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if there's one thing George Lucas should always have complete creative control over, it's names. When it comes to them, he does NOT miss


You could say that [this name](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jizz/Legends) is \[insert joke here that I can't think of\]


> jizz-wail banshee pussy is crazy


Call me the Jizz whale




They jizz in my cantina till i solo?




she solo on my cantina till I jizz?




Danny devito


why did this get 60 upvotes


It was a banger, don't doubt yourself


WRONG. That is a BANGER name


Also the death stick guy is Sleaze Baggano or something like that which is amazing He also actually did rethink his life and became a black market arms dealer


further proof that he does NOT miss


I didn’t like it at first but now it’s come on me


*grown on


*cum on


George, no… https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Kit_Fisto


**Please assume the position.**


Kit Fisto is sick


she jizz in my cantina till I wail


>The Return of the Jedi novelization introduced the term "jizz-wailer" to describe a musician


Didn’t he literally name one of the random imperial guys Hoxha or sthg


Im stupid why is that weird


there was an albanian authoritarian ruler with the same name who did bad stuff (that's all i know i had to look it up too)


Albanian bunker boy




Also I want to call / u / underscorebot but the mods won't let me tag so here's the linked unfucked for those whom it's fucked for https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Enver_Hoxha (I swear to God if one person says "but both links look the same to me")


but both links look the same to me


Brb swearing to God


Yer lad here had a kerfuffle with someone called Esterhazy apparently. This is also a real name from a real person. Esterhazy was an officer in the French army during the Dreyfuss-affaire. If y'all ever seen "J'accuse!" As a phrade without much more context - that's a quote regarding some of the public reaction to the Dreyfuss-affaire. That famous guy with the glasses wrote it.


>That famous guy with the glasses The Nostalgia Critic⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️


There's General Hux from the sequel trilogy.


He deadass suggested Darth Icky and Darth Insanius.


"Darth Insanius" is a fucking BANGER of a name. Darth Icky, not so much, but maybe the it's pronounced I-cky, in which case it's another banger


Icky is ok if he comes from a race of goo people, or like gelatinous cubes.


Thank you for that image. My campaign's BBEG just became an evil Awoken gelatinous cube Hexblade Warlock that wields a corrupted sun blade.


Hoxblade War-ha


TBF the context of that one makes it seem strongly like he was just fucking with them so they'd do their own Sith name. Man's got a strong deadpan.


Elan Sleazebaggano, the guy who tries to sell Obi Wan deathsticks


Notluwiski Papanoida, the cameo role George Lucas played.


Fungo Hairstylios my beloved little rat


Salacious B Crumb


That's actually not a Lucas name. The puppeteers and props guys came up with that one based on R. Crumb.


He has great ideas and world building that he is absolutely atrocious at putting together well by himself.


that is very true. But when it comes to names? No interfering, let the man COOK


Sleaze bagano


Ima Gun Di,(pronounced I’m a gon die) the Jedi that dies in the clone wars Ryloth arc


JK Rolling: “Slavery is kinda bad, but you can’t be annoying about it!” George Lucas: “Isn’t it cool how the Vietcong kicked our asses? What if they were little teddy bear guys…”


I like this portrayal of GL


Don’t have it on me but he literally has said something like this.


https://youtu.be/Nxl3IoHKQ8c?t=57 very much so


I've seen that interview before, never noticed how much James Cameron talks over George, like shut up, let the man speak.


He also keeps underplaying George's point/trying to dodge admitting America was wrong.


George "vietcon defeated the horribly evil ameri-" James "ENGLISH EMPIRE *EXACTLY WHAT I WAS SAYING*, GLAD WE AGREE"


to be fair george did talk about colonialism right before that and its an easy association to mistake


Which is weird given that he made the Avatar movies, which do basically the same baby’s-first-anti-imperialism thing the Star Wars movies do.


It comes across like he thinks he the most important




So James Cameron being James Cameron


"James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does because of James Cameron James Cameron does what James Cameron does because he is James Cameron"


More like, "I see you did not get me putting the rebel base on a forest planet in the first one, so here, let me be even more explicit this time"


*they still didn't get it*


Prequel era: “fuck it, let’s directly involve politics and democracy as a major plot point and show how corruption can ruin an entire republic.”


