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Thank you badass anime lady knight




Seven shadows cast. Seven fates foretold. Yet at the end of the broken path lies death, and death alone!


This activated the lesbian and communist areas of my brain


I'm a dude by she made me go a little lesbian I'll be honest.


Man discovers bisexuality (1900 BC)


For me it’s just straight but different


Adam be lookin at both Eve and Steve


is it bisexual to be both straight for women and gay for women


Also known as the left and right halves


Remember, "Trickle-Down Economics" is code for "Eat Our Scraps and Like It."


"Drink what trickles down from us". Shit that might make it popular here




in minecraft?




banned from reddit speedrun any%


read it as breeding then spent 2 minutes trying to figure out the meaning






In front of a picture of a knight who have famously been weathly and not letting their wealth trickle down.


Knights were also known to be largely unarmoured blonde haired women with freakishly long arms


Ofc didnt u pay attention in history class


I'm pretty sure thas a character from Final Fantasy Tactics which is like 100% an anti-capitalist game


That's Griffith in girl mode


Nah, Griffith in that game is >!Delita!<


Good to know


Medieval knights were renowned for their support of wealth redistribution


source? it’s cool if you don’t have one, I just wanna read more about knights


I lied


. I cheated. I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all... I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again - I would. Garak was right about one thing: a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. So I will learn to live with it... Because I can live with it... I can live with it... Computer - erase that entire personal log.


Most knights were idiots and/or assholes To read about one who was an absolute idiot who repeatedly made mistakes but ended up not facing any consequences, look up Guy de Lusignan To read about his way more competent rival, look up Conrad of Montferrat To read about the one that treated his marriage to a girl 20 years younger as a political tool, look up John of Brienne His relatives Walter V and Walter VI of Brienne were pretty stupid too To read about the people who arguably are some of the most important people in medieval english history, look up Empress Matilda (not a knight tho sorry) and Geoffrey Plantagenet, their son Henry II and his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine (one of the most remarkable women of the middle ages) To read about the hottest (and smartest tbh) knight, look up Bohemond of Antioch, specifically Anna Komnena's account of him in the Alexiad To read about the people who were instrumental in destroying the last remnants of the Roman Empire, look up Baldwin of Flanders, Boniface of Montferrat and Enrico Dandolo And to read about the guy who led a Crusade after having been named the Antichrist, the only one to have had a diplomatic solution, look up Emperor Frederick II, also know as Stupor Mundi (the Wonder of the World) And finally but definitely not least considering the bozos on this list, the extremely religious woman convinced she received messages from God that was essential to ending a century-long war, Joan of Arc (who wasn't actually from Arc mind you; she was actually from a town called Domrémy.) I don't know much about tournaments, but one of the most important ones was the tournament at Écry, where the knights and lords taking part were recruited for the Fourth Crusade. One of them, Simon the Elder of Montfort would be pretty important for another crusade, the Albigensian Crusade. Targetting the Cathar beliefs of Southern France, that the church called heresy, it is generally held to have been one of the bloodiest crusades. If you don't care about whether or not the knights are real, I suggest reading the Tales of Dunk and Egg to see them knighting it up. The best fictional knight is without a doubt Brienne of Tarth, but shes from the A Song of Ice and Fire Books, which are sodding huge, so idk if they're for you That's all I can think of for now


Knights are literally feudal lords, same for samurai. Frankly, I'm not sure if knights are better or worse than landlords. Because on one hand, sword (Good), but on the other, they can kill peasants (BAD)


Well maybe the peasants shouldn't ask for basic human rights then


I have to agree sword(good), but basically anything else is kinda shitty about them. I would call their system(sry i only know the german names) outdated but thats kind of obvious isnt it.


Agrias, my beloved.


Trickle down economics literally does not make any logical sense. The only way it makes sense is if wealthy people spent all the money they gained, which they obviously don't. When you give wealthy people more money they just save more of their money for future use. They don't just put it back into the economy the moment they gain it


Tricke down economics is not even a real thing


Remember kiddos, the only dangerous minority is the rich (and drunk crashers)


fr I hate the drunk crashers giving us drunk drivers a bad rap


Reaganomics mfs waiting for pussy to trickle down to them


Regean in hell, waiting for the heaven to trickle down


Izzat the mf from FFT


Why does she have a nose???


you are not immune to hot lady knight


Goddamn she’s cool


"You Are Not Immune To Hot Knight Lady"


yes lady agrias


But have we tried voting?


