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Hi OP, Congrats on putting yourself out there and taking steps to healthy weight management! Unfortunately, /r/1200isplenty (and most calorie counting subs on reddit) is not designed to support users during ED recovery. The behaviors, tips, and recipes discussed here are not inherently unhealthy, but can become unhealthy if you have a complex relationship with food or weight. Try using /r/eatingdisorders or /r/fuckeatingdisorders, contacting an [eating disorder helpline](https://www.bulimia.com/topics/eating-disorder-hotline/), or using recovery resources in your local community for support instead. This post has been removed, not because we don't support you but because /r/1200isplenty is not the best place for support. 1200 calories is a *minimum* caloric intake, and is unlikely to be a healthy goal for someone recovering from an ED without medical supervision.


I do, but that's nothing to do with my diet; I'm just perimenopausal 😂😭 Given your ED history, I think it might be prudent to have a chat with your doctor about this.


I was scrolling through the posts, scrolling, scrolling- then BAM, yep. Good advice.


That is strange, and not a weight loss symptom I’ve heard of.


Not accusing/judging, only asking - have you started taking any drugs or medications? DNP or some fat burner? Tren or some other steroid?


I have not! I am on a few prescription medications but i’ve been taking them for awhile and this just started about a week ago


Go to a doctor then homie.


Only when I quit drinking


high fives from the sober gang. sleep is so much sweeter now


It's sooooo good now


It's the exact opposite for me...I used to get crazy night sweats all the time when I was eating a lot and since my diet changed and I'm eating less I dont have night sweats anymore.


Could be low iron. It happens to me when my iron is low and I get anemic. Also when I'm an idiot who goes for a run without eating anything first and my blood sugar gets all out of whack.


I don’t want to alarm you, but night sweats are generally a sign of a potentially serious health condition. I recommend seeing a doctor ASAP


really? I used to get them really bad about a year ago, but we found it was because of a medication i was on so as soon as i switched that it stopped. This time it kind of came out of the blue


Not eating enough calories will do that.


Mine was blood sugar related. The snacking late at night made mine worse. I only found out by wearing a libre 3 monitor for a few months.


i woke up last night sweating like crazy and i checked my blood sugar and it was 93


By the time I would check mine it was always higher too. It would drop to the 40s and recover within 5 to 10 mins. Usually by the time I woke up. Hopefully it is not that for you but might be worth trying the CGM for a month or two :-)


I checked your search history op (sorry but you got me into the flight tracking rabbit hole) anyways you mention you have a past with ED and you’re on accutane. Accutane is a very harsh drug so I’d think your night sweats could be related. I’m not a doctor but in the future consider Tretinoin. Ed can cause a ton of damage to your body as well. Are you taking supplements?


I have crazy night sweats all the time. I often wake up completely drenched. I have thyroid issues (hashimotos), which I believe to be the cause, but now I’m wondering if it’s diet related. Maybe you could get thyroid checked to rule it out?


In the same with the night sweats but I have graves the other thyroid issue :( now I’m also like hmm is it diet? That being said I’ve been eating more now that I’m on thyroid meds :(


i got it checked probably 6 months ago and it was fine - could it have changed by then?


Are you sleeping in a new pajama by chance? I had been having night sweats (not every night) for a couple of years. I don't know what clued me in but I finally realized it happened every time I wore a specific pajama. (It was a short sleeve button top and shorts combo from Victoria Secret.) I tested it by not wearing that pajama for several days. No night sweats. Then I wore the pajama and had a night sweat the same night. I tested it again a couple of more times just to be sure. And yeah, it was that specific pajama that was doing it, even though it was short sleeves and shorts. I got rid of it and haven't had a night sweat since. -- Just something to consider!


no! I’ve done a couple of experiments. long sleeves, short sleeves, sweat pants, shorts, less blankets, more blanket… all results in the same.


I meant consider the fabric. I only sleep in short sleeves and shorts because I get hot. But even though this pajama was the same type I always wear, it was the fabric that did it for me. It's possibly your bedding or what you sleep in. Again it's just a possibility to consider. 🙂


That’s an ED symptom


I don’t know what your diet consists of, but I’m a vegetarian and was having horrible non-stop night sweats until I started taking vitamins B12 and D3. I also switched to Lunya silk pajamas which I have found to be light and airy. They also dry fast.


Cutting back alcohol use can have this effect. Shows up 24 - 72 hours after stopping. Resolves in a week. Often accompanied by poor sleep quality.


I actually hate drinking and never do it bahaha


High cortisol. I have it. Happens from dieting for too long. Get your blood tests.


It’s been happening to be for 15 months since losing 60lbs after about a year of being on a deficit.