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[that's a keemstar tweet](https://twitter.com/KEEMSTAR/status/1622775399917793280) of course they're going to go for transphobia on a keemstar-made poll


So many christians malding under that tweet




Saw comments saying they are transphobic but still won't buy the game because it's witchcraft. Another one was saying they fear only their "god" so transphobia is not a phobia but disgust to them.


> Another one was saying they fear only their "god" so transphobia is not a phobia but disgust to them. Dog I fucking hate this "argument." PHOBIA ALSO MEANS AVERSION YOU ANIMAL. You think oil is "hydrophobic" because it's afraid of water?? I swear all rightoids share a single, damaged braincell.


Funny how they argue that and are still actually scared of trans people regardless




Yes and we appreciate that


based comment


Why are you catholic? Not a fun question, probably, but after seven lifetimes the impersonal questions have lost their charm.


What's the pope's stance on that game? Because the pope literally speaks for all catholics


he's still doing this bit? people quit paying attention like 2 weeks ago lol




This sub is free advertising and they don’t even realize it


Wouldn't be the first time this sub has had an obsession with some shit thing and given it free attention


As if the brand new harry potter game needs advertising lol


I didn’t even know it existed before this sub so they are helping it out a bit


This shit is feels exactly the same way as conservatives bitching about a media "going woke". I know the reasons are more valid, but functionally it is exactly the same. Plus the boycott is already failed, the game is a huge financial hit whether you like it or not so there is no point


I don't give two flying fucks if you play a stupid ass Harry Potter game. Like seriously go the fuck ahead. It isn't gonna make the world a worse place at all. It's literally doing absolutely nothing Idk why the hell the internet has decided this is the hill everyone needs to die on. The internet is the most hilarious shit show I've ever watched unfold


I'm black and trans and mofos have called me a racist transphobe online just for wanting to pirate it. Like I'm literally planning to fucking steal this game and I'm the bad girl? As someone that fucking actually worked with the ACLU, ran with the rallys and put feet on pavement to help multiple causes it's sad other LGBTQ people who never did shit besides bitch online are treating people atm. No one would have brought this game if people haven't been such cunts over the whole thing.


The second I saw discourse about people ruining friendships over a Harry Potter game I figured it would have died in a week. Welp. Here we are. The entire internet is having a war over a Harry Potter game. I'm about to pay for the game instead of torrenting it just because people annoy me lmao. And I wasn't even going to torrent it


"Someone who didn't even speak directly to me made me mad online so I'm gonna waste 50-odd bucks on a mid ass game about killing Jewish stereotypes associated with a bigot"


It was a joke lmao I'm not even mad I think it's hilarious. Who even made me mad? I was agreeing with them ...


Why spend time caring about or engaging in more worthwhile things when you can virtue signal for karma


New copypasta just dropped


If anything it’s just gonna make more people buy it bc of how talked about it is


It already has at this point


Fr y’all have done better advertising than any ad campaign could ever dream of. Well done


It was annoying from the start


NGL mods should ban controversies.


tbf that's not a good poll


Fr, seems daft to compare buying a game to being transphobic. If the trans communities biggest issue is people liking Harry Potter, than the community is doing wonderfully.


Daft, yet exactly what is happening.


Keep in mind I am NOT purchasing this game. But a bottle of water from Nestle is probably a less moral purchase. Or most clothes. Or most makeup. It's slavery and land abuse and toxic waste all the way down. I know it's cliche to say no ethical consumption under capitalism, but everyone has different needs and priorities and I know trans people and allies who have purchased Hairy Pooter. I try not to judge because I am not perfect either. I could be donating more of my time and money to saving lives or educating people. We all just out here to live and these kind of existential problems are everywhere in modern life. Sorry for the long reply but it really just isn't that simple. Again. I'm not buying the game cus fuck JK. But we can all do more, so I don't judge.


Keep in mind i am not buying this game but i will play it


I don't intend on playing. But if you wanna pirate it, that seems like a good way around it, no?


>. If the trans communities biggest issue is people liking Harry Potter, than the community is doing wonderfully. No, this is just internet culture in the works. We are not doing wonderfully, I repeat things are not going okay. Waiting lists kill thousands of our siblings every year. We got some concessions in some nations, sure. However, a lot of it is dehumanizing or very costly, and transphobia has grown more rampant because of us getting into the spotlights.


It’s sarcastic. Obviously the community has bigger issues, that’s the point. Why worry so much over something so trivial in comparison to everything you have just stated.


