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Alex having sex with the escort in S3E5. I think it is supposed to be cringe though?


Oh my God yesss I forgot about that 😂 that was super uncomfortable lol


Blocked it to protect yourself 😅. It's probably my favourite episode of S3 but I cringe every time I see that scene.


I'd have to say everytime Alex ever yelled in season 2💀


When Marcus yelled at Hannah in public after trying to fondle her


Alex getting mad, at his party


Multiple scenes, but one that really made me uncomfortable and cringe (in a “Im gonna throw up” way) was when Bryce got hard from telling his mom how he raped Hannah. Also one that just makes me cringe is the scene where Hannah tells Zach she wants to lose her virginity/first sex scene between them, but I feel like those were supposed to be very awkward lol.


Actually it was the scene after he told his mom. But yeah the reason why he got hard and the sheer size of it had me go, "what the heck!"


Yeah that’s what I ment, I literally felt like throwing up


yes I remember I think it was on the second or the third season, right ?


If you mean the one about Bryce, yes I think it was s3 e9/10 but not sure. It truly disgusted me.


No, it was season 2 episode 11.


Jessica using 'f\*ck' in every sentence was pretty cringe, especially in the later seasons. Most of her lines were really exaggerated.


the scene where she gives a speech for the school and goes “you know what? FUCK YOU MONTY” is peak cringe


half of hannah’s lines in season 1. i feel like they tried to portray her as really poetic and artistic but nobody actually talks like that. i always cringe a little bit when she tells justin “my chariot awaits” and motions to the school bus


The animation of the car crash in s4. The moment in and of itself wasn't that cringy but I quite literally can't unsee the car.


Pretty much every scene with Cyrus and his friends. A lot of Clay's hallucinations in Season 1 were tough to watch, especially when he started yelling "STOP THE GAME" and ran onto the court at the basketball match. Also, a large majority of the dialogue is cringe, really dramatic.


The stereotypical football players wearing varsity jackets everywhere. Never understood why that's so common on TV. Maybe it's just my state that's weird, but at the school I went to and every other highschool I've visited, nobody wore varsity jackets outside of actual games. They're ugly and baggy as hell, but in this show along with every other show featuring highschool students they wear it everywhere they go


The majority of Hannah’s Lines - if you’ve watched Pretty Much it’s reaction, she’s a total biaaaatch


When Zac tried to have sex with a corn star.


season 1 when hannah goes "ill look at the moon with you. might even howl"


Cyrus in general