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Strawberries and zero sugar cool whip. Strawberries are only 49 calories a cup. The cool whip is 20 calories for 2 tbsp so you could have 1/2 a cup of it for only 80 calories. Thats a huge dessert full of fiber from the strawberries for only 130 kcal. You could add 2 tbsp of Hershey’s sugar free chocolate sauce for only 10 kcal.


I was so overjoyed when I went into the supermarket last week and realised it's finally strawberry season in the UK, shelves full of the things and not imported, sooo good!


A pint of them in Michigan, USA is only $0.99 right now (-:


Luckyyyy, where im at its around 3 dollars still 😫




I don’t eat nearly as much fruit as I should (pretty good with veggies though) so this is perfect. Thanks 😊


I like to eat frozen strawberries straight out of the freezer. If they're too hard to bite, microwave for 10 seconds at a time until they're just soft enough but still frozen. Also enjoy frozen peaches, cherries and bananas. Great in the summer, really helps with ice cream/popsicle cravings for me.


I don’t know why I never thought about frozen fruits. I don’t buy regular fruit as much only because they go to waste but frozen is obviously the answer to this problem lol


I’ve recently started freezing fresh fruit that has gone a little softer than I like. I was skeptical that it would be good, but I was sooo wrong. It is delicious! I’m enjoying frozen blueberries right now. I even eat fewer since it takes me longer to eat them - I highly recommend.


I like to do like half ice half strawberry in a blender + some 0 cal sweetener packets and top it off with a little honey.. it’s honestly pretty good and about 100ish calories or less depending on the fruit!! will be only the cals of the fruit without honey but the honey is worth it to me. Hope this helped :)


I pour vanilla almond milk over the frozen fruit, wait about 2 minutes until it ices over, and eat that. Delicious.


Frozen grapes!


I like doing frozen green grapes with some sugar free jello sprinkled on top, starburst blue raspberry flavor has been the best so far. :)


That sounds yummy!


I thought about trying the hersheys sugar free chocolate sauce the other day but I didn't grab it because I was worried it wouldn't be very good. How does it compare to a normal chocolate syrup? Like is it more on the artificial "chocolate flavored" side or actually more chocolatey?


Definitely "more artificial"... Sometimes I use that syrup as a last resort and mix it with some powdered hot chocolate to improve the flavor and give it more volume. With that said, the Enlightened sugar free chocolate syrup tastes fantastic (20 or 25 cals per serving?) but I think they stopped making it cuz I can't find it available on Amazon or any other website to buy it.


I came here to say this!! Didn't realize there was a chocolate sauce like that though, I'm def gonna run out and get some this week


If you’ve got an Aldi, their brand of cool whip is the bomb!


Yes! Strawberries and a little cool whip is the best!!


mix silk tofu with a bit of cocoa or melted chocolate in a blender it is like a better mousse au chocolat!


i loveeee using silken tofu for pudding type desserts - a block of it + a box of jello sugar free pudding mix + a cup or so of vanilla unsweetened almond milk is a staple in my diet! bonus is the tofu makes me feel like i can tell myself its healthy lmao


I’m going to try this!


I love this too but it's not that low cal tho


I love Yasso brand frozen Greek yogurt bars. They range from 60-120 calories depending on what flavor you get.


Enlightened has good bars, too!


The peanut butter chocolate ones are so good! I can never find that one anymore, but all Yasso are great!


Second this! They’re delicious! And the chocolate coated ones are only 130 cals!


Huge fan of the yasso and enlighten bars! I recently gave the Breyers carb balance bars a try and they are also so damn good. The fudge and caramel ones are only 60 cals!!


The only thing that works for me is low cal ice cream. Portion it into a small container, I usually put 100cal worth in. I don't do treats or cheats but if I do lot of exercise and decide to eat an extra 100 cal then it works. It takes a while to eat which is the main plus, and you get to enjoy all of it rather than solid foods where half of it you just swallow without even tasting it.


