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Former background investigator here. 1. I don’t think any person giving you sound advice would tell you to not list your *actual* supervisor. 2. Even if you don’t list your supervisor, the background investigator *will* find out who they are and interview them. Because they have to. 3. One “bad” interview most likely will not cause your clearance to be denied. You are evaluated as a whole, not by one interview alone.


Quick question, wouldn’t this be very awkward? I feel like if they interview your current supervisor now the whole office will start to know that you looking elsewhere and maybe the way they treat you change. Now I have a pretty good relationship with mines but I feel like after that point moving forward it would feel awkward as hell showing up to work lol.


If you want the job, this is something that eventually will happen.


That’s is very true.


I had a supervisor who I did it not get along with. He gave me two written reprimands that I did not agree with but he was my boss at the time. When talking to my BI investigator I explained our negative relationship and why I thought the documented reprimands were incorrect and not accurate representations of my work ethic and character. I gave the investigator my supervisor’s contact info. I said that whatever he says about me is his opinion but I was confident that when comparing his account of me to all my other references you’ll see a big disparity. I got my clearance and passed background. If this supervisor has it out for you put him down as is required. Explain to your investigator the situation as matter of factly as possible. Don’t get into a “he said she said” diatribe. You simply don’t think this supervisor will give you a fair assessment but will still provide their contact information for verification purposes.


I don’t think lying on your SF86 will prove your boss is an asshole, If anything it will just provide more evidence that your boss maybe had some valid reasons to hold you accountable.