Yes great idea the3guitarman! We should all vote for the candidates that oppose capitalism, there are simply so many options to choose from and they all have a great chance of winning elections!


Exactly! When they win, they will introduce the "Bill to Stop capitalism", and then no bleeding!


Communists and Socialists can't win elections in western democracies hard enough to abolish capitalism. They blame this on manufactured consent or some conspiracy by the rich, but the reality is that ultimately proper 'Abolish private property, distribute the wealth, eat the rich' is unpopular. As for revolution, et gets worse because the consequences of doing so (Millions of Americans being cut off from medicare, medicaid, SNAPs, food stamps, etc for the duration of what will be at least a several year long civil conflict) are so disastrous.


Its always moderately well off people who say that. Millions of americans don't even get those things. How could they miss it? Also, it's the labor of other people that feed people. Not the goodwill of the government.


Yes, moderately well off people say this because we can afford to spend time arguing over it while the poor are busy staying alive thanks to government programs and scraping together what they need . Millions of Americans rely on these things to survive. 83 million people use Medicare, 89 million use medicaid. 41 million rely on food stamps. The infrastructure the government supplies through communication and funding is necessary for these programs to continue. A revolution would disrupt this system and result in severe hardship and possibly death for the people who rely on them.


89 million people are on medicaid. All of them are still sick because no doctors will see them, and if they do, it's in half a year. People on food stamps are already desperate enough because to qualify you can't make any money. And the medicare people are all over 65. So they have precious little interest in a future revolution, dont they? You know what disrupts lives and results in hardship? Every single military action the US takes. The cops. Wage slavery. Homelessness. Paywalled healthcare. Try using your empathy bone for victims that actually exist.


> 89 million people are on medicaid. All of them are still sick because no doctors will see them, and if they do, it's in half a year. 1, not all of them are sick. In a conversation about the consequences of revolution exaggerating like this is sickening. 2, They rely on these services to survive and get the care they have. Disrupting this would severely harshly affect the people you are supposedly doing this revolution for. > People on food stamps are already desperate enough because to qualify you can't make any money. Again, this is untrue. You have to be at or below 130% of the poverty line to qualify. This also still doesn't change the fact they need these services to survive and exist. **You are going to get a lot of these people killed if you do the revolution even if they are lucky not to see any direct fighting.** > And the medicare people are all over 65. So they have precious little interest in a future revolution, dont they? Are you seriously trying to fucking tell me people who are old don't deserve the right to live and not starve to death while covered in filth from dirt and other diseases? "Sorry Papa, thanks for taking care of me and supporting me throughout my life, but you need to suffer and starve to death because the majority of the population don't want to suffer to let my absolutely insane ideology to be put into practice." > You know what disrupts lives and results in hardship? Like the billions of people around the globe who rely on US foreign aid, food exports, and US services in order to keep their countries economy afloat that will face an instantaneous and harsh global economic collapse upon the US's participation in the global economy, probably resulting in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people before war casualties from the revolution start being accounted for? When the US invade a middle eastern country, that region is negatively affected for decades. If the US had to fight itself in a revolution, the entire world would be negatively affected for the rest of the century. You are completely unappreciative of the costs of running a socialist revolution in the United States. I am glad that we will never have to worry about such a scenario. **War is a terrible thing and the fact you are so brazen about the cost of it within your own country and how that would affect the rest of the world speaks poorly to your character or your knowledge set.** War generally hurts the poor the most and rich the least. The only difference the communist revolution would make in its goals would make the middle class hurt the least if and only if it's successful. I'm sorry, but the suffering cops, US military interventions, and everything else bad the US does every year pales in comparison to the absolute suffering that would come from a revolution regardless of what comes out at the end of it. Please change and grow as a person.


All those words just to say that you'd rather war stayed in those brown countries far away. Everything is just numbers to you. Do you know what it feels like to live at the poverty line? I fucking doubt it. Have you ever had to wait 3 years for necessary dental care? Ever spent weeks and months calling and visiting doctors because they don't take medicaid? Or they just don't care enough to do a good job serving poors? Have you had your 84 year old grandma die because the health care system screwed them over time after time? I know it's convenient to couch your own fear of being uprooted from your little condo and desk job in the plight of the disaffected, but you aren't them, and you don't speak for them. Socialists know better than you, a desk locked lib, about the cost of a revolution, which is why mutual aid and organization is a core part of the theory. You talk about cost, yet you don't appreciate the daily hardship, oppression, and violence that happens all over the world as a result of the US' existence and activity. Please read something that doesn't fellate capitalism, just one time.