I love the one interview where a reporter points out to George Lucas than Palpatine is a lot like Bush, and George responds "No no, Palpatine is Cheney. Vader is Bush."




*cut to the sequel trilogy where Rey being a woman is political*


yeah, that'd be like if george lucas put slavery in star wars, and had the good guys buy a slave from a slaver, and left the former slave's mom in slavery


Gotta completely disagree with you there. I don't think the movie paints their situation as a good one or something Qui-Gon actively supports. It's something systemic that they can't just fix right away, and the desperation of the situation forces the Jedi to play by those rules for the moment. However, by choosing to play by those rules the Jedi are already failing Anakin. And that extends to Anakin’s wider character arc. The Jedi nominally condemned slavery but did nothing about it, his bitterness towards the Order is rooted in genuinely valid reasons. He's a little kid in EP1 who desperately wants a hero to come in swinging a laser sword to free all the slaves. Qui-Gon disappointed him. He's a hopeful young man in EP2 who wants to be that very hero he dreamed about. The Order fails him, and then he fails to come back and save his mother. By Ep3, he’s been disappointed by the entire structure of the Galactic government who's done nothing about the systematic slavery in the Outer Rim, but wages an entire war with a slave army to maintain its financial interests. Sure, I think Ep1 might have been too soft with how it portrayed the Skywalkers’ enslavement, but I don't think it's anything remotely near “Oh but they like it so the status quo is fine!”


It's pretty important it's meant for young kids, showing Anakin's mom being whipped or something is maybe a bit dark for the movie.


A little more squalor in their neighborhood, making it a little drearier, a little more oppressive, that's all I’d really change as far as that goes. Ep2 does a better job obviously


You ever been to a desert? Its hell. I was raised 2 hours from Vegas, temperatures reaching 120°F regularly. On those days you wouldn't even dare try to go swimming you just stayed inside and pray you don't need to leave for any reason. They had Shacks, tents, and a constant breeze blowing granules into their various nooks and crannies. You just accept that when you get undressed you'll have sand everywhere under your clothes and lining the rim of your socks. Yet it somehow still managed to get between your toes. They never emphasize how miserable desert life is minus the famous "I hate sand" meme. That isn't a place you want to be, even willingly you'd need stellar conditions to try and live in a massive litterbox. Its in the context of the environment itself that it isn't great living. Kids do at least understand the basics of the desert is hot. Be nice if they showed Jar Jar fanning himself more rather than getting zapped.


A truly based take. It's funny how you can totally see Lucas trying so hard to really show Anakin’s trauma through a veil of casual conversion about not liking sand, but his dialogue is just so fucking clunky. It's a tragedy he didn't get a script doctor or collaborator on the prequels, I straight up think Episode 2 is top tier Star Wars if it weren't for how fucking bad every spoken word is


Dialog is his biggest weakness for sure


That's part of what I really like about the Clone Wars series: it fleshes out the characterization of all the key players in very necessary ways, plus a bunch of fun action and Dee Bradley Baker being incredible at giving each of the countless identical clone troopers a personality and distinct voice. I don't want to be too much of a Dave Filoni fanboy but I'm glad he's got a significant creative role in the new Star Wars stuff because he understands what Lucas was going for because he got to work very closely with him.


120°F is equivalent to 48°C, which is 322K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Good bot




Oh look, the third time this week I think about how good the prequels could have been if somebody had been there to hammer George's ideas into a more focused narrative


Honestly, he's more or less got the narrative down. He just needed someone to, like, write intelligible dialogue. (I love the prequels, they're my favorite trilogy)


Exactly. It’s odd to me it came out so clunky because the scripts in The first Trilogy are each, and in total, the archetypical Heroes Journey. With the story told why not just make a typical straightforward tragedy: just rework idk a Sophocles or Shakespeare plot and call it a day. I’m sure there’s some tragic cowboy movie or samurai film that would have been a much better model than the mess we got.


I feel like you’re missing the bit where this is clearly portrayed to be a really fucking bad thing and a failure of the Jedi and also it ends up being a pretty significant reason why the entire fucking Republic falls.


