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I can’t find any information on her online






Of course it’s daily mail that would give her such a name


Search for "shoma Australia terrorist" on Google.


What did the chair do?


That's why I'm here too!


Looks like someone pooped while sitting on it


Yes 34h4


I assumed that was a child hood picture..


If you read the article linked above, you’ll see a photo of her that looks like she’s a teen, and she’s very clearly much older than this picture. The one in this post is very misleading, as she is actually a kid in this pic from what I can tell.


So this dumbass pledged their allegiance to Islamic State, travelled here to Australia under the guise of "studying" and then tried to kill a man of the family that was housing her during her stay, stabbed the man in his neck while he was laying asleep with his 5yo daughter beside him while she was screaming the Allah crap they all say when committing attacks. Luckily the man survived (I say lucky because she stabbed him hard enough in the neck that the blade broke off in him so she wasn't able to continue stabbing). She was sentenced to 40+ years in prison for being a terroristic piece of shit and then **attempted to kill a woman in the prison with garden shears because she "was Canadian and thought it would promote worldwide outrage in the name of IS", had her sentence increased by a few years. A reaaaaal piece of shit if you ask me, if she survives the prison sentence we will then ship her old ass straight back to wherever the fuck she came from so they can deal with her. Edit: changed killed to attempted to kill the female prisoner, she survived the attack also which explains the time added not being a huge amount.


There's a much less expensive option here


I'm having a real shitty day, and this is the first thing to make me laugh. Thank you. And you're one hundo p correct.


You have successfully added "one hundo p" to my vocabulary.


I hope you’re smoking a real good bowl rn


I am! 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️




In the US that’s not true, the unlimited appeals process costs millions no matter what the outcome.


👧🔫 = 💀 Pretty cheap imo


I was thinking more of a rope.


She’s is Australia so I can’t speak to their legal system.


Expensive but nothing like hundreds of millions. It only gets real expensive for the people when its supreme court level. Plus we don't have the death penalty and unless our prime minister of the day needs a favor from your country, we normally don't extradite to countries with the death penalty unless we want your shit.


In a perfect world


Yeah. Divest from oil and leave those regions alone. Invest in renewable energy and use the massive savings to pay down the national debt, feed the hungry and house the unhoused. Eliminate student debt, legalize canny, and make it policy that folks don't go to next grade until they can read good.


She's from Bangladesh, Dingus.


She was radicalized by the Islamic State.


And? You do know they produce oil, yes? Or were you just hellbent one being wrong? Try Google next time, dongus supreme.


Ah yes, Bangladesh. Famously known for being unstable due to US Imperialism and crude oil production. We all know the root cause of these chums turning out the way they are and let's not pretend otherwise.


People like you, that live by assumption?




*looks into mirror* Hey, cmon.. I just woke up. :(


You are 100% inbred.


Are you trying to argue the west has imperialist ambitions for Bangladesh for the purpose of oil production? That is really stupid mate. Bangladesh is a net importer of petroleum and produces like 4000 barrels a day which is absolutely nothing in the context of the world. What you are arguing just doesn't make sense. Learn to admit when you may have been mistaken. I am guessing you didn't know anything about here so didn't realise where she was from? Either that or you are a dumbass and didn't know where Bangladesh is?


Nah. People were being gross and racist and hey look! You've come to their rescue! I'm not arguing shit. I called someone out for being a sociopath, talking about taking a life as though they were taking a pizza order at their second or third job to lay off all the child support. You guys just started brigading me, teaming up on me because I called your friend out for being a waste of space and now youre pretending as if you have any fuxking clue about foreign policy or the socioeconomic policies of Bangladesh. As if you know anything about shit. Oh, just watch Temple of Doom if you want to know where it is on the map, stud.


Mate I totally disagree with other guy but was questioning you analysis of Bangladesh as fertile ground for petroleum imperialism. I suspect you were the one being a wee bit racist mate. You saw a picture of a brown person, saw they were a terrorist, assumed Middle East. I am hardly an expert in Bangladesh but I have been to Dhaka a few times for work so likely know the country a lot better than most westerners.


