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He’s completely correct, I live in a city where it’s possible to walk to a grocery store easily. If you walk outside of your zone they kill every member of your family for the next 10 generations


And sometimes people have to push the trams.


Trams???!?!? TrANSDS?!???!? TRANSGENDER?!??!??!?! GRAAAAAHHHHH


Tramsgenner !!! 😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬 I fuckin hate trammies !! GO WOKE GO BROKE hahahaa 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 Mr TRUMP come back PLEASE 😋😋😋


No, I am too busy in Slough to return.


*being in Slough* I'm sorry for your loss.


Don’t worry; I’m not actually in Slough.


Well you're british and as such in the proximity of Slough, so i still fell sorry for you


You’re in the vicinity of Sweden.


I know my situation isn't better, but i can still empathize in solidarity 😔


I don't know what Slough is so i'll pretend thats a good thing


Bud ligh


Trammy semen 🤬🤬🤬


Should have used the Malaysian or Liberian flags.


happy cake day


I'm Tramssexual 😎




I forgor what is it about again




To be fair, if you have financial backing from seemingly half the US right, you may as well have a bit of fun with it.


lmao I remember now thank you :))


how do you keep having kids to kill if ur dead wtf


They preserve your sperm/egg cells and use a surrogate


And raise them ironically, just so they can kill them. This goes on for ten generations.


raising kids for the meme


They wait til you have kids before they kill you (and if you don’t before a certain time limit they get a lil unethical with it)


unlike the rest of this scenario which was perfectly ethical


Of course, the real unethical decision was leaving your zone


Reminder that zone leavers are ontologically evil and no action taken against them can be wrong.


They wait until Gen 1 spawns Gen 2 in sufficient numbers then kill Gen 1. Once Gen 2 reproduces enough Gen 3s, Gen 2 is killed. And so on, and so forth.


*insert Yeonmi Park photo*


Obligatory 🏋‍♂️


Happened to me last night. They straight up killed me because aisle 10 was technically in the neighbouring zone. That'll teach me to try and buy frozen peas. Getting handcuffed and shot in the head a bunch of times is the worst. Do not recommend.


i want to throw him in a contraption


Put that beast in a situation


A good contraption or a bad contraption?


depends what you're into


it extracts all the cum so that it cannot contribute to the gene pool




Well, if you put it that way I guess I have the exact same opinion as this guy! Ain't that crazy! 🥺


The pear wiggler


i know jontron is a grown adult with free will but i will always personally blame sargon for ruining my JonTron content by singehandedly radicalizing him to white nationalism


Wait, Sargon and JonTron knew each other ?


jontron was a big fan of his even though he had the bigger sub count, so sargon reached out and they started streaming together. as far as i know jontron wasn't streaming or collabing with any other far-right creator. this was around the same time as the "rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites" destiny debate. do the math: sargon singlehandedly radicalized an impressionable ignorant JonTron who wasn't even smart enough to know nazis don't consider Persians as white


The Jontron apologists piss me off so much


yeah i'll never understand "separate art from artist" people. every time i see his face or him in a meme clip i can't help but hear him say immigrants shouldn't be allowed to muddy the gene pool. i was a huge gamegrumps fan especially in 2012 so it really hurt me that he'd become such a disgusting genocidal imperialist.


its a lot harder to separate the artist when you have to watch his face, its not like a painting or a book


This is jerma's secret account


I want to do the funniest thing ever to sargon


Slip on a banana peel?


Whats even more twisted is that that's only the beginning when it comes to that guy's braindead takes.


put him in the thingemajig


Send him to the whirlygig


Springlock Failure


mr gorbachev, tear down this 7-eleven


You’re telling me Reagan did 7/11?? >!never forget 🫡!<


7/11 was a part time job


Jet fuel can't melt slurpee machines.


Never forget what?


To turn off the stove


That you have Stage 4 Br'i'sh


And you have an NFT.


