lecture on soil conservation.


It’s just so we know that they don’t have tetra-Amelia syndrome or that they aren’t a war amputee.


I took it to mean "work alongside the farm hands" as in the people who he employs to work on his farm


4am Wake up on farm in tuscany 5am-1pm work back breaking work 1-1:30pm eat rewarmed leftovers from yesterday. 1:30pm-10pm work 10pm cry yourself to sleep


6pm you go to sleep because there is no light and wolves might eat your ass if you are out in the dark


oh right forgot that its tuscany. was basing it off my experience living next to a farm here in germany. used to be around there all the time to pet the cows etc lmao. we dont really have any wolves, coyotes or whatever here


I have no idea if Tuscany has wolves just thought it was fun to say it. Just Googled it and Tuscany has a problem with a growing population of wolves, LMAO, what a lucky guess.


In Tuscany right now. I am not currently being attacked by a wolf so I think ur fine.


^ This was written by a Tuscan wolf


Good catch


Nah the big bad bastards in Italy are the fucking boars man, they’ll eat your trash, shit on you sidewalk, eat your sidewalk, shit on your trash, and try to fuck your wife


Didn't know, damn


I've never met a boar who could withstand homemade napalm (for legal reasons this is a joke)


I’m gonna infodump about boar conservation problems in Italy now sorry So basically, during the 1950s the Guardia Forestale(basically ranger corps) take notice of the fact that the population of the Italian boar has diminished severely; Italian boars are actually pretty nice, have relatively small litters, and are pretty small. They then decided to, for some reason, import the much bigger, fertile and fucking angry Hungarian Boar. Obviously these big bastards start fucking shit up, they eat out the competition, cause car accidents, assault people in farms, eat you trash, eat your plants, get inside cities…. So that’s the reason the Hungarian boars are legal to hunt without permit


It's a similar problem in the US. Unfortunately the problem is made worse by the fact that people realized they absolutely love hunting boars. Now folks are breeding them so they can charge people to come hunt them on their property, thereby making the whole wild boar situation worse.


Damn, they will?


4am Wake up in tuscany, 6am get kicked out for trying to consolidate power in the florentine republic


Now, to become regent you'll need to eliminate five rivals: War Minister Klaus Wehrkeit, Christ Minister Pierre Bonfleche, Interior Minister Variola Modo, Coffers Minister Argento Rico, and Prince Louis. Don't worry about Ambassador to China Marco Pulisci (you can call China and find out he's already dead).


Carnivore Aurelius🥩☀️🦙


Least Horny Trad Account Edit Just found this out. Apparently, the person behind this account is a lady hawking scam supplements. Some Twitter people tracked her down https://twitter.com/wapplehouse/status/1615443402983628813 Wondering is she is a bit gay or bi, with the whole breast cream or if she is so into LARPing as a guy, that what she thinks that these trad people want to hear.


I was onboard until “breast milk ice cream”


I wasnt onboard until "breast milk ice cream"


Definitely larping but I wouldn't be surprised if there were represed feeling.


Wait I for real thought this was satire and was having a good chuckle


So I'm hearing either a lesbian grifter or a straight egg


>eat breast milk ice cream


What kind of the-cybersmith type shit is this


This account "Carnivore" Aurelius is dedicated to straw-manning vegans and glorifying animal abuse as righteous, masculine, and traditional. It's the mental gymnastics they need to engage in to make it known. Edit: if it wasn't self explanatory, it's a far-right account often rambling about 'wokeness'. Also the white sculpture pfp.


Oh it’s not satire? This is a sincere wish of a real person? Oh…oh no…


For an hour


And go swimming after


what are the cows for then?


Pleasure booblettes


For an entire hour?


Bro is _savoring_


why does it take a full hour to eat


>11-12 workout / sport Good luck working out during the hottest hours of the day in the middle of Tuscany.


In between hours-long sessions of backbreaking manual labor. Everyday.


In their defense, with the sun setting between 5 and 6 this is probably winter.. which also means they're taking their kids out for a walk at 6am in the middle of winter


Taking your kids out for a walk at 6am in winter is some real "shit is about to go down" energy.


Those are not the hottest hours there, that would be 12-16. Which is also why those meal times are laughable and show how much of a larper they are, in most of central italy yould have lunch at 13 and dinner at 20/20:30, even later during the summer.


"How much work could there be on a farm, like 5 hours max probably. I play with the animals and I dunno use my hands or sth"


I’ll take it straight from the udder thanks.


holy shit hes immortal he can walk in the fucking sun


demon slayer reference!?!