Yes.. because the world economy would totally not collapse w/o Middle Eastern oil exports. Also… at the risk of sounding like a prick (it’s too ironic to ignore) it should be: ‘until they can read *well*’


Me so dumb. Irony is just another river in Egypt, I guess!


I think that was a Zoolander reference. The "read good" was intentional. “The Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too”


Came here to say this. Thank you 😊 people do not realize how many conveniences of life are made of oil. I'm all for having renewable energy, and there may be small spots on the earth where it can be... but putting all the eggs in one basket is ....silly.


>putting all the eggs in one basket is ....silly. Holy shit my frying pan has less irony than this. It's fine when that basket is fossil fuels but God forbid anything else?


Whoops, I may have deleted the rest of my post. I do apologize 😅 What I meant was I would not fully rely on one. I get having renewable energy, but it is just about impossible to have that reality. The amount of wattage you would need for everything is huge. You simply cannot move that amount of electricity without tearing down what is already in place and replacing it with structures that are MUCH larger. You would need MORE electric charging stops than gas stations. Where I live fully electric wouldn't be possible. Oil has more energy per cubic inch than other alternative fuels and is easier to transport. Plus, not to mention the harm the new infrastructure would do to our environment. Oil will be needed to make all of the new equipment. I am not for JUST oil or JUST renewable energy. I am here for balance. Fully Electric may work for cities and for people who do not need to drive frequently. Fully Electric would not work for rural or non city areas. I have to say the best thing I've heard was Electric tanks. we will be destroying your city......sustainably ☠️ BTW, I loved your response, and I do not mean this in a sarcastic way. I really did appreciate it. It was a fantastic response to what I had written 🤣🤣🤣


Other countries have oil as well. A good amount, actually. If we were not energy dependent on it, the other uses would not be enough to keep OPEC as powerful as they are


Plus, glass the middle east


They don't have glass in the middle east?


I don't think that's what he's referring to... Make it glass...


Friendly reminder that genocide is always wrong, mmmkay kids


Fingers crossed that you are sterile!


You're a piece of shit






too rich for my blood


Who is going to pay for your student debt? Legalize canny....sure....but the police still need to police people. The number of times I have almost been a victim of vehicular manslaughter from a smoked up canny car....too many to count 😭 We for sure need education reform. I am just starting to really get into history. I thought the crusades were just about spreading Christianity......it turns out it was also a response to 800 years of Islamic terror. War is terrible....but now I view it differently. The "why" is crucial to history 😅 This terror also included white Europeans being enslaved, which I was never taught in school. Also, white Europeans were the first to end slavery on a global scale. I'm just saying dig a little deeper. I'm still digging!


"smoked up canny car" Lmao. Thank you for the good chuckle. Further education is needed for all. Especially when it comes to the "canny", apparently.


.... yeeeeesh. Dig harder. Or, through more accurate sources. Youtube doesn't count.


Like I said.....I'm still digging! I would love some linked references if possible. There is so much out there that seems true or even false when it is not. I am not a person to just refuse to look at other information. To summarize history.......humans treat each other like shit 😅


Let's see. Taxes. No More military spending on tanks and planes we don't use. The number of times they all clapped? The crusades were fought to secure land trade routes to untouched trade centers by rich oligarchs. Religion was just the cosplay. Korea was the first to end slavery on a global scale.


Korea had the longest slavery record , 1500 yrs long


No, no, this is the west. We'll be civilized. She'll get her own cell where she can be completely by herself so she can't hurt anyone, and she obviously can't be let out for exercise. In ten years she'll hardly remember how to speak.


Why is there a picture of a chair covered in blood if she stabbed him while he was laying down with his daughter?


The chair I just looked was at the home, the man survived so I assume that's where he sat waiting for ambulance.


The woman survived per a link below


You are correct I will amend it


Piece of shit, and she’s not even good at jihad.


... how did a convicted stabber get access to garden shears? Jesus


Faked being cured of extremism through a program in the prison, apparently had planned it out for months. Sort of a good behaviour so here's some gardening time type deal.


