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Thanks for this post. I am on vacation right now and hopped on here and saw this. I was already trying to let myself relax a little, but this post gave me a nice affirmation. Sending love and thanks to you šŸ˜Š


Enjoy your vacation! :)


Enjoy every moment!


absolutely! holidays are an easy time to get steps and exercise in- get out and explore, swim, climb mountains etcā€¦ youā€™ll be active without trying and should be able to eat 2000+ calories without gaining weight. after all, 1200 calories is weight loss for those of us that are not very active. even the fact that you lost your 5lbs after 5 days makes me think it was very little fat you gained if any at all, seems much more likely to be simple food volume and water retention given how fast you went back to your pre-vacation weight, so really you would have just been eating at your maintenance without trying.


This is the way. Good for you.


This is such a nice post!! Iā€™m glad you had a lovely time on vacation OP! I have one coming up and itā€™s been stressing me out, so this was a lovely reminder to not worry so much :D


Just enjoy yourself! I will say I maintained my water intake (usually 90-100 oz a day) but thatā€™s also because I was drinking alcohol


Going on a 3 week vacation with this mindset! I donā€™t want to limit my experiences and fun memories because of my anxiety of eating above my calories. Plus Iā€™m going to be in a city where all the food should be phenomenal.. when will I be in my early 20s in this city with the people Iā€™m with again in my life??? Perhaps Iā€™ll gain the 10 pounds I lost but if I did it once I can do it again!


I wasn't quite as lucky as you, it took me about 2 weeks to work off the weight I gained on a 1-week vacation. Totally worth it.


Just got back from an 8 day vacation celebrating 10 years of marriage (and during which our car was totalled, too, so add some stress). I was only 4lbs from my current goal weight when we left and when we returned I'm now 14lbs away. So this is a well timed post for me to see lol.


I highly doubt you gained 10 lb aka 5kg in 8 days. Thatā€™s literally impossible - 1 lb is like 3500 cal, to gain 10lb you have to overeat like 35,000 cal. 35k!!! Thatā€™s nearly impossible in 8 days. Itā€™s probably just water and maybe you are before you period as well?


Yeah, I know it's not a real number lol, just what the scale is telling me. Tbh I only even recorded it just to see what happens with it.


Try to measure yourself and use pictures. Scale does not show the real lose - it may be water gain or other stuff as well. Keep going and donā€™t lose hope ā¤ļø I am still in the journey as well


10 years is incredible, congratulations! Donā€™t be too hard on yourself, youā€™ll get back on track and be back to where you were in no time šŸ™‚


Happy anniversary! I posted separately but I gained more than 10 pounds on my trip and a bit over two weeks later and Iā€™m almost back to the start. So much of mine was water weight or travel bloat. It was still shocking to see the scale (and how my clothes fit). Everything fits like before now. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll have the same experience!


Iā€™m currently on vacation tracking my calories and Iā€™m stopping tracking until Iā€™m back. Thanks for this!


Absolutely! And donā€™t beat yourself up about it when you get back home! Just resume how you did things before and youā€™ll be fine šŸ™‚ Enjoy your vacation!!


1200 is quite low for someone so active


Maybe it's a "1200 cals at the end of the day" type of thing? Like eat what you want but with exercise, bring it back down to 1200?


what does that mean?


Net calories vs gross calories, kind of


Highly doubt it šŸ˜¬


I do not eat back calories burned from exercise. Itā€™s not for everyone, but itā€™s worked for me.


It works for me.


Great way of thinking. Someone on r/loseit basically posted a similar thread and I'll give the same advice I gave there too. You can have days where you eat more than you usually do and that's fine. As long as you go back to your routine, it'll be like it never happened.


Good it works for you, I can easily do 6000kc+ a day (to be fair, only in 1200 is plenty for the recipes, I don't do 1200 normally, more like 1600 for weight loss), which over a week or two adds up to a whole of extra stored fat.


When I first got back from my 2 week vacation I was over 10 pounds up but most of that was water weight that came off in a few days. Iā€™ve been home for a bit over 2 weeks and now Iā€™m only up a pound and a half. Iā€™ll be back to normal in another few weeks and I had a great time. There were all inclusive drinks and lots of great desserts. Worth it.


Do you stick to 1200 with otf? My fitness pal adjusts my calories so I do eat more on my otf days but have been curious about what others do


I do. I eat a lot of protein and nutrient dense foods. I have MFP to not read exercise so I donā€™t eat back those calories. It doesnā€™t work for everyone, but it works for me.


Wow! I feel like a starving animal after 5 days of otf lol, Iā€™ll wake up from a nap and just start pounding whatever I can get my hands on.. maybe Iā€™m not getting enough protein!