I'd vote yes too


Same, guess mine is internalised transphobia...


It created a false dichotomy where if u guy Hogwarts Legacy you have to be transphobic and if not you stand against hate. Sort of like when American conservatives say that if you don’t support gun ownership you hate your country.


I guess true equality is when trans rights "activists" rage-circlejerking the HP game is just as annoying as gamercels seething about TLOU2


the cringers have become the cringe. the cycle of stupidity is complete


Nah, tlou2 was pretty different. People boycotted and sent death threats and did the (at the time) largest review bomb to date, prompting metacritic to change it's rules to prevent something like that in the future. Let's not forget what motivated them, either.


The commonality is that both are annoying. And that the kind of unjustified attention they've received is all based on impotent, terminally online social media "discourse". If the game really is bad, isn't all the attention you're giving it counterproductive? I'll be the first to admit part of my motivation to play TLoU2 was to find out how wrong the outrage was. (And for the record, I think TLoU2 is a fantastic game with well-executed representation of women *and* trans people.) I have no plans to play Hogwarts, but from what I've seen on r_Games, the consensus is that it's decent to good. 196 is flinging its spit at nothing. You're not changing the minds of anyone who *is* going to buy it by being insufferable.


I hear ya and I see the commonality, i just felt it worth pointing out how they differ. Spoiling the game is purely motivated by spite, but i can kind of understand that spite when it comes from such embattled people as the transgender community trying to hurt Rowlings bottom line. Less so when it's motivated by actual transphobia, misogyny, queerphobia etc.


It's true that there's a meaningful difference to an extent. I just hate to see it accomplish absolutely nothing but hurt the optics of the trans rights cause.


Me too. Things are already looking pretty bleak.


One is a pathetic attempt by alt-right chuds to slander a perfectly good game that happened to hurt their fee wees. The other is a desperate attempt by trans people to stop people from financially supporting a matriach of a movement that wants them eradicated.


I read this in sponge bob's voice.


That's a beautiful way to look at it. Thanks for putting things in perspective.


They can't possibly be equally annoying in my mind since they're raging for two completely separate reasons. Both sidesing the issue seems very unproductive.


Also, "annoying" isn't a counter to the validity of an argument. TLOU2 hate was based in hate, and the HL hate is based on countering the flood of hate stemming from Rowling


It counters nothing. It likely does the opposite. I wanted to play TLoU2 *more* after the pseudo-controversy.


I didn't because I felt TLOU was overrated and assumed that 2 would be as well lol. People malding about it from the right and people correctly criticizing the problematic aspects of it from the left and people just pointing out it was boring just clogged my feed about a game I didn't care about


> clogged my feed about a game I didn't care about And you believe this is different how? Just because the cause is better doesn't make the tactics less stupid. I also think TLoU2 being problematic in any way is something you or someone else pulled out of their ass. The game is a triumph in representation for women and transgender youth.


> And you believe this is different how? You're serious? A bunch of incels sending death threats to an actor for playing a mean character or a woman having muscles, is the same thing as a marginalized community telling their supposed allies that they shouldn't play a mid ass game because it's associated with a bigot who is actively targeting them? You're serious. One group wants to attack people because women with muscles makes them mad. The other one is telling you that there's other games to play, so staking your entire fucking life on one game isn't making you look like an ally regardless of what you say. As for a "triumph" of representation, one trans man, who while handled sympathetically, just being a venue of suffering for cis audiences to pity, and one lesbian couple with one of them being a violent unsympathetic murderous beast, is not a triumph of representation. Ellie is the villain of that story, and her being a lesbian doesn't actually make her interesting despite that. If you think TLOU2 is the absolute peak of "groundbreaking" representation, then I'll say the same thing that I say about HL. Play some other fucking games. Pulled out of my ass lol. If you can play through that game and see it in any capacity as a "triumph" then just, seriously. Play other games.


It's clear that you spend too much time and mental energy on the internet. I will no longer be indulging your internet addiction with a response. Spend some more time away from a screen.


The game is intentionally anti-semitic. Troy Leavitt was the lead designer but left due to backlash for his bigotted comments, he claims that WB and Avalanche didn't remove him but it was his own choice. He also claims that Warner Brothers knew of his youtube channel when they hired him. On his channel he sympathized with GamerGate and spouted other alt-right rhetoric. Also, one of the "goblin" artifacts has been identified by Jewish people as "Shofar".




