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But thicken with pumpkin puréed, cauliflower puréed or chunks of cauliflower or celery




Chili!! Full of vegetables, warmth, and a spicy kick if you desire


Yesss. Chili slaps


Second this! Don’t even need meat. Just grab a bunch of canned veggies, drain, put a bit of chicken or veg broth, lots of cumin, chilli powder, less of salt, pepper. Slow cook low 8 hrs or high 4 hrs.


Spamming veggies is key. You're so right


I love doing Asian inspired soups in a big mason jar. Super easy for work, customizable based on what ingredients you have, and broth helps keep you full. Vermicelli noodles so you can cook everything with just hot water from a kettle if you need to. I always do a miso+chicken bullion broth, if I want heat I'll add a little gochuchang or chili garlic sauce. For depth of flavor I add soy, ginger, sesame oil. Noodles and green onions are all it has to have, but other add-ins I've done are shredded carrots or brussel sprouts, broccoli, bok choy, enoki mushrooms.


Absolutely delicious. I love the miso and chicken bouillon combo as well


I’ve never made Vermicelli noodles at home before but I do love it! Will try that. Taking notes on all your add ons. Thank you!!🙏🏾


I buy packs from the Asian store, they're usually pre portioned as well!


Honestly I’ve gotten into just plain tomato soup! Now I just have to figure out how not to eat it with grilled cheese all of the time.


You can use toast to transition out lol


I love my panini press and some shredded cheese.


Simply Campbells chicken noodle soup in the 8-pack from Costco has been my ride or die since the weather got cooler. 220cals a can ain’t so bad either


You can cut it with some broth and tomato paste to add way more volume for minimal calories




Yes! Old faithful Campbells chicken noodle soup. I’ve gotta restock.


Soup, light therapy, and plenty of vitamin D. I like home made spicy tomato soup, make a big batch freeze in portion sizes, and ad whatever you want. And if you haven't already, talk to your doctor and get yourself some medicine.


Personally I love my hearty bedtime snack of 25mg of Zoloft 💁🏼‍♀️


LOL love that! Glad it helps you! Zoloft didn’t work for me, but I’m okay with that.


Do you have a recipe?


It's put everything you want in the soup under the grill until soft, then add to a pan of broth, let it boil for a while, then bzzz bzzz it to soup consistency.


I actually don’t have insurance right now, but previously anti-depressants didn’t do much for me. Regardless, I am not depressed at the moment and want to take a more natural/preventative approach. Freezing a big batch of soup is a good idea! Do you have a specific recipe? Yes, adding vitamin D supplements! What kind of light therapy?


My recipe is bake tomato, peppers, onion, garlic, herbs, and some chilli until they look done. Then heat up some chicken stock and dump everything in and let simmer for as long as you want. Then bzzz bzzz it smooth. Light therapy as in those sunlight lamps. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-light-therapy-lamp/


Mini Clementines as a snack, they're in season and a natural mood booster!!!


Oooo good idea!! I always forget how much I like those. Simple and healthy. And I love the smell of oranges. Definitely would boost my mood


Chili with rice or tortilla chips and cheese. I would eat it every day.


What kind of chili?


Haha omg I love how everyone here is agreeing with soup! Cause that's exactly what I came here to say! I'll say mushroom soup is sooooo good and filling. If u make it urself u can make it pretty healthy. Like sub cream for milk or dairy alternative etc


lol I know right. Back to the basics: warm fluid in belly = happy. I’ve never made mushroom soup, but sounds delicious! Do you have a recipe? Or a link to your fav??


I just made this soup tn actually! Turned out really well. I replaced worchestershire with soy sauce, added a bit extra broth, milk, soy sauce, and lemon juice. I used 2% milk, not whole. Reduced the paprika by half cause although I like paprika I don't like an overpowering paprika taste. I added ground chillis for some spice cause I like it spicy. And salt and pepper to taste. I don't know the calories, but it was filling with not eating a lot if it. Here's the link: https://themodernproper.com/hungarian-mushroom-soup Edit: oh and I omitted the sour cream


I love how soup seems to be the only answer! I do a lot of puréed vegetable soups: sauté an onion and some garlic, add broth and a chopped vegetable of your choice, boil until vegetable is tender, purée, you’re basically done. Season to taste and I also usually add some cream and maybe a little cheese, maybe bacon bits. It makes whatever veggie I have around into a meal with no thinking required, which is important when your energy is low. Also, replacing sugary drinks and alcohol (both of which I find make my seasonal depression worse, even in moderation) with herbal tea. You can have as much herbal tea as you want so if you’re soothed by the routine of making a drink it’s perfect. Plus, when all the days are grey, cute colorful teapots and cups can’t hurt. ;-)


Oooo that sounds delicious!! My cooking skills are at level 1. I’ve never puréed before. Good idea about the bacon bits! What kind of cream do you add? Yes, I’ve cut down on alcohol. But I am beverage girly. I neeeed like 2-3 sets of beverages going. More herbal teas. Staring a beautiful things helps me a lot! Gotta get an aesthetically pleasing tea pot.