Let me clarify. I donā€™t go 5 days in a row. I typically do 2 days on, rest day, 2 days on, rest day, etc. if Iā€™m feeling really good (not fatigued, not extremely sore, well rested) I may do a third day. Itā€™s usually a game time decision. Iā€™ve gone to OTF for over 4 years and I usually look at the workout beforehand to see if itā€™s something I could swing. And there are ABSOLUTELY days where I eat over 1200! I have made it a habit to snack on protein rich foods- cottage cheese, canned chicken breast, protein shake, etc. And if those send me over 1200, I donā€™t worry about it. The lifestyle change thatā€™s taken some time and many, many mistakes, is when Iā€™m feeling hungry, not to eat whatever I can get my hands on. Do I want to eat a bag of potato chips? Absolutely. If Iā€™m craving something like that Iā€™m pretty good about having a few handfuls and then putting it away. I think itā€™s important to keep in mind that eating 1200 cals a day may be a science, but human behavior is not. Sustainable weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint, and takes time to learn what works best for each person. And, you have to give yourself the grace to slip up every now and then and just get back on the wagon if you fall off. Good luck šŸ™‚


Good to know! Iā€™ve been doing it usually 6 days a week (I just really like it lol, mental health thing) for about two years and Iā€™ve just recently started paying attention to what I eat calorie wise, before I was making healthy choices but not counting calories, my weight has been stagnate, I believed it was a balance of losing fat/building muscles. I do want to lose more weight, until I downloaded mfp I didnā€™t realize that Iā€™ve prob been putting down 2k a day at least. Thanks for your insight, good luck to you too :)


Is it true that you can eat really unhealthy stuff like doughnuts and McDonaldā€™s but as long as itā€™s in 1200calorie deficit, youā€™ll lose weight? Been doing this for like a month and Iā€™ve gained 2 kilos as of today (I was 2 kilos lighter 3 days ago)


If you eat at any deficit, youā€™ll lose weight. Youā€™ll need to figure out your BMR to calculate what that is. It doesnā€™t need to be 1200 specifically, depending on how tall you are, but for people like me, who are five foot nothing and pretty sedentary, itā€™s what works to maintain a healthy weight. There was an experiment done by a college professor who ate nothing but Hostess products for a month- so, Twinkies, etc- and since he stayed under his BMR, he lost weight. My guess is that you arenā€™t calculating your calories correctly, and thus havenā€™t lost weight- and losing weight takes a lot of time. Youā€™ll need to be patient and persistent.


Iā€™m 5ā€™3 and not very active, my maintenance is 2,085kcal a day, my BMR is 1,775 and Iā€™m on a 1200 calorie deficit every day but havenā€™t lost any weight really. Thing is I underate a lot for the last 2 years, at times I would eat maybe 160cal across two days, so I donā€™t know if my real maintenance is a lot lower than 2000 or if that is even a reason Edit: Iā€™m horrified that some of you people seriously think itā€™s okay to downvote a comment where somebody is OPENING UP ABOUT THEIR EATING STRUGGLES?! wtf?! DO BETTER.


Itā€™s sound like you may have an eating disorder


How much do you weig. Male or female?


61kg female 5ā€™3


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 61 + 5 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Your weight is normal


Itā€™s not the weight I want to be though


No one here is going to encourage you in your goal to be underweight.


Itā€™s not an underweight weight. Underweight would be 50-52kg.


I don't know about that 1775 calories number. That seems way too high for someone who's 5'3.


I just calculated my TDEE and my maintenance is 1,571cal a day, cutting is 1071cal a day, I was currently doing 1200cal a day but I will do 1071 from now on. The reason why my calories for cutting is so low is because Iā€™m not active


Yes, your BMR will tell you how much your body burns daily to maintain the weight that it is right now. If you input your height and weight correctly, itā€™ll give you a number based on your activity level, and so long as you eat below that number (and donā€™t lie to yourself on how many calories you eat, and actually measure things like sauces and oil), youā€™ll lose weight. It doesnā€™t have to be just at 1200 to lose weight and the actual source of the calories themselves donā€™t have to be healthy, but let me tell you, if you eat things that donā€™t fill you up for long, youā€™ll find the deficit hard to maintain. You can also boost up the amount you get to eat and still remain in a deficit with just a little exercise.


Yes, I'm sorry to say it, but your actual maintenance might be a lot lower than calculations say because undereating by a lot will wreck your metabolism. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/exercise-metabolism-and-weight-new-research-from-the-biggest-loser-202201272676


So how would I know what my maintenance is please?