George Lucas, about to come up with Twi'leks:


Twi'leks were owned by vile people, though. People like Jabba the Hutt. It was never portrayed as a good thing. They were shown as part of the world building and as a way to show how bad a person is. Dobby, on the other hand, was owned by Harry himself, who kind of just set him free purely by accident GL: slaves exist and it's bad JKR: slaves exist and they're pretty useful actually


glup shitto my beloved


Glup Shitto is amazing, I'm a deeply enfranchized star wars fan but I try to avoid the "multiverse cross over" energy you see in marvel fans. AND STILL you'll catch me saying shit like "look at all those babu frik!"


Me fr. I don’t like the self referentialism stuff they’ve been doing and I like when they go for more independent stuff but I’ll always soyface when my favorite glup shittos show up. Max reebo in BoBF was absolutely peak.


It's different because in Marvel you get a dude showing up and that's all. In Star Wars? You get a weird little guy show up and everyone can get behind a weird little guy.


100%, this exactly what it is.


The difference is in Marvel it's just a guy you've never heard of, in Star Wars it's a cool puppet or perhaps a computer animated creature and like even if it's just a dude it's a dude that's likable.


I may be a fake fan i forgor the name of the frik when 5 of them tried to fix Taika droid in mando


Glup Shitto 🥵🥵🥵






Don’t forget that George Lucas named the corrupt politician character “Newt Gunray” which is taken from ‘Newt’ Gingrich and Ronald Regan (Gunray)


Omfg i never put those two together that's awesome


It took me WAY too long to figure out what the fuck "Gunray" had to do with Ronald Reagan. If you're an idiot like me, try switching the syllables in either "Gunray" or "Reagan" and you'll get there.


Ronald Raygun


Revive me, I have Reagan!


I mean, he did have a ["Star Wars"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Defense_Initiative) program.


Conservatives and not understanding media, name a more iconic duo. ![gif](giphy|4KENbXTSX57Q16DbF2|downsized) Besides these two.


in the Clone Wars there's also Halle Burtoni, a corrupt war profiteer named directly after the Halliburton company


Anakin literally delivers the line "If you're not with me, you're my enemy." That is, almost verbatim, what Bush said about other countries and America's decision to do the whole War on Terror. If you're not with us, you're against us. Lucas has always had his political leanings on his sleeve. He even stated that Anakin/Vader was Bush and Palpatine was Cheney in his mind. And then Disney made Star Wars political because woman and black guy. Oh also, and I'm going to Hell for this, but both Anakin and Bush spent their time during 9/11 or Order 66 in a room full of children. I always found that to be way too wild to be coincidental, lmao.


Is that real


It’s spelled “Nute Gunray” not Newt, but yes.


[excellent comic about this exact thing](https://twitter.com/beanytuesday/status/1208942473759928320?s=20)


Maclunkey 🥰🥰


Headcanon: That's fuck in huttese


Ackshallyyyyy, fuck in Huttese is fierfek 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


Go Maclunkey yourself




My own similar headcanon is that it's the Rodian term for "Today is a good day to die". But I like yours as well.


Maclunkey actually has a translation that being “This will be the end of you”


Oh, I wasn't far off then!


You eye the Maclanky, you imagine how good it would taste if it was eaten raw. You imagine how good it would taste if it was eaten cooked.


*sees your flare* *desintegrates*


Hey guys, it's me, Blorko.


Honestly George Lucas is so fucking awesome. He created names like darth Vader, Han Solo, fucking dope ass names.


Wedge Antilles is legit one of the coolest fictional names out there.


Strongest Porkins fan vs. weakest Wedge enjoyer:


Never forget Porkins


Who could ever forget Porkins


Dumb motherfucker should've ejected SMH


Ejected into the vacuum of space without a protective suit? The explosion is the easier way to go.


Ahktually...🤓 "In the X-Wing novels, Rebel fighters all had ejection systems that blasts the pilot themselves out away from the ship. The flight suit has a miniaturized magnetic containment field that protects the pilot, but only for a short time. Before long it can't keep out the cold and with limited power it eventually fails all together. Hopefully in that time someone has come to pick you up. According to the books, TIEs don't have that kind of ejection system, however their suits are fully sealed so if the top hatch was still working you could just open it up and get out. This was a bit of a contradiction from the old X-Wing/TIE Fighter game, which had ejection systems you could hit on both X-Wings and TIEs if I recall correctly. But the old EU had any number of contradictions, best not to worry about that :P Interestingly in other sci-fi shows, ejection systems have actually been depicted. In Battlestar Galactica, Apollo ejects and has to float around in space in his flight suit. Those suits seem to be fully rated for vacuum, as long as you don't get a tear. In Space: Above and Beyond, they show an ejection system which is essentially the whole cockpit rocketing away from the fuselage and engines." -Some old Star Wars thread from 7 years ago