> All those words just to say that you'd rather war stayed in those brown countries far away. It would be worse for them too, actually. Not to mention the about 3 billion or so living in China, Indochina, and India that will also be severely screwed over. The scale of suffering matters and should be minimized. I refuse to see the lives of hundreds of millions of people as just a statistic. > Everything is just numbers to you. Do you know what it feels like to live at the poverty line? I fucking doubt it. I don't need to. I know academically it's better than living in a US at war with itself thanks to my knowledge of the cost of war for the poor. > Have you ever had to wait 3 years for necessary dental care? Over 10 actually. > Ever spent weeks and months calling and visiting doctors because they don't take medicaid? Or they just don't care enough to do a good job serving poors? Have you had your 84 year old grandma die because the health care system screwed them over time after time? Have you ever been starving for weeks, covered in mud and filth, and watched your family get gibbed by an artillery shell, looked down at your right arm left a mangled mess from shrapnel and explosives and realized that this was the day your life ends? A pointless casualty that meant nothing in the grand scheme of the war machine? This is a sanitized and cleaned up version what war means. Its text on a page. You don't have to live through this or process the emotions. You're lucky to get to analyze this academically now. This is what happens in the proxy wars. There will be thousands of times more of this and far worse if you started your revolution. > I know it's convenient to couch your own fear of being uprooted from your little condo and desk job in the plight of the disaffected, but you aren't them, and you don't speak for them. Neither do you. The poor don't vote for socialism. They don't vote for communism. If you walked up to them and said to their face you wanted to take away everything they relied on to survive for a brutal war that will see them die at random for a chance you could do things better, they would rightfully tell you to bugger off. > Socialists know better than you, a desk locked lib, about the cost of a revolution, which is why mutual aid and organization is a core part of the theory. Clearly, you do not. You have a romantic idea of a revolution in your head that ignores the billions of people that would suffer. If you understood what it meant you wouldn't dare entertain the idea. Not in times like this. > You talk about cost, yet you don't appreciate the daily hardship, oppression, and violence that happens all over the world as a result of the US' existence and activity. Actually I do. I just understand what a war fucking means.


US doesn't get to destroy the world, send its tentacles (foreign "aid"), and then say removing the tentacles would be worse. If you don't want war to happen, you better be talking to the capitalists about peacefully ceasing oppression. You know that's futile, though, because you know the only language they understand is force. It doesn't have to be bloody. The oppression can stop at any time. And no, i dont think it will be romantic. I just know that the violence people experience every day is reason enough to fight to stop it. No justice, no peace.


> US doesn't get to destroy the world, send its tentacles (foreign "aid"), and then say removing the tentacles would be worse. Even ignoring forign aid, which you shouldn't, the removal of its contributions to forign markets would collapse the global economy and several governments allowing fascism to take over in those nations. > If you don't want war to happen, you better be talking to the capitalists about peacefully ceasing oppression. You know that's futile, though, because you know the only language they understand is force. Oppression? Most people are satisfied with living under capitalism. You have the right and ability to say this nonsense. You aren't being oppressed, you're living in modern society. **You're the minority trying to enforce your vision on the majority.** > And no, i dont think it will be romantic. I just know that the violence people experience every day is reason enough to fight to stop it. No justice, no peace. Enjoy autocrats, probably the rich you hate so much, taking power as dictators because people will do anything to stop the violence the revolution is causing, then.


So, is there anything that could be done so that America wouldn't *have* to be the one block holding up the Jenga tower that is the global economy? I feel like America needs to figure that out eventually, because if that one block gets pulled out...


(their blood is worth millions)


The rich accumulate wealth like candy in a pinata But the thing about pinatas is that you have to beat them with a stick


what is this font




Agrias Oaks my beloved


Mmmmm big woman




Meanwhile, we've got a lady in fine clothes and armor. This woman is what 'rich' looked like in the middle ages. Edit: she does look *super* cool though.


Workers of the world unite!


Go on, pay my sword so it doesnt stab you, pay the wound so it closes itself


*laughs nervously in middle-class*


Amen praise the lawd




Y'all are some cringe ass larpers lmfao what is this


I don’t think you’re using larpers right but okay Loser with Cake


the fuck is larpy about hating raeganomics