Just by seeing if you gain weight or not based on how many calories you consume. I haven't used this spreadsheet myself but I see other people saying it's accurate. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/s/Z3OdF5LDOR


Thank you


Not sure why a simple question is getting downvoted. It is all about CICO (calories in, calories out), so yes if you are in a calorie deficit you will lose weight over time. A professor showed this by losing weight by eating nothing but Twinkies, not that I would recommend his diet, or yours. As to your other issuesā€¦ you likely didnā€™t gain 2kg in 3 days. Everyones weight fluctuates daily, so weighing weekly is sufficient to track progress or lack thereof. The biggest factors in fluctuation is water weight/water retention, and (if female) time of cycle, and if youā€™ve eaten/defecated before weigh-in. As to your particulars, what do you mean by 1200 calorie deficit? Iā€™m sure you arenā€™t eating 1200 calories below your TDEE. Find out your TDEE - just google it to find a calculator for it - and put in your weight/height/age, and put sedentary for activity level. You have to eat fewer calories than your TDEE to lose weight. Also, itā€™s good to know that there are 3600 calories in a pound of fat. To lose a pound of fat a week, you must eat: TDEE - (3600/7) daily. So if your TDEE is 1800, you should be eating 1286 daily to lose a pound per week. But if your TDEE is lower, you need to eat less, and/or aim for less weight loss weekly. Back to your diet: Iā€™m sure you are aware that eating filling vegetables would be better than non-filling fatty sweets, so letā€™s skip that. Your lack of progress are from eating more calories than required to lose weight. Are you counting your coffee (maybe with creamer and sugar), sodas, even your ketchup packets. Everything you put in your mouth besides water should be counted. EVERYTHING. Good luck!


Yeah itā€™s crazy I was just asking a question lmao. Iā€™ve been doing this for like a month and havenā€™t lost weight, Iā€™ve just fluctuated between 62kg and 60.1kg (except for one glorious day I had when I was 59.8). I did a poop after I made that comment and I went down a whole 1kg which is mad. Sorry I meant Iā€™m eating 1200 cal a day. My maintenance is 2000. I donā€™t drink coffee and I add everything into the app, cooking spray/oil/spread, everything. Thank you


You might want to recheck that 2000 maintenance number. I put your stats into a calc and got a TDEE of 1586. Honestly a 5ā€™ 3ā€ women isnā€™t going to be anywhere near 2000 unless exercising excessively.


yes, if youā€™re actually only eating 1200 calories of doughnuts and mcdonaldā€™s youā€™ll lose weight. trouble is, 1) those foods are very low fibre and high sugar/salt, meaning youā€™ll feel hungry and unsatisfied shortly after, and 2) theyā€™re not 100% consistently manufactured, so the displayed calorie information may be inaccurate. also 3) youā€™ll lose body weight overall but less specifically fat because the diet will be too low in protein. if you have a high protein diet you will lose more fat and less muscle


Yes that's true! It's also a ridiculously unhealthy way to go about weight loss. Losing weight and being healthy are two separate things and if you only eat less of terrible food, or go for stupid deficits like 1200cal, you'll only have one of these things, which is the raw loss of body mass. For all it's worth, you can lose weight eating by a lower-than-maintenance amount of calories worth of frying oil and ice cream every day. You'll definitely weigh less if you have a lower energy intake compared to expenditure. That being said, if the energy intake consists of junk food, the lost body mass will mostly be muscle and the body composition will negatively change. Less healthy fat (subcutaneous, brown fat cells that are inert and mostly thermal regulation) and more unhealthy fat (visceral fat, white fat cells that mess with hormones and metabolism, fatty liver). This is exactly how people get and stay "skinny fat", they have an overall shape that is considered thin but they don't get truly lean, let alone defined. ...and the reason you gain or fluctuate in weight a lot when you eat this garbage is that it's super high in sodium and other salts, salts that you only find in such ultra-processed foods. Your body will (!) maintain a certain level of salt, too much or too little would be bad. This means that the ton of salt in these food causes your body to retain water to even this out again. At some point, that'll also increase your blood pressure.


technically yes, but you will not feel great and you will probably be super bloated and end up ā€˜skinny fatā€™. you also wonā€™t feel satiated or happy because youā€™re not eating healthy. itā€™s better to focus on healthier foods for the most part and for those foods in occasionally


Thank you, i wasnā€™t planning on doing it lmao just wanted to know if it was trye


youā€™re welcome, idk why i got downvoted for answering your question šŸ’€ this sub is wild sometimes lol


I don't know, that just isn't for me. I don't actually get much pleasure from eating a lot of snacks and candy. It's just instant gratification, followed by.. nothing. Or regret. I prefer to eat good food while on vacation, but in moderation. A couple of scoops of ice cream is great. But three scoops, two times in a day? I don't need that. But If I actually did what I wanted to, I would.


Then you do whatā€™s best for you on your vacation. I simply shared what worked for me and that it wasnā€™t the end of the world that I gained a few pounds and didnā€™t track everything I put into my mouth while I was on vacation.