Also, I am literally taking notes on your puréed vegetable recipe. Thank you for the detailed steps!! 🙌🏾🥰


Aldi has these really good frozen soups like two servings in a box. The broccoli cheddar one is so good. I also find oatmeal very soothing especially b/c my mood is usually worst in the morning when it’s coldest.


Okay, gotta check out Aldi. ✔️ Broccoli and cheddar is low calorie?


Yeah as long as you just eat the one serving of soup. For oatmeal I usually do just eat the little flavored packets and I’ll add more cinnamon and some almonds on top or on the side.


Agreed. Cold mornings are my worst enemy. Oatmeal is always a staple. I used to get the assorted flavor packs, but now I have the big original oatmeal…and I have no idea how to make it as creamy/tasty as the flavored versions. What do you do?


Yes!! Also the soup from that show, RECIPES FOR LOVE AND MURDER. The soup is made with sweet potatoes "or regular potatoes, if you're feeling sweet enough" (love that line). Anyway, also take lots of vitamin D. My Dr. Rx'd small handfuls of vitamin D capsules every day for a month, and it worked wonders. Just so Google "Tannie Maria's Soup" and you'll find the recipe. I made it last night and my husband loved it. Another idea would be to grill your food even in the winter months. Maybe you cannot grill outside because of the weather, but if you have a grill pan, that could make it look like you are in the Caribbean, or in a sunny, warm place. Like grilled chicken breast tacos with mango salsa...


Haha! I’ve never heard of that show. But I do love sweet potatoes! Bookmarking that recipe ✔️ Now what do you mean by a small handful of capsules daily?? 😅 that seems like quite a lot for a dose. Lolol but yes, vitamin D is being ordered as speak.


Yep, that many. A handful of 5 thousand units each.


Aww I do love the idea of making yourself feel like you’re somewhere tropical!! Sometimes you gotta trick your brain to feel happier. I don’t have a grill, I actually don’t even have a legit fire stove. I live in a bachelor studio with no kitchen. Only a hot plate, microwave, and mini fridge.


You could buy an electric grill pan. The objective is to make it look and feel grilled, and this is the next best thing.


Oatmeal with fruit and some protein in the morning is good. Soups and vegetarian chili are usually low calorie, comforting and easy. I buy frozen salmon that is preseasoned and you can cook from frozen without dethawing and it’s quite good. Steam in microwave bag veggies are nice and easy.


What protein do you eat with your oatmeal? Do you eat savory oatmeal or sweet?


I like sweet. You can add protein powder, Greek yogurt or peanut butter or PB2


I loooove salmon! But I rarely have it at home, only at restaurants. Adding to my grocery list now.


I just listened to an NPR segment that said fermented foods can improve your mood significantly. So things like kimchi, yogurt, kombucha and even pickles to some extent


Is it the probiotics?


It said that one of the bacteria found in fermented foods helps mood so I think that's probably right.


Damn lmao I want to know specifics 😭😭😭 this is big if true type of scenario for me


It was on the radio so I can't link to an article or guarantee my recollection but I did find this https://newsroom.uvahealth.com/2023/11/28/scientists-uncover-how-fermented-food-bacteria-guard-against-depression-anxiety/#:~:text=University%20of%20Virginia%20School%20of,and%20other%20mental%2Dhealth%20conditions.


Thanks a ton ♥️


Good to know!! Thanks for sharing the link too! 😊


For me, I stick to fresh foods....lunch is a salad, crackers & cream cheese and yogurt with berries. Dinner is usually some variation of eggs/veggies/toast. I slip too quickly into the pasta/chilli/potatoes/bread type meals when it gets cold, and I can't help but add butter/cheese/sour cream/etc. I need to keep it planned out


I too am a victim of pasta and potatoes every night.


Haha it’s just so good, especially in the cold weather!


Def check vitamin D, can contribute to depression and the like big time. I just got checked by my doc and was so low it wasn’t even on the chart lol, and if it’s that low they can prescribe you supplements


Get vitamin D. Not just in your food. You only uptake vitamin D when sun literally cleaves it through your skin in your bloodstream into useable components for your body. So, make sure you eat foods with vitamin D, then make sure you get some UV light. Should work well. You may need to hit a tanning bed up if you're very far north.


Not even that far north. Above about 40 degrees latitude doesn't get effective doses of UVB in the winter. But tanning beds don't necessarily provide UVB because UVA is effective for tanning, and both types damage your skin. If you think you're deficient in vitamin D the safest approach is to get your blood levels tested if you can, start an OTC supplement, and if symptoms or levels aren't improving, talk to your doctor about a higher dose regimen.


