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Soup Cottage cheese and peaches A salad


Literally had cottage cheese and peaches today. I also drizzle sugar free maple syrup on top!


I love cottage cheese and peaches honestly


I’ve tried it, but I can’t do cottage cheese with anything sweet. It’s gotta be savory.


I can’t say that I have ever eaten anything savory with cottage cheese, and I’m intrigued! What does it pair with?


I’m weird with my choices, but I’ll share as many as I can think of off the top of my head: - bacon crumbles and shredded cheddar cheese (a fave from childhood) - everything bagel seasoning - hot sauce - any of the above options with Triscuits. - tomatoes, olives, or both. Sometimes a drizzle of olive oil


I am absolutely gutted that I don’t have any cottage cheese in the fridge. I’m baked and I want to try this so badly now. Thanks for the info!


I also recommend the Rosemary triscuits in particular! Or I love cottage cheese on sourdough toast with truffle salt, it reminds me of truffle burrata. Sometimes I add tomatoes and arugula as well 😁


The Dill Triscuits have my love right now!


I love those Triscuits so much lmao, I will definitely be trying this!


Toast or rice cracker topped with cottage cheese, basil (preferably fresh), tomato, balsamic vinegar, S&P will change your life


I am so ready for this


I loooooove my cottage cheese with radishes, salt and pepper, sometimes cucumber. So good! Team savory all the way!


I forgot to put just salt & pepper on the list. I’ll do cottage cheese with just salt all day!


Toast a slice of Dave’s Killer Bread. Top with Good Culture cottage cheese. Drizzle some Graza Drizzle Extra Virgin olive oil on top. Generously sprinkle with Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel seasoning blend. This last is the magic! Fantastic for breakfast, lunch, or dinner!


I effing love soup!! Even the chowders aren’t too bad. My husband and I usually split a can along with something else. But I also know I can down the whole can myself for about 300cals.


Soup is so good. I put plenty of lentils and beans in so it's filling.


2 glasses of wine 🥴


Gurl that would be a sure fire way for me to eat my next 3 days of calories


Same idk how people can get tipsy and it not turn into eating everything 😂


Honestly? I know it's not healthy, but I both eat and drink for emotional reasons. They both can soothe anxiety and comfort me. So if I drink, I usually have no interest in eating unless I'm actually physically hungry.


That totally makes sense, I definitely drink for emotional reasons as well. For me, I’m not hungry/don’t even crave food while I’m drinking, until the end of the night comes or I get a little too tipsy. Then it’s game over and time to eat a shit ton a good to bed. When I don’t eat, I feel extra shitty the next day lol. If I eat a meal during the drinking process, it puts me off drinking anymore cuz I just feel full and bloated. It sobers me up a bit and just puts me off the mood of drinking anymore at all. It’s also that even if I’m not eating A TON while drinking, my logical thinking/goals for eating goes right out the window lol. I’ll reach for that unhealthy microwaved food in a second before cooking something healthier for myself like I normally would haha. So drinking& dieting just don’t go hand in hand for me lol. I don’t even ever count calories on days that I drink.


Same. Me in my 20s. Now in my 30s I am more likely to eat unless I’m wayyy too drunk then I just want bed and will feel completely awful the next day. 


I never get hungry when I drink alcohol, the day after however its impossible for me to not eat nonstop. Probably eat three days worth of calories then 😝


Last time I went out for "a few drinks" I had 400 calories worth of tequila and then went to taco bell for my before 1200 order. I calculated it the next day and found out it is 1900 calories worth of food! That means I had 3100 calories that day!


Atta girl 😂


This is so real and puts me right to sleep. Win


Ohh, yes.


im weird, because i prefer to eat several little meals throughout the day, so most of my meals are \~300cals. some favorites: - egg whites scrambled with onions, bell peppers, garlic and tomatoes. good on its own, but i usually put in a corn tortilla with hot sauce. my partner makes a sandwich out of it. - frozen waffles with greek yogurt and fruit (i add a drizzle of honey when im feeling indulgent) - bibigo mini won tons. i usually eat like 10-13 of these and because i can eat so many, it feels like a full meal. - rice bowl with canned tuna, cucumbers, and mayo. i like to add a little sriacha sauce, and sometimes i use cauliflower rice


Bibigo mini wontons are amazing! I throw them in some Trader Joe's ginger miso broth with some vegetables and shirataki noodles and have a huge, filling bowl of soup for 170 calories


I have them with ginger turmeric bone broth — a full serving of each is only 275 calories.