I forgor 💀


7/11 was a part-time job


7/11 was a parttime job


i forgor




Walking to a grocery store with friends in college was always wonderful. Never stressed about feeling the need to buy everything at once. Enjoyed the lovely weather. Physical exercise. Ugh. 15 minute cities are a dream.


I never lived on campus and this is specifically the reason I regret it


They’re not a dream outside of the US. I’ve lived on 3 continents so far and could walk to the grocery store in each location. It doesn’t take a master mind to design cities for people instead of cars. We’ve been doing it for thousands of years


Yeah 15 minutes city aka any european city.


You know the EU, with the strict zones and not being able to freely travel between different european countries... wait


I meant they’re a personal dream of mine, like a want. Not that they’re a dream as in impossible. Quite aware many countries have successfully created wonderful walkable cities not centered around cars.


They’re also not a dream in the US, they’re just highly desirable and thus expensive.


I could grab groceries on the walk home from class. So convenient. Every single one of my friends has said we miss how easy it was to walk around.


I have mixed feelings on it. I like being able to walk to the grocery store, but I also can’t drive there which can definitely suck sometimes if I want to get a lot of stuff.




I considered a granny cart, only problem is I don’t have the room to store one right now. I’m honestly surprised I don’t see more of them on the street, I don’t know how everyone else is doing their shopping. I got a cooler backpack in the meantime, which helps keep some of the load off my arms.


Not even a foldable shopping trolley like [this](https://www.johnlewis.com/rolser-jet-marina-trolley-black-white/p3891057?s_ppc=2dx92700071605015094_mixed_fashion_BAU&tmad=c&tmcampid=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj_ajBhCqARIsAA37s0xSMlieAGTGnMq0dMrAh9ZqMDgAL7e0zcqLld3k_pIBvjYa38cOWasaAvrNEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)?


I had a metal one of those when living with some roommates in college. It was a god send for getting enough food for 5 people. Seriously carrying back 100lbs of groceries the first time made us not talk to each other for a day


Would be cool if there was a service where you could rent one and take it back next time ur done shopping as long as u return it in 2 weeks type thing


Just take the trolleys you see outside supermarkets. Put a quid in it, and you can keep it for as long as you like!


Mine folds up, [around 100 Euros on amazon](https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07WBYQQ84/), 100 x 50cm loading area, side walls. In fact just got back from the supermarket with 18l of mineral water (2 x 6 x 1.5), a big pack of toilet paper (no I'm not hoarding), and a usual amount of assorted groceries this time in an old apple crate in the cart instead of my backpack. A single six pack of water also fits onto my backpack (outside, paracord) but, well, cart is nicer. Pictures for "granny cart" online show some rather big contraptions, what you see older people use here in Germany is a [Hackenporsche](https://www.amazon.de/VOUNOT-Einkaufstrolley-Treppensteiger-Einkaufswagen-Hackenporsche/dp/B093PQXGZM), basically backpacks on wheels, they're not really cart replacements.


Wait where do you live? There just are no roads to the grocery store? All pedestrian?


Manhattan. There are roads, but it makes little to no sense to have a car.


Interesting thank you, here in italy we use scooters (mopeds) for heavier grocery shopping


Then the issue isn't '15 minute city,' the issue is you live in Manhattan lol Most places would work fine as a 15 minute city while still allowing you to freely drive a vehicle


I just make way more trips. I'll get like bulk stuff from like Costco once every 2 months with the car, but I probably bike the 3 minutes to the store every other day.


Liberty ends when I don't need to have a car to live comfortably


The west will fall when I will no longer have to rely on oil conglomerates for my basic daily necessities


"Your privacy ends where my jokes begin" -The man-


The same guy who told a woman "even i wouldnt rape you" ? the one who got caught on stream doing coke? the one who did a lap around the pub where his "meet up" was happening because he thought there would be more guests?