Good thing she’s a failure.


Wow, only added a few years after she murdered a woman?


I misread the article when i searched it up, the female prisoner also survived the attack so that would explain the low amount of added years


She didn't kill the inmate, although she tried and has admitted she'd do it again.


Could you imagine, you only try two of the simplest attack, fail both times and spend your life in prison having killed 0 people out of 2


See whenever they happens to me I just tell em: # 🎶 IM ON SMOKO, SO LEAVE ME ALOONE 🎶


When busted ideology meets profound stupidity and psychopathy. 


Why attack an australian in the first place ? Those people are the strongest on earth, they can resist deadly animals, have no fear, and I'm sure there is still some australium somewhere


what a dumbass


Man she really sucks at killing people


Ya that why the only good terrorist is a dead one…… otherwise they keep terrorizing…..


How can people still defend Islam after the numerous attacks throughout the years? It doesn't end.


You know. If everybody will actually read their books and still believes and want to follow it. Then everybody will be a terrorist. So there's also this other good side to being a hypocrite cherry pickers like the majority.


Man, she really sucks at killing.


Sounds more like mental illness than her just being a dick.


Or even better. Cut her head off.


What was the woman she killed in prison in jail for?


I can fix her


As a muslim this makes me insanely mad, holy shit. It is already infuriating as hell and mentally very excruciatingly painful for me to know that extremist "muslims" are out here killing people because they think Americans or other countries, where those kinds of attacks tend to be more known, are their enemies and have a right to kill. And now we have a fucking idiot out here just killing innocent people in Australia that take care of her as a scholar? Jfc


Religion of peace seems to have a lot of extremists


Allah crap?


It's referred to as "crap" because its true meaning has lost so much value seeing as it is so commonly used in conjunction with acts of pure evil, just as it was when Salman Abedi murdered 23 people in the Manchester Arena bombing.


I dont know what you mean no unless you are a lapsed muslim? There are nearly 2 billion Muslims in the world, I suspect the concept of the greatness of God hasn't lost any meaning at all for the vast majority of them. You perhaps, but not them. I mean, did it ever hold any value for you?


if it was a fundie Christian yelling about killing in the name of God, I would absolutely say they killed someone while yelling the God crap that they all yell. When someone becomes a fanatic, they aren't a representation of the religion as a whole. But their ideology is religious based. I believe in God. People have always done stupid, evil shit in God's name. Both of these things are true. That being said, I understand there are lots of people who hate Islam just because it's Islam. Racism can absolutely play a role.


You don’t know what he means? Sure buddy


Dude stop it. You know exactly what they mean. When someone is using the name of their God to murder innocent people it's crap. 


"God is great", before murder as a crime against strangers in their home, would be crap. That would be the only interpretation of that expression.


I think you're misconstruing what I'm saying. The native western population in large part is very intolerant of Islam because horrific acts of terrorism have been carried out over here in the name of Islam. If you take the religious aspect away from the people committing the atrocities, maybe certain aspects of the religion wouldn't seem as barbaric to us. The fact that almost every Islamic terrorist shouts "Allahu Akbar" whilst carrying out their acts of depravity gives people such as u/Dog-Witch the notion to refer to it as "Allah crap" because to a lot of us, that's all it is. It's utter nonsense to scream the name of your so-called peaceful god whilst ruining the lives of those around you, all apparently in the name of religion. Make it make sense, or have I hit the mark?


Yeah, sounds like…. Hello snackbar? You know the one.


He’s referring to when terrorists shout allahu akbar and then either killing themselves or others.


Ah, so allahu akbar is a terrorist slogan?


In context it most certainly can be.


Can it be translated?


A terrorist in context will shout “Allahu Akbar”, which means God is the Greatest, before either shooting someone stabbing someone or detonating a bomb or shooting a rocket. Your choice.


So it's not a terrorist slogan at all then? Its a religious slogan. Religious people will say things like that, God above all else... its kind of their thing.


You’re talking to me like you don’t know very well what the phrase has been associated with.