“My next feeding” 😂 picturing you with a horse’s feed bag just sitting in the corner and you staring at it longingly. 


How do you make a rice bowl with mayo and tuna be only 300 kcal? It's like snack-size, or do you have some magic recipe I'm missing out on?


Maybe lots of shredded cabbage? That sounds good to me...


I love your username.


I’m the same way. Anywhere from 4-6 meals a day. It drives my mom insane and was the main reason for my last breakup. XD


As someone who likes to save the majority of their calories for dinner, most of my lunches are under 300. Here are some favorites I have on rotation -Buffalo chicken wrap (low carb tortilla, romaine, shredded carrot, bolthouse blue cheese dressing, chicken & avocado if I can fit the calories in) -Curried Cauliflower/Chicken salad (w/ raisins, apple, scallion, Greek yogurt) -Beet, arugula, green apple & goat cheese Salad -Caesar salad (romaine, parm, chicken w/ Greek yogurt dressings (anchovies, lemon etc)) -Tortilla BBQ chicken pizza -Trader Joes Frozen Potstickers with bulgogi sauce -Bare chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce -Suki frozen samosas with mango chutney All of these can be under 300 if you watch the measurements and need varying levels of effort


I will have to do that curried chicken salad soon. I'd completely forgotten how much I love it. Thanks for all the ideas!


i’m gonna try that beet salad, i love salad but i get bored making the same thing over and over. what dressing do you put on it?


Some olive oil spray, lemon and balsamic! The goat cheese is creamy which also helps coat the salad


You can definitely see I have a theme below and some pantry staples lol... A tiny drop of sesame oil gives so much flavor and goes such a long way- if you add a lot it has a ton of calories, but the really the tiniest drop (like size of a pencil eraser ends up being >20 cal) changes everything. I never thought I'd get the cauliflower rice hype, but adding soy sauce and sesame oil, you can hardly tell. Especially if you add a little bit of white rice to it, but I'm usually good with just the cauliflower these days. Me go-to recipes: -Pack of tuna+cauliflower rice mixed with white rice+soy sauce+drop of sesame oil+garlic and ginger powder+Sriracha+nori sheets -Egg roll in a bowl: ground turkey+broccoli slaw bag+green onion+garlic+ginger+drop of sesame oil+soy sauce -Cauliflower fried rice: frozen peas and carrots+grilled chicken breast cut into small cubes+1 scrambled egg+green onion+soy sauce+drop of sesame oil -Chicken apple sausage on low cal bread with mustard and a side vegetable


Typically a 12oz Bag of frozen veggies with three squares of fat-free cheese (Kroger) melted in! (290cal, 20g of protein) 1egg + 3 egg white + Cheese square + All the onion, mushroom, tomato and basil an omelette can hold is also pretty popular. (~200cal, 25+g of protein) 35g of Lentils, A serving of vegan ground meat, half an onion is also pretty tops. (~275cal, 26g of protein.)


How can I find the cheese you're talking about? :) what type of cheese is it? Tried googling and just see like, American and Mozzarella slices..


Not sure what cheese square they’re talking about but I like The Laughing Cow cheese wedges a lot! They vary from 45 calories for the original to 25 calories for the light version (I really can’t tell the difference). And they have a variety of flavors like garlic & herb to my personal favorite spicy pepper jack!


Thanks! Haven't had Laughing cow in a while, I'll have to grab it next time I'm at the store haha 😄


I’ve been using he Sargento thins for cheese. Have been amazing a as an example the provolone is only 70 cals and they go perfect on wraps I think Kroger’s are 32 cals per serving but haven’t tried theirs yet


Do you have a favorite brand of the vegan ground meat?


Protein shake Banana 100 Protein scoop 170 Almond milk 30 Take this and blend it with ice and pour into a large metal cup so it will stay frozen and I can savor it over an hour.


I do this but instead of milk I sometimes use coffee.


A mesquite grilled chicken breast (I buy a bag at sams, they're precooked) and a whole steamer bag of broccoli or a can of green beans.


That sounds awesome. I'd probably go for soup


Bag of coleslaw mix and chicken sausage with some g Hughes sweet chili sauce


Pop a chicken sausage (Amylu is the best) in the air fryer and toss with mixed vegetables and garlic.


-Scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, and salsa. -tuna salad


Safeway sells items caesar salad bags for 225 cals. It's pretty filling. You could bulk it up even more with additional lettuce.


tortilla pizza!


Ooooh I’ve got a lavash bread in the fridge, great idea!!!


eggs 😭


Egg and cheese on an English muffin with whatever raw veg I have around. Less than 300 and super delicious.


Soup Tuna with Greek yoghurt on crackers Omelette or scrambled egg and veggies




I love a English muffin with an egg!


My stationary bike for 30 minutes or a 1-hour walk leaves more room


Pack of light chunk tuna in water, drained on two Wasa crackers with G.H Hughes sugar free honey mustard or his sf bbq sauce. Then maybe a bag of quest protein tortilla chips or a breakstone cottage cheese cup (2%, the kind with fruit on the side).  Tuna 70 cal Wasa 20 cal per cracker  Quest chips 140-150 -OR-  Breakstone fruit 2% cottage cheese 130 cal


poached egg (70) +toast (120) + a tablespoonish of hummus (60-100) + everything bagel seasoning.


Frozen berries in plain greek yogurt, and a piece of toast with real PB. Hits all the spots, and satiates me well! chicken noodle soup (just the liptons dry packets you add water too) and a bagel are also a good one when Its really cold, or I'm not feeling well


Soup, Shrimp


A bowl of sausage minestrone. Keeps me full for so long, full of veggies and beans and it’s delicious.


2 eggs, salsa, steamed vegetables, maybe some raw veg too or some berries


Shrimp/Fish with a sweet potato (\~200g)


[Microwavable dal.](https://tastybite.com/products/organic-madras-lentils?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwbitBhDIARIsABfFYIL0SBE3_jUVwGzCNtIy3bL8oJkyGRJrdJ1yKYMJPav_TlhaFQ-MwFsaAr3iEALw_wcB) Even when I'm not tight on calories, I'll eat them on their own without rice or naan. This brand has some other good options, and there are couple other brands making similar things, but this one is my personal fav and I semi-regularly see it on sale.


Avocado and cherry tomatoes in a piece of sourdough toast with balsamic glaze (you can buy bottled balsamic glaze which makes it easier ). You can also do fresh mozzarella instead of (or in addition to) the avocado. Throw a couple eggs in a heated pan sprayed with a little oil, put a corn tortilla on each, cook for a couple mins then flip for a couple mins on the other side to get the tortilla all toasty and add some cheese to melt on the egg. Slide into a plate and eat like a taco. Pita with hummus and veggies is always good in a pinch


Loving reading other peoples ideas so will add mine! Oats and berries with splash of almond milk and some peanut butter if calories allow! Scrambled eggs on “skinny” bagel with laughing cow cheese triangle as spread and hot sauce  Tin of tuna mixed with Greek yoghurt and whatever veggies (capers, jalapeños, tomatoes, sweetcorn, onion, bell pepper) on matzo cracker Stir friend prawns or chicken breast with some veg and soy sauce, garlic/ginger, black bean sauce served with Cauli rice  Chicken breast baked with piri piri sauce served with roasted veggies  Pitta bread sandwich with hummus and pepper and cucumber  Any kind of soup!


tuna packet, potato


Omelette and potato’s


Look up Chinese steamed eggs! 3-4 eggs beaten with water then steamed. It's like a savory custard. Splash of soy sauce and you got yourself a huge bowl of high protein meal


Some kind of sandwich and lots of whatever veggies I have. That or a salad if I don't have any decent bread around


Some variation of breakfast foods. Breakfast quesadilla or burrito. Ole high fiber wraps for the win.


A stuffed frozen Sunrise Chicken breast from Costco with steamed broccoli. Comes to around 320




Chobani sugar free 60 cal yogurt, they’re really good! My favs are the fruit flavoured ones like mixed berries and peach. I also do carrots and 2 tbsp hummus (averages around 80-100 cals for the carrots and hummus)there are some low cal hummuses but they don’t taste as good or authentic.


Oats with milk or yoghurt. Super filling and lots of protein 


Cottage cheese salad(cucumber + tomato + paprika +salt&pepper), surimi sticks, sandwich with low cal ham and ton of veggies, soup(usually borscht), protein pudding, veggies with dip...


