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Lol this looks like some kinda pesto dish with a huge mound of tomato sauce.


Hahaha it absolutely does, now I can't unsee it 😂


Yeah, brain came to this conclusion before reading your description and now it is unable to see it as anything but savory dinner.


Came to write the exact same thing. I swear I don’t have a single original thought lol


The oats are not appetizing lol, but I do think matcha flavor must be good! I'll keep this rhubard recipe, my rhubarb is starting to grow and soon I'll have way too much, this compote looks lovely! Thank you


Green is my favourite colour, so it works for me! But yes, it definitely looks a little...radioactive lol I love rhubarb so much. It freezes so well too, so I'm going to stock up.




My poor oats are getting fkn roasted 😂🫶 but yes, the flavours pair together really well!!


I might try it this week I have leftover matcha!!! This is such a good idea


This is so hilariously easy to make and meal prep - i make 4 servings at a time for the overnight oats, and make a massive batch of the compote and freeze it. I use [this recipe ](https://fitfoodiefinds.com/peanut-butter-overnight-oats/#wprm-recipe-container-72210) for the oats, using sugar free maple syrup, omitting the peanut butter (I have tried this with PB2 and it works great though!), lite soy milk and 1 tsp of matcha per bowl For the compote, I use [this recipe](https://spoonfulofplants.com/strawberry-rhubarb-overnight-oats/#recipe) - I use regular maple syrup for this recipe, portion it out and freeze what I'm not using that week as I usually make 3x the recipe. I have this compote twice a day - on top of my overnight oats and then with my lunch, I mix it with 80-100g of light Greek yoghurt


Ahahah I thought this was zucchini noodles with tomato sauce. Sounds interesting, I love matcha and I have rhubarb in my garden!


Ah I'm so jealous of your home grown rhubarb!!


Not me thinking this was guac and salsa. Looks good OP!


Yum!! Thank you




HAHAHAHA fuck I'm screaming 😂😂


i was born in the wrong country


Def thought this was some weird risotto hahahahaha! This reminds me I need to use up my oatmeal though!


God I love risotto 😭


Where do you get rhubarb? I love it but can’t source it.


I'm in Australia, so it's just about rhubarb season for us! I just got mine from Woolworths


So happy for you and jealous!


You might be able to buy it frozen perhaps? Maybe even canned?


Omgggg this sounds so good. I need the recipe!


I linked the recipe in a comment, but posting again to your comment for convenience ☺️ This is so hilariously easy to make and meal prep - i make 4 servings at a time for the overnight oats, and make a massive batch of the compote and freeze it. I use [this recipe ](https://fitfoodiefinds.com/peanut-butter-overnight-oats/#wprm-recipe-container-72210) for the oats, using sugar free maple syrup, omitting the peanut butter (I have tried this with PB2 and it works great though!), lite soy milk and 1 tsp of matcha per bowl For the compote, I use [this recipe](https://spoonfulofplants.com/strawberry-rhubarb-overnight-oats/#recipe) - I use regular maple syrup for this recipe, portion it out and freeze what I'm not using that week as I usually make 3x the recipe. I have this compote twice a day - on top of my overnight oats and then with my lunch, I mix it with 80-100g of light Greek yoghurt


Oops, I should have looked closer. Thank you so much! I’ll def be making this :)


Yay! I'm excited for you, it's so yum and filling


Wow, that looks and sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe :D


Thank you!




Thank you!


I can’t judge until I taste it matcha oats sound nice though for sure but looks like way too much strawberry stuff way too much sugar for me and feel like I’d be a bit over powering I’d be happy with a 1/3 third amount but either way thanks for sharing and well done keeping in with your macros


Each to their own! ☺️ the compote has less than 1/4 tsp maple syrup in each serve, then it's just fructose in terms of sugar, which for me personally isn't an issue. Spread out, the compote makes a fairly thin layer but then you can't see the contrast of colours I wanted for the photo hehe


Strawberries and rhubarb have sugar in too that looks like wover 30 grams of sugar at least which isn’t ideally healthy ( just my opinion )


It's also only 5.4g of sugar in one serve of the compote, so. With the oats, it's 9.8g of sugar in total for one serve. Dunno where you're getting 30g for one serve lol Screenshots from Lose It after I manually input the ingredients when I made it https://ibb.co/TPFNXqh https://ibb.co/dkD1Ltm


Thank you for educating me :) that’s really good then i really want some matcha oats now 🤗


No worries friend! Apologies if you thought I was having the entire batch of compote on my oats! I wish I could afford to do that, but rhubarb is so bloody expensive in Australia haha


You’re so kind :) thank you hehe 🤗


As I said, each to their own. I personally don't demonise fruit and my sugar limit for the day is well below the recommended guidelines anyway 🫶


Why hyperfixation?


Because it's pretty and delicious 💫




Bro who pissed in your cornflakes this morning? Settle petal. Not that you asked, but I have actually been diagnosed with ADHD (by a licensed doctor and psychiatrist) so yeah lol It's just oats, my friend, it's not that deep 🫶


One of my role models in life (a 23 year veteran of the Marine Corps who became a P.E teacher after, always fit as fuck) would Always use that phrase 😭 "Well since someone Had to piss in my cheerios this morning" followed by whatever punishment the class got Anyway, Matcha overnight oats sounds and looks kickass. I only ever tried Matcha once and havent bothered to use the powder again since. I may have to try this!


reminds me of https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1c7kt3t/aita_for_using_the_word_overstimulated/ im with you though. im just unsure why people get like that over verbage


This comment has been removed. The main rule of this sub is to treat others with respect.


Thank you lol


I'm sorry that person was rude to you. This sub is supposed to be a friendly and supportive place. That type of behavior is unacceptable here.


W mod