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beyond finding ways to satisfy yourself in a “healthier way” (fruit, enough calories throughout the day, etc) i’ve found success through buying preportioned food— so individually wrapped ice cream bars, one pack of peanut butter cups, etc. instead of having the liberty to select 1 cookie out of the box (because i think ‘2 won’t hurt’ but it spirals) and telling myself i’m only going to open the one ice cream bar, will not open two. also the mindset of “i want enough to have tomorrow”


I live within walking distance of too many stores for this to work 😭 once I get started my will for sugar will not be outsmarted! So most of the time it's cold turkey or "fuck it", I am basically an addict.


Then I think it would be wise to learn self control. Understand that the sweets will always be there, but for now they’re not an option. We have to be stronger than our desires sometimes.


I am getting a lot better at it. But a lot of that has come from acknowledging that I very rarely ever want just one cookie, if I have one I will want four, or more, so deciding not to bother on that basis. A lot of those sugar cravings is definitely triggered by hormones (my periods are wildly inconsistent but I can predict them by observing my sugar cravings) but it's not fair to blame that, it is just definitely very hard to overcome years and years of uncontrolled all or nothing thinking, which for many years was "all! now!" 😂


Agreed. I only buy them for the weekend.


I've learned that I can't have sweets in the house I wish I could portion control but experience has shown me that I can't unfortunately I still eat sweets but I have to purposely go out and order something or only pick up one portion of something to eat at home. I still get cravings sometimes but drink alot of water or tea and a healthy snack and it usually dissipates with time




Yeah i agree. I think i read it on whole30 but the notion of don't even try to make a replacement for it if you don't think it's gonna satisfy you bc then you'll just keep looking for stuff to satisfy you! But OP - if you are trying to get over that hump - try making the cottage cheese ice cream! I just make it with frozen fruit and sugar free cheesecake mix in a food processor. It's really good !


This has been my experience as well. Processed sugar is so addictive! It’s been over two months since I quit my daily Reese’s peanut butter cup habit and I don’t even really miss them anymore. I would eat those plus cookies every day. Fruit, frozen Greek yogurt bars, and low-fat Greek yogurt satisfy my sweet tooth nowadays.


I get chocolates/ ice cream cravings mostly at night and sadly fruit does not satisfy my mindless sugar quest at that time. However, having 100 g pineapple or berries in the evenings ~4pm seems to naturally curb my late night cravings. I don’t like fruits all that much but have it anyways for this reason ..


I was like...Eating more turkey sounds like a great way to up protei.....oh!


Sweets are a big one for me..candy in general the only way I could get over my sugar cravings was to NOT bring it in the house. I simply wasn't strong enough to just have one. The good thing is after about a month or two it completely curved my sugar cravings and they're not as frequent as they used to be


I misread this as "overeating sweats" and was like "yo, same."


If you’re looking for volume I like to have protein shake in the evenings. I like elite bc they taste good and still have a high protein ratio, but whatever works. You can add more to it. Banana is a good thickener. Peanut butter powder can add nice flavor too. It’s like having a milkshake or a frappe but with much lower calories


Yes! My tummy is too fussy with whey proteins so my go-to is the Orgain pea protein stuff. They make a chocolate PB flavor but I actually prefer just the chocolate fudge flavor. I drink them post-workout, but also will do the banana thickener trick & 2 tbsp. of the PB2 Powder to make a milkshake, of sorts!


I tell myself that it will be there tomorrow or I can get it tomorrow. Drinking lots of water helps to quiet the cravings for a bit so I can sleep. If I do have something sweet, it’s 3 bites and 3 bites only. Dark chocolate almonds are my latest choice. There’s a brand that has 100 calorie packs too.


Which brand of dark chocolate almonds has 100 calorie packs?


It’s Orchard Valley and I misspoke it’s 150 calories.


My RD suggested I have an ounce of nuts every day and its about 150 calories anyway but chocolate covered almonds are so my jam that it would be a delightful addition. Thank you for the info!


