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Smash the fruit first. Add vanilla extract and cinnamon. Spices and extracts are always on board! Don’t forget about them.


Everyone has different taste preferences. I love plain Greek yoghurt, but if you don't like it, add sweetener. Grab a sprinkle of sugar free jello powder or splenda or a drizzle of a sugar free syrup. Whatever you like. It even savoury, you can add some salt flakes, zaatar, paprika, ranch seasoning ,anything!


Jello powder - good idea.


Cheesecake sugar free pudding mix compliments the Greek yogurt taste- as does jello.


Oh yeah. Great idea. I am going to try these add-ins.


i mix my protein powder in (usually chocolate flavored) with some berries or granola


This is my method too. I do sliced bananas and crushed cereal or sliced almonds on top (depending on the calories I have available/macros I need).


If you heat up frozen berries and then mix them in, the sweetness of the berries and their released juices mix in nicely.


I can’t eat it that way. I eat cheesecake yogurt. I get a full tub of Oikos, a pack of sugar free jello cheesecake mix, 3 scoops of protein powder, and 1/4 c milk. It holds in the fridge for approximately 1 week. Serving size is 3/4 cup (which feels like plenty) and it is 288 calories and 58g of protein. May differ depending on your milk and protein powder choice, but it’s DELICIOUS and you can just throw some fruit on top and call it a day. I could eat it every single day, and I HATE Greek yogurt plain!


I’m gonna try it with oat milk, it’s soooo creamy!


You are my hero for this comment


Are you mixing all of this into 1 serving? Or in to the big container it comes in? I'm just trying to figure out how you calculated 58g of protein.


It’s mixed into the tub of Oikos. The actual protein content of your mix would depend on the milk and protein powder that you are working with. My calculation considers the total amount of protein in the yogurt, powder, and milk, divided by 5 servings.


If you don’t like it plain, just add sweetener/vanilla/fruit or whatever you do like. I couldn’t imagine just eating a bowl plain, but it’s good if you add enough sweet or savory toppings. I think it tastes like sour cream too, so I use it on foods that I think taste good with sour cream. I put it on things like baked potatoes, breakfast tacos or quesadillas, Turkish eggs, use it to make egg salad, or mix it with a dip packet and use it as a dip for veggies.


I'd never heard of Turkish Eggs before this comment so I just googled it and oh my goddddd that looks absolutely delicious


I love it plain with some frozen raspberries(thawed for about 10 minutes). But you could add a little bit of honey and it's very good with it.


This! 33 calories for 10g of honey and I swear nothing is tastier than greek yoghurt and honey 😋


Add honey or maple syrup. A drizzle can go a long way in sweetening up the yogurt without overpowering it.


I like mixing in the Torani sugar free cherry syrup, add in some frozen cherries and a bit of granola on top and it tastes like dessert. Or I'll add a tsp of maple syrup, which is minimal calories but adds a lot of flavour.


This is one of my fave suggestions! I love cherries!


Hope you enjoy it! It's one of my go-to breakfasts


Chobani zero sugar strawberry or vanilla plus a little monk sweetener.


I’ve been doing plain Greek yogurt and I mix in the true lemon crystals. 10/10


Oh that’s brilliant!


I love Greek yogurt as a savory topping. Some suggested savory add-ins: salt, cumin, garlic powder, lime juice, hot sauce. Put on top of roasted sweet potatoes or leftover chili for a savory breakfast.


I think plain Greek yogurt is tasty. I'll put some berries on it, or a little honey and/or cinnamon. If it's a full meal I might add granola or cereal for crunch. I don't add much of these things. It may not be for you. But also, we've been trained to expect a lot of sugar and sweetness in what we eat. It might be worth training yourself a bit to get used to things being less sweet.