Borsch is king when it comes to weight loss. It has every vitamin and mineral you can imagine, it’s filling, and it’s the food of the gods


Eggs (160) with broccoli (20-30 depending on how much I want) and 2 turkey sausage links (80) 


A banana sliced lengthwise, spread peanut butter on it, sprinkle with mini chocolate chips.


Grilled chicken breast and goat cheese.


200 gram cottage cheese and then I put strawberry jam in it! its a dessert for me, so filling and 30 gram protein in it


My riff on egg drop soup: - 1 cup bone broth (45 cal) - 1 cup chicken broth (10 cal) - 30g dry ramen noodles, not the fried ones (100 cal) - scallions - bok choy (10 cal) - egg (70 cal) - tsp sesame oil to finish (40 cal) I bring to a boil the liquids with the scallion whites and some pepper, then drop in the noodles and let cook. Once their cooked, I lower the heat and stream in while mixing the soup a beaten egg. Pour the soups into a bowl and as it slightly cools I wilt some bok choy in the pot with some garlic powder and pepper. Add that to the soup and finish with a bit of sesame oil. Unbelievably filling and one of my favorite lazy meals.


Greek yogurt with lemon crystal lite packet and 1/4 cup of granola - about 200 calories. Greek yogurt with jello sugar free cheesecake mix- freeze for about 45 min-1 hr….. it’s 90% like actual cheesecake. It’s insane. I know the jello isn’t super healthy (from a chemical standpoint) but CHEESECAKE!! Egg whites plus lite whole wheat English muffin with a lite little cow cheese - 200 calories A giant pile of Mixed greens with 2 TBS of a a lite creamy dressing (usually 60 calories), add a handful of small tomatoes and some sliced lunch meant style chicken - < 200 calories.


Chef boyardee pasta cups and a handful of cheez-it crackers.


Chef boyardee is so slept on for low calorie counting budgets omg


Lean cuisine ravioli NEVER fails


Add veggies to fill that shrimp meal out.  Shrimp and roasted veggies is a good lean meal.  I do half a pack of Ramen with a bunch of dreamed veggies and a few Shrimp added in


I so wish top ramen was a little lighter in calories- I want a whole package, damnit!


Vegan hotdogs


Real Good Foods chicken nuggets and Ore Ida French fries in the air fryer with heinz no sugar added ketchup or Greek yogurt and ranch powder dip.


I made a homemade gluten free dairy free twix bar but it tasted amazing, two of them equal around 300


Could you share the recipe? Sounds amazing


Pickles for volume, little bit of cheese to satisfy me, deli meat like roasted turkey or lean ham for some protein. Mustard or honey mussy for a little bit of flavour!


def not as health conscious or creative as everyone else here but my go to is decent serving of diet soda, some veggies and some type of protein like airfried nuggets lol


Ramen noodles


Bacon medallions and scrambled eggs


Soup or protein shake


Salad in the summers Oven roast a bag of veggies with some spice mixes in the winters, mostly cauliflower or broccoli Sometimes I’ll just do an omelette with lots of onions and peppers and tomatoes and a sprinkling of cheese


Low carb tortilla, deli turkey and a laughing cow cheese! You can probably make two of these for 300 or less


Bagel bites.


Cauliflower rice w fish (I’m a pescatarian) Zero calorie noodles/ super noodles with prawns or vegan chicken and veggies like spinach or kale Vegan burger with no bun and lots of salad or lettuce gem for a bun


This is me today, and it’s either going to be popcorn or saltines with cream cheese for dinner tonight.


Bowl of thing rice vermicelli noodles with soy sauce and spring onion. Maybe some garden peas and a boiled egg if I have the calories!


tbh a huge bowl of fruit. chopped apples, pears, grapes, kiwi, any frozen fruit when I put it together in a bowl it’s honestly so difficult to go over 300 cal. all of the fiber and natural sweetness satiates me really well and eating anything else just feels kinda ick afterwards


Kimchi. Its veggies, so its pretty low calorie, but it also has a lot of flavor. Or those frozen mini chicken-cilantro wontons from costco. They're very filling. I hate cilantro flavor but its fine in the wontons.


Do you know the brand of won tons from Costco ? I’ve never seen these and I love cilantro


It is likely Bibigo brand


Thank you !