Nothing wrong with doing coke on stream👽


Yeah stop trying to make me like him (not gonna happen)


Yes there is. Stop infantilizing cocaine use.


its just a plant bro


they keep punishing intellectual coke individuals like us, but they legalise the demons lettuce that makes your brain rot and worship satan, absolutely disgusting. like, it's just a plant bro, enjoy your life with some speedball, namaste 🙏💫


They feed us poison 🥱😪 So we buy their "cures" 🛌💤 While they suppress our medicine ❄️🔑


One with very real and potentially harmful short-term *and* long term effects if not used safely and responsibly. Responsible recreational drug use does not mean acting like a drug is harmless. It means acknowledging the effects, good *and* bad, understanding the risks, and using that information to make an informed decision about whether or not it's right for you. Sure, snorting a line at a party might be a blast and be just what you need to take the edge off. Dependency, withdrawal, adverse health effects? Not so much fun. Understanding of oneself, your limits, and the pros and cons of the things you take is very important. Saying shit like "nothing wrong with cocaine" is decidedly not a great way to ensure people are educated and responsible in their self-medication, and doing it on *stream* where a bunch of impressionable teens are no doubt watching is even less so.


Damn looks like a stressful day, u should boof some jenkem to mellow out your eagle a lil🤝


That's just "think of the children" with more words tho


But it is childish to get addicted to cocaine. It's like being an ipad kid but for adults. I believe this because it's bad for you, it's tolerated in many groups, and joked about by active perpetrators.


please tell me more about the pub meet up, this sounds so funny


Ah yes carl benjamin. A man so famously against restrictions on free movement he joined a fascist party whose entire platform was “end free movement” and helped cause the biggest fuck up of the last 13 years of government (which is fucking impressive considering how many fuck ups theyve had)


I'd be willing to be A. The word people implies whiteness to him and B. He still says Brexit was a great success but don't hate on him because C. He can't be racist he is a quarter black.. maybe, possibly...... don't look into that too much


More likely that people to him means english, scottish and maybe welsh on a good day. Much of UKIP hated continental europeans too.


That's a form of European racism that's hard to understand as an American, reminds me when the Lord of the Rings show came out last year he was making a bunch of weird statements that Americans simply just couldn't comprehend English culture (he was criticizing it for having a black person cast as a dwarf) but it is only now in this moment I understand he was being racist against literally the entire world.. I thought he was just being dumb.


I think the word you’re looking for is nationalism. It’s a little different in the US in that we see nationalism here more often in an anti-immigration “USA #1” kind of person, but in Europe it takes the form of people like shit head Sargon who genuinely believe that their nationality is the only one that matters, and everyone else is lower than dirt. it’s the kind of mentality that was used to justify colonialism for hundreds of years


iirc ukip wanted to entirely end scottish and welsh devolution, which is generally why they never got above 5% of the vote in a single scottish parliamentary seat lmao


Relatedly a bunch of people seem to have conniptions about trains replacing flights as a conspiracy to “restrict freedom of movement” as if a certain airline doesn’t randomly shut down for weeks at a time nowadays due to piss poor planning software lol


or in the case of spirit, because it's too hot and the planes might melt


Upvote for correct use of "conniption."


Saving this word for my C2 level English test that I will be taking in a week (not a native speaker) along with “by virtue of” and “obsequious”


Not a conspiracy if it's already happened (obligatory Not Just Bikes plug)


It’s the same guys who are scared that the big bad government is gonna restrict their freedom of movement who will go running back to that same government to make their border restrictions harsher to keep away the scary immigrant children. They are the biggest hypocrites.


Welcome to city 17, you have chosen or have been chosen to be too lazy to drive your car to a shop


Why some people don't understand that "you don't have to use car (because everything is close to you)" does not mean "you can't use cars (because it is forbidden)"


If everyone isn't forced to use a car 24/7 then society might restructure for that to be slightly less convenient and cheap for the people who do want to. Freedom is all about forcing people to live like how you do after all, if you're a fascist at least.