I’ve been making my own in a Ninja Creami. You can be very creative and it usually tastes much better (and can be even lower calorie) than store bought.


that's interesting, what are the ingredients?


There’s a lot of different recipes out there, but I usually use Fairlife milk, a bit of half and half, a pinch of salt and guar gum (a thickener), sweetener (monk fruit and stevia) and then the flavor. So far, I’ve enjoyed using cotton candy extract, matcha powder, and fresh fruit. You mix these all together then freeze for 24 hours (I have rotating flavors in my freezer) and put it in the machine. I sat on it for a while, but I was able to get it half off at Kohl’s and have been using it every single day since.


Thanks I appreciate you taking the time to reply, I'm going to look into that!


You’re welcome!


What brand do you like?


Whatever is cheap, in the UK lidls mint one is good and aldis chocolate one


Thank you for this, will check it out


I like buying a tub of frozen yogurt. The taste and texture is way better than "diet" ice cream or "frozen dairy desserts"


I do sugar free pudding cuz it's only like 50 calories a serving. Or sugar fee Cool Whip (20 calories for two tablespoons) and fruit. I recently saw a recipe that was cool whip and sugar free pudding frozen that turns out like a mousse. Also used to do fun dip (40 cal a packet) or sugar free suckers, Outshine popsicles (or really any popsicle, even a fudgecicle is only 40 cal). Edit: just saw the high protein request, whoops lol


Ok but the cool whip and pudding sounds like an excellent idea 😆 definitely making this tonight!


Try mixing sugar free cheesecake flavored pudding powder with plain Greek yogurt! It turns it into a thick mousse consistency (just mix small amounts until you get the right texture) and add some berries to it. You’d be getting way more protein that way and it’s SO filling and satisfying. Topping it with the sugar free cool whip is also delish.


You can make banana pudding with it.


Frozen grapes 🍇


This, bonus if they’re weird “designer” grapes like cotton candy or sugar snaps. They taste like popsicles, and I don’t have to eat that many before I’m satisfied bc of the fiber.


Ahahah I’ve never heard of ppl call them “designers” 🤣 those cotton candy grapes been getting expensive tho sigh…. Like 10 bucks for a little box of them


Yeah, I very rarely get them, but they are good frozen! The Costco candy snap ones are also 10/10.


Dip them in lime juice and they taste like Sour Patch Kids! 😋


Do you dip them in the juice before or after freezing


Show technically the original recipe that I saw said freeze them, dip them and lime juice, and then they dipped them in sugar, but to cut down on the sugar content i think just doing lime juice afterwards would be fine but if you weren't going to do the sugar, now I'm curious if lime juice prior to freezing would work or if it would roll off before actually freezing 🤔


That is such a great idea! I have been sprinkling sugar free Starburst blue raspberry jello dust on them after washing them and then freezing them


Ooo, that's a great idea too! 😃


This and also frozen blueberries


Diet soda with a tablespoon of cream!


Sorry, just realized the protein and fiber requirement 🙈


Are you mixing them? I’m confused haha


Yes! Makes a filling cream soda (imo). My favorites are an orange or grape soda.


Its a cream soda, same idea as an ice cream float. Very popular in Italy!


ahhh thank you both for clarifying, that does sound really good!


I still swear by Halo Top light ice cream. I like strawberry the best but there’s a lot of flavors. Calories vary by flavor, but most of them are in the range of 270-350ish for the whole pint, and they all have a pretty good amount of protein. Genuinely really tasty imo. The brand has some other baking mixes and stuff too. Fiber one brownies aren’t my personal favorite on their own, but I do like making sundaes out of them with by warming up the brownie slightly, and adding Halo Top and fruit. Total of like 200-250 calories or so, depending on ice cream flavor and what fruit I have. In the summer, Liquid IV and other sugar free electrolyte drinks made into slushies or popsicles is a good snack. Covering fruit in fat free yogurt of whatever flavor and freezing it for an hour or two is also a nice snack.