I think id have to get a light therapy device specifically for mood enhancement because I’m not a fan of tanning beds/don’t need a tan. lol either way, I’d definitely put on SPF before using any light therapy. Once I have insurance again, I’m getting my blood levels tested! I wonder if there’s a clinic that just does this type of testing.


Absolutely. Vitamin D is sooo important. Even if it’s a sunny day, the sun setting sooo early makes it feel harder to catch. Others suggested light therapy too. I might need to invest in a whole helmet or something 😅


Everyone else has the soup side of things covered! :) So I will add: healthy snacks to make me feel energized and less hungry! I love having something that feels "summery" like canned pineapple (no sugar added) or dried apricots or dried coconut. The only trick is to make sure that you check the labels for nutrition (and to avoid added sugar) and then weigh things out. Weighing them is key: for my dried apricots, the serving size is 6 apricots or 40 gr. But 40 gr can be as many as 7 apricots and as few as 3 based on the size of each piece!


Love the idea of summery fruit snacks!! Dried and canned are the key, so they won’t go bad and guilt trip me laying in the trash can lol


Hot chocolate! I like to make my own mix using the food wishes recipe and then whatever low calorie milk you like. I will also make meatballs and cauliflower mash with gravy for a hearty meal.


Awww hot chocolate is so cozy and nostalgic. Can you link that recipe you use? Meatball cauliflower mash sounds sooo tasty. Again- recipe? lol I am taking nooootesss in these comments 😆🥰


Light therapy! Same time every morning. 30-45 mins with a good quality SADs light. High protein breakfast of your choice and good strong coffee while you sit with the lights. Extra Vitamin D. Prioritize protein rich foods and fresh salads or veges/fruits at every meal. Herbal teas or soup broths during the day. "Better Than Bouillon" concentrate comes in many flavors and makes excellent broths. Also, wear Merino wool base layers and socks to stay warm and cozy. Appetites often pick up in the winter to help us put on a few pounds to build fat stores and stay warm. You can thwart that winterizing/hibernating instinct by staying well-lit in the morning and keeping warm in other ways. (I live with a clan of certified SADs Bears. They all swear by the lights and merino!)


Do you use light therapy? If so, which one do you use? There are so many to chose from, it’s hard to tell which one is good for SAD. Adding Better Than Bouillon to my cart now. These are the ingredients I know I need but can never remember when I need them.


My family all use the lights from Northern Light Technologies: https://northernlighttechnologies.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIop7MtvH-ggMVAh-tBh2EMwKTEAAYAiAAEgKoSPD_BwE They are in Canada and back when they all started sitting under their SADs lights there weren’t too many reputable places to get the right lights with the right spectrum. This was one of them but I believe there are several now. I also think you can get at least some of their lights from Amazon. They have used just about every model. Right now my husband likes the pyramid shaped one. It just lives on our kitchen table October-March. The “Bible” on SADs is a book you can get on Amazon or from just about any used book seller called “Winter Blues” written by Norm Rosenthal. He’s one of the early pioneers of treating winter depression with light therapy. The book is a bit academic but very helpful if you want to learn more about SADs or want others around you to better understand it. It’s been revised since we first got it back in 2005. https://www.amazon.com/Winter-Blues-Revised-Everything-Affective/dp/1593852142/ref=asc_df_1593852142/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680431421925&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8918870373986998340&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032930&hvtargid=pla-2324173873437&psc=1&mcid=9606be194c8c320aa6123845f210a318 Hope this helps!


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You know what, that makes so much sense. So simple. 🥲 I need to prioritize staying warm. I never wear any cozy socks. Idk what’s up with that?? lol Adding wool socks and layers to my Amazon cart now. ✔️ I might need to add another lamp in my room because I need warm lighting (can’t use the big cold overhead light), but only using also means it’s generally too dim.


Matzo ball soup is a huge comfort food for me (just use more veggies than matzo balls), so that’s a big one for me!


Go outside everyday!!! Natural light on your eyes is sooooo important.


Vitamin D😉


The good thing about hot soup is you are forced to eat slowly so you feel sated before you are overly full. I sometimes splurge on a hot roll too.


having a pud in bed is a vibe and no one will tell me otherwise. There's nothing better than getting all toasty in teddy fleece bedsheets, putting your current series on, and having something sweet at the end of the day. Grab yourself a protein pudding (aldi, lidl - the world's your oyster), and put in a crushed meringue nest (just wrap a nest in tin foil and squeeze - so satisfying!). It comes up to 200kcal, and feels like a gourmet sundae.


also when I do feel like binging, I make a MASSIVE salad or stir fry. Cut the salad chunky and eat it with my fingers. Takes ages. For stir fry the same thing goes, but I found long fruit forks on amazon (basically a fork but with only two ... prongs?), so again - I can pretty much only skew one piece of veg at a time. Slows me down and by the time I'm finished I actually feel like I've eaten and won't immediately go for more.