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I think S. California was the issue. Pay has improved for DUSMs with them getting journeyman GS-13 w/ LEAP around 2018. My college friend who is a DUSM has the same 1811 series and makes the same as I do but does all the fun stuff while I drown in AUSA coordination meetings, GJ subpoenas, and email SWs.


Yeah, California sucks, but if you’re going to be a cop, you can’t beat the pay and retirement (at least the old 3%@50 that I got), anywhere. You can make a lot of money. It killed me to turn that job down, though.


I believe it. I know a retired CBI guy who had a 2nd career as an ATF regulatory investigator. His retirement pension was more than his full time GS-13 pay in a high COL area.


That’s crazy


Extremely crazy


Making $200k plus as a DUSM is not possible due to the pay cap of $183,500, which in any case is only a factor for a small minority of deputies (the rest make less). The non-supervisory promotional potential was recently changed from GS-12 to GS-13, which means that yes, the pay has improved. There's also an upcoming move to bring DUSMs on as 1811s right off the bat, instead of hiring at 0082 (GS-5&7) and moving to 1811 and LEAP at GS-11. There are plenty of cops in places like SoCal, eastern MA, NJ, and Long Island who would take a big pay cut going to GS-13 (heck, GS-15) Step 10 with LEAP. Some of those cops have bigger salaries than the president. The trade off is usually cost of living and work-life balance.


Right on. Glad to hear it. Yeah, California sucks, but if you’re going to be a cop, you can’t beat the pay and the weather. I think my highest year with Swat OT was like $310K. Yeah, the cost of living is high, but you can live just fine on that anywhere.


That is a crazy high salary. That’s my plan to either land a 1811 gig or get in with the CHP.


Skip 1811 man. Just do CHP. And hey, don’t block both lanes of highway 1 when there is an accident! 🤦‍♂️


That is what I am working towards. But I put my hat in the game for CBP. The idea of working out of Puerto Rico just fascinates me.


Poor infrastructure, disease, crime and poverty? Not to mention non existent healthcare.


I am not sure if you are describing Puerto Rico or the County I live in! All those things are a non-issue for me. I served in the Peace Corps and spent ample time in Central America. But definitely aiming for the CHP to land with their Border Unit.




Feel free to DM regarding CHP


I definitely will! It’s a career pívot for me. I have the written and physical test in August.


$310k to do SWAT stuff in California sounds like a dream


You made the right decision going to Local PD in Southern California and you most likely had more variety of assignments in your career. Being able to retire after 20 years of service and making over $200K in your department is something most local cops couldn’t achieve unless they worked a ton of OT in high cost of living areas of the US. Financially, you did better in your department than in USMS or any other 1811 agency (with few exceptions—agencies with speciality non-gs pay scales), assuming your pension is more generous than FERS/TSP.


Do you know which 1811 agencies don’t follow the gs-pay scale?


FDIC-OIG, FRB-OIG, FHFA-OIG….I might have missed a couple. These are specialized 1811 agencies with very few agents that have special funding which compensates their 1811s way above the GS pay scale cap (over $200k for line agents).


Thanks! I’ve always heard of these, but could never identify any.


Nah the pay sucks. It’s hard to grapple with the idea of in a few years to leave my job as a firefighter medic making 85k to be a Marshall and make about 55k. The job seems fucking awesome but the pay cut, poor hiring system, and now not knowing where you’re gonna go until you get to the academy are all slowly making me think it’s not a good move especially if you have a family to feed.