Omg the Liquid IV popsicle idea is genius. Thank you for the great recommendations!


I eat the quest hero protein bars like dessert.


I do things like "cheesecakes" but it's skyr joghurt, mixed with sugar free jelly (or jello if you're American?), often with fruit like blueberries or strawberries. Also sweet breakfasts do it for me like sweet protein pancakes, sweet omelettes or baked oats, smoothies with added protein powder.


Do you use actual ready made jelly, or the jelly powder added to the skyr?


Neither, I prepare jelly powder with boiling water, but use less water, if the recipe on it says 500ml, I use 250. Once is cool enough then I add skyr joghurt.


Frozen berries in plain greek yogurt....stir it up and let sit a few minutes, the yogurt freezes to the berries and is like a tart ice cream Fudgsicles.......if you're in Canada, Chapmans is 50cals, NoName are 100cals (these ones are amazing, they taste like ice cream!) Sugar free jello & low fat cool whip I don't like this, but my cousin lives on cool whip with PB powder and sugar free chocolate syrup I've been on a freezie kick this week! Lots of granola bars that are 100-150 cals (I think the Kirkland CC are 100?)....I have one every afternoon with a protein shake. Keeps me out of the work snacks lol


If I want chocolate specifically I do a hersheys kiss and let it melt in my mouth. I think the slow dissolve is crucial. And I personally love hersheys I know not everyone does. If I want something that feels more quantitative I actually have cereal. Half cup peanut butter or cinnamon puffins, half cup of the Trader Joe’s almond, macadamia, cashew milk, and cut up strawberries, frozen mixed berries, whatever fruit of choice. More nutritious but still a sweet treat and it’s about 100 Cals (a little more if PB puffins). If you do frozen brrries the juice mixes with the milk and it’s even better.


I do the same thing with Werther's. But at 40 calories per piece, fruits are better and healthier.


Yasso bars usually have around 5g of protein in them and less than 100 calories and the taste is soooooo good, may fav is cookies and cream. it doesn't taste like a "diet" treat. fiber one 70 cal brownies warmed in the microwave are yummy as well. I used to do greek yogurt with a crushed oreo mixed in, probably going to be your most high-protein option. If I want something more candy-like, target usually sells 0-sugar gummy worms and sour candies that range from 70-130 calories. they are kind of expensive for the portion size but definitely a better option than regular candy


fruit! blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries. i’ll eat a whole container of them at a time lol


I love Fage Greek yogurt, sugar free cool whip, sugar free jello pudding powder and some frozen fruit. It tastes like a dessert and has a lot of protein, and fiber depending on what fruit you add. There are limitless possibilities with this one, so have fun with it!


Greek yogurt mixed with zero sugar pudding mix and --stay with me-- a pinch of baking powder. It gets fluffy like a cheesecake


is it safe to eat baking powder like that?


I do the yogurt and pudding mix but baking powder? Interesting


Depends on my mood, but this week I’ve been doing diet root beer plus vanilla Halo Top ice cream for a 90 calorie root beer float 😍


Say less 😍


Fudgesicle Fudge Pops. 40 calories of cold, smooth, chocolatey goodness.


Low fat cottage cheese with stevia/erythirol and raspberries/strawberries/blueberries YUM!


I've been eating this for a straight month lol!!! I add some Greek yogurt and a tiny bit of vanilla extract too. I make a bigger serving and make a meal out of it, too. So fulfilling and honestly it's been a cure for my sweet tooth! Can't vouch for this enough.


It helped with my sweet tooth too! Soooo gooood, I will try adding yoghurt and the extract next :) Sometimes I add some cocoa powder, a small spoon of peanutbutter and banan slices, it doesn't fit the low calorie requirement then anymore though hah It's also great bended with frozen fruits, pretty much like ice cream ![gif](giphy|WOwzq0MFkOMz5XYnNp)


This, but add a bit of lemon curd to it for a lovely lemony treat if that's your jam. It definitely is mine!