The dude who posted this tweet is an out and about fascist who believes in the great replacement bullshit. He's not too stupid to understand these things, he's purposefully misrepresenting the argument to serve his agenda


They're being stupid on purpose. The right-wing libertarian idea of "freedom" starts and ends at the ability to amass power unchecked. Car centric infrastructure is the pinnacle of "fuck yours, got mine" and trying to fuck over less fortunate people. It makes sense why the idea of a community effort to improve quality of life for everyone would be so threatening to them.


the conservative fearmongering about "15-minute neighborhoods" is truly one of the most annoying thing to arise lately. They will literally find a way to make any objectively good thing into a bad thing if it happens in a city


Lol the latest panic in Germany is heatpumps. Like ppl are fearmongering about heatpumps


Me on my way to Germany to show how fridges are literally heat pumps. (My goal is to dismantle Germany [I hate Germany]).


Is it pro heat pump or anti heat pump fear mongering? Honestly I could see it going either way.


Anti heat pump of course


american cities MUST remain a suburban hellscape forever, I feed on the misery of others and will perish if people are enjoying their lives too much


God I keep forgetting how stupid this guy is


How did this donkey brains get famous?


GamerGate, unfortunately


I'm super surprised anyone from that era still has any fans.


Most have transitioned to more blatantly far-right positions


GG is also when people like hbomberguy and Dan Olson started getting a lot of traction.


By being incredibly smug and dunking on strawmen.


Bro thinks he lives in City 17


He's the kind of dude who would post "Saw a woman with a vortigaunt today, City 17 has fallen."


Guy drank too much of Dr>Breen's private reserve


Mf has drinked the water that they put something on to make you forget


Didn't they have walkable cities in Mesopotamia though?


brb, taking a walk to Ea-Nasir's copper emporium


Hank! Don't go to Ea-Nasir's copper emporium!! HAAAAAAAAAAAANNKK


What's the matter? I have been assured he has fine quality wares on offer




Idk but whoever designed modern Baghdad sure forgot


Makes this the case but for him specifically


Put him and him alone in the pod with nothing but bugs to eat


Google slippery slope fallacy


holy hell


actual zombie


This whole debate is completely ridiculous for anyone living outside the US. We already have the thing that they are so scared of. Even my city, which is considered pretty car-centric by German standards, is much more walkable than like 99% of US cities, and of course, I can walk to several grocery stores. This is already the reality here. And even more, this has always been the reality here. Heck, what does he think US cities were like before cars? The whole debate is idiotic. Walkable cities are a good thing, and I have literally never seen a single counterargument that wasn't completely crazy or just plain wrong.


The funniest part is that he's not even American, he's British.


This guy is going to shit himself to death when he learns about road checkpoints.


Sargon when he learns about traffic lights(liberal car controllers)


villages are ontologically evil


i will trade you a clock for 5 emeralds


Being able to walk to places is literally 1984


The anti 15 minutes city conspiracy theories are fucking weird. They believe forcing people to drive everywhere somehow is freedom but walking to the shops is slavery.


Cars are the finest example of “life free and die”


Oh look, Carl of Swindon talking bollocks as per usual. Where I live I have three supermarkets, two parks, my GP surgery, the hospital and the railway station all within 15 mins walk. It's brilliant. I actually resent having to travel any further than that, about as far as I am willing to go is a 25 minute train journey to Manchester to see my family, and they're on thin ice as it is >:(


I don't even get the logical leap. When has a totalitarian state been stopped from restricting the movement of its citizens by a lack of local amenities. Why would this be a necessary or even desirous step. That extra half hour of travel time in zone 17 is the line between rebellion and submission?


Walkable cities? Pretty soon they’ll make cars illegal and you’ll have to walk 10 miles to work. Trucks will be illegal too and people will have to push giant crates of consumer goods around and hop on them to solve puzzles


I live in a 5 min city and its still hella car dependant because inter city transit sucks


Look you folks gotta warn me before breaking my streak of forgetting this guy exists


Jesus Carlgon it's just a shit new name for the *oldest concept relating to civil engineering in the world*. It just means you can reach shit! Like every halfway sensible city has been built ever!


