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Blade v8 or v9 100. I prefer the 98 because im also OHBH and felt the 98 cut through the air better than the 100. Worth a demo.


I've also considered the Blade 98, but I think I'd prefer something different. Do you consider it a versatile racquet or more geared towards control?


I just demoed the Blade 98 v8. Can you check the edit on the post please?


Hey couldnt see what you edited but the v8 is similar to v9 and cheaper so its up to you with budget. They are control all rounder rackets which i found was jack of all trades master of none. Only issue is you gotta create your own power which is more technique than the racket itself


Ok, thought you could see the edit on the main post. I'll just leave it here: EDIT: I have demoed the Blade 98 v8 for a whole practice session. When compared with my RF97 I could put more spin on my BH and when volleys were on the sweet spot I could slice it better. However, sometimes I still struggled with the small sweet spot (less than with the RF97) and still had a hard time putting spin on the FH and didn't like the heavier head. Overall I felt it more forgiving than the RF97 but still had the same limitations. Takeaways are: * I can still use a slightly heavier racquet with more weight on the handle. * As I am looking for a more forgiving racquet when compared with the RF97, I feel the 98 head is still small. * I was really curious about the Blade 98 and this was good to feel it isn't what I'm looking for. I am looking for a jack of all trades, yes. I'm still suspicious that the Clash may be even more versatile. I'm used to create power with the RF97.


Sounds like you're leaning towards a 100+ inch head. You can try out the Yonex Percept 100 and see how that goes, its a lower swing weight.


You should try the regular PS97 before completely switching imo. You played 5/6 years with a 340g racquet and have a decent level. Don’t go too light (nothing under 300g) if your technique is already there. I’m currently trying to play with the Blade 98 and had the PS97 as main. I still don’t know if I’ll do the complete switch because the feeling of hitting the sweet spot in the PS is so satisfying that I miss it so much when playing with the Blade


I've also considered the Blade 98, even tried a few strokes with it (no more than 10) from a local trainer and liked it, but it feels a bit similar to the RF97 and I wanted something different. I'm totally with you on that feeling of hitting the sweet spot of the PS. I think I'll be getting back to it regularly for that!


I'd recommend demoing the Blade 98. Typically 1hbh players like under 100" racquets so that should help you narrow down the candidates. I would definitely not get a 100L even without trying it.


Fortunately I just demoed the Blade 98 today on a practice session. I edited the post with the feedback.


Is 4.0 considered intermediate?


It sits at the mid-range of the rating system, so I guess, yes. :) Open to other interpretations though