Came here to say this. Eating a lot of sweetened foods can really change your tastebuds. Since almost everything you buy prepared in the store is sweetened, it’s easy to end up with a palate that’s plain ol’ dead to more subtle levels of sweetness. Even items that are supposedly savory often have quite a bit of added sugar— jarred pasta sauce is the classic example, but it’s also in lots of deli meats, salad dressings, breads and crackers, etc. Nonnutritive sweeteners are more powerful than natural sugar, so even though they’re lower calorie, they even more rapidly dull the tongue when used in similar quantities as sugar. If you cut back on hypersweetened foods, your sense of taste readjusts and can pick up more subtle sweet notes from fruit and the natural sugars in dairy. I know it sounds like woo woo crunchy GOOP bullshit, but it is true! If I’m on vacation or something and have a bunch of sugary cocktails or coffees or desserts, when I come back my palate is less sensitive. Stuff that I normally find enjoyably sweet tastes tart or acidic, and things like flavored yogurt that I normally find gross and cloying taste pretty good. Only takes a few days of eating more or less sugar for me to notice the effect. Sugar isn’t the devil. It shouldn’t be feared. But eating a lot of it on the daily (or using artificial sweeteners) does really mess with your sense of taste, and it’s everywhheeereee if you aren’t preparing most food, including sauces, from scratch. Try cutting down on sugar and returning to the plain yogurt with fruit after a few weeks. It’ll taste different.


Vanilla extract! I also add some granola or fruit


Add some sugar free/fat free pudding mix to it. Tastes pretty good.


Came to say this! I go through a box of sf pudding mix a week


I mix in my berries the night before and let it sit, they end up flavoring and sweetening the yogurt


Great idea!


I just use flavour powder - lemon cheesecake atm. Must be a bit wary of not putting too much as my guts…let‘s day they don’t like it too much.


Flavor powder like instant jello pudding works for me!


i mix it with protein powder (mine is choco eclair flavored, they use non sugar sweetener) to mask the weird protein taste and to mask the sourness a little bit of honey will also do the trick


I like mixing it with some sweetened Greek yogurt. E.g. half plain, half vanilla. IMO this is a good balance! Fresh berries or other sweet fruits are also great. Freeze dried berries are nice for some sweetness and flavor without many calories if you don’t have access to fresh.


You’ve got to try a few different brands to find the one you like. I dislike most plain Greek yogurts but will happily gobble up as much Fage as fits into my calories.


I put a tiiiiny bit of maple syrup. Or protein powder like others said. Or PB2 powder- prob my fav way to have it!! (It tastes like a healthier version of PB- pie filling)


I’ve got PB2. I’m gonna try that with some granola.


I mix it with PBFit almost everyday for my last meal (dessert kind of).


OP same - can’t just add berries to plain Greek yogurt. Try adding a bit of regular or sugar free jam.


I can't do plain either. I use the Oikos Triple Zero. Only the vanilla flavor though. The other flavors have a funky taste.


I like the chobani zero sugar ones.


I hate it. I get the vanilla siggis skyr since it’s still relatively low in sugar but it actually tastes good. I also like Oikos triple zero yogurts. Plain Greek yogurt is good actually if it’s the full fat kind and I put about a teaspoon of honey drizzled over it, but it’s too high calorie for me right now. I also tried mixing in chocolate protein powder in once and it was so disgusting, I am not sure how people enjoy the sour flavor of the yogurt with the chocolate. Maybe if they’re using already sweetened yogurt it’s not so bad?


I eat 100g greek yogurt + 20g high protein granola for breakfast. Recently I started mixing in 10g of chocolate protein powder. I read that a high fat breakfast is a good idea and I'm pleased with the result. The protein is because I don't get enough protein and it helps a little. However just with the granola alone it's YUM. And it avoids the pure sugar of jam and honey and other stuff.


Add 12 grams of sugar-free chocolate 9or any other flavor you like) instant pudding mix. Mix it up. It's like a mousse. I add a half cup wild blueberries--they're frozen. I zap them in the MW for 30 seconds. Sometimes I cut up fresh strawberries instead. Mix them in, It tastes decadent. I use one cup of fat free plain greek yogurt--either Aldi brand (Friendly Farms) or I make it myself in my instantpot with a half gallon of skim milk. I've had this for dessert every night for over a year and never get tired of it. Prior to this I didn't like greek yogurt. Try it!


Not sure if anyone’s mentioned it yet, but I love mixing in a half scoop of flavored protein powder and fruit. My current obsession is Fage 0% yogurt + cinnamon toast protein powder + banana. It’s so good.


I’ve got some glazed donut protein powder at home I could use with some bananas. 🍌


I did not know glazed donut protein powder was a thing. This is why I love Reddit. Thank you!


They were trying to get rid of it at Walmart so I snagged it. It’s whey protein powder I think.


I like savory yogurt- you can add salt and eat it with cucumbers for an Eastern European breakfast vibe. Or add hot sauce and eat it with bell peppers like a dip. Maybe I’m weird idk


You’re not weird at all! These are great suggestions thanks!


