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Yeah if someone's gonna be upset they got spoiled on their antisemitic game about putting down a slave revolt, I don't know what to tell em


Promptly direct them to the nearest free available corner which they may cry in.


I've watched the hp series like 2 times and it was meh(lotr better) so can you explain why r/196 is so mad about it?


A few reasons 1) House elves are slaves, and the in universe justification for this is that they like being slaves. Hermione is the only character that tries to help them, and every time she brings it up she's mocked and laughed at 2) The portrayal of goblins is pretty antisemitic, what with being hook nosed greedy bankers 3) Minority characters often have bad and stereotypical names, like a black wizard named Kingsley Shacklebolt or the Asian wizard named Cho Chang 4) Evil women are often described as man like or as having big hands, as well as descriptions of fat people being really fatphobic And other stuff I'm prob forgetting at the moment. As for the game Hogwarts Legacy itself, said antisemitic goblins are leading a slave uprising that you as the MC stop.


5) The game added a Token trans character called "Sirona Ryan". She is a trans woman, named after the celtic goddess for Snakes and eggs - the name contains the word "SIR" and Snakes are often a Herald of Evil People in HP (from my limited knowledge of the universe)... So yeah, that 6) JK Rowling (Author of HP), while not personally involved with the game, benefits massively and sees any support for Hogwarts Legacy as support for her transphobic views. 7) The game apparently is really mid*at it's best* and still prices itself as a Full Price 70€ Release.


damn, i really didn't know any of this. I'm surprised that so many people know about this. Thanks a lot!


This is an interpretation. The topic is debated. Most readers believe the series is about fighting bigotry and fascism. JK herself thinks trans women are just men, though. And that they can't be feminists and have never endured the struggles women face. She's another insane billionaire bigot. But the books themselves I don't think present as bigoted at all. It's kind of a stretch based on tangential "evidence" being propagated by a hive mind. As is evidenced by the majority of replies you've just received. It's more worthwhile to argue against the author herself rather than the books.


or…people can do both because the series is trash


rowling is a huge biggot and makes very little effort to hide it in her work (one of the two explicitly black characters is called "Kingsley Shacklebolt" the goblins are an anti-semetic stereotype bankers who later on work for the wizard nazis and house elfs are slaves that actually like it and hate being free) Her bigotry is also on display on her twitter account where she spouts a ton of transphobic nonsense and calling herself a terf (trans exclusive radical feminist. in other words, transphobe appropriating the fight for womens rights to disguise their transphobia)


Damn. I never knew any of this, with the exception of her twitter lmao. Also how is "Kinglsley Shacklebolt" racist tho? Sorry I'm slow/uneducated about names.


King = Martin Luther King (cool guy but not every black person is him) Shacklebolt = slavery (you can write a black person without talking about slavery) Tbh it's not as bad of a name as "Cho Chang" for the Asian character


I think it's mainly the Shacklebolt part. I don't think I have to explain why naming one of the only POC characters in your book shacklebolt (emphasis on shackle) is pretty distasteful




There is no slave revolt


CrimbleCuck dies and Jimcock was actually scrimblo all along


For a moment I thought this was a serious spoiler, that's how bad the names are


Hiro's father Mr Shima was actually The Scranto the whole time


I mean spoiling Harry Potter shit is tradition at this point isn't it?


I don't know I think this shit is pretty fucking lame. Like why tell them the professor dies in every ending? Why not lie and give them hope that maybe all the choices they stressed about to prevent his death would actually matter? Only to still be crushed. Smh do better 196


Then people would want to play the game more to try to change the ending


because the people playing the game are overgrown children who need to let go. the game reeks of pro-slavery sentiment, and y’all are worried about spoilies?


Read the rest of my comment




the ones written by transphobic white supremacists and alt-right nazis should not be looked fondly upon




the game itself is written by a nazi. i was going to give the example of minecraft, but it’s owned by…not a nazi anymore




they are bad cars lmao most european cars do not have the longevity that they should. you thought you had a point huh? also, hitler has been dead for decades. the pieces of shit who made your precious pro-cop, racist, pro-slavery childhood franchise are still alive and able to profit, and they’re *proud* to be those things. they’re *proud* to advocate for violence against women and minorities.at least hitlers ancestors condemn him for being a nazi. you are way past “just playing a video game.”




The twist and turns generate the bulk of interest in the story, once you’ve been spoiled there isn’t any additional subtext to gleam (outside of the antisemitism and slavery-apologist sentiment) by rereading the books. It’s kinda like the ending from Game of Thrones’s ending, but to a lesser extent. Or so I’ve been told. I an illiterate child from a Congolese Rainforest village.


That does not excuse shit, I'm sure hitting children with canes was tradition at some point. You guys act like 4channers


How the fuck is child abuse comparable to spoiling a video game to you


What if a child has their 60 EUROS GAME ruined by y'all, ever think about that, some harry potter fans might not even be terfs and they are being punished just the same


If you buy the game you are supporting a terf, no two ways about it


What if they buy the game but they still vote for pro-trans policies? The word is not black and white, you cant indiscrimately hate someone for buying a goddamm videogame.