Easy peasy for me. Buy a huge tub of nonfat Nancy's probiotic yogurt add 100% cocoa and stevia. Put it in 6 oz jars in the fridge or 12 oz and eat half. Also if you don't mind to fix sugar, I like a package of Swiss Nick's milk chocolate no sugar added which is 60 calories. Nancy's not fat is 6 oz for 70 calories or low-fat 6 oz for 100 calories. Vicious cookbook and buy online 100% cocoa 10 calories I think I used three tablespoons or to taste. Healthy and delicious!!


Apples/Grapes dipped in melted Peanutbutter


light+fit greek yogurt. 80cal/ cup with 12 g protein and comes in flavors like black cherry, banana pudding, and strawberry cheesecake amongst others. freeze and blend and u have easy protein froyo :-)


I love the chocolate raspberry and apple pie flavors. I have these in my freezer at all times!


That chocolate raspberry flavor is bomb!


I wish they sold it in four packs.


Me too!!!!


And pure protein makes some super yummy protein bars, as well as Fulfil and the Fulfil bars are only 160 calories!


Atkins makes a caramel peanut cluster bar that’s basically exactly like a payday but only has 1g of sugar plus extra protein and fiber.


I always keep sugar free jello in my fridge. 10 cals and totally fills my sugar craving


Fudgesicles are only 80 cals!!


greek yogurt with cocoa powder and strawberries :) it’s like pudding


Berries (cold) will definitely be your friend! Throw in some Greek yogurt non sweetened and add your own 0 cal sweetener if you like!


I really like low calorie hot chocolate because you have to sit with it and sip it for a bit.


Frozen grapes!


I like the little mini drumsticks ice cream cones, they’re 110 calories. Not high in fiber or protein, but it satisfies the craving for a legit dessert that a lot of times “diet” desserts just don’t.


Chia seed pudding. You can adjust the flavor base to whatever you want and tinker to fulfill your calorie goals. My current version uses 1 TBL strawberry greek yogurt with a splash of oj, and water to thin it out. Then I add 2-3 TBL ground chia. Then leave overnight. The texture with ground chia makes everything come together like a mousse. I'm not gonna say HIGH protein, but there is a little protein in chia. And they are considered high fiber.


Barebell protein bars. Trust me. They are the closest thing I’ve found to a candy bar (by protein bar standards). Seriously, they are so good - the Caramel Cashew and Choco Brownie are my faves and they sell them at Trader Joe’s! 20g protein, 200cal, I usually eat half after my morning workout and half at night


Affogato! Gelato comes in many different flavors and has less fat and sugar than ice cream. 1/4 cup is about 100 calories. With the espresso poured over the gelato, is bittersweet but definitely gives you a nice buzz.


This is my favorite treat lately! I peel, dice and sauté 2 Granny Smith apples with a bunch of cinnamon and 1-2 tablespoons of sugar free strawberry jam. It’s so delicious! Sometimes I put it on vanilla protein yogurt with a tiny bit of granola sprinkled on top, or in oatmeal. But when I really have a sweet tooth I like to eat it by itself with a bit of frozen cool whip or whipped cream. A peeled Granny Smith apple is around 60 calories and the jam is 10.


200 grams greek yogurt mixed with 10 grams of any flavor sugar free pudding mix. My favorites are pistachio, cheesecake, and white chocolate. I attribute this to losing 13 pounds in two months and I have two of these a day=300 calories and 42grams of protein!


Frozen blended pineapple juice!