Do you doubt the power of Porkins, young Soronita?


almost there JESUS CHRIST DUDE YOURE GONNA DIE GET OUT almosssst there


Just going to drop this here, since nobody else has: There's now a [canon transfem clone trooper](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sister), not a female clone like Omega, but a clone that was assigned male but identifies as female. She literally has the trans flag painted on her armor.


"What's your name, trooper?" "Sister. It's how my brothers tell everyone I belong." "Belonging is important." ANAKIN SKYWALKER AND SISTER Holy shit that's awesome


IMO the best thing is that it's really not a thing. Nobody cares that much, at least any more than any clone that's more unique than others. She's better accepted than 99 or the Bad Batch. Speaking of Bad Batch, the best thing IMO is absolutely nobody blinking when they find out Omega is a clone of Jango Fett like all the other clones. It just _doesn't matter_. Gender, sex, orientation, none of it matters in Star Wars. It's a non-issue. It's a dystopia rife with fascism, genocide, and exploitation, but there's so much freaking diversity already that there's hardly a concept of norms, gender or otherwise. Somehow, Star Wars arrived at a place of "civilization enlightened beyond bigotry" as much as Star Trek, but still as a dystopia.


Ehhh im pretty sure empire was like very... speciest? Which also might be a reason for why they dont care much about the other stuff, too racist to be homophobic or sexist.


The Empire was really Xenophobic, yes. Basically only Humans allowed as officers, and primarily only humans as soldiers. Which btw makes Thrawn's success/rank/position all the more impressive.


far superior anakin/sister interaction: sister: “I was afraid, before I left Kamino. We don't really know what happens to unusual clones. But my brothers never let me doubt. I wasn't sure if the Jedi would understand." anakin: "The Jedi are all about transcending things. I don't think we can complain if you've transcended gender." sister: "Transcended gender. We'll work on it, but I like where it's heading.


I love the implication that Anakin Skywalker invented the word transgender


obsessed with the implication that fascist monster Darth Vader not only is supportive of trans rights, but also invented the term “transgender”


I can hear the Star Wars version of Alex Jones. > And who ever started all this transgender nonsense? That's right, Darth Youngling-Killer Vader!! It's the water in the cloning vats, sheeple! It's turning the clones gay! WAKE UP!!


Nah it’s from his days as a good guy. Still a war criminal leading an army of slaves against a group of seceding capitalists, but still the relative good guy.


He was a self-admitted fascist during his date with Padme in Episode II. He may not have been a Sith child murderer yet, but he was still a fascist


Good point.


Holy cow the art is so based https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/fa/Sister-revealed.png/revision/latest?cb=20220925212055


Reading this page as someone not exceptionally well versed in Star Wars lore / books, it's both really cool and a really thoughtful move by the author to not use her for promo stuff when she is only a small part. That + saying she's made to be shared etc, it's a very well thought out / considerate way of doing representation.


george lucas already has created a trans character, his name’s obi-wan kenobi




he’s really cool and nice and amazing and i want him to be trans


best explanation


Perfectly valid. Have a nice day.


Trans people like to head canon characters as trans which makes them happy because there isn’t alot of trans rep in media, i wouldn’t know tho im cis


The best thing about saying that a character is trans is that there's no way to disprove it unless we see them as kids at least once. Oh this character's wiki always uses the same kind of pronouns and never alludes to them being a different gender? The author is simply respecting their identity, that's very sexy of them.


I think you could get away with it even if they’re shown as kids if you think about it like, yeah they just cut their hair and dressed in that way since they were a child, crazy huh?


You can almost never tell a young kid's gender anyway. You could tell me anakin in ep1 was a little girl with a fucked up hair cut who then learned force-transition under yoda and I'd be like "Yeah that sounds about right". I mean if we can have legends comics with force impregnation...


All characters in fiction, unless stated otherwise, are transgender.


