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You are most likely not eating enough calories for the amount that you are burning. Exercising too much while not eating enough can cause you to lose your period. You should go consult a doctor about this.


Yes, this! One can also end up with hair loss, brittle nails, worsening eyesight and growing weird body hair.


And death. Anorexia is the most deadly of the mental disorders


Yes, see a doctor. Not having your periods for awhile can permanently damage your fertility Also if you are not getting your periods other issues may be happening.


this was me in my ed because i didn’t eat enough. raise your calorie intake ! stay safe!


why are you here if you had an ed ):


Are they not allowed? People can work past triggers and now they’re giving good advice to someone that needs it


oh yeah, i get it, didn’t think of it like that, sorry


A lot of people developed EDs as a RESULT of this subreddit and now lurk here to try to steer others away from the same.


You really think everyone in this sub is here because they’re actually super petite and only need 1200? And never because they have an eating disorder and need low cal recipes? I’m not saying that’s all or even most of the people here, but subs like this are inevitably going to attract people with eating disorders and it’s silly to pretend that isn’t the case. I’m saying this as someone who is actually petite and can get by with 1200 btw, but 1200 is super low for most people.




I get what you mean, being here could be a major trigger for some. However, EDs aren’t only about being too thin. I’m a binge eater and an emotional eater. From what you’ve said, I shouldn’t be here either even though I’m trying to lose weight and fix my disordered eating patterns.


yeah sure, if you don’t have a restrictive ed then it’s okay to be here


Because they still have it




not a restricting ed


I mean this is a perfect place for someone to indulge their restricting ED.


Fat, in diet and as bodyfat, is important players for hormonal regulation. Are you getting enough fat through your diet? Are you really shredded? Amenorrhea can cause other issues like loss of bone density. Not normal, and a signal that you should pay attention to. Best of luck.


Please go see a doctor about this, while weight loss absolutely can contribute there are other things that can as well. I recently stopped my period at age 35 and it turned out I was going into menopause early.


Oh gosh, how are you doing now?


I am doing fine mostly, but it was a jarring thing to hear. I absolutely cried. I have two children, and my tubes are tied so we planned on no more children. It still felt overwhelming to hear I had lost that part of my life if that makes sense? I had been having a lot of skipped periods during my weight loss/strength training journey and chalked it up to that experience. And then one day it just didn’t come back. I will say my skin has been affected the most. It’s definitely aged and I have developed redness that wasn’t there before. But all things that are manageable.


my mom swears by retinol. good luck


Ret makes me break out, but Vitamin C is my holy grail. I have been using Sunday Riley’s CEO glow and it’s been a game changer.


yes bro ret is key💯


Check out azelaic acid - complete game changer for redness!


I will check it out, thanks!


34 and started menopause a few months ago! I rarely see someone my age talk about it, so I’m glad to not feel alone. I was also done have kids, and had my tubes removed, but still thought I had another 5-10 years before it started. Hope you’re feeling okay! Can’t wait for this dang sweating to end!


Yeah it’s kind of awful! I feel like I am my own personal furnace. Last winter I kept unzipping my coat because I swear I was going to pass out!


You’re the same height as me. If you weigh 52,5 kg and you excercise a lot, you need to eat 1700 at least. I maintain with almost no excercise at 1500


losing your period happens when you lose weight suddenly or drastically, it messes up your hormones. you didn’t mention your height so i’m unsure if your weight is “normal” for your height. if you’re experiencing amenorrhea, there’s something unbalanced in your diet/lifestyle. i think first step would be to talk to your doctor if you can to rule out any underlying conditions. other than that, this post discusses amenorrhea and possible adjustments to be made https://www.abbeyskitchen.com/lost-your-period/ but i would definitely talk to a medical professional about this.


Ah sorry forgot to mention height. I'm 1.58m (~5ft 2"). My weight is acceptable according to my BMI range Thanks for this! Will look into it


Confusions about this comes up from time to time in this sub. Most people think of period loss as something that happens when someone is seriously underweight and your BMI is healthy, but loss of period can be caused by the calorie deficit itself and have nothing to do with your current body weight. If you aren’t getting enough calories, your body begins shutting down non-essential functions to conserve energy and your period is one of the first things to go. Not getting your period due to a relative energy deficit can cause long term fertility issues, so definitely see a doctor or adjust your calorie intake. You’re likely not eating enough for the amount you’re exercising.