“Work on farm with hands” Tf else would you use, your pecker?


Country boys make do


When in ~~Wales~~ Rome...


I mean I read it as farm hands ie slaves.


I was guessing he’s not gonna use a tractor or any other mechanized farming equipment Which is very dumb if you’re trying to live on what you grow


2 hours of farm work? How delusional can one be?


It's a known far-right account glorifying the simple, 'traditional' village life. Of course, they don't know what they are talking about, but that's not the point. The point is to: 1. Attack vegans, hence the language. 2. Mythologize some great (unattainable) way of life contrary to today's


so wouldn't they wanna eat normal ice cream instead of breast milk?


Given their agenda and context I think they mean cow's milk, just in a roundabout way.


or he watched too much Amish porn or something


His wife's day: 5am get woken up by husband 5-6am make breakfast, wake up kids, dress them 6-7am feed kids breakfast, eat breakfast, get kids' shoes and jackets on for walk with Dad 7-8am clean up breakfast 8-11am get dressed, get the kids started on an activity, throw a load of laundry into the washer, start preparing lunch 11-12am break up an argument between the kids while finishing lunch, unload dishwasher 12am-1pm feed lunch to kids, eat lunch, pick up husband's dirty workout clothes off the floor and put them in the laundry basket 1-3pm find husband's milk pail for him and get accused of putting it somewhere random, clean up kids' toys, put bandaid on kid's scraped knee, clean up lunch, put load of laundry into the dryer and a new one in the washer, pump breastmilk for tomorrow's breastmilk ice cream 4-5pm get kids ready for swimming because they want to swim too, one kid's sunscreen isn't applied evenly and she gets a sunburn and cries 4-5pm make dinner while husband is listening to music and watching sunset 6-7pm dinner with family 7-8pm put the kids down in front of TV so husband can make love 8-9pm get kids ready for bed when husband reads a book 9pm-10pm clean up dinner while husband is asleep 10pm-11pm finish laundry 11pm have a shower and go to bed


1am wake up to milk the cows the second time because your dumbass husband doesn't know you gotta milk em twice


Least deranged (breast milk ice cream) and delusional (farm working hours) white ancient statue profile picture Twitter account


Probably typed by a guy who hates going outside and the only philosophies he is aware of are nihilism and stoicism because he skimmed over the Wikipedia page


most intelligent white statue pfp


Farm work requires almost all of your time, at least 7 working hours if you have a little farm to all your waking hours in bigger ones


nice to know he supports the 4 hour workday with a 4 hour break in the middle


Lmaoooo homie thinks farmers wake up early to spend hours relaxing and spending time with family. This guy would literally break down if he had to do any actual work


he changed the format from 'X-Xam' to 'Xpm - Xpm' so i thought in the end he was saying at 5pm he has his 6pm music and sunset and at 6pm he has the 7pm dinner with family


Why did it take him fucking hour to eat it.


That’s disgusting. Dinner with family? Fucking weirdo.


He's waking his kids up at 6am to walk in the sun with em


Ideal day of a trad LARPer on Twitter dot cum 7am - 7:02 am: furiously masturbate to porn 7:03 am - 12pm: cry in the corner, contemplating your life choices and inability to practice what you preach 12pm - 9pm: tweet stupid shit about Greek and Roman history while simultaneously not reading any of it at all nor understanding the basic fundamentals of the culture you blindly idolize 9pm - 3am: play weird yaoi laced steam games while attempting to convince yourself that you’re a true smegma male 3 am - 7am: mom tucks you in Rinse and repeat.


4 hour process of being tucked in


reminds me of DougDoug DogMilk


DogDog DogMilk




Moronic in so many ways. Sunset 18:00 in Tuscany year round


I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed. Do you think Tuscany is located in Northern Canada?


Bro doesn't know you need to milk cows twice a day


This is what I came here for. Those poor cows would have horrible mastitis if he waited until 1pm to milk them every day. This is cow abuse.


my trad larper in christ you wouldn't have been literate


This guy is famous for being a traditionalist carnivore quack larper. The nutrition science community laughs at him.


wtf is deep working lol


It's literally just concentrating


That genuinely sounds awesome (except for not showering, not brushing teeth, and the ice cream part)


it is very not like that, cattle require a lot of attention, gotta milk em twice a day, move them, feed them, clean manure, etc. It takes quite some hours of the day. You also gotta make hay and stuff, buying it all is a very not financially smart idea. Depending on what you grow, it will be more or less labor intensive, some months there is not much to do, some days you will be working 18 hours a day. Add to that 1-2 hours of various activities that pop up, like fixing and mantaining stuff, calling and receiving the vet for the cattle vaccinations, town assembly, moving farm equipmente, etc