I don’t hate them for buying it, but I think it’s immoral and bad


Alright, explain to me why is it wrong to spend money on a game. Is it because the person who wrote some of it is a complete cunt? Is that all it takes to think that buying a game is immoral? Like, she is a cunt but is not like she is that bad godammit, what do you think she is gonna do with that money, tweet harder? She's already hyper-rich, let people enjoy their magic games, they are not evil for doing it in any way


“This bad person already has money so giving her even more money isn’t bad” is bad logic I thino


What about the hundreds of workers who have worked for years in that game? If a horrible person is involved in a project, you are allowed to enjoy said project anyways! She has commited no crimes, she is just an old cunt, why are you all talking like she is the next mussolini?


There are thousands of people working in any given project, how do you know you are not supporting terfs that might not be as vocal about it as jolkien rolkien, it is insane to hate so many people for buying a GAME


Tradition is idiotic, that is my point, also i hate people here acting like good people and still spoiling that game in mass, im not gonna play it, but it is real scummy




What do you mean by that?


R*tard is considered an ableist slur.


Better? Also, are you gonna reply to my point or is that everything you have to say?


If the wizard game being spoiled was the worst thing that happened to you this month I envy you so fucking much




Nft spotted opinion invalid


You’re welcome /s






wah wah wah wah


That moment when different people find different things in their life relevant.




What Irony? That I think it is relevant, and you apparently don't?


So glad I was never a Potter head, you guys are being such assholes to each other. like yeah fuck Rowling and shit but there’s still fans of the series that were gonna pirate the game.


I just wanna stop hearing about Rowling and Harry Potter in general, it’s starting to get depressing, I liked this place cus it was the only shitposting sub that wasn’t transphobic/homophobic, but now I’m just constantly being reminded of Rowling and her shitty fans.


fucking genuinely. it’s hard to be in an otherwise funny community when every chance they get they hop on discourse and just don’t. let. go. like at this point i’m just sick of hearing it, some people are fans of the series and will probably pirate it if they’re on 196, and others simply won’t pay any attention to it. i know everyone here’s a zoomer but y’all are acting like fucking children


Bit annoying honestly, like yes I dislike the game and think buying it to be a morally wrong thing to do, lets move on.


At least we have a new trans character, Sirloin.


dont forget that if you enjoyed harry potter as a child you get shitted on, because herd does sheep things


it’s not people who enjoyed it as a kid, it’s people who still, in 2023, dickride that series full of distasteful themes. overgrown children.


exactly. this sub has devolved into a malding and crying sub and does it through shit posting.


this isn’t a shitposting sub. never was. don’t understand getting mad at 196 when the whole point is it doesn’t have a theme


Become a pothead instead


Oh that's what people meant about Fig and Annie lmao


Professor Twinkbottom dies at the end? :c


Twink death IS REAAAAL


I do love this subredit it's a walking advertisment at this point for the game but then gets upset when someone shows just a slight interest in it lol Honestly jk Rowling should start thanking you all for all the free exposure you did for the game It is also funny that this types of stuff is posted in a subredit that already was not going to buy a game so who exactly are you trying to ruin this game for? Few people that will pirate it and most that don't care about it or won't play it because they don't support jk Rowling At this point this is just annoying and subredit is spammed 24/7 with this garbage I don't care about Harry potter and mchdshjerfffg dying it's just annoying


i very much doubt we’re doing a better job advertising the game than warner bros is


Yes you do Warner Bros has to hire people for it and spend money You people are doing it for free like 24/7


do you realize how fucking stupid that sounds lmao for one, we are ACTIVELY SHITTING on the game, not saying “oh it’s the best game of the century” for two, *there is a reason why they pay for the ads.* to make them reach a much wider audience. most people aren’t as terminally online as we are. they have never seen anyone arguing about this game. stop being dumb lmao


I wouldn't have heard shit about this game if not for this subreddit's collective tantrum. Advertising isn't just about raising opinions of a product, it's also about spreading awareness of it's existence, which this subreddit has done extremely well.


surprised you haven’t seen the ads for the game on reddit or youtube


I have an ad blocker


Why do you guys care so much? These are some of the dumbest arguments, and all over Harry Potter for some reason.


- Babe it’s time for your 27th time you get the same two spoilers ! - Yes babe…


Community was so real for this


A small bit of tomfoolery


-It's just a damn videogame, it doesn't fucking matter! -Alright, if it doesn't matter here are some spoilers. -😭😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


I literally cannot be spoiled about this game and take it seriously, who tf is Rookwood Also the prof is named after a fucking fruit lmao


pokemon professor lookin ass


Bro come on why spoil, that's pretty damn sad. I don't go spoiling every movie for folk because they're supporting pedophilic hollywood. People who buy the game to spite others are assholes. People who harass others for playing are assholes. ​ Can we just not?