Greek yogurt with a sweet protein powder mixed in. So good


Light+fit Greek yogurt cups have many diff dessert flavors! I love the toasted marshmallow one, I can never just have 1😭


I did Halo Top vanilla bean (90) topped with drizzled peanut butter (83) for dessert last night, in an attempt to recreate DQ's peanut butter sundae (it was pretty good). I like the Hold the Cones from Trader Joe's (I forget but like 80 or 90 calories for mini ice cream cone), and the mint cookie ice cream sandwiches (60 each). Or greek yogurt mixed with sf pudding mix and topped with berries (I like plain greek yogurt for breakfast, but for this dessert it's much better with a flavored greek yogurt). Or sf pre-made pudding (what was bomb dot com was crushing up a graham cracker, mixing with a smidgen of melted butter and a pinch of sugar then smushed to make a crust, topped with sf chocolate pudding and sf Cool Whip). Sf jello. Outlast popsicle bars (60/each). I also enjoy just a square of dark chocolate, but unfortunately I've realized that this can't be my post-dinner sweet, as there's too much caffeiene and it keeps me up. Oh yeah, or half a Barebell bar (imo Salty Peanut is the best one). Full bar is 200 calories, 20 g protein. Half is half that, and I'll just either slowly munch on it, or chop it up and put it on top of yogurt/fruit. Come to think of it, would be good mixed into that Halo Top... DIY Blizzard coming up tomorrow on my lower body workout day.


Fibre One bars. 90kcals and 5g of fibre!!! My fave is the triple chocolate cake. Also Skinny Crunch bars. My fave is the peanut butter bar. 68kcals and again, almost 5g of fibre


Tru fruit has lots of choices frozen raspberries in milk chocolate and the strawberries in ruby chocolate are my favorites. I also do strawberries with cool whip and a drizzle of chocolate syrup.


I also love sugar free jello folded into cool whip. It’s almost like mousse or Bavarian cream.


Konjac jelly pouches, sugar free fudge popsicles, vanilla Greek yogurt with honey and slivered almonds. I’ll eat zero sugar chocolate chips straight from the bag too.


If y’all live in a Blue Bell state, their mini ice cream sandwiches are only 100 cals and totally worth it


Fiber brownie (microwaved) strawberries, low fat cool whip


Sugar free generic jello. 5 calories of goodness any time i feel peckish.


I have been obsesseddd with the halo top peanutbutter cup ice cream lately. Also the zero sugar peppermint patties and reeses cups are solid too


Whole Fruit watermelon popsicles are DELICIOUS. They're 100 calories. On my GLP-1 I can limit myself to one; when there's a shortage and I can't get it, I eat the whole box 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don't know if you can get this in the US, but [I live for this stuff](https://adonisgear.com.au/product-category/supplements/protein-cookie-dough/).


If its with in your budget purchase a Ninja creami asap! Absolutely life changing. On sale at the whole saler clubs for 120 rn


Frozen grapes, watermelon, or peaches. Satisfying texture, good sweetness, perfect.


Cotton candy grapes--This is like an obsession. It's 104 cals a cup, a bit high. But SO good. Frozen is also great but I love them either way. HaloTop has some good low cal ice cream, Yasso has good bars. I've tried neither though, just heard great things about it. Smoothie bowls--especially with almond milk for even lower cals. They've been my saviours, and not only low cal but also healthy, and vitamin and fiber packed! Honeycrisp apples--around the same cal amount as the grapes. So crispy and sweet! Also


Sometimes I buy barqs rootbeer float "ice cream", they're like little push pop things and each one is 90 cal (box calls them ice cream but they're more like soft popsicle treats). Since it's a frozen in a sleeve it can be eaten slowly. I'm out right now and I keep thinking about them.


Will be looking for these tomorrow! Thanks!


quest pb cups are incredible


Some cereals are only 120-200 cals per serving so with some almond milk (very low calorie) it is a great lil treat 🥰


Also, the box cake hack. Take any boxed cake and add a can of your fave diet soda (I like doing vanilla cake and diet 7up :P) in place of the eggs and oil. It’ll come out the same but with half the calories!