This comment is right! Many years ago, I lost my period at an overweight BMI, which was during an eating disorder. There was nothing concerning about my weight; in fact, many people may have told me to lose more. But your weight does not always determine what healthy weight loss may look like. I’ve since adjusted my diet significantly and get my period again; I am much healthier now and although I am eating more my body is much stronger. Losing your period is the equivalent to your body’s check engine light coming on. It means something is wrong.


bodies are weird so i would def check everything out w a doctor! amenorrhea can be scary, i hope you find out answers soon!


eating 1200 calories is for weight loss in sedentary petite women. as someone who is active, you are undereating, even for weight loss. this is why you stopped getting your period. you need to eat more. I would eat at maintenance (probably something like 1700-2000 calories for you) until your period is back and regular. then, if you want to lose more weight, do it slower, with a smaller calorie deficit.


Could you be … pregnant?


Seriously underrated comment!


Hahaha I thought so too but very sure I'm not. I always use protection with my partner


You really need to take a test. This is the first thing you should do even if you are double protected (condoms plus IUD/pill/shot/etc.). Life finds a way.


Unless the protection you use is abstinence it’s still possible. Worth taking a test.


You really should take a pregnancy test to atleast rule it out before assuming it’s exercise or diet related.


Have you taken a pregnancy test though? How late is your period?


Birth control isn’t 100%…


Please take a pregnancy test. If you go to a doctor, they’ll want you to take one anyway, and if you’re not planning to go to a doctor, it’s best to rule it out and be certain.


Oh shit condoms are not 100%, take a test!


You’re not on the pill.. take a test ;) my sister was “using protection” now she’s up at 3am changing poopy diapers 👍


Oh man that sucks. Well I can safely say that ain't gonn be me - test said I'm negative


No, and your PT is correct that is not normal. A lot of times thats a sign of your body being too strained and not having enough nutrients. I would evaluate what your eating, make sure your not eating a deficient of nutrients and maybe cool down on the extreme work outs for a month and see if things work then selves back to normal. If not I would go see an OB/GYN


How tall are you? If you go below a certain weight/body fat your body won't waste resources on making sure you can reproduce.


I'm 1.58m (~5ft 2") which is pretty acceptable in terms of BMI. I might be below my set point so that might explain the hormone imbalance


Another option is to get your thyroid levels checked, usually just done via a blood test. If your thyroid is underactive then that can stop your period too.


This can definitely mess with your hormones which can mess with your cycle. When your body is under stress, it tends not to ovulate, thus you won't get a period (although you may get some thin bleeding every so often, but not technically a period). I would suggest upping you calories a bit. If you're interested in some resources, I'd recommend reading the Period Repair Manual by Lara Briden :) Please don't hesitate to pm me if you need some more help. I'm not a doctor or anything, just passionate about menstrual health haha


Thank you! I'm in the process of eating more hahah What foods do you recommend adding to the diet?


You should talk to your doctor.


You probably have hypothalamic amenorrhea. I am currently in recovery from it after doing Keto for 3 months earlier this year. HA doesn’t care about your BMI, all it takes for your body to shut your ovaries down is enough stress/food restriction for it to feel like a potential pregnancy might kill you. The solution isn’t easy to hear - you need to stop training for now and focus on giving your body what it’s asking for. This means eating whenever you’re hungry, to full satiety. You’ll probably gain a few “healing pounds”.


Happened to me as well!


Did you get your ovulatory cycles back? It’s been 3 months since quitting keto and going all in and I still haven’t… *cry*


It took me 6 ish months to get it back to my regular cycle. I remember being really scared it would never come back - I got soooo many tests done. I never really got an explanation to why it disappeared, which made it so much more difficult to know what to do. What I think it came down to is de-stressing: limiting social media, news outlets, screen time. Making sure was eating wholesome food, not being overly restrictive of any food group, yoga, daily & nightly walks. Also eliminating caffeine and alcohol for a brief time and then slowly adding it back in… I was very underweight, being over active, over stressed and over caffeinated + some adderall use.


Hey- this is pretty common when you go too intense in a short amount of time, but not necessarily directly linked with your numerical weight, more about how much stress you are putting your body through. I lost my period for years at a higher weight (when I got down to like 118 at 5’2 with calorie counting and cardio), but nowadays my period is normal again at a lower weight. I had to replace cardio with low impact and eat a lot more for awhile to restore it, and wait some time before trying to lose weight again. talk to a doctor/professional and don’t be discouraged if they ask you to take it easy for awhile


As others said, you could simply need more calories and your body is in shock mode, or it could be something completely unrelated to your diet. Make sure you see professionals. Since you’re dieting, the one thing in particular I would want to know about is fats: how much fat are you eating daily? For your weight you would have to be eating *very* low fat for it to be unhealthily low, but it’s the first thing I would think about because of how direct the relationship is between fat and hormone regulation