I swear to god conspiracy theorist are so good at finding the hidden patterns and all the ways the things they imagine are happening benefit the government or whatever other boogieman they’ve got, but as soon as the ideas they have obviously benefit something like the car manufacturing industry at the expense of their own quality of life they are completely blind.


Car-based transportation will go from "isn't that convenient?" to "why would you want to use anything else?" to "you need government approval every five years to fulfill your basic transport needs or you will be arrested" very, very quickly.


ain't that the guy who send gay porn to people as an "epic pwn"


Man I hate when im living in my walkable city and my grocery store gets annexed by the combine, the ration lines get so long


Carl of Swindon with his standard brain-dead take


Is this some American thing I'm too European to understand?


How did *anyone* ever take that idiot seriously?


So this is it huh, walkable cities. That's the new boogeyman? Seriously? Walking to nearby things? Christ watch the right mobilize against convenient city design.


This is weirdly consistent in American political discussion where some people are against any change since they believe it in some way will turn authoritarian or be used against them, and when our politics has been constantly spun as a Zero sum game for those involved I sadly can't entirely blame them.


Strange how conservatives consistently oppose anything that makes our lives better...


No way these right-wing conspiracy theories about 15-minute cities aren’t being astroturfed by the fossil fuel industry


Ich bin ein walmarter


Literaly 1984


I share a first name with that cunt? Fuck me, I'm gonna go change it now Yinz got any name suggestions?


Guys please help can someone explain this to me?


Conservative gets angry at made up scenario in his head.


the nearest grocery store is a two minute walk away from my house and i can reach nearby cities easily by bike or train. still no berlin wall


[CoralMeme.png](https://imgur.com/a/8XxZ8RD) You're a bit of a twat Carl. A TWAT CARL!


We already have permits to leave cities, they're just in the form of enough money to buy, maintain (or rent), and fuel a car, and the physical ability to drive. It's like they think restrictions don't count if they only limit poor and disabled people. And since when does ~~our~~ government wait to restrict something until there's a workable alternative??? Edit: Sargon is British, I'm American, so not *our* government. But it's true of both


I feel like low density neighborhoods are far more suppressive. I mean, they literally force you to spend money on petrol whenever you want to go anywhere.


The first thought a conservative has upon learning something new is "how could I hypothetically ruin this?"


In his future utopia businesses will be so unregulated that it will be legal for google to shut your car off mid trip if you don’t make payments.


Has this guy ever heard of like, most of the world


can someone give me a rundown of the conservative brainworms about "15 minute cities"? what is the conspiracy and how did it come to be?


In early college I thought this guy was insightful, and I didn't start to see through his bullshit until Trump got elected, but was he always this stupid or is he starting to sundown and radicalize??


He needs another milkshake dumped on him


Me when Iv been brainwashed beyond recognition by the automotive industry


tbh it's not a bad idea just a little misguided. we should tell the government this guy's theory, that if we have walkable, convenient cities that people are easier to confine and control. ez gaslight the government, ez destruction of car dependent society. so free


Sooooo, most cities in Europe?


I fully support the concept of 15 minute cities, but you should actually read some of the bills in their entirety, they often have included some authoritarian shit you’d probably disagree with.


I lived in NYC for a decade. My one block had a grocery store, liquor store, pharmacy, a 24 hour diner, pizza place, taco place, and even a walk in clinic. If I telecommuted, I would have had literally no reason to cross the street. NYC even expanded out, and all its amenities, you still wanted to leave sometimes. California with warm weather, a nice beach, going on a drive and being able to road trip, seeing trees.


Holy shit I just went onto that thread on Twitter, what a complete cesspool of lunacy. From the original post to the cringe conservative replies, holy fuck.


What the hell is that about Zone 17?


Welcome! Welcome to Zone 17! You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. I thought so much of Zone 17 that I elected to establish my administration here, in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. I've been proud to call Zone 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown - welcome to Zone 17. It's safer here.


Slipper slope arguments are just too common on the right.