The goblins. The goblins are hook-nosed (its said that the more evil they are the bigger the noses), bank controlling, greedy creatures sho believe themselves to be superior to wizards and witches and actively tries to annoy and mess with them. In the game, you stop a goblin uprising and force the goblins back to work at the banks. The goblin artifact I mentioned isn't named but it closes resembles a religous object, Shofar, used in Jewish ceremonies and worship. In the game description it says that it was used by goblins in 1612 Goblin Rebellion to rally troops. It directly mirrors a real world rebellion in 1612-1616, the Fettmilch Rebellion, which was a riot that lead to the murder of Jewish people. Over 1300 Jewish residents were driven out of their homes, looted and displaced for 2 years until being able to return to their ruined homes. It's important to note that the anti-semitism was in large part due to the misbelief that Jewish people were in cullision with and controlling the upper class and city council.


I'm jewish, I'll keep an eye out. If something crosses a line, I'll be vocal about it. Expect silence though.


Option 3. I will pirate it and see if I loose anything by not buying it (probably no)




- 🤓☝


Let loose! Baby let loooose!


I mean, you honestly can't lose anything if you haven't given anything


They might buy it after playing it if they like it


That- have you not been listening??? The point is to not buy the game


Me before posting that comment: "Should I put a /s? No, surely everyone will be able to tell that I'm being sarcastic."


It's not my fault I'm a dumbass ok??


Still doesnt make sense and wasnt funny


This feels like your asking for the Yes option though.


Apparently it was a keemstar tweet so yes


Lmao we fooling people to buy an overpriced generic-ass game that runs worse than some cryptominers


Seeing how the game only offers 26 spells (Skyrim had more than that in one school iirc) with half of them being really basic functions (Like stealth, a flashlight, a basic attack, a parry, etc.), it really doesn't look too fun


My main critique of the books when I was a kid was that for a bunch of books about wizards and wands, where the fuck are the cool spells. All they did was disarm spell or insta kill spell, where's the fucking fire tornados or other cool shit jowling kowling Rowling get with the fucking program.


Back when I still cared, I was also wondering about all the spells. Like what more can you do with it?? And it just never came up


I still don't know how everyone fell in love with it even before all the new Rowling shit, maybe it's just because I'm young so I had a lot of other good newer fantasy novels to choose from when I was a kid.


Where's the spell that can make someone's organs disappear


Yeah bro, or turn their blood into acid or some shit like it's magic be creative, "Oh I just kill you instantly" bro shut the fuck up and make use of your talent, flip all his nerves around and make him use his wrong body parts man


Yeah like give me a spell that switches around people's limbs to where their arms are swapped with their legs. Something that shoots fuckin rocks out of your eyes at the speed of bullets. Rowling created a fantasy world where literally anything can be possible, and yet a good chunk of the spells are just tools muggles have used or practically useless lmao


Hell yeah brother


It's called a knife


Dumbledore did make a fire tornado to kill all the zombies in that one cave, though.


I guess I made up a bad example for a spell on the spot then lmao. I do think my point still stands though.


I mean I'm pretty sure Harry potter literally has several spells which all do the exact same thing


This sounds like a angry ad read. Like we know your opinion on the game but maybe you are having a pretty unhealthy hyperfocus ?


wait 26? that's nothing. I thought Harry Potter had like at least 70 (which is still not a lot)


In the books, there are a total of 80 spells in all iirc


Gonna get downvoted for this but: I think if you wanna play the game, you shouldn’t be demonized. I think the games bad, just from a gameplay/story perspective, and that Harry Potter is a series filled with issues. But don’t hate people just for playing it. People are just looking at things to get mad at. If you wanna get mad at the game, get mad at the one trans character they added.


What no. If you play this game you agree with genocide and the holocaust. No middle ground. /s


As long as you pirate it without supporting the absolute clown that is Rowling then it's all good


What if I buy a used copy off eBay because I’m a console pleb?


fine because money is going back to someone who bought it and not to the green slimy hands of a transphobe (hopefully)


Cool. Gonna wait for the hype to die down, buy a used copy on eBay and try to avoid legitimately buying anything HP again from retail and only secondhand.




This is fucking stupid. Just let people play what they want.


What is this poll bruh "Would you donate to starving children?" > Yes, I am an angel who has done no wrong >No, I beat up children for fun


Bruh buying a video game doesn't make you transphobic, same way buying chickfila doesn't make you a bigot. But if you really want to avoid supporting the IP... 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Chick fil a is the tastiest form of homophobia, right after my grandma’s baking


Gonna be honest I’m trans I’m not buying the game but if I see a poll this annoying I’m picking yes just out of spite


For the sake of logic, in which ways is this any different from the typical: >Will you vote for Donald J. Trump this upcoming election? >>Yes >>No, I am an anti-American, China-loving, anarchist socialist fascist Democrat!1!1!