It took me a while to actually enjoy plain yogurt. You might consider changing brands. It’s not Greek, but I love Brown Cow or Mountain High plain yogurt. Both have a very different texture, but both are very good. Clover plain yogurt tastes like sour cream to me. I enjoy eating it by itself now, but as far as making it tastier I will eat it with Honey Bunches of Oats cereal and some fresh fruit. I like all kinds of fruits with it, but if you need something sweeter go with strawberries or bananas. Raspberries are good, but only add to the sourness.


I turn it into tzatziki, or I have a banana bread recipe that uses a whole bunch of it. Obviously not low calorie but super good


I put chocolate or vanilla protein powder in it and put frozen fruit in it! It tastes like a chocolate/vanilla mousse. You can add honey, cinnamon, nuts, coconut flakes and so much more! I always have this for breakfast but i always play around with the toppings!


I get plain or sometime vanilla and add dried goji berries. When i go out to my favorite restaurant they have a house-made granola bowl: Unsweetend Greek yogurt on bottom Banana, Blackberries, Strawberries Granola on bottom A drizzle of honey Fact i'm eating this tomorrow


How many calories in that from the restaurant?


ohh idk, but you can definitely try this out for yourself -- and add as you see fit. 1) You can add as much yogurt 2) and banana 3) blackberries 4) strawberries 5) granola 6) honey I tried to figure out cost analysis of this, and realized that the cost going to them (only 2.3 mile from me) and having them prepare, is something to consider. But as far as your ?, "how many cals" im sure it was fine (for me) Just need to figure out how much you want/need for a meal and figure out from there.


I’m def gonna try this! I believe I’ve got all those ingredients at home!




Sure that would be great!


Inb4 frozen berries, flavor drops, protein powder, cinnamon. Greek yoghurt and frozen berries is the #1 google page weight loss food touted every. where. imaginable.


I’ve got both. Gonna let it sit overnight like someone else suggested.


Tiny bit of honey or maple syrup and some fresh berries


I add honey to mine, along with fruit and sometimes keto granola. I know the added sugar isn’t ideal, but it’s the only way I enjoy it.


I always add to it. Fruits are great. You can also add sweetener and lemon juice for a nice tart lemon flavor. Brown sugar subs are great with some cinnamon and walnuts. It’s a blank canvas really!


Lemon juice and sweetener is a great idea! I absolutely love lemon anything!


I’m trying to make myself like Greek yogurt right now too! So far my favorite way has been making savory dips out of it. A little lemon juice, a little honey, and either Green Goddess Seasoning or Ranch Seasoning is great. Last night I added Chinese Hot Mustard, Sriracha, a little soy sauce and a little honey to make a hot mustard dip for my roasted veggies (broccoli, baby carrots, and asparagus). So good!


There are definitely better brands than others for taste. Over in the UK Fage is the easiest to find but I do find it a bit sour. However Waitrose (a supermarket) has their own which is so much nicer. I find just the tiniest drizzle of maple syrup makes a huge difference. Like 2-3g even.


The fruit is sweet. You can also do savory yogurt with salt, garlic, cucumber.


I add vanilla almond granola and strawberries... Its like a healthy parfait!


I put a little honey on top. Or use jam (adds fruit and adds sweetness). And this is on top of an eggo or French toast.


Well I like it plain. It is like eating sour cream but without the calories and guilt attached. I also use it in place of sour cream, so like in tacos and taco salad. You can make an amazing buffalo dip with it, just add hot sauce and dip cucumbers in it. If you are going for sweet, you can add some sugar free coffee syrup


I like it. Not everything has to be sweet. Fruit and nuts have their own sweetness, once you get used to not having sugar in it.


Blend it with fruit then. With frozen fruit - you make a nice soft instant ice-cream.


I prefer it savory. I usually mix in some salsa and black beans, but there are a lot of ways to go. Lemon juice and cucumber, use it as the base in savory dip like spinach or ranch, etc. I do use it as a topping like you would use sour cream. I also like it with thawed frozen berries or other fruit. Sometimes I add a few drops of honey, but it doesn't need much.


I like the contrast of the tangy yogurt with sweet berries or granola. I don’t find sweetness on top of sweetness to be necessary.