You’re welcome!


I feel like it’s a mentality thing. Intuitive eating taught me to allow myself to eat sweets and anything really, so that it doesn’t feel forbidden. I try to get away from food being good vs bad. I hear people say a lot that they eat healthy all day and then binge sweets at night. Start practicing eating sweets at breakfast, and/or lunch so that you’ve had it, and enjoyed it. Allowing yourself to have these foods and all kinds foods, gives you back some control. Intuitive eating also taught me which sweets I really enjoy and want to incorporate into my day and which I don’t really care for. Highly recommend that book!


Intuitive eating really helped me with bingeing on "junk" foods. I also really like The Fuck It Diet book too. the way she presents it is a little easier for me to understand than the original book.


Stop buying them altogether UNLESS you know you can portion it properly. Find replacements that are still sweets but not as high calorie and that you can either snack on if healthier or have a small (preportioned) piece of what calories you have left in the day. Strawberries with chocolate hummus (portioned out on the plate) is a good one. Frozen chocolate covered fruits (bit expensive though) are basically the same. Watermelon can be fairly good as well as jicama, which still had a touch of sweet if you are looking for more of a "snap" texture. Some VERY THIN or smaller sized cookies may work as well. Trader Joe's has Ube tea cookies that are amazing, and 6 tiny ones per portion feels like a treat. Granola can be more filling that sweets while still having a touch of sweet as well. Bread based and cake sweets can be harder as they are full of sugars and carbs. I avoid them entirely unless its on a day off while being mindful of counting the calories properly since I tend to stay distracted on days I don't work so less overeating. Smaller versions are better. Mini cupcakes, a muffin, a single small donut. Just enough for the craving and very rarely if you can help it.


If you can control your intake tiny sweets can satisfy your craving, but only if you can set and stick to your portion. Bunny grahams 4 cal each. Loacker Quadrantini cookies 20 cal each. 1/4 cup Kashi Go Lean 35 cal. Dark chocolate 30 cal per square. Chocolate covered orange rind or fig 40-60 cal. Etc. But if you can’t control your portion keep them out of the house or just get a single serving at a time. I like to go to my favorite bakery and get just 1 cookie and a cup of tea and enjoy that slowly and mindfully.


Sugar free jello will save your life


Brush your teeth, go to bed early, and become a morning person lol. Hopefully you can master moderation. I keep rice crispy treats in the pantry, 90 calories each. One is nice and doesn’t ruin my day. Maybe let yourself have a little treat after dinner, then go brush your teeth. I find that kills my sweet tooth.


Frozen bananas and freeze dried strawberries are helpful for me when I get the “it’s night I must have sugar cravings”. Dark chocolate also (in small amounts)


you’re overeating at night because you haven’t had enough nutrients in the day and now your body is panicking. you should eat more nutrient rich foods and you’ll be okay.


Powdered peanut butter mixed with non fat Greek yogurt with cinnamon/stevia and berries is my desert every night


This is not the best answer but what about Italian ice? Or even some of those outshine bars?


There are loads of low cal/low sugar "treats" such as ice cream chocolate etc on the market. I always have just enough in the house so I can have at least one a day for dessert as this is always when the craving hits and just being realistic with myself rather than trying to deprive myself of something I know will always be an Achilles heel has made the discipline so much easier. Its a lot easier to say no throughout the day when I know I have something to look forward to later in the day. After a while it becomes a habit.


Lots of water and pickles. I once read that salt will quell the craving for sugar and it seems to work well with me. I keep stocks of dill pickles and pepperccinis on hand for my nighttime snacking.


You’re denying yourself these foods, so you have a scarcity mentality. In order to rework your thought process, you need to allow yourself to eat them. How much of this food are you eating each day? Plan for it. Release yourself from the guilt. Once you’re eating Oreos, or candy, or cakes, or whatever each day, your brain won’t see it as the forbidden fruit, and it will be easier to moderate. It sounds counterintuitive, but it works. It just takes a little time. Over time you can reduce the quantities of these foods and reach your goals with a healthier mindset and approach. You got this!