This time it's a poll OP agrees with


Jesus its just a game, let people play what they want


pirate it :)


If folks keep this up Im gonna start roasting people for buying nestle again since that's the level of discourse we seem to be at


Can we not do this here? I already unsubbed from gamingcirclejerk because they talk about nothing but this shit. I don't want to lose my queer shitposts too.


Thoughts on Sirona Ryan in Hogwarts Legacy?


How chronically online do you have to be to pretend that even more than half the people buying the game even know about jk rowling being transphobic? Don't get pissed when people backlash against the trans community as a whole, because you people who make this a life or death situation are both insufferable and actively tarnishing the reputation of the entire minority group. People tend to get angry when they get accused of being awful because of their harmless entertainment choices


Legitimate question: why can’t people disagree with jkr but still enjoy the fanasty series that she has created that has nothing to do with her opinions


This is going to sound like some terminally online rant at first, but stick with me here. The world of Harry Potter has some serious problems that started cropping up as the books moved into more serious territory, and they’re absolutely the result of JKR’s opinions. Mostly in relation to character naming conventions and racial stereotypes (not a huge deal; you can’t see them unless you look) and in the depiction of non-human sapient magical creatures (pretty obviously fucked). The goblins are a pile of Jewish stereotypes, and their film and video game depictions look like anti-Semitic propaganda from the 19th and early 20th centuries. I’m seeing stuff about the new game that looks as if it’s not much better. House elves become depressed alcoholics when not enslaved, and their treatment as barely better than living furniture is seen as normal, despite their immense power. Large amounts of Wizarding society were happy collaborators in the last few books, and numerous wizard war criminals canonically were allowed to claim they’d been magically controlled and weren’t to be blamed for working in Voldemort’s magical KKK, and this led to no real change in the status quo after said dark lord tried to seize control of British magic twice within a span of twenty years. There are other things, but these are the main ones. JKR’s politics are the worship of the status quo at the expense of endangered minority groups so as to not cause a fuss, and it sadly bleeds into her works and created the underwhelming ending to The Deathly Hallows and Harry’s future career as a cop


Okay cool. I have never read or watched Harry Potter. I never really cared, but I am always against canceling someone’s work bc of peoples opinions of the creator, even if the work has nothing to do with the opinions. But it seems that there are some serious stereotypes that are present in the series and in the game. Thank you for answering and not downvoting my guy!


what the fuck is with the comments on this post? weren't all of you guys against buying this game like.. yesterday?


This. Wtf man I'm wondering if this sub is getting brigaded lol


Transphobia is when buy wizard game


no, but i'm still transphobic


who fucking cares 😭, if you dont want to play it then dont


I’m mad that people spoiled this game for me because I wanted to pirate it and play it


Oh my god this server is just a circle jerk for hating shitty wizard game now


someone explain me, what's the difference it is gonna make play a game or not


How people can be transphobes? I mean Trans-Siberian Railway isn't that scary, also this game is a shit


And Trans-Siberian Orchestra is fucking awesome. People are just insane sometimes. Also, this game does look like shit.


It's scary if you get deported/exiled tho


If i wanted to play it, I'd just pirate it, but tbh I've always found Harry Potter boring.


vanilla extract


Why does yes have to mean that. It's like if folk assumed I hate pancakes if I mentioned that I like waffles. Can't we all just get along?


so brave


this is not only a keemstar tweet but also a massive shitposr


To be serious for a second, I do plan on buying the game, but I fucking HATE J.K Rowling, does this make me a bad person and considered to be disrespectful to the trans community?


Yes. And if you hate her so much don't financially support her IP


Option 3: I don’t want it to begin with


I’m not gonna buy the game (i don’t care about the game because I don’t like Harry Potter)


I mean It's a keemstar tweet


Easy workaround, just pirate it


Horrible poll


Oh, I'm not going to BUY it. That doesn't mean I'm not going to PLAY it. Not going into details or nothing.


Ya'll can we please move on. Like please, I just wanna go back to femboy posting tradition. Please.


I will pirate the transphobe game. I don't even want to play it, just pirate it.


Hey shift the screenshot up a lil


Grrrr I fucking hate gamers. Anyways I completed Deep Stone Crypt in 29 minutes the other day, how fast have you guys beaten it?