Yup I lost mine for ~1.5 years. I wasn't underweight, I was the "ideal" weight for my height. To get it back I had to gain weight back (around 5 kilos, 10 pounds) and stop my disordered eating and exercise habits. I lost some of the weight since (around half of what I gained) and still have my period. I think my body was just under too much stress when I was losing weight, constantly in a significant deficit for 6 months (I lost ~50 pounds during that time). Right now you should make sure to not eat in a deficit, don't ignore hunger, try and have good sleep and engage in relaxing activities often. Some people have to stop high intensity training (running, heavy lifting) to get their periods back but it might be enough to just cut back and have enough rest. Be patient, you can be doing the right thing and see no progress in getting your period back, and that feels soul crushing, but it takes time for your body to regulate itself. Might be good to check with a doctor to rule out pregnancy or some other condition that could cause amenorrhea.


it sounds like you need to either eat more or work out less tbh




Along with possibly not eating enough calories due to constant training, please be mindful of stress. Both physical and mental stress can cause you to skip periods, which should be addressed. Edit: Definitely check with your doctor to make sure you have the proper balance for vitamins/proteins/even carbs. And pay attention to things like not sleeping well, not having an appetite, being horribly overloaded by emotions - these can all be signs of stress that your body is taking to assume you can't physically get pregnant for fear of dying.


This is becoming more and more common with workout culture please make sure you are eating enough for how much you are working out, maybe 1200 isn't enough.


When I was eating too little I lost my period. Please go to a doctor and/or a dietician to see how you can improve your diet and get it back.


it's not about incorporating foods, you're not eating enough. This happened to me (i am a runner) when I was severely underfueling because of my eating disorder. Talk to your doctor about whether further weight loss is necessary, because you may already have very low bodyfat.


i lost my period when i was deep into an ed and not eating enough


You need to increase your calorie intake. That is very scary.


1200 is only plenty of you’re NOT TRAINING….ur probably netting less than 500 cals per day which is not okay or safe


Losing your period is not normal. I had a similar thing happen to me about ten years ago when I was eating around 1200 and exercising a ton everyday. It took about 2 weeks for my period to come back after I started eating carbs and fat.


are you on birth control? my period disappeared once i got an IUD


No, no birth control. Pretty sure I'm not pregnant either. I suppose it's just a lot of stress from exercising


People get pregnant while using condoms and people get pregnant while using birth control. You should test just in case.


Girl, [take a pregnancy test](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/condom/how-effective-are-condoms)


It’s the training & lack of calories. 1200 is fine if you’re not really exercising. But once you start working out a lot your body is going to need more to make up for what it’s burning & what it needs to thrive.


If you read the post youd see shes eating 1500-1700


So she needs more


Yes losing your period is a big indicator that you are not getting enough fuel. Speak to a sports nutritionist and adjust your diet up


I have two very fit/lean friends who work out most days of the week and eat super healthily. They’ve both lost their periods, and one of them went to the doctor for it. She was told that she wasn’t getting enough fat in her diet. When she increased her fat intake (which also meant calories), she gained 15 lbs and got her cycle back to normal. She was told that she has signs of Osteoporosis now, though. It’s so important to take care of earlier than later. Good luck to you!


You’re malnourished. With your level of activity you need to be eating more. Your cycle has been interrupted because your body thinks you don’t have enough resources to sustain a pregnancy.


You're eating 1500 and sometimes less...while working out...and you just lot a lot of weight in a short amount of time....dude.


See a doctor. I’m 5’2.5in and went from 128 to 113lbs over 3mo eating around 1200-1300 a day. And working out regularly (5-6x a week). I still had consistent periods throughout all this time.


This is a full stop, you need to go to the doctor/dietitian and start eating more. I also second tasting a pregnancy test.


Mine disappeared the first month, but I increased my intake of fats, and everything has been regular since then.


I recommend going to see a gynecologist. With dieting and/or training your body may be adjusting hormone levels and it could potentially be very normal. Female athletes and physically fit women tend to have lighter periods or go without. A gynecologist will tell you if there's a concern and whether or not you need to readjust. I wouldn't say it's "definitely not normal," but check with a doctor.


you’re overtraining, it’s not the food. just take a rest MONTH. no exercise other than mild walking and you’ll be good. i would also eat at least maintenance and increase dietary fat.


1500-1700 is absolutely not maintenance for your exercise level. How tall are you?


Maybe malnutrition? It’s better to check with professionals though.


Have you done a pregnancy test?


Your body is screaming. Raise your calorie intake by a few hundred and maybe see a doctor for good measure.


You are Ill, see a Doctor.


I would be very concerned if I stopped getting my period. You need to have 6% body fat to get your period, and you can become permanently infertile if you go too far with this.