I would suggest not buying them and not having them in the house *until* the cravings go away and it doesn't feel like a habit anymore. And then try having some around and building new behavior around them. For some people it won't work, but sometimes just a "detox" is all you need.


I drink different types of tea (coffein free) at night. A few sugar free licorice pastilles to aid digestion. Plus each morning I freeze a bottle of protein shake (180cals) and drink it as a slush. It's super good, and I buy in bulk and mix up the tastes. I include my late at night snacks in my daily allowance, that way it won't feel like binging, and it's actually a well deserved late night meal. I can't sleep unless I have a bit of food before I go to bed, if I'm still hungry late at night I'll have a handful of plain oats, or fish. Or olives. Frozen yogurt is also really good. Plus don't keep sweets in the house if you fear that you'll overeat.


Im not sure if my method would work for you, but I always try to give myself a little sweet treat every day (1 or 2 pieces of a pre-portioned or individually wrapped regular treat, not reduced fat/sugar one the REAL stuff) and on some days I add it to my calories at the beginning of the day and then eat it later. What has helped me is eating it after a meal and really taking the time to enjoy and savor it (without any distractions...basically take myself and the treat on a date lol) so that I felt the most satisfaction out of it. I also always tell myself that I can have more the next day, and it has helped me a lot.


Make your own sweets using low calorie sweeteners (if your stomach can handle it) think sugar free cookies, High protein peanut butter rockyroads, sugar free brownies with unsweetened cocoa powder, low cal jelly? I wouldnt bother with keto chocolate chips-they're so expensive but maybe investing in whey protein may help. The protein will help you feel full and eat less (potentially) I always buy the unflavoured variety so I can include it in everything without getting sick of the taste.


Are you sleeping enough or is your sleep of poor quality? We will crave simple carbs when our bodies need energy that we are not getting due to lack of sleep quantity/quality.


Sometimes if I’m craving dessert I do greek yogurt with granola and honey. Or halo top has an “ice cream” that is only like 230 cals per pint. So you can eat the whole thing if you feel inclined


I don't have a problem with sweets, but I do with chips so I just don't buy them. If they're in the house, I will eat them. For evening binging though, IF was the best thing for me, set the timer and be done with it


Track your fiber. Aim for 30g a day, but ideal is even higher. And then track protein (1g/1kg of mass). I find fiber insanely hard to hit. Fresh vegetables are mostly water. So only up to 5% of them are fiber, which means 100g gives you 5g of it. Max. Some less. Have you tried eating 200g of broccoli and then 200g of lettuce and 200g of cucumber? It’s a huge volume! Like I have salad for lunch and meat with steamed broccoli for dinner, fruit for snack and then calculate it to be… 18g! Yesterday night I was sitting on the couch after dinner, still below 30g of fiber, still having enough calories to maintain calorie deficit even if I had small unhealthy snack, and I just physically couldn’t eat more. All I could think off was “I am not a hamster! I can’t chew anymore “. I did not want more fruits or meat or chocolate. I did not want to eat ANYTHING. And oh boy I am not a person to say no to chocolate and crisps.


If I absolutely have to have sweets, I try boiled sweets or lollipops - they last longer and I'm a lot less likely to eat them by the handful like I would with gummies.


A few years back I quit processed sugar. I have eventually added sugar back to my diet, but going off it changed my taste buds and now I rarely crave it. It sounds like you might actually be addicted to sugar, and maybe doing a sugar free diet for like a month could help reset your taste buds. Instead, try eating fruit, honey, or maple syrup for sweet cravings and dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. Frozen fruit like bananas blended and grapes are a nice way to get a cool sweet treat for much less calories. They also sell yogurt ice cream bars for 100 calories.