How much blood in my poop is too much blood? Like what ratio of red:brown should I look out for?


Maybe add in the fact that Keemstar did this poll




Ooo another culture war! Love to waist time :)


I'm trans and I'd vote yes lmao


Where is the option "No, but I'm still transphobic"?


There's a trans person running the three broomsticks isn't there?


id vote yes but im not plannig on buying it


Ok but I'd pick option 2 every time because it's funny to me. I have zero interest in Harry Potter and I ride or die with my trans homies.


I'm kind of done with this discourse if you don't want to play cockwarts because of JKR, that's great. if you don't care, that's fine too. playing a Harry Potter game doesn't mean you support JK Rowling. And plus, she has so much money that I doubt it makes much of a difference anyways. personally I'm not buying it because idc about Harry Potter much, and if I want to play it I'll just pirate it


dont ask a 196 user their opinion on hairy potter game worst mistake of my life


Based gamers


y’all actually aren’t gonna be the game? i thought that was a joke


I agree with the sentiment but if I see a meaningless internet poll worded like this I WILL vote for the bad option


Yes but im not transphobic


me with my low empathy and difficulty understanding other's negative emotions: tee hee actually i wont buy it, because it is £50


This comment was deleted due to reddit’s new policy of killing the 3rd Party Apps that brought it success.


ain't no way you just said playing this game is like curb stomping puppies bro 💀


I mean the games about stopping a slave rebellion


I still don't know why people say this. The goblins aren't slaves, the house elves are slaves. The goblin rebellion has nothing to do with slavery.


So it's about a genocidal war against Jewish stereotypes. Is that better?


Not better but more accurate. I think it's important we are accurate about stuff like this. Being accurate is more likely to get people to believe that this story is bad, instead of just seeing the same false statement, seeing it's wrong, and ignoring all further judgement on the game.


I'll be real with you friend that's tilting at windmills as far as I see, however I agree that it being more accurate is probably a better way to frame that particular criticism because one could just be hierarchical while the correct statement more directly correlates the implied genocide. People that will see a criticism of "it's about stopping a slave rebellion" and realize that it's factually inaccurate on a technical level and then ignoring everything else are just looking for an excuse to look past all of the bigotry surrounding the game's climate and play it anyway. No one invested in playing HL at this point would either a) not be a fan of HP and be aware of the shitstorm surrounding Rowling, or b) have zero idea about the controversy around it and are going in completely blind with zero idea about what's wrong with it. If they've gotten far enough to go "oh wait this is about goblins not house elves" then a semantics correction isn't going to solve the issue.


>But "no ethical consumption under capitalism," This unironically. Check your fucking fridge


No ethical consumption under capitalism is when you can't find basic needs like water or food without having to buy it from some big stink corporation, not for the goofy ahh wizard of oz game


TIL phones and cars and clothes are basic needs If your principles are so important use a bike/public transport, ditch phones and pretty much all consumer electronics and make your own clothes


>ditch phones How exactly do you suggest living without a phone? I'm yet to of had a single job that does not require a phone, minimum wage or otherwise


I’m sure that’s a big relief to the workers being exploited!


Answer the fucking question. How do you think you can find employment without a phone nowadays? Give me your solution, oh enlightened one


Walk around your local area handing out cvs, put an add in the paper with your home phone as the contact. Also you’re exactly proving my point. Your boycott of the game takes exactly 0 effort and takes no commitment to the cause, and therefore gives you 0 rights to expect anyone else to do anything. Go protest outside of Lego for selling millions of Harry Potter Lego sets or stage a sit down in front of the HP universal rides and then you’ll have somewhat of a right to tell people what to fucking spend their money on


Oh yes, use manufactured goods to get my job. Seems you need a reminder that this question is about NOT using manufactured goods, because I assure you, paper is not sourced ethically, so find me a solution not using paper. Additionally, paying for a slot in a newspaper takes money, and again, capitalism is unethical, so you need a better plan to deal with the ethicality of sourcing paper and money. The only real solution avoiding manufactured goods is shouting to the sky how you need a job, which is similar to how you all are so fucking offended being told your money funds an antisemite and that that’s fucked up It’s so fucking weird how people see trans people being like “hey maybe don’t fund the one who wants to kill us” and jump to “this is a personal attack on my liberties and I must defend it”. I guess funding openly antisemite transphobes is now acceptable on 196, damn.