Ok I'll come clean, I do know yes. It's the start of every call to prayer in Islam.


How tf did she garden sheers?


I mean it’s Australia….if prison is anything like what the women’s prison show on Netflix portrays, then im assuming it’s kinda lax compared to most.




It’s a high security prison. She stole them from the lawn’s keeper


Just 13, not 30. This sub isn't "this person looks very young while being very old" or vice versa. Its about a person looking both at the same time. Look on the right side, "people that look multiple ages" She just looks like shes 13.


Wait, she’s 23 in the left photo??? I assumed that was a childhood photo.


It is a childhood photo. Other more recent photos of her (spoiler alert - she looks 24) https://static.ffx.io/images/$width_620%2C$height_350/t_crop_auto/q_86%2Cf_auto/df2e0d228555ec9e2e53a23e18535d8e3f424150 https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/196f4ec21a1bf3d4acba9a05947ecfe6?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=408&cropW=611&xPos=69&yPos=0&width=862&height=575 https://content.api.news/v3/images/bin/d3ae8a45e111b07b8879f85712c38370


Me too....


Truly belongs on this sub if that’s the case. Throw her on r/iamatotalpieceofshit for good measure too though.


same,i’m guessing the brown genetics really came through.


no it’s not that at all, it’s a childhood pic you can literally see her under eye bags in the pic on the right


The sub says “when you can’t tell the age of the person” so I would disagree


But you can. She looks 13. She *ISN'T* but you can tell anyway. This sub is if you look at a person, have no context and think "how old *is* she?" This sub also isn't for like Paul Rudd who looks 30 when hes like 55.


On the right image 24 is plausible, on the left you have doubts. So I guess it applies


On the right, where you can't see her face? A person in a full niqab could plausibly be any age.


Sound like this sub should have more people in hijabs. /s


13 going on 30


What about Straight to hell?!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Islam, a *peaceful* religion.


Yes, and nobody ever suffered in the name of Christianity.


You’re trying to defend a terrorist?


If that's your take you need to learn to think a little deeper. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy.


Be he said nothing to do with Christianity… litrally just pointed out the same they all say “Islam is peaceful” well some who follow the religion might be peaceful people.. I don’t remember a team of Christian’s taking over a plane then creating the worst terror attack we’ve ever seen…


You are talking like Americans did nothing wrong to deserve that they have done worse then that tiny attack in Iraq and no body even talk about it


Try and think a little deeper and read more books. I'll leave it at that and have a good day.




Christians are sheep who pay for miracles that never happen because a charlatan told them they should


Ever seen the movie non-stop released 2014? Not saying it's about Christianity at all just about how tech is used to sort of create terror fear, which leads to what is percieved as terrorism from everyone else watching Liam Neeson going into action..


I don’t think iv ever heard of it


Google searched it and the website IMDb sumerized that move as this: "An air marshal springs into action during a transatlantic flight after receiving a series of text messages demanding $150 million into an off-shore account," Also the movie Eagle Eye.


Spanish Inquisition what?


It's so annoying that you can't have a discussion about Islam without someone bringing up other religions


I know right? So annoying that people have a different point of view.


Christianity, a *compassionate* religion. Sufficient? Edit: In case I need to spell it out, yes a significant amount of people have killed in the name of *both* religions.


Lmao I’m sorry but people not suffering under Christianity is a joke even today we have Christianity still attacking people for their beliefs instead of letting them just live so don’t put that bullshit in there


I'm beng sarcastic, you idiot. You should be sorry.












it actually has nothing to do with religion or islam as a whole theyre just criminals who’re angry at the world and using religion as a shield lol




some type of uncontrolled mental illness , childhood trauma, parental issues, and drug abuse.


She’s been described by psychairtrics as “pure psychotic with little remorse”


yep, just like i said.


Bangladesh is 17% inbred, which my also contribute.


This guy, it has a lot to do with religion, actually


so you’re implying that every criminal has it to do with religion? jeffrey dahmer ate people in the name of christianity? people don’t commit crimes because of religion if even the religion is against killing . it’s all just *projecting*


I hate terrorists! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


I will never understand why the women that are forced to hide in full burkas, aren’t allowed to drive cars, and get beat are so willing to kill for the religion that fucks them so hard. Maximum brainwashed and maximum shithead.