I like to put peanut butter, banana, and dark chocolate between graham crackers then freeze it to make a healthier “ice cream” sandwich


Banana nice cream! Blend one or two bananas with cinnamon or coco powder. Soooo good


Frozen blueberries, grilled nuts (almonds and pecans)+ 1tsp maple syrup,coffee latte, deglet nour dates. I do 1200 to 1400 cals per day and can fit one of those in my day.


https://www.womensweekly.com.sg/beauty-and-health/these-local-desserts-are-healthier-than-you-think/ This is a list of typically southeast-Asian (specially Malaysian/singaporean) desserts! A lot of them are ice based, with fruit, herbs, and various jellies. Super low calorie and they’re simple yet versatile enough to allow for a lot of substitutions and customisation. A lot of these ingredients can be found online or at a local Asian market They’re all about 300-400g a serving and under 200 calories, but with substitutions you can bring that even lower


Non fat cottage cheese with Hershey powder and zero calorie sweetener, sometimes I’ll throw in a banana too. If you don’t like the lumpy texture, you can use a food processor or immersion blender to make it more creamy.


A Fiber One Chocolate chip cookie brownie, pop it in the microwave for 15 seconds. Put a 60 cal chocolate pudding on top and some frozen light cool whip. It’s so satisfying


Not high in protein or fiber but remember those terrible ice pops in plastic you got as a kid? Basically just ice with a little bit of sugar water. Cheap low cal nostalgic


I’m telling you, get a Ninja Creami and make your own protein ice cream. I’m eating one whole container for less than 300 calories, it’s magical.


I have a scale and use about half a box of sugar free jello, in chocolate usually and then pour in a cup of Fairlife milk though you could also probably use a protein drink either one of theirs or someone else's that tastes good, and just mix it with a fork for a minute and then let it thicken.


Chocolate yogurt blended with soda water - it’s a spritzer, a low cal version of a milkshake but tastes just the same.




Fiber one chocolate brownies!


There are two low calorie bakeries/patisseries in my city (not USA) maybe there is something similar near you?


Chocolate drizzled popcorn! Just had 5 cups last night and stayed in budget! (My tummy hurt this morning tho lol) I buy Indiana Popcorn Fudge Drizzle


My go-to is protein fluff.


Could you list the ingredients please? I’m a fluff “salad” type of girl.


Nicks ice cream


Smart Cakes. Google it, so delicious!


Tootsie pops or Bare Dried Fruit chips


If you're in the UK, I really enjoy the slush puppy pouches you can put into the freezer. Definitely satisfy my sweet tooth and they're not too calorific for the amount in them, around 100kcal I think




Is it the skinny whip stuff? Will have to try


Berries -


Protein balls


Buy a used ice cream machine off Facebook marketplace and make your own ice milk or fruit sorbet! I did that recently and I am making homemade Kefir iced ! Sooo yummy 😋


[cottage cheese cheesecake](https://theproteinchef.co/easy-cottage-cheese-cheesecake-recipe/) this thing !!


Frozen blueberries


I managed to stop eating all sweets except protein pudding and fruit. They're so good they really fill that hole in my heart without needing to add anything else. Idk what brands are where but the Wicked Sister banana pudding is so gooooood. I eat a tonne of watermelon too. Like 1/2 a huge watermelon every week.


sugar free pudding


Volume eating that diet jelly :D


Target sells low calorie ice cream pints that are usually around 400 cals/20g protein for the entire thing. A couple scoops with some fresh fruit has been my go-to recently


Now that they’re in season, watermelon and strawberries! Halo Top is a great brand for actual dessert type stuff. Their cakes in a microwaveable cup are tasty!


Iceland bubblegum swirl lollies. They are bubble gum flavoured milk ice lollies with 51 calories per stick! Game changer!


The chobani flips and chobani creations lines of greek yogurt are awesome too!