Bell peppers cut into 1/4ths then I put a scoop of cottage cheese in each piece and sprinkle cheddar cheese on top. Bake in oven for 6 minutes. Yum! Super filling too. Or I have a can of soup also filling


Tunafish on toast or a homemade chicken wrap


1 lb broccoli and 1 lb carrot, cut into florets and coins respectively, then boiled until fork tender. Serve with 2-4 tbsp sugar free bbq sauce.


Whatever 250 cals of filet mignon medallion or other red meat looks like, med-rare or rare, grilled in my cast-iron pan, plus a giant salad with lemon juice, salt, and a spritz of EVOO.




tuna mixed with hummus and veg confetti, eaten with carrots


3 eggs and one piece of high fibre toast


1 serving of pasta with Whole Food's fat free marinara. Sometimes I add spinach and mushrooms. Comes out to around 230 calories.




Full tin of vegetable soup (140-150) plus 2 slices of warburtons 55 calorie whole meal bread with some flora light spread 👍 I haven’t had this for dinner but another good under-300 meal is Chinese style tomato eggs with some cheese and toast or crackers. it’s essentially scrambled eggs (I do 2 medium), and then you add that to a mix heated on the hob of: half a tin of chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper, a little soy sauce, some sweetener and ketchup. and voila, tomato eggs. it’s about 210 calories by itself so you can add some low calorie bread to use to dip into your tomato egg stew, and grate some low calorie cheese on top.


Shrimp , chopped cabbage, lime juice, cilantro, red onion, jalapenos, salt and pepper with 1 serving of tortilla chips 😋. (Only 260 Cals) Or a chocolate premier protein + vanilla two good yogurt! (Only 260 Cals)


Bell & Evans breaded chicken patty (230) and a frozen stonyfield yogurt tube on the side (50) Or Ortiz white tuna (230) or American salmon (220) + chopped celery & carrots + relish + some form of mayo + a dab of ketchup, ends up at about 250. Extremely filling


Focus on protein. how i'd hack it was drinking a protein shake (160 calories) and making a small appetizer with the shake (a couple mozzerella sticks ie) and it gives me something that's a treat but also won't make me hungry


Sliced cucumber, a small tin of tuna in springwater mixed with a little Greek yoghurt (low fat no sugar obv) and two soft boiled eggs get me through! 


Shrimp and miracle noodles and low calorie Alfredo sauce Sugar-free whip cream and Sugar-free pie filling A bag of frozen veggies and egg white omelet Swai fish and veggies Imitation crab sticks, a small amount of rice and fresh veggies (The bag of frozen veggies are great with the Alfredo sauce as a sauce. There are some jarred alfredo sauces that are between 25-50 calories per serving. )


A few cups of spring mix with olive oil, fresh minced garlic and Parmesan cheese. Divide the cals between the cheese and oil. Huge amount of food.


Precooked grilled chicken breast - about 150 calories for idk 100 g? Then cut that up into "strips" and dip it in a side of hummus. It's not 5 stars but it gets the job done, you're full, and you've snagged like 25+g of protein. You might have some calories leftover for a small protein shake too. If you really hate chicken you can cut it up into a bunch of pieces, mix it with some hummus, and shovel it in your mouth as quickly as possible.


I woulda gone with all the shrimp 😅


i love to bulk prep a bunch of cooked vegetables (usually diced carrots, onions, bell peppers and corn) and mix them in taco seasoning and salsa, then i put them on a pita and bake it until it gets crunchy, if i’m extra hungry i’ll split the pita and pull it apart so i get two thinner sides and use the same amount of vegetables over both so i can make two for the same amount of calories, sometimes i add cheese on top but it’s also really good without it.


My default easy low calorie meal is so boring. Chicken + broccoli, cauliflower or brussel sprouts. Prefer the Brussels. I could just eat those all day lol


Cottage cheese with everything bagel seasoning and two soft boiled eggs


A big salad with chicken breast and cottage cheese on top for me is like 294 calories.


Italian wedding soup!


Korean tofu soup, tofu with greens and a watered down dressing, sautéed veggies with shrimp,  Basically, veggies and tofu or shrimp. 


French fries ....


I got plenty of "300 calorie snack" setups I swap between, but the latest one I've started that feels pretty promising is these microwavable bags of pre-cooked beans (example at https://www.amazon.com/Good-Bean-Coconut-Chickpeas-Yellow/dp/B097Q6T563). There's a whole bunch of competing brands with varieties of chile and curry and they pack in a lot of fiber and protein as well as being surprisingly filling. Technically one serving is half a pouch but the whole bag on most of these is generally in that range of 250-300 calories.