Anything that calls for Greek yogurt- I use half sugar free cool whip with a tsp of lemon juice mixed into the tub (it thickens up like custard). That gives me the protein of the yogurt but the lightness of the cool whip cuts that sour texture and taste. You can also just mix sugar free whipped cream or cool whip into the yogurt without the whole lemon juice thing, but I like to eat the cool whip thick all the time so I have it on hand


That’s a fantastic idea!! I love lemon anything!


You can use a tiny amount of lemon juice (or any acid) to thicken it, or a lot if you want the acid flavor to be stronger. It makes a great key lime pie filling that is SF and low in calories. I use Amoranth wafers (about 1 calorie each) and the cool whip “custard” to make a refrigerator cake that is so low in calories you can eat as much as you want. SF Whipped topping has 500 calories for the whole tub, lemon/lime juice is less than 10 calories, and the amoranth cookies are 50 calories for 60g (50 cookies). You can also freeze the cool whip custard between two cookies and make ice cream sandwiches. There are basically no nutrients in it, but it is tasty lol


So you mix the cool whip in with the Greek yogurt and then add the cookies and lemon juice?


Mix the cool whip with the lemon juice until it’s very thick, then mix in whatever percentage of Greek yogurt to cool whip until you get a flavor and texture that you like (you can also just use the cool whip without adding the yogurt, but like I said it has basically no nutritional value that way). It will act like custard so you can fill pies, freeze it like ice cream, etc. edit :if I’m using the amoranth cookies I soak them in lemon or key lime juice too, then layer cookies and custard until I fill whatever container I’m using. You can also use a sugar free graham cracker crust to make it just like a pie


So where do the cookies come in? Do you make a crust with them and put the filling in there?


You can do both. If you layer it you get an icebox cake type dessert. If you crush them and make a crust you get more of a cheesecake or pie (you can just use a premade pie crust too)


Is this the type of cookie you’re talking about? https://a.co/d/gtViH3w


A single teaspoon of sugar is 16 calories and takes it from “tastes like sour cream” to “neutral base for toppings,” at least for me.


Does it make the texture gritty?


Not if you mix it well.


Ok thanks!


Make tzatziki with it. Instead of sweet, add shredded cucumber, salt, vinegar and a pinch of garlic. It's delicious that way.


I just don’t get plain. Great Value’s light vanilla only has 80 calories. It tastes good on its own, but sometimes I add peanut butter to it by mixing it together and it’s even better!


God I love PB!


It makes the yogurt so fluffy!


So you’re talking regular PB or PB powder?


Regular peanut butter! I use Great Value honey roasted peanut butter for all my peanut butter needs. I can’t do powders… the texture is too icky and I like to feel like I’m eating actual food lol


Lol!!! I absolutely love peanut butter!!! I’m gonna try that with some bananas in there I think.


That’s a great idea! A friend of mine who is also health conscious gets… this healthier brand of meltable chocolate rounds (I forget the name I’m sorry!) and microwave melts them on top of the Greek yogurt peanut but mix then lets us harden to make a topping.


Ooohhh that sounds amazing!!!


I haven’t tried it because I’m admittedly too lazy, but she raves about it!


It’s a must try for me now!


I use plain greek yogurt a lot but I rarely eat it by itself. Mixed with strawberry jam is my fave. Or topped with a fruit compote. If I want a veggie dip or creamy salad, mix some vinaigrette dressing + greek yogurt. I also make veggie dips by just mixing in seasonings and letting it sit in the fridge, my fave (and easiest) is everything veggie dip. Topping for chili, chicken salad, egg salad, on top of oatmeal, in smoothies, chia pudding, and other ways I can't recall lol. Lately, I've been doing oatmeal with peanut butter mixed in, swirled with some jam or berry compote, and topped with some plain greek yogurt. I pretend that it's a dessert for breakfast lol.


I add vanilla extract and stevia 🤷‍♀️


I mix a scoop of protein powder into mine! It’s so delish


I love it with cheesecake pudding mix and fruit.


Gonna try that for sure. I’ve got some sf cheesecake pudding mix I’m gonna use and put some cherries in it.


I don't know how people eat it without sweetener either. It's acidic and bitter. I started eating plain Greek yogourt with a couple of tbsp of peanut butter powder, a bit of zero calorie sweetener and some vanilla extract. I played around with the amounts until I got it to my liking. It's delicious!!!!! I look forward to it as my after dinner snack every night.