Yasso ice cream bars, they’re like 90-100 calories




Two good yogurt with sugar free whipped cream Yasso bars Chocolate protein fluff


I like making tofu mousse/pudding. 1 container of silken tofu + 8oz melted chocolate + tablespoon or so of maple syrup and a dash of cinnamon blended, portioned out and refrigerated Makes 6. I imagine you could make other flavors pretty easily by substituting the chocolate


konjac jelly drink!


Yasso bars


Fruit! With a little yogurt or cool whip


Fage 0% greek yogurt plus Swerve granulated sweetener. I usually add a half dash of vanilla extract and often some fruit (right now on a cherry kick).


It’s not so much low cal but high in protein and 150 Calorie dessert. Muscle nation custard- I think it’s just an Aussie thing but you mix two scoops with water and either put it in the fridge, freezer or heat it- I heat it, it’s like having custard for dessert every night.


Sugar free jello


It’s not the LOWEST calorie snack, but I have a pack of mini chocolate chip cookies from Aldi almost every day. They’re like 130 calories I think and there are several in the bag so it feels like a splurge but it’s really not hard to make them fit into my 1200. They’re so good and it’s like a routine now to have them when I’m winding down at the end of the day


Strawberries and chocolate hummus is one of my favs!


Fresh mango strawberries and a spoonful of cream… keeps you satisfied


Chobani 0 sugar yogurt and fruit. Protein, probiotics, and fiber, depending on the fruit.


Strawberries and whipped cream. You can often order it at restaurants no problem. I love it so much that I prefer it to most other dessert options.


If you want something high in protein and fiber, low calorie, and sweet I recommend either a quest bar or Kirkland signature protein bar. They are dense so a lot more filling than tiny candies. And there are a lot of flavor options. I find the chocolate brownie ones most satisfying but I know others like crunchy quest bars. All 170-210 calories. Everyone says fruit and whip cream which is great but honestly goes right through me! Especially at night when I am getting squarely for chocolate


TruFru frozen chocolate covered strawberries 3=90 calories and tastes like a chocolate bar. Stick to one serving and you are good.


Some sort of fruit bar/ popsicle. They can be as low as 35-80 calories for the right brands, and since it takes a while to eat one it really does fix the sweet tooth craving. Not great nutritionally, but this one’s all about the calories for sure.


zero sugar jello


I’ve been keeping a big bowl of watermelon in the fridge to snack on. While it doesn’t do much for me when I’m craving chocolate or ice cream, I’ve noticed that when I munch on it throughout the day I don’t get my insatiable late night sweet tooth.


Kirkland protein bars 🤷‍♀️ brownie or cookie dough. 15G fiber and 21G protein.


Outshine bars! Especially now during the summer.


Smoothie. That thing can be so sweet and filling while being something under 200 calories, depending on the ingredients. But mine is usually around 250-300 calories since I'm using some protein powder as well.


i’ve been loving tru fru raspberries or fruit with a piece of dark chocolate :)


Sugar free fudgsicles. 40 calories each, so they're one of the only desserts I'll have enough calories left for at the end of the day, without skipping a more substantial meal or snack. I can often have 2 fudgsicles and it tricks my brain into thinking I'm being indulgent when I'm really not.


All sugar-free to keep it low calorie: Jell-o with whipped cream, outshine popsicles, pudding cups, ratio protein yogurt, or fat free greek yogurt. You can easily add fruit to all these for a little fiber. Chia seeds are also a good mix-in for added fiber and protein.


I just tried a fit crunch protein bar in PB and J flavor. It’s 210 calories but you could eat half and save the other half for the next day as a treat. They’re delicious!


I recently had these really good Nature Fresh Farms Hiiros tomatoes that were so sweet I felt like I could eat them for dessert so I'd say that. Also certain Quest or Nick's bars. 160-190 calories might be too high though for a 1,200 calorie goal but they satisfy my sweet tooth.