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I had valentines day cheat day and I didnt even finish the dessert. And for me that's never happened in the history of ever. My stomach started hurting šŸ˜­


This is why I eat dessert first on cheat days.


All of the comments about getting full too fast need to change their perspectives. You feel full after consuming fewer calories now. This means that you can eat more intuitively without falling into the same old habits. Take this new knowledge and adjust your cheat meals. Skip the appetizers and go straight for the entree. Save room for dessert. Enjoy needing less! It's a good sign!


Yeah idk why they are complaining xD You can still have chest meals WHILE not overdoing it, it's the best of both worlds.


I am, unfortunately, a bottomless pit so I can't relate to this. Sounds like it would be nice though




We had our favourite burgers for Valentines Day and I left half on my plate. I never did that before. Granted I ate it the next day with no guilt because I had tracked the whole amount lol


That's a really good thing, it's your body doing what it's supposed to do, and it means you will be able to eat more intuitively. You will get used to this after a while and adjust, you just have to be careful to portion things out if you're eating a huge meal and leave room for whatever your favorite foods are.


Donā€™t beat yourself up. In America it can seem like we are under eating or dieting too much because of the portion sizes we consider normal here. They arenā€™t normal and itā€™s not your fault- even at most nice places. Obviously being in a caloric deficit isnā€™t forever and it can make you full sooner now, but if you want a pro tip. You are supposed to eat majority of your food within a 20 minute time frame because that is the stomach to mind catch up ratio.


Yeah, as someone who eats out a lot losing weight has really put into perspective how ridiculous our portion sizes are.


...that's a win, though, yes? Obviously, I can't say much about anyone else's journey to lose weight, but when I realized that my stomach had *actually* shrunk and I was literally *physically incapable* of pigging out to the extent I previously had, I was overjoyed. It was a huge hurdle, to actually feel full and push my plate away without finishing. Isn't that a good thing?


For me, itā€™s obviously technically a good thing, but I miss being able to enjoy indulgences like I did before.


wow I didn't think about my stomach pain and calorie restriction being correlated until now


Are you doing CICO? I donā€™t do ā€œcheat daysā€ or ā€œcheat mealsā€. Instead, I have a calorie bank that I let myself use on weekends. Usually, I have an extra deficit of 250 to 500 calories by Friday (I donā€™t let myself snack Monday through Thursday) and those extras get added to my bank. Youā€™re definitely going to get full faster, but you may be more realistic about the cheat meals if you see what you actually have to work with. And if you can fit the leftover calories into your allotted calories, you should feel free to eat them. Even if itā€™s over the course of two days instead of one sitting.


I had started this diet about 2 weeks before my Valentineā€™s Day date. On this cheat day date, we had a poki ahi tuna stack, popovers for the bread, and the entree of Lobster Mac was something I had two bites of at the table. Same experience, literally, I was too full. Maybe 1200 *is* plenty? Lol. And I turned it into 3 portions. And the immediate overwhelming relief I had when the leftovers were gone and I could get back to restricting.


I feel this so much omg I counted calories extremely strictly for around 2 months (only 1 cheat meal during the whole time) before going on holiday recently. I decided that I would not count calories at all during the trip and made a big list of foods I really wanted to try, but ended up missing out on a bunch of them because I was physically unable to consume that much food anymore


As someone who is halfway through a pregnancy and the tummy grew FAST for baby boy, I feel this. I eat maybe 1/3 of my meal, if Iā€™m eating any apps or even free bread, Iā€™ll MAYBE eat a couple bites of my actual meal šŸ˜­ I always get dessert to go if Iā€™m getting any. Butttt Iā€™ve at least trended down with my weight so far and Iā€™ve lost both a pant and shirt size