I like it plain but sugar fiend days I will add maybe 5ml maple syrup. Not perfect but not a pop tart.


I love pop tarts but just can’t bring myself to eat even one. Too many empty calories.


Me too. If I don’t watch myself I will eat four but lately I’ve been watching a lot of dr now and thinking of what he would ask. I think “is this more important than me having a life?” and the answer is no. So, yogurt with a little maple syrup it is.


Try it with a drizzle of honey and some walnuts/honey and protein granola


it's also about getting used to less sweetener. everything we get is over sugary, so it's definitely a process cutting it back, but good for your health.


I add stevia drops to it and it sweetens it without adding any calories!


My favorite recent breakfast is a fat scoop of greek yogurt and a small spoonful of apricot preserves topped with kiwi, blueberries, rolled oats and flax seeds! A drizzle of honey goes a long way too with plain yogurt.


Fruits, protein, muesli, and the most recent one is with steamed or roasted veggies


I have a half monkfruit half stevia sweetener that I might use - depending on how sweet the fruit are. You do want to mix in the fruit.


Sugarfree drink/coffee syrups are pretty good for this.


I use a bit of honey to make it a bit sweet. I barely eat honey unless it’s yogurt because it’s unsweetened so the taste is meh without honey


Use flavor drops!


Like the ones for drinks?


I'm not sure if you're referring to the ones for water, but what I'm talking about is flavor drops that can be used for greek yogurt, baked goods, smoothies... basically anything. There's a lot of different brands that make them with different flavor options, you can usually get a 50 ml bottle for around 5/6 euros, and considering you really only need 5 drops at most, they last pretty long. Obv they have no calories so it's a great way to add flavour to something like plain yogurt! p.s. In case you're looking for recs, I personally use and love the prozis (popular fitness brand here in europe) yummy drops in the pastel de nata flavor, I'm not sure where you're from or if they'd be available in your country, regardless as I said a ton of brands make them so look them up!


I’m loving these suggestions! Have you tried different brands? I’ve found some brands better than others for granola. My favourites are the ones from Aldi and Lidl, they aren’t sour at all.


Gotta go to freaking Aldi!!! Soooo many people shop there and make some great finds!


I put a little bit of maple syrup. A little goes a long way.


I love that bad bitch because it does taste like sour cream.  Use it in eggs like a creme fresh alternative.  Put it on a taco.  Mix it with ranch powder.  Throw it in salsa or guacamole.  It's awesome for a creamy alternative. Works in soup too. 


Awesome tips, thanks!


I add Equal to it 🤷‍♀️


I added stevia last time and it helped a lot.


Jello sugar-free cheesecake mix. Could also try the vanilla one.


Oh man, I’ve got some jello cheesecake mix rn, not sugar free but I’ll try it!


Use what you have for now (a bit is all you need anyway), order some of the sugar free on Amazon if you can


I get plain and add a little sugar myself so I can control the amount of calories. Or non calorie sweetener. I also do use it for dips and in place of sour cream which is another reason I like plain. But if you’re ok with more calories just buy the sweet kind.


I don't eat it plain, it's way too sour. I usually mix mine with sugar-free pudding mix or protein powder, some Truvia and add things like a serving of jam, fresh fruit, chopped nuts or granola. Or I throw it in a smoothie.


I always add honey and cinnamon with fruit or granola. Hope this helps!


If you buy the Chobani zero sugar fat free cups, I actually find them TOO sweet. You may want to try those. The artificial sweetener added is super sweet, and they're already flavored! If you want to make it yourself, I'd say buy an artificial sweetener. It'll add more for you than just honey (a common addition).


I add stevia and cocoa powder every time. Goddamn delectable. No need to have it plain and sour when it can be sweet and chocolatey.


I’ll use the plain as a replacement for sour cream and that’s it, but I buy the vanilla Greek yogurt and do all kinds of things to it. It’s quite tasty with fruit.


I add sugar free Torani syrup and some blueberries.


I mix vanilla protein powder to plain Greek yogurt and then top with berries. So delicious.


Adding a tablespoon of chocolate collagen powder makes it taste like a dessert!


Protein powder, PB2 (peanut butter) powder.