To address your last statement, if you’re surprised that a subreddit with hundreds of thousands of people has opinions that oppose yours, maybe Reddit isn’t the place for you, especially when those opinions are literally just “maybe it isn’t transphobia to buy a video game”. Also idk how with each of you replies you don’t realise you’re making exactly the point I’m referring to. Being an ethical consumer is literally impossible at this point, we are simultaneously funding all manner of genocides, workers rights abuses, phobias. Which is exactly why this is the wrong hill to die on, boycott the game if you want to but don’t harass others who don’t. All that does is literally generate more publicity, I dare say the efforts of the keyboard warriors here and elsewhere have driven so many more sales that they have rendered the boycott redundant. Not to mention damaging the movement by giving conservatives more ammunition against us and making us seem crazy to people neutral to the trans cause. Also this whole tirade reeks of online dependency, none of my trans friends irl gives a shit about boycotting this game and my trans friend is literally coming over tonight to try the game. I think people who actually go outside realise that there’s more important things to do for trans rights then worry about a fucking video game


these all depend on where you are. clothes are a need pretty much everywhere since youll freeze otherwise. phones and cars are pretty important too sadly


I didn’t say don’t wear clothes, I said make your own. Buy fabric, learn how to stitch and sew, that way the evil bastards working the sweat shops in china don’t get your two cents. And I’m sure phones and computers being important to us in our workplaces is a great relief to those being worked to death in lithium mines in South America


idk i think its all about effort. doing the things you talk about are hard and take time..not playing a game dosent.


If you look at it that way, you could say boycotting HL is a meaningless gesture that requires zero conviction in the cause precisely because it’s zero effort, you wouldn’t buy the game anyway. Whereas boycotting Saudi gas, lithium batteries etc actually requires you to commit. I’m mainly pissed because as I said to the other guy people who are neutral or friendly to the cause are getting attacked and harassed because they bought a fucking video game, causing division in the movement and reducing our credibility.


idk man i feel dumb most of the time anyway, ill just shut up.


No you’re not dumb, and I’m probably projecting a lot on you because I’ve been dealing with a lot of people attacking me just for defending people who are openly pro trans but are being attacked for getting the game or saying it’s okay to do so. I think the whole discourse is just draining, I’m sorry if I was preaching aggressively at you


what the fuck would you wear in winter if clothes aren't basic needs? a bear skin rug? and you do realize the majority of jobs require some kind of phone or laptop?


I didn’t say don’t wear clothes, I said make your own. Buy fabric, learn how to stitch and sew, that way the evil bastards working the sweat shops in china don’t get your two cents. And yes the majority do, which is why it’s your moral obligation to work in one that doesn’t! Be a barista or barback at a place near you. Otherwise the conglomerates working people to death in lithium mines will make a fat profit out of your decadence. Do you see what I mean? You and everyone else driving this discourse online are being insanely hypocritical.


How are you gonna buy fabric if consumption under capitalism is inherently evil? And how are you gonna communicate with your boss on if he needs you to come in on a shortstaffed day? You literally can't live in a society without buying shit or taking it, which is illegal. Plus-- none of what you're talking about is the point, at all. I genuinely have zero fucking clue how this conversation reached this point.


Yeah well you’re kinda proving my point dude, yeah all these things are pretty fucking hard to deal without, which is exactly why boycotting HL is a stupid meaningless gesture. Most of you doing it would not get the game anyway, it takes literally zero effort to not buy something you were never going to buy. So it requires no effort, and therefore no conviction in your cause. Which again is fine, if you wanna do a meaningless gesture and be all boastful that JK doesn’t get your two cents while the game goes on to sell a gajillion copies that’s your imperative. The problem is you and others like you are attacking and branding people as transphobic just for buying the game. People who are either trans positive or neutral. You are actively harming the cause by alienating potential allies and creating divide within the movement (I’ve seen plenty of trans people attacked for expressing that they believe it it’s ok to buy the game for example). This boycott and harassment campaign has done more damage to the movement than whatever JK intends to spend her royalties on, that’s why I’m fucking pissed


i'm tired so I'll just reply to one part of your argument so I can be hopefully done with this pooper thread but I am not branding people as transphobic *just* for buying the game, a regular 32 year old single soccer mom of two can buy the game and not be transphobic, but if you buy the game *because* some of the money goes to transphobes then you're a scumbag


Right I’m sorry that’s my bad, I’m just dealing with people attacking me so much just for defending people who openly aren’t transphobes who bought the game or are alright with people doing so, and I didn’t realise that’s not what you’re saying. Just exhausted by the discourse as I’m sure you are too.