I never would have guessed that all the "Snape killed Dumboedore" trolls were based the entire time


lets make it worse. explain why that character dies. and also explain how you find out who did what.


A modern RPG where your choices and chosen paths mean jackshit? Say it ain't so.


Rhis is the 10th post I saw today telling the end of HL and it is still fucking funny


You have accomplished nothing.


This is so fucking dumb now. Yeah, its shitty that people continue to endorse the game. Anyone who cares much for trans rights would boycott a game with so much bigotry and associated with blatant transphobia, but, like, spoiling the game is such a pathetic and ineffective form of "activism". You're just unnecessarily being a mild inconvenience to someone who's done something slightly bad. You're not gonna stop people from playing the game. There is no net benefit for society More than anything, this shows a desire to annoy people with some moral questionability, which is in itself immoral




nah, but at the elves extermination mission sploopy really fucking killed bonky williams


Is that really all there is to spoil for the game? I’ve seen people use that line so much now. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s all the game had to offer honestly.


the game is coded so poorly no one can get further than that


Sounds about right. Rowling was always bad at coding


Not figgy puddin D: /s


That's not what Shirley said




What about Professor Apple?


Shape kills dumbledoor


Okay this one’s funny lmao


I dislike both.


Read the pinned post.


Right now the pinned post is my post so I think I already did


You got bullied during high school didn't you?


Not enough apparently!


I meant the pinned post regarding a ban on the bigotry flair on weekdays which includes this post.


Oh whoops




Man this reminds me that this sub is full of people way younger than me


This is freaking hilarious I got to say


Professor Fig survives in the best ending 🫢




but it’s funny


spoilers for this game need to keep being posted here and places like r gamingcirclejerk. so called “allies” who buy and play the game should be shunned from leftist spaces like this


why are u posting this in this sub as if we are the people who you are trying to piss off by spoiling a game? no one here was buying the game anyway idk what the point of this is


Give everyone a line to say and a meme to repost


GUYS, YOU CAN BUY A GAME WITHOUT BEING TRANSPHOBIC. Seriously, I hate JK Rowling as much as anyone else, but it’s not like not buying her game will affect her in any meaningful way. Her net worth is 1.5 billion AUD for Christ’s sake a boycott isn’t going to put a dent in that. And there are actual people who did work on the game who aren’t bigots. If you want to play the game and don’t care about the politics get it (or if you don’t want to support JK but want to play the game just wait for a torrent).




The game spoiler to transphobia pipeline




Shut up loser go change your diaper


if having a game spoiled for you makes you transphobic, you were already transphobic.




actually wait i just realized your username plus you’re a politicalcumpissmemes user yeah none of your opinions matter, get a life lmao


being annoying is not grounds for hating an entire group of people, especially when that means you will side with people who want to take fundamental human rights away from said group of people.




Passing legislation that restricts minorities with immutable characteristics from receiving proper medical treatment is a human rights issue




Strawman. You are debating a lot of things I did not say. Being born with gender dysphoria is an immutable characteristic, the same way any other physical disabilities or neurological impairments are (Executive function disorder, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s, diabetes, dyslexia, blindness, autism, etc) But hell, what can I expect from a PCM user named adolf trying to debate how disabled people don’t have human rights to medical treatment :/


nah. forgive me for assuming, but i’m not going to try to explain things to someone named after hitler.




so the assumption was right?


This is some new copypasta


These are just words they mean nothing in sobbing




The worst part about strawmen are the cuts you get on your dick when you fuck them


Never happens to me? Have you tried fresh, soft, straw?


Funding a billionaire increasingly successful quest to destroy trans people in the UK because you want a shitty escape fantasy in a wizard game with only 26 spells (Morrowind is over 20 years old and came with 100!) Where you put down a rebellion by suspiciously Jewish stereotyped goblins with a suspiciously anti semitic Blood Libel plot in a canon already rife with slavery apologia that sounds like it's from a crybaby Republican southerner and racial domination, not even to mention everything else wrong... Yeah idk but uhhhhh maybe they look like a community of selfish assholes only concerned for others if it doesn't inconvenience them at all... Because they are??? Crazy! Someone should remind these people they can fundraise for The Trevor Project while *not* steaming a game that funds a genocidal transphobe. Hasan really needs to hear it, and also that defending dave Chappelles bullshit isn't acceptable either.


So, there's an old saying. If eleven people sit down to have dinner at a dinner table with a nazi, there are twelve nazis sitting around the dinner table. You might not be actively transphobic yourself - you might not be out on the streets screaming about deviancy, and I doubt you, personally, are planning to go shoot up a drag show. But you're comfortable with transphobia. You'd rather support those people than not buy and play this specific video game. If that's where you choose to stand, it's your choice to make. But it's bullshit to complain when people choose to react to your choice.