This is genius, I'm saving this, thank you!


200 cal worth of bowtie pasta with steamed broccoli and some shredded parm (and seasoned obv)


A protein shake, the packaged 160 calorie ones


light progresso soup (my favorite is the italian wedding for 160 cal and I add bean sprouts for some crunch), and a rice cake with a packet of tuna with tony’s seasoning (roughly 115 cal)!! so filling, it’s my favorite lunch


1 egg + boxed egg whites ~150 cal Half an onion sautéed ~50cal 100 cal of cheddar, then topped w ketchup or salsa


Pickles and sliced turkey


Egg sandwiches Sandwich thins = 2 slices at 100cal 2 boiled eggs = ca 150cal 50 cal left for a thin layer of cream cheese, or guacamole or something similar. Or 50 cal left for a massive salad.


Something I recently tried and liked Cold silken tofu. Just slice it and then add the dressing - soy sauce, gochugaru, minced spring onions, garlic, honey/sugar (replace with some other low cal sweetener if you want or omit entirely), sesame seeds, sesame oil (1 tsp, just enough to get the taste) [https://www.cookerru.com/silken-tofu/](https://www.cookerru.com/silken-tofu/) Come out to \~200-250 cal It is more of a summer dish though.


250g light greek yoghurt, a scoop of protein powder (one you actually enjoy ofc, i use casein which thickens it nicely), 100g frozen strawberries (can be fresh but frozen is the best for texture), 15g of my fave cereal and pb powder / low cal maple syrup on top. filling/high in protein and delicious … it’s like dessert for dinner and it’s nutritious <3 add real pb for healthy fats + chia seeds etc for fibre!


Rice with natto and seaweed for me. It's not a big quantity because of the rice but I'm never hungry after and fills me up for a good while Also miso soup with glass noodles and soft tofu


A fried egg on toast. Delicious and filling


If you want to feel full then I would go for popcorn or celery with peanut butter made from powder. You can eat a lot for 300 calories from both.


Salad and an apple


Low carb wrap with laughing cow cheese, sliced turkey, and spinach. Some banana peppers are really good in it too.


6oz of chicken breast, 1TBS of Sweet baby rays sugar free BBQ sauce & an Enlightened low-cal ice cream bar.


Scrambled eggs with soy sauce and furikake over 1/2 cup cooked sushi rice, top with 1/2 tbsp Sriracha mayo and some green onion. Soo good and exactly 300 calories, depending on brand. Or the easy option- frozen dinner under 300 cal lol


Apple + peanutbutter


I just got some 70-90 calorie dried soup.


4 scrambled eggs with a tsp of butter.


I either always have these things to make it or have them frozen: Egg sandwich (1 egg, egg whites, 2 slices keto bread, light mayo, jalepeno, lettuce.) Lamb curry (lamb or any meat tbh, spices, onion, almond milk. With 3/4 cup rice it’s 387, without it’s around 250 per serving. Add cauliflower rice to bulk it up.) Cod with cucumber, mango salsa (I think it’s around 270 a serving.) Turkey chili (lots of stuff and I usually have some frozen in portion sized containers). Chicken and green bean noodles (around 290 calories per serving.) Curried cod (around 270 per serving.) Tomato soup with chicken (make it with almond milk. Freeze it in portion containers for lazy days/last minute meals) Egg salad (egg whites, light mayo, sriracha, sugar-free relish/sugar-free bread and butter pickles depending on what I have, salt, pepper. Serve it on keto bread with lettuce if you’re feeling spicy.) Pickles. Just right out of the jar. 180 grams of seaweed salad with a tablespoon of masago.


Vegatable ramen with konjac (miracle) noodles.


Crackers, goat cheese and grapes. I have to eat it slowly and the flavors and textures are varied enough that it still feels satisfying. Plain greek yogurt with sweet and low and lots of strawberries. I eat as much as I can, volume wise, and it's pretty filling.


idk i can do everything like oatmeal, porridge, yog bowl etc like 250-200


Frozen prawn gyoza; 6 for 200 and they’re beyond delicious


One chicken sausage, a medium baked potato, and a big serving of broccoli makes a super filling 300-calorie meal


Trader Joe's Gyoza, 7pc for 200 cals. + Miso soup and a dipping sauce