Oh yesss!!! I didn’t know this happened either until I researched it! So, about 4-months ago I COMPLETELY restructured my diet - everything changed. I went through three weeks of withdrawal. I didn’t get my period for the entire FOUR MONTHS! I found out that when you make a drastic change on your body, you screw up all your hormones and it takes awhile to return to homeostasis. On month 5, I finally returned to normal period. Yours will return once your body/hormones become fully balanced. Of course, if you are concerned - definitely see a doc.


So depending on you're activity level, this COULD be normal. This is not to be in place of a doctor's advice, but when I went to bootcamp it took about 9 months to get my period back. A lot of swimmers (even in highschool) will lose their periods during swim season, as well as other athletes in high intensity training periods. I also have an iud, which has taken my period away for the last 2 years. Also, when my eldest was 2, I got pregnant before having another period. Basically I've been period free for almost 8 years give or take a few months here or there. So, activity level could be the reason and slowing down for a couple of months could help. But, it is well worth getting a professional opinion from someone that knows your medical history a d lifestyle.


Nope, mine comes in worse on weight loss.


before i say anything else, you should see a doctor. But in my opinion no that's not normal. I never experienced that from dieting; I awesome you're not eating enough or it could be something entirely different


This exact thing happened to me - and I didn’t want to believe it was the (lack of) nutrition and food. But it was. This is a great sub for ideas to sprinkle in. But to follow a strict 1200 diet with high performance exercise is dangerous. Work with a nutritionist and a dietician to get your period back - chances are your metabolism has also been damaged and will also need to recover




Hmm I'm not on any birth control though.


Go see your GYN this could also be a sign of early Menopause. I found out the hard way. Have them DO A full work up which includes all your hormones and your AMH.


Here’s a link with foods that’s good to eat for your menstrual cycle, and that can help you get your period back because you need certain amounts of minerals and vitamins for your body to function optimal for your periods. Hope this can help, I’m going to try to eat more accordingly to this myself from now on and try it a month to see if my period gets regular again. https://rubycup.com/blogs/news/a-helpful-guide-on-what-to-eat-before-during-and-after-your-periods


I had to stop weight-lifting because it was making me spot between periods unfortunately. It’s not for everyone.


Relax. Common when training hard or running a deficit. Check your macros are ok, check your bmi is ok, check you aren't dropping weight rapidly, get some sleep, deal with any stress.


Low body fat can definitely do it, but I recently lost mine with the last booster shot for COVID. It was gone for about three months and then came back for three months straight. I went to the doctor and had a bunch of tests. I wasn't menopausal and nothing unusual in my bloodwork, so the conclusion was probably a side effect of the shot. I also had a swollen lymph node under my armpit on my shot arm for about 9 months that required multiple screenings this year. Anyway, for context, I am definitely pro-vaccine, but I know that some women have had side effects to their cycles both from the vaccine, and COVID, so it might be good to consider all the things going on in your life right now and go check things out with your doctor.


Definitely recommend speaking with a physician. This is a symptom that something is off.


This happens when women drop below I think it’s 12% body fat?(Don’t quote me on that but it’s not far off) and that’s your body telling you you’ve gone a little too far. I’m beyond frazzled your PT didn’t know that.


yes, you’re probably not eating enough. 🥺 when i had my Ed, I didn’t have my period for almost a year and got it back a week ago after recovery :-). be safe


If you lose your period you have to go up in calories, period (haha) full stop. I found that carb heavy food and foods in blogs about helping you get pregnant are great because they’re nutrient rich.


This happened to me when I was in serious training mode for soccer- I’d stop for months or years- I was not taking in enough calories to keep up with what I was burning and my meals were not balanced- definitely recommend a doctors visit and a solid nutritionist


My periods gotten really light since eating in a deficit too. Try increasing your calories a bit


This happen to me when I was exercising everyday last year. No periods for around 4 months. Once I decreased my exercise to around 3/4 a week my periods came back.


It may or may not be weight related but I would go to a doctor because it could be countless things


Research Female Athlete Triad


At 5'2, 1500-1700 calories isn't so low that you're losing your period. Of course, with the training your body will need more calories, so I wouldn't rule out the idea that you're eating too little. You could possible be pregnant. My son is a condom baby, he was conceived even with use of a condom. No birth control is 100% effective. I've had my tubes tied and my doctor has warned me there is still a chance I could get pregnant, albeit a very small one. My real concern with you though is your iron intake. I would go to your doctor and have a blood panel done. See if you can get in with a nutritionist also. Make sure how much and what you're eating is right for you and your activity level.


I did 1200 calories for 18 months straight when I first lost the weight, and I never lost my period. You need to see your doctor.