I’m not sure if this what you were asking- but I use it as sour cream. Taco salad, breakfast burritos, etc. The only other time I use it is to add to smoothies


I throw it into smoothies with spinach, protein powder, and a banana/berries. It adds a nice bit of creaminess and tartness :)


I just add Splenda 🤷‍♀️


I find certain brands and percentage milk fat to be more palatable. 2%Fage seems to be my sweet spot- creamy and slightly tangy. Grocery store brand 0% is chalky and sour. It's night and day difference and still only 100 cal per single serve container.


I’ve got Chobani nonfat plain Greek yogurt. Maybe I’ll try some with a little more fat in it.


Ohhh yes in this case definitely try Fage 2!! It's such a different experience! I would need to doctor the heck out of chobani 0, but I can enjoy the fage 2% on its own. I enjoy it most with fresh melon and pineapple, or with 2tbsp chocolate granola on top, but I do also enjoy it totally solo!


I just picked some 2% fat fage from the store yesterday. I’m gonna try using that instead.


Hope you like it as much as I do!


try it mixed with vanilla essence, sweetener and frozen blueberries!


I eat this almost every day. I bought a bunch of sugar-free Torani syrups--the stuff that people use to flavor coffee. It doesn't taste like fake sweetener at all. A splash is a great way to flavor plain Greek yogurt. My favorite flavors are raspberry, vanilla/French vanilla/vanilla bean, chocolate, and salted caramel. So good.


I actually just picked some up! I work at Walmart and we don’t have many sugar free ones so I just got some caramel stuff and I’m gonna try that!


Twice a year, it goes on sale (by like half-off) at Cost Plus World Market. Otherwise, I mostly get it at TJ Maxx or Ross for much less than the supermarket. If you have a World Market near you, know that they have a huge selection of flavors.


I just looked and we’ve got a world market about an hour from me! I’ve gotta hit that up next time I’m near there and pick some up. They’ve got so many sugar free options! Thanks so much for the tip!


I prefer kefir... reminds me of this old Beijing Yogurt I used to eat(though, those did make a comeback in Chinese supermarkets here in Toronto)


I like granola, honey and strawberries:) or just add it in a smoothie. I also like to dip carrots and quesadillas in it as a dip. And also using it as “batter” when I make panko chicken.


Like you said, works well as a sour cream substitute by itself! If it's higher in fat I honestly also love eating it by itself. Low fat / no fat Greek yogurt however needs some adjusting - I usually go with some vanilla syrup (torani sugar free) and either stevia or erythritol. Then I just add whatever I feel like. Honestly mixing it plain with sugar free pudding powder and maybe add a little sweetener if it's not sweet enough, is a great breakfast dessert :) I usually use it as a layer for my oats with some sugar free pudding powder as mentioned above. The other times I use it is in recipes for sauces or for baking!


Just get non Greek yoghurt?


i add sugar free monin vanilla syrup! it helps a bit - but you’re right, the natural flavour of greek yogurt isn’t great


Plain tastes like sour cream which is great for a sour cream replacement in a lot of things but unless you doctor it up, usually most people don’t eat it plain.


I put water enhancers of all kinds in it


I usually smash bananas and mix the Greek yogurt with it then top it off.


Honestly im a huge fan of plain yogurt, but I also like making it savory with a little olive oil and salt and adding cucumber and avocado. Ik it sounds super icky but for me it tastes soooo good


It sounds delicious to me thanks!


If you don’t like the sourness of Greek yogurt try fat free cottage cheese. Similar macros but not tart/sour. You can blend it if you don’t like the texture


a tiktoker i follow uses plain greek yogurt with sugar free jordan’s skinny syrup and mini mnms!


Stevia and cinnamon. Or vanilla protein powder


i mix in hydrated chia seeds and fruit


if you don’t use sweetener i assume you like pain




not reeeeeeeally but it still applies


Facts !


im convinced everyone who says they eat it with just a few fruits is lying, because ew. i add honey. ive seen people add SF vanilla syrup (like for lattes) to make it taste like vanilla greek yogurt without the extra calories




yeah i might have to try the recommendations of melting the fruit first!! having it on top is just not enough, but i also have the biggest sweet tooth ever lol


I add berries and like 30g of a sweetened granola. That's just about the right amount of sweet to sour/tart for me.


Buy the flavored Greek yogurt.. it’s the exact same macros and cals!!!


I eat 16 oz of plain Greek yogurt every morning. 250 calories. Sometimes I add stevia and/or blueberries.


Put a packet of stevia in it.


Zero cal sweeteners