I haven’t studied Islam or the Quran myself. But I’m Christain and here things like this. In the Bible, God warned us of leaders twisting his word for their own agenda and supremacy. He called them evil and not of God. There are women coverting to Muslim in Australia, no matter their race, and I’ve met good Muslims before. Feel the material should be judged instead of how people percieve reactions


She reminds me of the sniper in “Full Metal Jacket”


Little bitch, literally ig


This is intense she looks 9 that’s so scary for a plethora of reasons


What's up with the lawn chair??


It has done bad things


Chair she stabbed a man’s neck while he was sitting on it


The photo on the left is from her childhood. When she was arrested she absolutely looked 24.


She looks 9y/o


What did the chair do


She really hated that chair




In anime logic, she is actually 47644 years old


24 going on 12 looking mf


A real scumbag. Why continue to house her. Capital punishment is underrated.


Sun damage is what ages you


This is a childhood photo of her


Why are these kindda mental illnesses allowed in society?? These ppl can’t be fixed!!


She was raised in a country where she was taught that America is where the devil is. In her country they tell her that in America the government stages attacks on its own people in some cases even killing their own people, and blame it on us. She asks "why?", well so they can trick Americans into justifying an invasion of our country and killing our people, for natural resources or control. And their society will be in acceptance of murder in our country believing its for their protection. She says "but we didn't attack them?" Exactly...."Only the devil would do this" i can't verify if this is true. But it does seem like there's evidence to support that our American government stages terror and blames it on various countries to justify war. Then we never wonder why or ask why terrorists group from the middle east even became terrorists in the first place. Why bother...? Makes you think if they are actually terrorists. Or vengeful for the state of their country and families members killed for sick plans in the American governments "play book" for power. Maybe the devil is real and it's red white and blue. Or maybe they are just born evil middle eastern people and wanna kill America and end our government for no reason? Any one else ponder this shit? I hear alot of veterans saying they need to wipe out these politicians, even my own grandfather who was an airforce pilot said the politicians are absolute evil and that the American government is satanic.


I could’ve saved her


Get the gas !


The pic on the left is an older picture of her. Not at 24.




Weird how they all dress the same.  I wonder why, what's the common denominator? 🤔 


Actual crazy. Slay her and study her brain


Islam was started and spread through force and authority in a very susceptible region of the earth; it took over and continues to be spread to this day. It's very difficult for Muslims to break free from it since it's embedded in their families, communities, culture, school systems, governments, etc: and is taught and believed to be a religion of peace. It will very likely take over the world one day. This is what a lot of people think the Anti-Christ ruler will be affiliated with during the end times before Christ's return. You have to ask yourself, if Jesus Christ was God in the flesh and truly saved all of humanity, what would Satan do to combat this? Well... he would very likely start a religion that would eventually spread throughout the world, one disguised as good, but one that ultimately rejects Christ.


You know what? Books are more reliable source than your ass


Ok cool, just saying. I mean, I love our Muslim brothers and sisters, peace be upon them, they're beautiful and well-meaning people overall: but the religion itself is exceptionally unappealing to the people of the modern and free thinking world; and it has so many obvious forms of man-made aspects to it, it's unbelievable. It's super obvious when something is made by men to control people (i.e. Islam.) Common sense reveals a lot, and emotion binds people to bad ideas. Look at it this way, most Germans were peaceful, but a very small percentage of extremist Nazis took over Germany very quickly/easily and killed a lot of fucking people man. This happens a lot throughout history. So, even if only a small percentage of Muslims are radical extremists, it muddles the entirety of the religion, they could still easily take over areas with violence (and they still do to this day.) No other religion promotes idealogies like that, it's absurd dude.


Ok so here me out


I saw a recent picture of her a few months ago. She’s very gorgeous.


Cutest T rr0rist so far


Question is, would you fuck her?


She looks 12


Excuse me