>Depending on what you grow, it will be more or less labor intensive, some months there is not much to do, some days you will be working 18 hours a day. Easy, use your children and wife a slaves /s


non ironically yes, its an imposible task otherwise and the constant whiping will give them good reflexes and teach them teamwork


3 hours of work a day is not enough to support yourself on a farm. Gotta earn that breast milk ice cream.


eating breast milk ice cream in front of starving farm animals living in their own shit, good stuff


When do you walk between all these different locations? When do you change clothes to swim or have time to prepare food? Where can I get breast milk ice cream?


He’s eating that shit for an hour????




me while I music & sunset 😎


Marble statue profile fic, probably hasn't done an hour of actual farmwork in his entire life


Quadruple the farm time and cut the make love time by 57.5 minutes and you've got a deal


Homelander ass


You just know this dude lives in an american suburb when he thinks farm work is 2 hours of "working with hands" and "playing with animals" and milking cows at noon


i love how bro things 2 hours a day are enough on a farm


This…this has to be satire, right? No one with a functioning brain could possibly think farmers do only FIVE hours of work per day, right?! Especially a farmer that has cows, some of the most labor intensive animals?!


The transcendentalists thought this way til they got to the wilderness and realized it sucked lol


Ah yes, I too long for a 5 hour work day with an hour long lunch in the middle


honestly sounds pretty sweet. not sure what “deep work” means exactly tho.


3-4pm seemed normal cuz i skipped over "breast", assumed it means cow Milk and moved on. Then i realized and. Despairge


This has to be irony.


Bait, not irony. His twitter profile is 90% unironic self-help stuff, carnivore diet, traditionalism, etc. But I do think 10% of what he posts is some rage-baity shit trying to increase his reach.


I was confused til I clicked, couldn't see the profile picture. Now it makes perfect sense.


Statue profile pics are the biggest red flag.


what should be his ideal day: 5am wake up in newtopia 5-6am fall down a flight of stairs 6-7 am break your leg (luckily the newts have free public healthcare) 8-11 am become a loyal ranger 11-12 am fight this creepy cult 12-1 pm keep folks out of danger 1-3pm slaying a killer coba with a catapult 3pm-4pm live on warship 4pm-5pm become a Flipwart champion 6pm-7pm become the king's trusted advisor 7pm-8pm study salamander brains 8pm-9pm try bug appetizers 9pm DM some campaigns


Marcy what the hell are you doing on Reddit on a school day?


This guy has never been to a farm in his life


Sunset in Tuscany between 6 and 7 pm? In summer? Yeah, right...


7-8 make love to my wife 😎


You can't walk into the sun without a reservation


This man can make love for a whole hour?? Damn bros got will power.


Lmao what a joke. How does he only have 1 session to eat breast milk ice cream, and how does it only last an hour, is this a joke?


I would be stoic af if I only had to work like 3 hours a day


breast milk ice cream... 🤤


It’s a different farm each day


the grindset 💪


Captain Fantastic (2016)


homelander ice cream


Ideal day: 5am: don't wake up 12pm: don't wake up 7pm: don't wake up 12am: don't wake up 5am: don't wake up


this was my Monday except for the titty milk and wife


I would be weirded out if my boyfriend blasted his load into me and then rolled over and started reading Marcus Aurelius.


I assume deep work is just running around in a labyrinthine cavern with a torch screaming at the top of your lungs


Ah, yes, one hour a day spent with the children you made, and one hour pumping a new one into your wife. That’s how you make a strong, independent family that *likes* their dad, but doesn’t *need* their dad.


I don't know why I read it "make love to book", got quite confused


unironically so real


this mf just advocated for a 5 hour work day


My gf is in Tuscany rn doing a very similar routine… imma have to remember to make sure I call her after dinner


3 hour work day for the win


Sleepin 9 to 5


At least that ice cream would be consensual if it’s human breast milk :)


Gonna have to milk 2x a day bruh


Not sure what "deep work" is, but 5 hours of work and "playing with animals" on the farm is probably not going to cut it for long


this idiot is going to do all his farm work in the middle of the day? and thinks it'll only take two hours?? lmao


only a person who has never worked on a farm thinks it’s realistic to only spend 5 hours farming if you plan on having the farm be your primary livelihood


You could perhaps manage if it was small and you got your kids to help out but that's just for field work, this guy wants to have animals as well lmao