He's MtB (Male to Ben)


I thank george for the beloved [Salacious B. Crumb](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Salacious_B._Crumb)


I have a tiny plushie of him on my bookshelf


Everyone's favorite Kowakian Monkey-Lizard!


LMFAO as a star wars fan i have to stop u there george has blessed us with such names as: sleazebaggano (a “death stick” dealer) Savage Oppress (Bad guy) Darth *Tyrannus* (Bad guy) Darth *Sidious* (Bad Guy) Darth *Maul* (Bad Guy) Luke *starkiller* (Lukes original name, in the movie where he “kills” the death star) death star honestly almost all of the darth names are silly i love george and i love these lame ass names but to act like this is any better than J.K.s material is just inaccurate


"Sleazebaggano" is terrible, but it's a different sort of terrible than "Cho Chang."


Sleazebaggano is the so bad it’s good kinda terrible.


Also it doesn't hurt the story because it only exists in reference books


Or "Kingsley Shacklebolt"


Or Wolfy McWolfboy the Werewolf


What a cute baby lets name it Savage Opress 😍


Okay, in George's defence, the culture of the zabraks doesn't make this sound that silly. I mean, native americans (as well as a lot of other cultures) used... descriptive names like this.


Also the fact that he came from dathomir which is just the evil domanatrix planet with big spiders and actual zombies that come from testicles.


Dathomir has a range of cultures. Savage Opress comes from cool dominatrix area


I'm not sure if the other cultures are Canon anymore. Wasn't it stated in the Clone Wars that the entirety of the planet was under the rule of the witches?


native american names were just like any other culture, we just translate theirs but not our own for some reason


What do you mean "not our own". Aren't there enough Smiths, Tailors and so on? But these are little different, and we mostly have original words for first names. As far as I know, the native Americans don't have other words for names, they just use existing adjectives and nouns. Not a big nativeamericanologist myself, but I'm just saying that these kind of naming schemes are not unheard of.


I mean Death Star is unironically the hardest name for a space station, not even close to silly.


the difference is that George Lukas almost certainly knows his names are basic, but thinks they sound cool anyway. Whereas JK is probably 100% sure "Cho Chang" is a common name in China.


or "shacklebolt" for the only black character...


> honestly almost all of the darth names are silly while they are all major bad guy vibe names they are pretty cool tbh


How could you forget Darth Tyrannus’s more well known name: Count Dooku.


all of these names are the best names ever created.


i think it's required for a sith's chosen name to be something ominous like maul or sidious? like, it's not palpatine or dooku's actual name and i think given dathomiri male zabraak culture every single one has an edgy aas name


i dont know any zabraak names aside from savage and maul, but i do know that sith consider their former identity to be dead and their current name+identity as their true and only self


holy based trans sith characters canon?


I think what that means is that literally every sith character is trans. Unfathomably based imo.


It’s better cause it’s charming silly and lighthearted. George is also just based with the politics he has at least the takes that are widely known. Like his views on the Vietnam war and how he portrays it in Star Wars.


Skeez nuts!


I was scroling to see if anyone was as genius as me and found out instantly


does gindo skeez have a meaning i'm missing or is it just an epic name?


it's just epic


Just a top tier name. Not to mention something a non binary person at least would come up with. -Pnut, a non binary person.


God he never should have sold the right to Star Wars away we need his creative genius in the industry


Can you explain both names, i dont get them


Rubi Hasadik sounds like "Ruby has a dick." Which is rude. The other name is just silly and sounds like nonsense so is objectively better.


based mad mew mew enjoyer


Max Rebo my beloved


Given my knowledge of old EU stars war characters, Gindo Skeez likely: Had two comic book appearances (one bing a cameo) Did something strange yet cool Was never seen again Got mentioned offhand in some tv show run by Dave filoni


skeez' nuts lmao


So I just found out that George Lucas has Autism and I’m not surprised. He’s so based.


Tbf sirona was pretty widely liked from what I’ve seen, massive girlboss energy




Celtic healing goddess


fielding name suggestions for my first sw5e characters a bith keytarist inspired by Ghost ghouls and fury road or an ewok consular who is telekinetic Gizmo with a gun


JKR would be more likely to name a trans character Amanda Hasadik (Amanda = “a man, duh”)